Master of Fist

Chapter 175: Dare to come here?

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"There will be no mistakes!"

He licked his vermilion lips, and a cold smile burst out from his beautiful red silk eyes.

I looked at the white wall, and finally locked my eyes on the upper part not far away. Although it has been completely repaired there, the materials used are the same. The whitewashed areas have some light and dark changes in color.

This is not long after it was added!

Seeing all this, Hongsi's beautiful eyes turned around, looked at the wall and hesitated for a moment, as if hesitating, she gritted her teeth, and leaped nimbly, silently like a nimble cat. Without a breath, he jumped into the wall.

It was almost noon, and many courtyards of the Fu family had already turned off the lights and fell asleep. However, the Fu family is different from ordinary families after all, in charge of the Canglang Gang, there are many things to deal with even at night. However, most of the official affairs are handled in the front yard, and at this time, large areas of the backyard are plunged into darkness.

Looking around, Hongsi found that this was a courtyard, only a small area was illuminated by candles in a relatively dark stone niche not far away.

She paused and listened carefully, glanced at the direction of the front yard, then at the backyard, and walked towards the backyard after a little hesitation.

"Over here! Lots of strong blood!"

While flying in the dark night, he breathed intoxicatedly. Here she felt a feeling of being surrounded by food, Hongsi licked the saliva dripping unconsciously from her mouth, looked around with bright eyes, and shook her head for a while.

"The business is important, we must find out who the mysterious master is!"

Two third-rank warriors were patrolling the corridor at this moment. They were brothers from the same family, surnamed Zhang, and they had been in Fu's family for seven or eight years.

From being a member of the Canglang Gang at the beginning, to being appreciated by the fifth lady for being practical and upright, the two of them can be said to be much luckier than their peers.

After only seven or eight years of entering the Fu family, he has cultivated all the way to the third-rank level. The elder brother is several years older than the younger brother, and his strength is also stronger. He will soon step into the third-rank extreme. At that time, the ancestors will let him learn a martial art of refining pulse.

Stepping into the pulse refining state, the salary will be much higher. In fact, the two brothers have accumulated a lot of money. All these years, they have lived and boarded in the Fu family and there is not much place where they can use the money. The money in my hand seems to be useless except to send it to the old mother at home.

The two of them, one twenty-one and one eighteen, are actually of marriageable age. The old mother in the family urged her so many times, even looking for a matchmaker several times. But after working in a big family for a long time, the wives my mother helped to find looked pretty good.

But the vision is different after all, the two brothers in the past would be happy for several days if they fell in love with a mother. But after working in Fu's family for so many years, their vision is very vicious. Both brothers want to find someone like Miss Fifth.

Not to mention compared with Fifth Miss, at least half as Fifth Miss. So it has been delayed until now.

"Second brother, Muxiu you go home this week to take care of one or two. I'm here. By the way, I will help my elder brother to check. My elder brother is getting old. If I don't want to marry a wife, I think my mother will have to jump into the river again!"

The two brothers were brought up by their mother. The old father in the family was arrested by the court when they were young and went to the northern battlefield. There has been no news for these years, and the whole family knows what happened. . The two brothers are also very filial to their mother. In the early years, the two poor brothers joined the gang and made a living.

"Brother, don't worry, I will make the best one for you, the one with fair skin and big butt!" The second child joked with a smile.

The boss heard that he punched his younger brother with a smile, and scolded with a smile: "You boy, don't mess with me, and my brother doesn't expect too much, let alone Miss Fifth, as long as you are virtuous and virtuous, you will help my two brothers take care of my mother." That's fine, we can't go back here every day, and my mother is getting old, so it's time for her to enjoy her life!"

Hearing that the second child was slightly silent, he nodded, and then sighed after a while: "Brother, after you get married, let me get married too."

"Hey! How come your kid is sensible now?"

The boss laughed and shook his head, patted his younger brother on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your brother is begging for a wife, I will give you more of my money, no matter what, I have to let you beg for a rich lady. In this way, the two brothers will have face when they go out, right?"

"Haha, that can't be done, my sister-in-law won't beat me to death!" The second child shrank his neck like an ostrich.

"She dares! Look at me..."

There was a pause in the voice, and the second child was slightly taken aback when he looked at the brother who opened his mouth and pretended to be angry.

"Brother, don't play around..." With a light push, he saw his elder brother's figure crooked, and a round, **** head fell into his hand.


The elder brother's body fell heavily to the ground, looking at the elder brother who still maintained the expression just now in his hand, his eyes were dull, and he was a little dazed and didn't know what was going on.

He raised his head slowly, but at some point in front of him stood a woman with picturesque eyebrows and graceful wearing a red shirt and red skirt. This is a woman who is even more beautiful and moving than Miss Fifth, as if she has stepped out of a painting.

But at this time, he didn't have any other thoughts at all, only the anger that almost exploded, full of anger, and went straight to the top of his head.

"" He looked at the woman in front of him, and said tremblingly, his tone of voice changed suddenly, "Why..."

Before the first word of the following words was uttered, there was a pain in his chest, and a red tentacle pierced through his chest cavity.

He fell to the ground weakly, with tears rolling down his face, blood in his mouth, and he murmured in a voice he could hear: "Why...why...why...mother... ...Mommy...I'm so cold..."

The sound of chewing can be heard endlessly in the house, but at this moment... the sound of chewing is a meal.

Jiang Heng swallowed the food in his mouth, turned around with his face sinking like water, and glanced at the closed door, as if looking out of the house through the door and window.

"Two qi and blood fluctuations are missing."

Muttering to himself, Jiang Heng slowly pushed open the door, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and his vision suddenly fell into a gray and bright world.

It is amazing that after Goldfinger mutated, the ability was only used a few times, mainly because it was not used at all on weekdays.

Also at night, very convenient.

"Dare to come to Fu's house! It seems that it is not a local force in the city...then only..."

Jiang Heng's eyes moved to the direction where the fluctuation of qi and blood disappeared. Wei'an's figure was extraordinarily quiet in the quiet courtyard, and his face was hard to see clearly in the dark night.

"Don't disappoint me too much!"

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