Master of Fist

Chapter 109: black shadow

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Hearing that Jiang Heng really wanted to strangle this fat man to death.

To report outside the city? Is it because he didn't die fast enough?

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't respond for a long time, Fatty Pi grinned and said with a grin: "Brother Jiang, you are well-developed, but my little brother will mess with you from now on, not to mention that I still have my abilities, give it to Brother Jiang Running errands and doing chores is still fine."

"Haha, you just live here with good food and drink, you are no longer needed to do odd jobs and run errands, can you run with your fat body?" Jiang Heng scolded with a smile.

He can't feel bad for the fat guy, although this guy is lazy and likes women, but these are not faults at all in this world. And this guy has a big advantage, he is good at inquiring about news, and he is also outstanding in making friends. Maybe he will be useful in the future.

But thinking about what Fatty Pi had said before, Jiang Heng's heart moved slightly.

"Brother Pi, have only the people from the Zhenfusi been killed recently? How about their family?" Jiang Heng asked after thinking about it.

Peter thought about it for a while, and said with a little tut: "You don't ask, I haven't thought of this, this time it's very weird, it's just the official staff member of my township department who died, but my family is alive and well, No one was killed."

"Is this true?" Jiang Heng frowned.

"That's it."

Fatty Pi nodded.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't sit still anymore, and after a few chats with Fatty Pi, he was taken down to have a good meal and settled down, while Jiang Heng called Zhou Yan.

"My lord!" Seeing Jiang Heng's serious expression, Zhou Yan didn't dare to neglect.

"Strengthen your vigilance, all the masters under your command have gathered here tonight, and prepare the equipment that you asked to build a few days ago!"

Jiang Heng gave his instructions as detailed as possible, Zhou Yan at the side was stunned for a moment, knowing that something big was about to happen. He also looked solemn, and went down to get busy.

Get up and go to the side hall next to the Heihu lobby, where a man with a sword in his arms is sitting with his eyes closed and resting his mind. It is Liu Shizong from before.

Seeing Jiang Heng enter the room, he was obviously still on guard, and unconsciously touched the hilt of his sword with one hand.

"You may have to make a move tonight. When something happens, find the right time to make a move. Then you can use all your abilities!" No nonsense, Jiang Heng straight to the point.

Liu Shizong was slightly taken aback, but still nodded slightly. Now that he couldn't help himself, what else could he say, just make a move.

"Don't worry, I only want you to draw the sword! As long as you help me three times, I will never break my promise!" Looking at Liu Shizong, Jiang Heng reminded again that he was really afraid that this guy would turn against him.

In fact, with Jiang Heng's physique, he is not afraid, but if it is a monster of the ? If he really turned his back on the battlefield, as long as Jiang Heng still has his breath, he will be wiped out first!

"Okay!" Liu Shizong cherished his words like gold, and immediately continued to hold his sword as if he was raising his sword to gain momentum.

Nodding his head, Jiang Heng came to the lobby and closed his eyes on the black tiger chair belonging to Zhou Yan. Cangzhou City at night was terribly silent. It had long since lost its bustling and bustling image, and there was only deathly silence, like a ghost town. .

A few men standing guard outside the Heihutang resident were yawning and stretching their waists. They were about to chat with their companions about some nasty jokes when suddenly a gust of wind passed by. The men froze and looked around. See rubbed his eyes.

"Xiao Liu, did you discover something just now?"

"No, it was just a strong gust of wind. If I knew it, I would have worn more clothes." The companion on the opposite side shook his head and shrank his neck.

Hearing this, the man was also scratching his head in puzzlement, as if he saw a black shadow passing through his field of vision like a black wind just now.

Inner courtyard of Black Tiger Hall——

Today's precautions are different from the past. Many middle and high-level leaders of the Black Tiger Hall do not understand why their hall masters are like this. After all, everyone was just about to warm up the kang with their mother-in-law at home, and then they were called here before their bodies were warm. More or less there are some complaints.

Today's Black Tiger Hall has undergone many blood changes and has absorbed many wandering warriors and other masters from the Twelve Halls.

The usual bosses are all first-rank warriors now, and there are even many third-rank warriors. Most of these are wandering warriors from Liuzhou, and they are directly absorbed into the high-level.

The rapid development in such a short period of time has naturally accumulated a lot of unstable factors. Many leaders and middle and high-level leaders are actually separate from each other. For example, some martial artists in the Twelve Halls are gathered together in groups of three or four, which divides into several hills. However, the martial artists in Liuzhou were more united, they huddled together.

In addition, Zhou Yan and the direct line of the Yang family brothers under Jiang Heng's command are huddling together here.

Of course, the direct line is the strongest among them. You must know that Jiang Heng has cultivated a lot of third-rank warriors in the recent period, and the three Yang brothers have been directly raised to the third-rank level by him. And the eighteen twelve-year-old children gathered in succession are all in the third-rank If it is not for the lack of the most basic understanding of martial arts, and even some children are still illiterate, Jiang Heng can even Cultivate eighteen masters of pulse refining at one time.

In addition, there is Zhang Fu, whom Jiang Heng is more concerned about. This kid is now considered the most promising of this group of children, and he has lived up to Jiang Heng's expectations. The initial stage of bone quenching.

If Jiang Heng hadn't been busy recently, he would have even taught him the breathing method of external skills directly.

It can be said that he is more like Jiang Heng's disciple than Su Yu.

Several second and third-rank Black Tiger Gang middle-level and high-level people are gathering together and complaining to each other. Several of them are some high-rank warriors who originally belonged to the Twelve Hall. Environment fat.

"Damn it, staying up in the middle of the night called us here to feed mosquitoes!"

Ren Tu cursed and cursed, with a look of indignation on his face. He used to be the head of the same hall anyway, so he was the first to express his dissatisfaction since he had never been so angry.

"It's better to keep your voice down. Did you see those brats over there? Those are all the direct descendants of Zhou Yan. If they heard about it, they might tell Zhou Yan." One person lowered his voice and quickly comforted him.

"Hmph! Some brats who haven't even grown their hair yet." Although he was still cursing, Ren Tu's voice was much lower.

Looking at those children, there is even more fear in the eyes that cannot be hidden.

"Hey, what did these little **** eat to grow up? I'm afraid the level of energy and blood has reached the third-rank level, right?"

"It's more than that! This should be the pinnacle of the third rank, and it's more than enough to hit the pulse refining state!"

Several people chattered in unison, unaware that a black shadow was swiftly approaching here.

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