Master of Fist

Chapter 160: Bow with poison old rivers and lakes

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Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this, this is really an old Jianghu.

I was just thinking about cultivating with the toxins in it, but this old man has already started to use it directly in actual combat. But it's a good idea!

It's just that this archery has to be practiced.

"But you're so physically strong. It's hard to find this crossbow. Well, I'll use some money from my hometown to build a strong bow for you!" Fu Changsheng patted Jiang Heng's strong arm. He originally wanted to pat Jiang Heng's shoulders, but Jiang Heng is too high, some can't reach it, so he has to take the second place.

"That's a good relationship, but senior, you have to worry about it. Junior's strength changes every day, so don't make your bow break when you pull it out."

After talking with this old senior, the two became more like friends, and Jiang Heng was also happy to climb up the ladder.

"Hmph! You kid!" Fu Changsheng snorted softly, and said angrily, "I'm afraid you won't be able to pull it!"

"Okay, everyone is still waiting, let's get this done sooner. Recently, the old man's eyelids have been twitching non-stop, and he always feels that something bad is about to happen!"

Fu Changsheng waved his hands and frowned.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded slightly and said, "Well, the situation in the city is in turmoil right now. Speaking of seniors, what is the relationship between you and Iron Sword Gate?"

Hearing this, Fu Changsheng paused slightly, and then said in a soft voice: "That kid from the Liu family doesn't have much ambition, it's just that this kid spends all day hiding in his own three-acre land. A few words of truth, what I said earlier is that I barely stepped into the fifth rank, I think this kid might still have a hand.

But don't worry, this person is from our side, just pay attention to it. "

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, and he just mentioned something casually about Tiejianmen, and he really didn't know much about Tiejianmen.

The two of them returned to the dinner table, and without Fu Changsheng and Jiang Heng at the dinner table, they became more cordial. The juniors of the Fu family also looked condescending at the beginning, but with the help of the Fifth Miss of the Fu family, they put down their superficial pretense and gradually chatted with the Jiang family.

There are five members of the younger generation of the Fu family, and the oldest is almost middle-aged. He and Jiang Erhai and Jiang Sanhai are also very hot, while Fifth Miss is pulled together by Dou Shi and younger sister Yuyin to chat about their daughter's family.

And the three generations of the Fu family are all old men in their seventies and eighties, and they chatted happily with Mr. Dou. Everyone is a warrior, so there are many topics to talk about.

After all, Fu Changsheng and Jiang Heng looked at each other in blank dismay. Seeing that the two of them were not easy to disturb, they found a secluded place to chat with each other. It just so happened that Jiang Heng also had a lot to ask this veteran Jiang Hu.

Asked a lot of interesting things about the Cangzhou rivers and lakes, as well as some general plans for the future and so on.

It wasn't until ten o'clock at night that the two families bid farewell to each other and left.

On the way home, Jiang Heng looked at the family walking all the way without riding in a carriage and laughing and talking, and a touch of warmth emerged in his heart.

“I really hope this kind of time can last forever!”

Jiang Heng was alone at the bottom, and he clenched his fists unconsciously.


"elder brother!"

Seemingly aware of something, the younger sister Jiang Yuyin turned her head and looked over, and immediately trotted over with her skirt in hand, hugged Jiang Heng's arm and smiled brightly and sincerely.

Rubbing the little girl's hair, Jiang Heng was surprised to find that the little girl seemed to have grown a lot taller.

"Hehe, Yuyin has become a big girl now. Why are you happy today?"

Hearing her brother's joking words, the little girl was a little shy, but she still showed a full smile and nodded heavily.

"Yeah! Sister Yuehong is a nice person! Sister Yuehong is such a nice person, third uncle must be very happy too!"

"You girl is still called sister?

Jiang Heng had a funny face, and fondled Xiao Nizi's hair.

"Oh! Brother, don't rub my hair, it's all messed up by you!" Xiao Nizi pouted angrily with some dissatisfaction.

Jiang Heng just smiled without saying a word, he was worried that this little girl might feel uncomfortable when she came to Cangzhou. After all, the younger sister is a timid person who is not good at communicating with others. In the past, every time I saw her in Hengjiang City, I used to nest in my small yard and play with the maids around me.

It can be said that apart from relatives, only maidservants can play with her.

Unexpectedly, after not paying much attention to it for a while, Xiao Nizi's temperament is much more cheerful.

Laughing and laughing all the way, everything is silent—

When the dawn breaks through the sky, the entire Cangzhou City gradually recovers.

Cangzhou City is the core of the entire state capital, with a lot of people coming and going, and because it connects the north and the Central Plains, and because of the convenient water transportation on the Canglang River, this place is the most frequent place for merchants to come and go.

And Fang Taiping, who managed to get into a rotating job at the city gate by relying on his father's relationship, also had a very happy life.

Fang Taiping is only seventeen years old, and his father used to work here, but some time ago, when he was on duty at night, it was not good for patrolling, and he suffered from the lord of the house. It seems that he has interrogated his father many times, but it seems that the master of the house no longer pays attention to this matter. In the end, relying on the solid relationship with his colleagues and clearing up a lot of money, he finally came out~www.wuxiamtl. com~ But this errand can’t be done, after all, my father is famous in the manor, if the man remembers one day, it’s not a disaster?

However, Fang Taiping's father also tried his best, but let his son work as an assistant, which is not considered a full-time job, and it can be regarded as making a living at the city gate with his former iron buddies.

Even if it's just an assistant job, the greasy water is still full of greasy food. Fang Taiping earns more than ten taels of silver a month just relying on the oil and water leaked from the fingers of a few uncles.

This made him more concerned about this job, and he had no complaints when he helped his uncles and uncles to run errands.

It was the same today. Wearing an old uniform from his father, Fang Taiping walked slowly to the top of the city wall, rubbing his sleepy eyes, and prepared to pour water on the outside of the city as usual, and then followed a few A brother who also ran errands went to open the city gate.

But as soon as he went up to the city wall, he found a few brothers who played well on weekdays looking out with their necks stretched out.

"Hey, brothers, move it somewhere, I can't even put it..."

Halfway through the speech, Fang Taiping's voice stopped abruptly. He also stretched his neck to look, but felt a little unsure. He rubbed his eyes hard and then took a closer look. He couldn't help but gasped.

"Brothers, I haven't woken up yet, have I?" Fang Taiping patted the brother next to him and murmured.

" wake up, I don't know...I feel like I didn't wake up!"

"Didn't wake up, you stupid fools, go to the government office and report to the lord of the government!" At this moment, the full-time guards shouted and scolded.

Fang Taiping swallowed, looking at the endless line in the distance, his legs trembled.

At the same time, piercing gongs sounded quickly on the city wall...

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