Master of Fist

Chapter 200: Will the master and the old servant?

"King of Fist ( Find the latest chapter!

But there is no freshly cooked food in the blue and white porcelain bowl, it is a pot of blood and meat that has not been cooked at all.

The blood water is extremely viscous, very fresh and there is a little heat rising from time to time, and some pieces of meat can be seen in the blood water from time to time, but this is not the meat quality of any poultry game, and it looks more tender than poultry. Eyeballs pop out.

This eyeball was facing Master Zhang, as if staring at him firmly.

Zhang Jiang didn't care about this, he set it up with chopsticks and chewed it quickly, every time he took a bite, Zhang Jiang's complexion became more rosy, and all the irritability on his face faded away, replaced by a full smile .

Putting down his chopsticks, he drank the last little soup in one gulp, and licked the bright red soup at the corner of his lips. General Zhang let out a sigh of relief, with satisfaction and disappointment on his face.

"This place is really not so easy to stay in!" He grinned, as if he was pressing his tongue against the meat left between his teeth. unnatural.

"What are you doing standing at the door? There are only two of us left, and there is nothing to hide. Come in!"

Glancing at the gate chapter, the general said softly.

With a creaking sound, the door was pushed open, and it was the gray-clothed old slave who pushed the door and entered, and immediately closed the door gently after entering the room.

"Master, you have suffered!"

The gray-clothed old slave closed the door and fell to his knees with a plop, his voice choked with emotion.

"Hehe!" Seeing this chapter, the general's reaction was indifferent, he waved his hand and said indifferently: "There is no need to make a fuss, I know that you were forced to follow me all the way to this poor place, because you are afraid that your family will be eaten left?"

A playful look flashed across Zhang Jiangzhu's face, and he looked down at the gray-clothed old slave below.

"No! No! The old slave came here voluntarily, and he never complained. Family matters are nothing more than trivial matters!" The gray-clothed old slave became agitated in an instant, kneeling on his knees and crawling a few steps in front of General Zhang.

"Okay, do you know it in your heart! Now the two I have accepted are dead. You have been to Dayan before, and you know this place well. What do you think should be done next?"

Zhang Jiangzhu didn't care about the attitude of the gray-clothed old slave at all, and asked after turning the topic.

There was still a faint smell of blood floating in the air, and the gray-clothed old slave was used to it. Hearing what the other party said, a pair of shrewd old eyes rolled away.

"Master, this young viper master just let the master sneak into Dayan. Now we have already completed the main task, and there is no need to create side effects. This... the two dogs are killed. Kill it, I just need to lie quietly in the hinterland of Dayan, and if necessary, I can provide some information to Master Young Viper." The gray-clothed old slave bowed his head respectfully after thinking about it.


A cold snort sounded like thunder from the gray-clothed old slave's mind. The gray-clothed old slave let out a muffled snort, and blood immediately flowed from his mouth and nose, but he turned a deaf ear to it, and just lay down quietly, his figure Slightly trembling.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Zhang Jiang stood up suddenly, and a pair of fierce eyes swept down on the old man below. Following his anger, there was a sound of tearing from his body.

Wen Yanzhang eased the Lord's expression slightly, with some helplessness and disgust on his face.

"This human skin won't last long, you go and help me find a target, make plans early!"

With the interruption just now, Zhang Jiangzhu regained his composure and sat back without any intention of getting angry.

"If the two dogs die, they will die, but many things are very inconvenient now. Although the two dogs are a bit useless, they are obedient and do everything with all their heart. Do you think I should be angry?"

"It's really a pity! It's really... a pity!" The old slave in gray had a little sweat on his forehead, and nodded hesitantly.

"Then what do you think I should do with that murderer?"

Zhang Jiangzhu supported his chin with one hand and continued to ask with a casual smile.

"Should...should be killed!...should be killed! This person should die!" The sweat from the tip of the gray-clothed old slave's nose mixed with the previous blood and dripped continuously.

"Hmm! That's right!" General Zhang nodded in satisfaction, " should I kill him?"


The old slave in gray hesitated. He opened his mouth and his mind was spinning rapidly, but he couldn't think of a countermeasure in a short time.

"Hmph! Trash, if it's not because you are useful, I'll eat you first, and then go back and eat your whole family!"

With a flick of his sleeves, Zhang Jiangzhu said coldly with glints of light in his eyes.

The cold and biting words were like a cold wind piercing the heart of the gray-clothed old slave, causing him to keep kowtow on the ground.

"Okay, this mouse is very slippery. I think it should be the archer from that day. It's just hateful! Let's change into a skin first. This skin has blinded most of my perception and made me very uncomfortable!"

"Yes... yes yes yes!" The old slave in gray clothes answered yes repeatedly.

"Wait until I replace the skin, and then I will feel where the mouse is! As long as he hasn't left the city, he can't escape my palm. A person who can shoot such an arrow... Heh! It's extremely delicious!" Zhang Jiang's greedy look on the main face will undoubtedly dilute the little elegance and handsomeness left.

"But master, you have to use secret techniques to replace the This will still obscure your perception, which..." The gray-clothed old slave hesitated to remind at this time .

"Huh! Five breaths! A certain person can find out this person thoroughly with only five breaths, and then kill him directly! Eat his flesh raw!"

Faced with his master's bold words, the gray-clothed old slave didn't feel surprised, but his expression remained embarrassing.

"Just say what you want!" Seeing this chapter, the general raised a pair of sword eyebrows and said coldly.

The gray-clothed old slave cupped his hands, and said in a rough way: "Master, as far as I know, outside this city... there is Dayan's Zhenyousi, and those are all..."

Wen Yanzhang waved the master's big hand, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Don't worry too much, the time of five breaths is just a snap of your fingers, they won't be able to detect it. When I swallow that person, everything will be at peace. You just need to help me find a new identity, my patience... .But there is a limit!"

At the end, Zhang Jiangzhu's words were already filled with murderous intent, and the old man in gray was so frightened that he kowtowed again and again.

Back in Jiang's mansion, the two brothers and sisters of the Fu family woke up leisurely, as if they were in a dream for a moment, each of them sat on the ground in a daze, and after a long time, Fu Yuehong began to sob profusely.

On the other hand, Fu Qingshui looked calm and composed, he just stared blankly at the ants in the gaps between the bluestone floor tiles.


A shovel was thrown in front of Fu Qingshui.

"Put the old man in the ground for peace! The shabby place here is a bit shabby, and it's not a treasured place of geomantic omen. I'll just leave it at that. After this matter is over, I'll find another place with geomantic omen for the old man."

Jiang Heng was also standing aside with a shovel in his hand at this time. It stands to reason that he could smash a hole with one punch, but this time he was just thinking about digging a place for the old man to live, as if he wanted to see the old man for the last time.

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