Master of Fist

Chapter 156: little spark

The thing in front of him is a huge and weird arm joint, which is even bigger than the joints of ordinary cows or tigers. And it happens to have five fingers similar to humans, but there is a row of bony spikes on the arm bone.

What's really surprising is that the whole body of this joint is silver, and it doesn't look like silver. A few meters away, Jiang Heng could feel a familiar and oppressive feeling.

"Monster corpse!"

Jiang Heng fixed his eyes on the skeleton of the arm of this monster, and almost paused his words.

"Not bad!" Fu Changsheng looked at this thing, a little bit embarrassed.

"This thing was killed by my father and several masters from other state capitals. It was laid out for a year and nearly 500 pulse-refining martial artists and seven martial arts masters were used. It is worthy of taking its head. It is ridiculous that this The monster was already wounded at the time, and it was still under heavy layout and traps. If so, three of the seven grandmasters died, and more than half of the pulse refining stage was lost!"

"Do you think it's a profit... or a loss?"

Fu Changsheng sighed and laughed at himself.

Jiang Heng remained silent, he only had thick anger now, a kind of anger after hearing all kinds of deeds. He really wants to improve now and can't wait to improve and improve again!

Rip this wretched world to pieces!

"Phew, that's it. I admire Grandmaster Xu even more. He is a real grandmaster. Although he also encountered a monster that was also seriously injured, he was still able to kill him alone! In this way, I Human warriors are not powerless to resist!

It's just a pity that the warriors of the previous dynasty have disappeared. If there are hundreds or thousands of masters of external skills, then only our human race can truly overthrow this troubled world! "

While talking, Fu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Jiang Heng closely, as if he was thinking about something.

"Little friend Jiang, I need you to make an oath!"

Hearing Fu Changsheng's sudden, more serious words than before, Jiang Heng's face darkened, his mind was full of thoughts, and he quickly gathered his mind.

Taking a long breath, he said, "What oath?"

"I swear, I will never tell anyone what I said to you next, even if you are captured by Zhen Yousi in the future, you will never confide a word!"

Fu Changsheng said in a deep voice with a cold face.

"Okay!" Jiang Heng did not hesitate at all, so he immediately issued this oath.

He didn't know what the other party was going to say, but it was definitely more important and confidential than what he just said outside!


Seeing this, Fu Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, but his face was still very serious and heavy.

"This matter is of great importance, I hope little friend Jiang will not have any grudges in his heart!"

"Senior, don't worry, this junior knows!"

In the dark corridor, just such an old man and a young man stood quietly, sleeping for a while without speaking, appearing extraordinarily quiet and empty.

"Actually... there are other martial artists besides you!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Heng's mind suddenly roared, and his eyes were fixed on Fu Changsheng.


"Don't get excited, this matter has not yet been settled, and the old man is just guessing. You have heard of the leader of the rebel army in Liuzhou, who is known as the Sage King of Demon Slayer, right?"

Fu Changsheng waved his hand and said softly.

"The Monster Slayer Sage Monarch also has a lot of contact with the old man recently. Although they are only in contact with the people under his command, the news came from there. The old man thinks that the Monster Slayer Sage Monarch is not ordinary!"

"The martial art of the Monster Slayer Sage Monarch is different from my vein-refining art. He seems to be good at vigor, which is very similar to yours. It should be said that it is very similar to the martial arts of the previous dynasty.

In addition, he has played against many Liuzhou defenders. The general of Liuzhou and the Fusi of Liuzhou Town, hehe, these are not the generation of chickens and dogs. They are close to Yunzhou, and the martial arts are more prosperous. The commander of Liuzhou Town Fusi alone is said to have the strength of the sixth rank. In addition, those guards are not good. They are all generals who can fight and kill. context level.

How can you say that if this monster-slaying sage is only a third-rank warrior, he can turn Liuzhou upside down? "

The more Fu Changsheng spoke, the more excited he became, and in the end his old face was flushed with blush, and he was unbearably excited.

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard that, yes, since the Demon Slayer Sage Monarch can make such an upheaval in Liuzhou, he really can't accomplish anything without some real skills.

It's just that I used to think that the demon-slaying sage was also taking the internal training path, but now it seems that the situation seems to be different.

"However, senior! Since this method of external training is so strong, it seems that the situation of external martial arts practitioners facing internal martial arts practitioners is not optimistic? According to the junior's own experience, just this pervasive internal energy entering the body is an insoluble problem !"

Jiang Heng pondered for a moment, but still asked a question that he had been thinking about.

He had doubts about this question since Fu Changsheng told him about the glorious past of foreign martial arts practitioners. This is indeed a hurdle that cannot be avoided. You must know that there is no one who has golden fingers and black **** that can absorb the inner air like him.

Hearing this, Fu Changsheng looked at Jiang Heng but shook his head and chuckled lightly: "This is naturally the reason why the breathing method is needed, I have been wondering, since you don't have the breathing method, why Can you resist the inner qi without any hindrance?"

"This..." This made Jiang Heng a little bit troubled, and he really couldn't explain it.

"Oh, that's all, who doesn't have any secrets yet. It's your blessing to have such a chance! The old man won't worry about you anymore!"

But fortunately, Fu Changsheng didn't get too entangled in this matter. He waved his hand and didn't continue the topic. Him. But this guy is making such a big fuss over there, so the old man won’t join in the fun! The tree attracts the wind, and the court probably won’t be able to sit still.”

Jiang Heng also very much agrees with the old senior's views on this. Indeed, the momentum can be made so great now. Maybe the court hasn't pulled out its hand to deal with them. If the imperial court were to withdraw its hand and Zhen Yousi would come out, it would be really difficult to say that the sage demon slayer.

"Don't worry, apart from his side, the old man naturally has a way out. Do you think my generation of warriors is really a mess?"

Fu Changsheng looked at Jiang Heng with a smile, like a cunning old fox.

"Let me tell you this, let's not talk about grandmasters and warriors, but all overlords of one side know more or less the inside story. They are all heroes killed from the sea of ​​blood. Who wants to be the rations of others?

Over the years, our various forces have had a tacit understanding, and there is an organization called the "One Qi League" among the masters, using the One Qi League as a bond to protect the entire Great Yan Wu people. Cultivate as many martial arts practitioners as possible, and try my best to revive the martial arts scene of the previous dynasty! "

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