Master of Fist

Chapter 220: tear the camouflage

"You run away!"

At this time, the old man also rushed out, turned his head and yelled at the children, and then rushed up with a knife.


With the sound of gold and iron clashing, the Hundred Forged Knife exploded in an instant.


The next moment, the official lord flicked his sleeve, and the old man burst open almost without noticing it.

Blood mist and water splashed all over Zhang Fu. At this moment, he forgot the pain and stared at the scene in front of him in a daze.

It wasn't the first time he had seen someone kill someone. But at such a close distance, the old man who was talking to him just now died directly in front of him.

"Kill! Kill you!"

Zhang Fu roared, and suddenly raised his right leg to the knee.


But such a reckless push of the knee did not cause any harm to the opponent, on the contrary, he lost consciousness with the knee pain just like before.

"Ants must have the self-knowledge of ants!"

The fat officer glanced at the dissipated blood mist indifferently and said with a sneer.


Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, accompanied by a loud shout, nearly a dozen powerful bed crossbow spears flew out one after another.

Heihutang was reminded by Jiang Heng that Zhou Yan had already installed some bed crossbows on some commanding heights, but with limited time and manpower, only a dozen or so were built.

The crossbow on the bed was extremely powerful, and there were bursts of low roars in the silent night, the bowstring was pulled, and the arrows burst away like spears.


'Jiang Fuzun' saw this scene with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, let go of Zhang Fu's hand, and didn't see how his legs moved. The next moment, the entire plump figure suddenly disappeared in place, as if it disappeared from the place in a flash. .

'Jiang Fuzun' leaped into the air, his eyes scanning quickly.


But at this moment, 'Jiang Fuzun' complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly raised his head, only to see a big hand approaching quickly, carrying majestic wind and strength.


It was like slapping a fly with a big palm.


A figure suddenly fell from the bluestone floor, and Jiang Heng followed closely behind. At this moment, he was completely at full strength, and stars were shining on his body. The moment he saw the other party, he was surprised at first, but soon became dignified.

I don't know why Jiang Fuzun, who looked mediocre in the past, has such strength today, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he could only make a bold move.

Crash! The gravel was shaken off, and the huge and fat figure of "Jiang Fuzun" slowly stood up from the pothole. He glanced at Jiang Heng who had landed firmly on the opposite side not far away, with a slightly distorted smile on his face.

"It's you! There can be no mistake!"

But Jiang Heng didn't pay any attention to him at all, and had already become violent again.

"Ants always like to struggle to the death!" 'Jiang Fuzun' shook his head helplessly, with a hint of teasing between his brows.

He came here today with the attitude that he must win. Let me ask, what kind of mentality would a tiger go to hunt and kill a hare?

But when he took a closer look at the charging figure of the other party, 'Jiang Fuzun' couldn't help but frown.

Is there something wrong with this body shape?

Could it be that Dayan's human race looks like this? But as if thinking so, when the opponent's palm had already been slapped, 'Jiang Fuzun' didn't hesitate to slap and mustered all his strength to meet him.


There was a slight stalemate between the two palms, and then a hurricane-like air wave swept away. The dust and smoke were swept away at this moment. It was lifted up and smashed around.

Zhang Fu stared at this scene with his eyes wide open. It was the first time he saw this lord make a move, and he forgot to dodge for a while. Fortunately, the little friend next to him saw that the situation was not good and quickly stretched out his hand to pull him back to the room.

Crash! bang bang!

In the courtyard, there was a dense explosion like rainstorm pear blossoms. Countless gravel and bluestone floors were lifted up and exploded to the surroundings.

Just the moment the two palms hit each other, Jiang Fuzun's clothes were already bursting, starting from the arms. On the other hand, Jiang Hengben had activated the stacking dragon force in advance. His upper body was exposed, and the six blood dragons were clearly visible on the right arm. It seemed to be roaring ferociously.

Qi and blood like a dragon!

"how is this possible?!"

'Jiang Fuzun' felt a huge shock in his heart, the first time they touched each other, he sensed that something was wrong, it was too wrong.

What the **** kind of power is this?

But seeing 'Jiang Fuzun' flick his palm to the right, he swung the palm away, and then slapped it hard again with enough strength. Jiang Heng didn't show any weakness at this moment, and he was also full of energy and blood, and he slapped out with a palm.

The two palms, one big and one small, collided again, and the palm of 'Jiang Fuzun' was like a child compared to Jiang Heng's palm at the moment.

'Jiang Fuzun' has completely changed color.

What exactly is going on?

If everyone in the Dayan tribe is like this, how did those guys become the masters of these monsters?

"Break it for me!!"

With a loud shout, Jiang Heng's arm blood dragon swam rapidly, his right arm swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body of nearly four meters suddenly shrunk by a punch at this moment. Withdrawing his palm, he slapped out suddenly again.

not good!

'Jiang Fuzun' was but helpless, with such a short distance, there was no way to hide, so he had to meet again with his palm.


This scorching high temperature exploded with a bang, terrifying strength and high temperature surged out at this moment, and a dazzling light suddenly flashed in the small courtyard, illuminating the entire Black Tiger Hall as if it were daytime. ,

"Whoa! Whoa!"

A heavy gasp came from Jiang Heng's mouth. At this time, his body had returned to its original shape, and nearly seventy-eight out of ten of his blood had been blasted out from the blow just now.

This is thanks to the opponent's palms facing him one after another, otherwise he really would have no chance to accumulate energy. In addition, it is also because the charging time of Fuhai is greatly shortened now.

With a high temperature of thousands of degrees, the air is already full of strong gunpowder smoke, and the steam is so pervasive that it is difficult to see the scene ahead clearly.

Jiang Heng's eyes were fixed, and the characteristics of his eyes were revealed, and he looked intently, but he couldn't help trembling slightly when he saw the figure.


I saw that in the smoke, the person standing was no longer the former Jiang Fuzun, but a distorted human figure of flesh and blood, which was full of burn marks, and looked a little painful.

The flesh and blood were twisting, trying to break through the layer of burning coke outside and grow outward.

A strange breath radiated out, and at this moment, I felt that the blood flow slowed down a lot, and an invisible pressure rushed towards my face.

Familiar feeling!

It was almost exactly the same as when it was in Hengjiang City.

Demon... demon! !

Jiang Heng's heart was already blank, but it came and went quickly, just for a moment, he took a deep breath, and with a thought, the black ball spun rapidly and a stream of pure energy gushed out. The blood that was almost exhausted was quickly replenished.



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