Master of Fist

Chapter 223: Palm


As the spine was directly pulled out, the entire huge body of nearly four or five meters covered with gray-brown snake scales crashed to the ground.

A burst of dust stirred up.

The entire small courtyard was incomparably silent for an instant, only the sound of Jiang Heng's heavy breathing was heard.

Lifting his hands heavily and throwing out the spine with his head, Jiang Heng's physique quickly returned to normal, and he staggered and sat on the ground gasping for breath.

The vibration caused by the spine falling to the ground was no less than that of the huge body. The bones of the entire monster accounted for more than half of the weight.

The Tiantong fox woman on the side didn't even dare to take a breath at this time, she looked at the humans in the distance with a dry throat.

When the other party turned her head and glanced at him casually, she even felt that her breathing stopped.

It wasn't until she looked away that she felt a little relieved.

Looking at the horned viper monster with its spine pulled out on the ground, a look of fear flashed across the woman's face.

It's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke this killer.

Just now she saw the end of the whole process, and she was a little more afraid of Jiang Heng. This is definitely a human being who can rival monsters.

The eyes rolled slightly, but the frown was slightly relaxed.

"There is such a human being who is exactly the same as hundreds of years ago. I really hope that those in the capital can sleep peacefully."

Sneering secretly in his heart, he thought for a while and then walked towards Jiang Heng.

"What? You want to kill me? Now you kill me, there is a 90% chance of killing me!"

Before approaching, Jiang Heng, with his back to the woman, spoke leisurely. The tone clearly reveals a tired state, obviously weak at the moment.

"No! Kill you? I'm not sure, I just want some of his viscera! This will help me recover my strength!"

The woman didn't intend to hide it, she spoke bluntly.

"Then kill me?" Jiang Heng turned around and smiled lightly.

"..." The woman was silent for a while.

"You have no choice now!" The woman looked directly at Jiang Heng and said solemnly, "If you don't give me your internal organs, the Liu family will come soon, and you will definitely die!"

"Has the Liu family noticed you?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's expression darkened, and he said solemnly.

"Hmph! It's okay for such a highland lineage to die here. I suppressed it before, but now you have killed them. There is no possibility of hiding the bloodline's breath! If I guessed correctly, the other party is already on the way!"

The woman seemed quite calm at this moment, looking at Jiang Heng, she spoke in as much detail as possible.

Jiang Heng frowned, slowly clenched his fists, and looked at the Tiantong fox woman with sharp eyes.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Do you think there is a choice now?" The woman sneered, at this moment she slightly diluted the fear of the man in front of her.

He frowned and didn't think much about it. If it was true what the other party said, time is running out now.

He got up and came to the monster's corpse, picked up the black steel arrow that fell next to him, and swiped at the opponent's abdomen.

The arrow is very sharp, but there is still a very obvious sense of obstruction when you pierce it hard, one after another.

It took a full count to break a bright red hole, and then pulled it down along the hole.

Opening his stomach, a strong smell of blood rushed to his face.

Waved his hands to fan away the stench, but to no avail.

Grab it with your hand and grab a sticky mass directly.

This is viscera and viscous blood, and the corrosive power here seems to be much stronger, but Jiang Heng is too lazy to pay attention to the women who took it out and threw it aside on the corpse and glanced aside.

"I hope you take care of yourself, if you can kill him, I can kill you too!" The murderous intent in Jiang Heng's cold eyes was clearly revealed.

The woman nodded silently, her face was calm, but her heart was also full of murderous intent.

But what she said just now was true, otherwise Jiang Heng would not have given her the demon's internal organs so easily.

At the same time, at the former site of the former palace outside the city, two figures stood in the side hall and looked at each other silently by the faint candlelight.

The faces of the two people illuminated by the candlelight were uncertain.

The space in the side hall is also not small, much larger than the side halls of ordinary wealthy people. There are screens and other private rooms inside.

There are chessboard futons in one corner, guzheng and other musical instruments in the corner, and some wonderful works of calligraphy and painting on the side.

These are some of the arty things that the rich and powerful love. When the palace was confiscated back then, ninety-nine percent of the precious items had already been confiscated.

The rest of these can only be called a drop in the bucket compared with the glory of the former palace. But even so, the current style of the palace completely compares to the big families in Cangzhou City.

One big and one small stood one by one, looking at each other.

"Your Highness, this...seems to be the aura of the horned viper clan." Speaking of this, Master Liu had a sneering expression on his face, "A group of brainless barbarians never thought of sending dark ones to sneak in.

But the aristocratic families sitting on the frontier are also a bunch of idiots. "

"Okay!" The leisurely childish voice interrupted, but saw His Royal Highness sitting lazily on the cushioned armchair, with a smile always appearing on the corner of his mouth.

"In recent years, everyone has taken turns to sit on the But after so many years, this rule has long since changed.

Who wants the whole clan to be sent to the frontier to fight with those barbarians outside? How about this son turn around and ask the father to give a memorandum to His Majesty so that all of you Liu family can go to the frontier to play? "

Hearing the words, Master Liu, who was refined and elegant, hurriedly begged with a mournful face: "Your Highness, my Liu family is loyal to His Royal Highness. These years..."

"Okay! Are you serious about saying a few words? But this Cangzhou City is really getting more and more interesting! Let's go and have a look!" His Royal Highness's voice was immature, and his childlike face seemed to be full of innocence. Evil smile.

"However, Your Highness, the aura of the high-quality blood food just now also suddenly rose a little bit. Then it quickly weakened. Do you think that the blood food was given the upper hand?"

Mr. Liu stroked his beard and looked a little anxious. Although he was anxious on the surface, neither of the two of them was in a hurry to rush over.

In the eyes of the two, Cangzhou City is just a possession now, as long as the other party is exposed once, there is absolutely no possibility of escape!

"The breath is still there, and he should be alive. But the situation is not good." His Royal Highness put his head on his head with one hand and said in distress: "Let's go for a while, if he is really eaten by others, this prince will be angry!"

The childish son's words seemed to be playful, but it shocked him when he heard Mr. Liu.

As if recalling some frightening memories, he hurriedly said respectfully: "Why do you need His Royal Highness to do it yourself, I'll bring the horned viper and the high-quality blood food together!"

Listening to Master Liu's swearing guarantee, His Royal Highness waved his hands casually, and curled up on the upholstered seat with his small body.


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