Master of Fist

Chapter 132: Are you tickling me?

However, Jiang Heng's muscles swelled again, and the red stars were even more dazzling, like clusters of burning flames flickering on his body in the dark night. A strong and abundant heat wave began to unscrupulously vent its strength outward.

At this moment, a muscle seemed to break out of the body.


With a loud shout, the thigh and calf muscles suddenly stomped, the ground exploded, the body disappeared in place, and a more violent airflow exploded.

"not good!"

Master Yun's beautiful eyes widened, and she forced herself to calm down, but the cold sweat on her forehead unconsciously slipped down. A dark purple air flow also burst out from her delicate body, like countless dark purple tentacles frantically whipping around, as if she was guarding against an opponent whose speed and strength made her feel terrified.



A sound of the sound barrier passed by, as if breaking through a heavy sound barrier with a punch that directly ran over the air and came down quickly with extremely terrifying pressure. Pavilion Master Yun's eyes widened, hurry up! too fast!

This punch seemed to appear in front of my eyes out of thin air. I didn't know where it was one moment ago, but it was already in front of me the next moment!

block! It must be blocked!


Countless dark purple tentacles began to frantically gather in front of them.


But... a terrible force, with a terrifying wind, the branches behind Yun Pavilion Master began to shake violently under the influence of this terrifying wind. And Pavilion Master Yun, who was the first to bear the brunt, felt as if he had been run over by a mountain roaring and tsunami-like force, and the dark purple yin and evil qi appeared exhausted in just a moment.

"how is this possible!!"

When this punch came into contact with the dark purple evil spirit, it only paused for a moment, and then it swept through Pavilion Master Yun like a broken bamboo.


Pavilion Master Yun's entire delicate body was thrown flying by this punch, a glaring hollow had completely appeared in the entire abdomen, and the flesh and blood were completely burned by the scorching flames above the fist.

cough cough!

" are not a monster! But how could you be so..."

From the punch just now, Master Yun felt that the person in front of her was the human being she depended on for food, but why was it so different?

She couldn't figure it out, she only knew that she hadn't used the means to suppress the bottom of the box, and she might really have to explain it here today!

"The corpse slave still hasn't made a move?!" Pavilion Master Yun shouted coquettishly.

Jiang Heng, who was planning to attack directly to blow up Pavilion Master Yun, was slightly taken aback at this moment, and turned his head to look at the dense forest on the right.

I saw a strange movement in the dense forest following Yunge Master Yun's coquettish shout, and then a coquettish lady in a light white dress came quickly, each leap was tens of meters away, and her movements were light and graceful. rigid.

"So we're still acquaintances. It's been a long time since the owner's wife!"

Looking at the familiar figure, Jiang Heng smiled.

"This is really a narrow road to Yuanjia, just right, I will solve all of you together today!"

Jiang Heng grinned, his black hair fluttering in all directions under the hot air waves, but his eyes moved towards the corpse slave!

"It starts with you!"

After finishing the last word, he rushed directly towards the corpse slave.

But this time is different from the past, piercing through the air and directly nailing the corpse slave to the ground, the terrifying force directly smashed his head into ashes.

But Corpse Slave didn't seem to care at all, the head was no longer the only weakness for zombies at the level of Corpse Chief, and she also punched Jiang Heng.

The two figures are like ferocious beasts biting wildly in the most primitive fight, punching to the flesh. However, the situation is one-sided. Jiang Heng can blow a large piece of flesh and blood of the corpse slave with every punch, and even began to tear the limbs of the corpse slave crazily at the end. Without the slightest resistance.

She wanted to fight back, but her fist was not painful to Jiang Heng.

Pavilion Master Yun looked at the crazy and primitive fighting figure with horror in his eyes.

how come......

This corpse leader has been carefully cultivated by her, in order to cultivate a super thug who is easy to control. She knows how difficult the corpse leader is, and she is completely worthy of dealing with martial artists in the pulse refining state.

But watching the monster-like human being beat the corpse leader beyond recognition, she felt terrified in her heart, and felt a slight chill down her spine.


Must escape!

"It's only one step away from breaking through me. Once I break through, my strength will increase several times. I can't die here!!"

Pavilion Master Yun was completely terrified, originally he still had a trace of fighting spirit, but once he found some reason, this timidity would be magnified infinitely!

Can't die! I can't die here!

As soon as she turned around, Pavilion Master Yun fled towards the outside of the forest like a white phantom. Her speed was so fast that ordinary people could only see a touch of white flying past in the dark night.

After a long time, until the sound of fighting behind him could not be heard, Pavilion Master Yun let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the darkness behind him, Pavilion Master Yun felt lingering fear.

"Where did this monster pop up? Sure enough, the land of Cangzhou is getting more and more dangerous!"

Taking a deep breath, Master Yun turned around and was about to leave.

However, his footsteps froze suddenly, and Pavilion Master Yun raised his eyebrows unnaturally and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"Governor Yun is leaving now, isn't it too disrespectful to Jiang?"

Jiang Heng's whole body was crimson, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared straight at him, with a ferocious smile on his killed my daughter, right? And you killed the people I was in Hengjiang City before, right? After that, you will be in Cangzhou Prefecture, right? " Master Yun calmed down a little and said in a cold voice.

"...Not bad? To be honest, are you delaying time?" Jiang Heng twisted his wrist and made a crisp sound, then stepped forward with heavy steps, "Do you still think you can get out of here alive? ?”

"Then what if I beg for mercy?" Pavilion Master Yun forced a smile.

"Oh? You asked for mercy?" Jiang Heng was a little surprised.


However, what responded to Jiang Heng was Pavilion Master Yun's expression that suddenly changed fiercely. With a flash of her figure, the speed of a ghostly ghost appeared in front of Jiang Heng almost instantly, and countless dark purple tentacles were like terrifying blood whips. Violently pulled towards its head.

But just when the dark purple whip was about to touch Jiang Heng's cheek.


A huge, callused palm was actually one step faster, firmly blocking the front door.

"It's just a dying struggle!" Jiang Heng's slightly deep voice came from behind the palm.

Ok? !

Master Yun's pretty face changed drastically, and his figure stretched out his dark purple tentacles in midair, and he was about to distance himself with a flick of his dark purple tentacles.


However, suddenly a thick arm stretched out abruptly, and firmly clasped Master Yun's white ankle.

"What are you trying to do with such weak methods? Are you tickling me?"

Jiang Heng sneered, and swung his big hand violently. Master Yun let out a coquettish cry, but his figure couldn't resist the huge force.

boom! !

The dust was flying, and a crack spread rapidly from all around, the mud splashed everywhere, and in the blink of an eye, a huge crater several meters in size appeared on the ground.

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