Master of Fist

Chapter 187: Lifting by external force

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"Uh... oh!" Liang Dan responded with some confusion, but still nodded and stood obediently.

Then I just felt a huge gentle and strong palm slowly resting on my back.

Liang Dan felt a little troubled, after all, he really didn't quite understand what the other party was going to do.

"Feel carefully, and tell me what you feel in time!" At this moment, Jiang Heng's voice sounded again, this time with a slightly heavier tone, and he paid special attention to it.

Hearing this, Liang Dan also nodded again.

"Okay, let's start!"

Liang Dan became tense in an instant, but he didn't dare to move, so he could only grit his teeth and think about the terrible scene that might happen next.

But as soon as the words fell, Liang Dan felt a heat all over his back, and then a wave of heat rushed into his limbs and bones, more and more, faster.

At first it seemed to be very weak, but soon after the heat pouring into his body formed a cycle, Liang Dan suddenly discovered that this heat had become his own strength!

"How does it feel?"

Jiang Heng's voice sounded again, confirming again.

"This... this... incredible, getting stronger! My vitality is increasing rapidly!"

Liang Dan's voice was trembling with excitement. He had never felt that one day the energy and blood would increase so quickly and easily.

Just this one is equivalent to his daily penance for several months!

"Really?" Jiang Heng confirmed again. He had to ask clearly, otherwise if something went wrong, it would be difficult for him to explain to Senior Fu.

"Yes! The qi and blood are increasing very quickly. I can feel that these qi and blood have merged with me, and I can directly grasp it!"

Hearing that Liang Dan also expressed his feelings more clearly.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng was a little happy in his heart, and after thinking about it, he slightly increased the power of feedback.

Immediately afterwards, Liang Dan only felt a greater amount of heat pouring into his body, and the heat flowed into his limbs and bones for a week, and then quickly transformed into his own qi and blood to form a virtuous circle.

quick! So fast!

Liang Dan couldn't help moaning softly, and the clothes began to malfunction at this moment.

At this moment, he felt that his blood volume had jumped from the original second-rank level to the third-rank level.

"If you feel unwell, you must report it immediately!"

Jiang Heng reminded again, but how could Liang Dan listen to it at the moment. The whole body is feeling the beauty of this rapid growth.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng did not continue to increase the feedback speed, and always maintained a moderate speed and relatively gentle delivery of energy.

Time passed slowly, and in just one cup of tea, Liang Dan's body trembled again, and his muscles swelled again. At this moment, many seams were torn apart in the bulging clothes, revealing the strong and full muscles inside .

The ultimate in three products!

Liang Dan wanted to call it a stop. At this level, it is reasonable to directly practice inner energy and step into the pulse refining state in one fell swoop.

But the growth of qi and blood continued, so he didn't open his mouth immediately, but felt it carefully.

It was time for another cup of tea. At this time, it was no longer Liang Dan who wanted to continue, but Jiang Heng who had stopped.

The energy just stored by the black ball has been exhausted.

Stopping, looking at the young man in front of him, Jiang Heng knew that this attempt was perfect without the other party opening his mouth!

The feedback power of the black ball can not only be used by oneself, but also directly transmitted to others is not a problem.

Feeling the opponent's power of Qi and blood suddenly increased several times at this moment, Jiang Heng nodded in satisfaction.

Liang Dan's state at this time should be in a state where the third-rank extreme is beginning to climb towards the outer kung fu.

But now even the threshold of the level of the essence of external skills has not been reached. After that, if you want to really step into the path of external power, you will need a lot of energy.

"Jiang...Master Jiang! Please accept my respect for the grace of re-creation!"

Liang Dan was filled with shock and joy at this moment, and fell to his knees with a thud.

He could clearly feel that now he could beat the previous seven or eight, maybe even a dozen or so.

Jiang Heng quickly stepped forward to help, after all, he just wanted the other party to be a little white rabbit at first. Now everything is going well and I am relieved.

After waving his hand to make the other party retreat for the time being, Jiang Heng went straight to the treasure house of the Fu family, all the way to the warehouse where the elixir was stored.

Entering the warehouse and looking at the mountain of pills, he didn't choose to pick up a bottle labeled Huichundan.

This is a bottle of elixir used to heal internal injuries, which belongs to the elixir of healing.

Without hesitation, he poured his head into the palm of his hand, and there were a total of twenty-four small pills.

Immediately afterwards, the force of suction gushed out, and the black elixir quickly turned into a pile of fine dust and slipped from the fingers.

At the same time, the feedback force in the body was directly released, and Jiang Heng felt a wave of pure energy exactly like before, and Jiang Heng was refreshed!

Sure enough, as long as the medicinal herbs are cultivated, no matter what kind of elixir it is, it can be directly converted into the purest energy!

With this discovery, Jiang Heng did not hesitate to start rushing towards this huge pile of bottles and jars.

Almost except for that kind of poison. All the other medicine bottles were poured out one by one by Jiang Heng, absorbed into the purest energy and poured into the black ball.

Temporarily turn off the feedback power of the black ball and store these energies first.

Time passed continuously, and four or five hours passed. Looking at the bottles and cans in the warehouse that were almost half empty, he nodded slightly.

Who knows how much energy the black ball has stored at this time!

This is the effect of using the suction force in the body, and the efficiency is much better than swallowing and then passively absorbing the black ball!

Moreover, the conversion rate of many medicinal materials and medicines is extremely low, such as some medicines for treating common minor illnesses and minor injuries.

And the conversion rate of such supplements is extremely high.

The key is to rely on swallowing. The reason why I stop every time is that my stomach can't bear it. Although I can enjoy the feeling of becoming stronger.

But the smell of medicine dregs in his mouth, and after swallowing so many medicinal materials, it is extremely scary that some medicine dregs that cannot be converted are rarely converted into a lot.

Often a face is green in the end.

I can't bear the smell and the pain of being held up by the dregs of the medicine.

Leaving the medicine storehouse, they didn't use up all of them, even though the Canglang Gang had a big business. But just now, the order was made, and the ghost knows how many tens of thousands of taels of silver have been sucked away.

The several million taels of medicinal material reserves must have been sucked away. It is more than the sum of the medicinal materials that Jiang Heng has swallowed in the past.

After all, there are several boxes of wild ginseng that are hundreds of years old, and now there are only half a box left.

Some other medicinal herbs and elixirs are also reserved for emergencies.

The key is that after absorbing so much, it is not that bad.

Instead of choosing to leave, he found an empty quiet room here.

"Next, I'm going to start a full-scale bone extraction!"

Light the candles on the wall of the quiet room, take a deep breath, open your arms, adjust your breathing and start to guide the black ball to slowly release the essence of energy.

I hope this time I can temper all the remaining bones in one go!

Familiar and majestic massive energy gushes out...

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