Master of Fist

Chapter 229: out of town (on)

No matter how I think about it, I don't know who the other party is talking about, His Royal Highness. However, the situation has been settled now, but the uneasiness in his heart still made Jiang Heng not want to stay here any longer.

Called Zhou Yan over and gave some instructions. Zhou Yan had already received Jiang Heng's order and knew that sooner or later he would evacuate Cangzhou. He did not dare to delay when he heard the order to leave immediately, so he quickly ordered his brothers to be busy. stand up.

Now Cangzhou has completely turned into a mess, even if the current serious problem has been solved, Jiang Heng has absolutely no intention of staying here. Then it will be left to the imperial court or the rebels in Liuzhou how to deal with it.

As for the people here, Jiang Heng is not a saint. Right now the Lord Fuzun has been killed, and the riots in the city are rampant, he can't control so much, so he can only evacuate this place with his confidantes first.

I don't know why, but the longer I stay here, the more uneasy I feel in my heart.

"Why do I still feel restless?"

Rubbing between his eyebrows, Jiang Heng didn't delay, and began to cut open the last corpse in front of him, holding the blood crystal still warm in his hand, Jiang Heng directly absorbed it, but this time he didn't use it to improve his strength.

Feeling a new dark line in the body, if you don't look carefully, it is a bit mixed with the color of the black ball and you can't see it clearly.

"Keep it, just in case!"

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng still didn't use it to improve his strength. The uneasiness in his heart always made Jiang Heng feel that he wanted to keep something as his hole card.

The action of the Black Tiger Hall was very quick, some were busy tidying up inside the hall, and some had already gone out along the street to notify the families of their respective halls. If Black Tiger Hall wants to evacuate, it will be a huge team of more than ten thousand people.

This is thanks to the fact that most of the people recruited by the Black Tiger Hall were wandering warriors, otherwise they were all local residents, and there were tens of thousands of family members alone.

Jiang Heng has no intention of abandoning these people, even if the 100,000 troops in the city are aware of something, with the current strength, unless the 100,000 troops are all elite soldiers who are not afraid of death, forming an army formation to charge and kill waves, otherwise It would be difficult for Jiang Heng to die of exhaustion.

With the huge amount of energy currently stored in his body, Jiang Heng would have to add tens of thousands of elite soldiers who were not afraid of death if he wanted to be exhausted.

As for the soldiers in the city, let alone being brave and not afraid of death, they are afraid that they will collapse after more than two casualties.

What's more, with the integration of the Black Tiger Hall and the subsequent Dadaomen, there are six or seven thousand brothers who can fight and dare to fight.

Even without Jiang Heng, it is not impossible to suddenly kill him from somewhere!

"My lord! Where are we going to settle when we go out of the city?"

After Zhou Yan gave orders to the people under her command, she came to Jiang Heng and said respectfully.

Looking at Zhou Yan's attitude at this time, Jiang Heng couldn't help being a little funny, this guy is still the master of playing with the wind.

"How's the food and grass prepared?" He didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"The little one has already hoarded at least 250,000 shi of grain according to the adults' previous reminders, which is enough for all of us to eat for a year!"

Zhou Yan's answer was quite to the point. It was not easy to raise so much food and grass in a short period of time in the panic-stricken city of Cangzhou. The reported year is also due to the fact that there are many warriors among them. The warriors have a huge appetite, and one year may not be enough to eat.

"Let your people transport the grain and grass to the south of the city dock first, then find a man surnamed Fu, and he will teach you how to do it!"

Jiang Heng ordered without haste, but Zhou Yan on the side was a little breathless.

Fu? !

this is not....

"I know what you want to ask, we'll talk about it later, get out of town as soon as possible!"

Seeing Zhou Yan's questioning expression, Jiang Heng waved his hands and scolded.

Hearing that Zhou Yan nodded, she also seized the time to get busy.

After absorbing the blood crystals, Jiang Heng didn't waste any time looking at the two demonic bodies that were still in good condition. He directly had a few carriages pulled over, and then with the help of Liu Shizong's sword, he opened their limbs little by little. Come, and then put on several carriages alone.

The wheels of the carriage creaked under the terrifying weight. Fortunately, there were not many pieces of meat on each carriage. The reason why others do not intervene is mainly due to the toxicity. Although the body of the dead demon will not emit poisonous mist, ordinary people cannot touch it at all.

After loading eight carriages, all the monsters' bodies were put on them. But the weight was too heavy, and the horses couldn't pull it at all. In desperation, Jiang Heng had to ask Zhou Yan to get a few more horses. It's just that there are too many goods to be transported in the Black Tiger Hall, and the number of horses is already in short supply. In desperation, Jiang Heng had to ask someone to bring his black wind.

Ever since Laifu left with the Jiang family's troops, Heifeng has been kept in Heihutang for people to help raise, and he has never seen this horse, but when he looked again, hey, this beast has gained a lot of weight , with a thick layer of fat growing on his body.

However, Heifeng is a foreign horse after all, and a horse can pull a carriage loaded with demon corpses, but it still seems to be very strenuous.

"You've been having a good time recently!"

Patting the horse's back, Jiang Heng laughed and cursed, Hei Feng didn't recognize Jiang Heng when he saw him, on the contrary, he became more intimate after seeing Jiang Heng for a long time, and the horse's head rubbed Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng had heard that this guy lived comfortably in the Black Tiger Hall stable. Since receiving Jiang Heng's order, how dare Zhou Yan neglect this horse. All kinds of high-quality fodder every day, and even found out that after eating meat, this guy still feeds with meat every day. If it wasn't for the great business of the Heihutang family, it would be easy to be eaten by it.

And this guy has nowhere to vent his The city is very chaotic and Zhou Yan dare not take it for a walk. The most important thing is that this beast doesn't recognize anyone, if it wasn't for every time Zhou Yan offered it good meat, it wouldn't even look at him.

So Hei Feng, who had nowhere to vent his energy, set his sights on the mares in Heihutang. So the brothers who took care of the stables during this time had a headache.

They sleep next to the stable every day, listening to the heart-piercing screams of the mare in the stable all day and all night, how can they sleep?

Not only that, if Zhou Yan hadn't heard the news and ran over to hold Hei Feng back, all the mares in the stable would have been tortured to death by him. And now the entire Heihutang mares are pregnant.

Seeing the weak look of this guy, obviously showing that his body has been hollowed out, Jiang Heng smiled wryly, the woman is indeed a bone scraper.

However, the hand on the horse's back erupted with a burst of pure energy. Since the energy is transmitted to people to improve their strength, so should the horse.

What's more, the energy converted from the black ball is extremely pure and can be used directly.

Sure enough, when the energy was continuously poured into Heifeng's body, Heifeng's whole horse was full of energy.

"Oh! Look, the horse has grown! It has grown something!"

On the side Zhang Fu's group of some childish children saw the handsome horse like Heifeng and watched with great interest, but at this time several children pointed at Heifeng and shouted in surprise.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's heart skipped a beat, could the input of energy still make Hei Feng mutate?

Glancing at the young boy next to him, followed the direction of their fingers, and looked under the black wind, Jiang Heng withdrew his hand expressionlessly.

A slap on this guy's buttocks caused this guy to pull a carriage and run out alone.

Where is his mother's strength?


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