Master of Fist

Chapter 189: strong forging

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Hearing that Fu Changsheng did not dare to act rashly, he began to carefully observe Jiang Heng's changes at the moment.

At this moment, Jiang Heng only felt that his whole body was full of power, and even this power was so strong that he couldn't control it.

The qi and blood in the body are not as peaceful as before, and the use of breathing can only prevent it from going completely berserk.

At this moment, the qi and blood in the body are like strands of dragons swimming wantonly, one strand, two strands... a total of six strands of qi and blood dragons are flowing violently in the body.

But right now, these dragons of qi and blood cannot be fully grasped.

"This is Qi and Blood Transforming Dragon? It's really an image!"

Feeling the extremely active qi and blood dragons in the body, there is a powerful feeling that can tear everything apart.

Then feel the bones all over the body, every bone has a little silver luster, very faint, much worse than the demon skeletons that are making the demon bow.

But around this, the bones all over his body are more than ten times stronger than before. However, it is still inferior to demons.

Temporarily use the breathing method to calm down the breathing and appease the dragon of Qi and blood in the body. Fully mastering this power requires constant adaptation.

The change in body shape was unexpected by Jiang Heng. After Qi and blood transformed into a dragon, Qi and blood formed a more solidified and higher-level heat energy.

It is also because of this almost several times of compression that the body shape gradually returns to normal.

As for the explosion, I tried it when I broke through just now, but my body would still explode as if it was inflated, and it was even more terrifying.

Opening his eyes, a smear of blood red flashed away in his eyes.

At this time, Fu Changsheng also felt a faint oppressive force dissipating a lot.

After carefully feeling Jiang Heng in front of him, the aura of this person has already faded. It looks no different from ordinary people.

But Fu Changsheng knew that the young man in front of him contained extremely terrifying power!

"Have you made a breakthrough?" Fu Changsheng asked solemnly.

Jiang Heng nodded, he had nothing to hide from Fu Changsheng.

"Have you finished refining the bones?" Fu Changsheng asked with some doubts.

"Yes, the bones of the whole body have been tempered, and the blood has turned into a dragon!"

"Blood into a dragon! Transform into a dragon!" Fu Changsheng's eyes almost popped out when he heard this, and a few strands of his beard were torn off.

He looked at Jiang Heng carefully, and the more he looked, the more he clicked his tongue.

He moved his steps slightly, but this movement directly crushed the broken floor beside him into powder.

Gained weight again!

This time the bones were tempered, and the muscle density skyrocketed again, and Jiang Heng didn't know how much he weighed at this time. It is estimated that it is almost four thousand catties.

"You kid, don't come here, you'd better get used to it first!"

Fu Changsheng stepped back quickly, feeling that even if he touched it casually, his old bones would not be able to bear it.

However, Mr. Fu soon beamed with joy, smiling like a child. He stroked his beard and nodded from time to time.

"You kid is really a genius who is born with external skills! You have already mastered your skills in just a few moments! Even those ancient books like you dare not write like that!"

"Since you have completed the bone refining once, it means that you can start to try the second bone refining!"

"Second bone bone?!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was taken aback, Mr. Fu had never mentioned this to him before. Although I have been looking through ancient books recently, there is no description of it in those fragments.

"That's right!" Mr. Fu stroked his beard, chuckled, and said with a light smile, "The second refinement of the bone is a further refinement, you can imagine the refinement of the bone as casting a sword.

A sword even means that the forging and final tempering of any weapon is completed.

All of them require several processes, such as creating the sword embryo at the beginning, and then adding other auxiliary materials for further refining. That is forging!

You are now in the step of forging!

But you have already built the foundation of the first bone refinement, and the next step is the second strong forging! Let the bones of the whole body be further strengthened! "

Mr. Fu said it bit by bit very carefully, and Jiang Heng also took it down silently.

"Then... isn't this strong training the same as before, reshaping bones?"

Jiang Heng patiently asked for advice.

"It's a little different. You know that in the previous dynasty, warriors dared to fight monsters head-on!" Fu Changsheng looked a little outward when he said this.

"Fighting monsters head-on?!"

"It's natural. Those who have nine Qi and blood dragons in their external skills can be compared with monsters. But it's not so easy to condense nine Qi and blood dragons for the second time."

Fu Changsheng showed helplessness and spread his hands and sighed: "It is said that the bones of demons are ground into powder and then swallowed with a unique medicine formula. But the bones of demons themselves are highly poisonous, and the bones of demons that have just been hunted are needed to contain them. The toxin in it is even more terrifying.

This Fangzi's father had cobbled it together from several other masters of the Yiqi League in the early years, but he still didn't know that there were several medicines to neutralize toxins missing in it.

Now this prescription is like a chicken rib, unable to resist the poison of the demon, and unable to step into the second bone strengthening training! "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng frowned slightly, this is rather troublesome. How terrifying is the demon's He is naturally very clear.

If this problem is not solved, the second bone extraction will not be bone extraction, it will be fatal!

"It's a pity!" Fu Changsheng shook his head and stroked his long beard and sighed endlessly: "I will have a chance to leave here alive, and then I will find a way to find a way to find those old guys in the Qimeng League.

Those old ghosts are all over Kyushu, and there is always a way.

And the fresh monster skeletons also need to take some trouble.

The last time several masters teamed up to kill a monster, it hurt my vitality. I'm afraid it's about the same this time.

But as long as you show your worth! Those old guys are not going to stand by. "

Jiang Heng nodded noncommittal, this matter is too far away, he doesn't hold much hope.

The poison of demons can be adapted slowly with time and effort. After being able to control the black ball freely, the efficiency of cultivation will increase in a straight line.

This improvement is not limited to the efficiency of absorbing energy, but also lies in its ability to store energy freely.

In the past, it was necessary to swallow medicine alone for real-time conversion to recover from injuries. But now it's different, you only need to absorb some spares at one time before practicing.

Moreover, Jiang Heng's recovery speed has also been greatly improved by the self-control of the black ball, and the power of feedback can also control the output size by himself.

After being injured, the feedback force in the black ball is temporarily greatly increased, and the breathing method can be guided a little, and the recovery is more clear.

"Master Fu, there is one thing I don't quite understand!"

Seeing the regret on the old man's face, he frowned and took a deep breath, Jiang Heng hesitated.

"Oh? It's okay to be blunt!"

Now Mr. Fu takes good care of Jiang Heng.

"I would like to ask... since that Demon Slayer Sage Monarch may also be a martial artist...why did Senior Fu place such a heavy bet on me, a person who is almost mortal...?"

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