Master of Fist

Chapter 217: prelude

?Above grade?

Jiang Heng didn't speak, and the woman didn't dare to interrupt, but looked at the other party vigilantly, for fear that the other party would do it again if he became mad.

"? What is the level of the second grade, and what is the ability of the Liu family you mentioned? You have such a strange ability, and he also has it?"

After a while, he recovered from the shock and thought for a moment before asking.

The woman nodded and pondered for a moment before she said: "The Liu family is good at poison, which is more terrifying than the ordinary ? level poison. If it is bitten by the opponent's fangs, even the ? It is the scale armor on the body, and it is also extremely difficult."

Hearing these words, Jiang Heng frowned.


"What do you think the odds are that you and I will win together?"

"Forty percent!" The woman answered decisively now.

"Oh? Forty percent, seems quite high?"

For the time being, Jiang Heng thought about how strong the member of the Liu family was, and tried his best to develop his mentality in a positive direction.

"That's right! Forty percent is considered relatively high. If you and I fight each other, the winning rate is less than 10 percent!" The woman nodded without feeling too embarrassed.

"But if my body is still there, in its prime, I can kill him myself!"

"Tell me what you think. Since you want to cooperate with me, then you should have a bottom line in your heart."

Jiang Heng looked at the woman, 40% seemed a bit low, but it was better than less than 10%. The key was that he wanted to know why the other party was so sure that it was only 40%?

"I don't know the bottom line either, so I can just adapt to the situation!" The woman shook her head helplessly, seeing Jiang Heng's displeasure, she quickly added: "Not necessarily, I can temporarily limit some of his strength, at least let him The reaction has become about 40% slower than before! From now on, I can only rely on you, my strength has not recovered, and it is impossible to completely control him!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded, and began to quickly calculate the feasibility in his heart. It can slow down the other party's reaction speed, but I don't know how much strength this Lord Liu will have left after slowing down by 40%.

But this is much better than Jiang Heng's original idea. At the beginning, he didn't even slow down the opponent by 40%. Now, at any rate, the opponent has been weakened again. Coupled with the means he arranged, Jiang Heng was slightly relieved.

If it is said that in the hearts of women, the outcome is 40-50, but for Jiang Heng, it is 50-50. Of course, if the opponent knew Jiang Heng's existing hole cards, he would definitely say that the winning rate was 70%.

After some conversation, Jiang Heng was asking most of the questions, and Jiang Heng hardly revealed some of his own methods. He would not casually reveal his hole cards to this woman who had only met twice.

The most important thing is that this woman is not human!

After asking, Jiang Heng directly asked Zhou Yan to arrange a room for the woman to live in temporarily. He didn't know when the other party would make a move. He didn't want any surprises at this time.

Jiang Heng can't guarantee how well the other party understands him now. I don't even know when the other party will make a move, so I can only use the current stupid method of waiting.

Another seemingly uneventful day passed.

At ten o'clock in the night, the backyard of the government office—

In the leisurely and elegant small courtyard, Jiang Fuzun enjoyed the kneading by the maid while eating the fruit cakes placed on the stone table.

In the past few days, for some reason, he always felt restless.

He was chewing the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that was put into his mouth under the service of the maid. A big hand kept kneading the tender place behind the maid, and a pair of small eyes that were piled up by the fat face kept turning around.

Thoughts were running fast in his mind, but the more he thought about it, the more bored he felt. He couldn't help but patted the pretty maidservant's plump buttocks, causing the maidservant to scream coquettishly.

"It's all trash!"

At this moment, Jiang Fuzun only felt aggrieved.

"A woman, and a hawk dog playing in front of me all day long, I have to clean up sooner or later!"

These words have always been on his mind, he thought that there would be no outsiders in his own courtyard.

But as soon as the words fell, there was a clear applause from a corner of the small courtyard.

This sudden change made Jiang Fuzun quickly follow the voice, startled suddenly, his eyes widened.

"Chapter...Chapter are you here?!"

Suddenly appearing in the courtyard was General Zhang Huzhang, a powerful figure with more than 100,000 wolf cubs under his command.

"Haha! Brother Jiang is right, isn't Zhang the only one!" The smile on Zhang Jiangzhu's face seemed to turn a deaf ear to everything he had just heard.

"Hmph! General Master Zhang, although you are also an official ordered by the court, this is the official's yamen, and this is the official's territory. Is it unreasonable for you to trespass on the official's territory without reporting?"

Seeing that the other party really listened to the abuse just now, Jiang Fuzun simply didn't have the usual hypocrisy, but instead sternly shouted.

"Then.......Since this is the case...I don't know what Brother Jiang wants to do?"

While speaking, General Zhang's footsteps kept approaching Jiang Fuzun slowly.


Seeing this, Jiang Fuzun vaguely felt that something was wrong, he frowned and looked at the smiling handsome general in front of him, his tone softened slightly: "General Zhang, as long as you leave my office, I will not blame the past for what happened today, and you can do it tomorrow." Invite the general, and continue to visit my elegant affairs in Cangzhou!"


The still smiling Zhang Jiangzhu was still slowly getting closer and closer, which made Jiang Fuzun's heart skip a beat.

He frowned tightly, and shouted in a cold voice: "General Zhang, what are you doing?"

Jiang Fuzun faintly felt that something was wrong, but now that Liu Shizong was not around, and the other party's behavior was so weird, the uneasiness in his heart became more intense.

"Come on! Come on!"

Seeing that General Zhang was still pressing on, Jiang Fuzun finally couldn't sit still. The distance between the two of them was only ten meters, but the other party still walked slowly with a strange smile.

Soon there was a sound of chaotic footsteps outside the courtyard. Liu Shizong was often absent recently, which made Jiang Fuzun pay more attention to his own safety, and even rushed some wandering warriors he had recruited before into the ranks of guards.

Soon, more than a dozen men in strong attire rushed into the courtyard to stand in front of Jiang Fuzun.

These people have different realms, some of them are only in the first-rank realm, and the highest even have the level of pulse-refining realm. These are some of Liu Shizong's old subordinates who stayed in the government office before. However, because Liu Shizong turned his head to Jiang Heng's side and walked in a hurry, in order not to alarm Jiang Fuzun for the time being, he did not withdraw for the time being.

"Brother Jiang, what are you doing? Are you guarding against Zhang?" General Zhang stopped, stood in place and looked at Jiang Fuzun from a distance through the crowd and said with a smile.

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