Master of Fist

Chapter 1328: to new world

Holding a large group of treasures, Lord Luo Sheng is still a little dreamy, everything is too unreal.

Looking at the few people around, I found that everyone was also staring at me in a daze.

They all swallowed at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

"My lord, why don't you just give the things to senior Jiang Heng, isn't senior practicing?"

Someone suggested that Lord Luo Sheng thinks about it carefully.

Lord Luo Sheng didn't hesitate too much, he now clearly understood the importance of Jiang Heng to their Luo Tian universe.

For Lord Luo Sheng now, Jiang Heng is their only pillar now, everything they rely on, if Jiang Heng can become stronger, then their Luo Tian Universe can also benefit from it.

"Meet Senior Jiang Heng!"

Arriving at the door of Jiang Heng's closed-door training, Lord Luo Sheng hurriedly knelt down and bowed. He can be said to be as respectful to Jiang Heng as he wants now.

"But the Zijin clan sent compensation?"

Hearing this, Lord Luo Sheng was startled, this senior Jiang Heng is really good at predicting things.

No! Perhaps senior Jiang Heng had expected this to happen a long time ago, and it was also because of this that senior Jiang Heng was so unscrupulous, even ignoring the lesson of the Zijin clan.

"Yes! Senior Jiang Heng, this is the compensation and gift from the Zijin clan, please take a look!"

Lord Luo Sheng hurriedly presented the treasure in his hand with the same respectful attitude as before.

"Let it go, you can back off!"

Jiang Heng's faint voice came from inside.

"Okay! Alright, I won't disturb senior's cultivation anymore!" Lord Luo Sheng hurriedly retreated, he was obeying Jiang Heng's words now.

Seeing that Lord Luo Sheng retreated, Jiang Heng waved his hand and took the treasures outside together into his hand.

At first glance, these treasures are really varied, but without exception, they are all related to the combination of acupoints, mainly pills.

Jiang Heng carefully identified that the worst pill in it was better than the Juqiao Pill presented by Lord Luo Sheng, and the best one was a Heqiao Pill.

According to the description on the accompanying jade slips, one Aperture Pill can directly merge five acupoints, which can be said to be a rare boutique collected by the Zijin family.

"It seems that the Zijin clan's money is really big this time, but it's a bit too generous, and I'm an outsider no matter what.

And they can already guess that I am not a member of the Luo Tian clan, and they can support me in this way, the connotation of which is not so simple. "

Jiang Heng sighed with emotion, and he was also thinking about the key points in his heart.

"No! No! There must be trouble here!"

Jiang Heng suddenly felt that there might be a huge trouble waiting for him.

"If you attach so much importance to me, there is only one possibility that you must have a plan for me. Could it be that you know that I came from the dojo? So you want to follow the vine to catch the human universe?

no no no! If I really step into the Creation Realm, this Zijin clan is not my single enemy at all, and it is impossible to deal with me, and it will be nothing but a bamboo basket.

Of course, it may be that they are overconfident. No matter what, my main task right now is to improve my cultivation quickly, so that I can feel like a fish in water in the next situation. "

Jiang Heng thought about it carefully, and felt that no matter what, as long as he was strong, he was really strong, and everything else was nothing.

Thinking about this clearly, Jiang Heng no longer hesitated to take the elixir and began to practice. Before he was afraid of wasting the elixir, he used it cautiously. Now he doesn't care about it. In short, he will do his best to improve his strength first, as long as his own strength improves. , then everything else is easy to say.

Time passed little by little, and Jiang Heng began to enter a state of low sensitivity to time.

At the same time, the outside world is also changing rapidly. At this time, a huge war has broken out in the human race universe. This time, the human race universe is a bystander, because the war mainly broke out within the Shengyuan clan.

This is the follow-up effect caused by Jiang Heng's incident, because multiple planes have been cut into pieces, and now the entire Shengyuan clan has a lot of regimes, it is almost ten thousand dynasties in power, and countless small regimes have emerged.

After the government orders of the Shengyuan clan had almost no influence a hundred years ago, the inner circle of the Shengyuan clan began to decide to rectify, and it was also because of this rectification that it led to the current rebellion of the Shengyuan clan. They began to unite and continuously attack the core government.

All of a sudden, the Shengyuan Clan was full of gunpowder and smoke, and the Old Lord of the Demon Sky came out to stop it once, but it was of no use at all, because once he retreated again, the war would break out again.

Mo Tian couldn't stop it, and he couldn't even use the butcher's knife cruelly. Right now, the entire Shengyuan clan is already dying, and if they attack their own people now, it may not be able to recover for hundreds of millions of years.

The population can be restored, but the overall combat power will be greatly reduced, or even completely collapsed.

A war that almost involved some vassal groups, but more people have chosen to wait and see, and even fell to the side of the human universe.

"Hehe, it seems that even if we don't take action on the Shengyuan clan, they are already defeated, and it will be difficult to do anything in the future."

Right now, on the outskirts of Shengyuan Universe, several figures were floating quietly. These were Patriarch Xiyuan, Daoist Wuwei, and Patriarch Hongjun.

The three of them are now watching the war in real time as bystanders.

"That's right, the Shengyuan clan is no longer in the limelight, but it's not a good time for us to take action. Since they are fighting among themselves, let them continue to fight among themselves."

Taoist Wuwei also smiled, and shook his head with a chuckle, "At the moment, our meddling will make them unite instead. It's best to let them go."

"Extremely extreme!"

Patriarch Xi Yuan also stroked his beard and smiled, "Now let's be a good spectator, just laugh and watch the situation here, and let's see how the two of the Shengyuan clan deal with this troublesome thing in the past!"

"By the way, by the way, have you seen Jiang Heng recently?"

Patriarch Xi Yuan suddenly looked at the two of them, he was quite puzzled because he hadn't seen Jiang Heng for a long time.

With Jiang Heng becoming the leader of the entire human race system, he, the lord, often sees his head but never sees his tail. Recently, he has no shadow or news at all.

"have no idea!"

Hongjun shook his head, and said calmly, "I heard that someone saw Jiang Heng at the Terran Cosmic Port, and he stayed in the Promi clan for a million years before that. I really don't know where he is now. Do you know?"

Hearing this, the rest of the people also shook their heads one after another. Now most of the entire Saint Yuan system has been completely explored. If they want to find opportunities, they don't know where to look for them, but Jiang Heng is clearly looking for opportunities.

"I guess I went looking for opportunities. Jiang Heng has always had good chances. He probably found some treasure. Don't worry, he will only surprise us. Maybe he will break through to the Good Fortune Realm when he appears again next time."

Taoist Wuwei stroked his beard and smiled while talking, "I think we old bones have to work hard, otherwise we won't even be able to see Jiang Heng's shadow if we wait any longer!"

What Taoist Wuwei said was true, because every time Jiang Heng's cultivation speed increased, it was like riding a rocket. These old bones really watched him surpassing them rapidly, but there was nothing they could do.

"Where is there any treasure in the world now, Jiang Heng won't take us with him!"

Patriarch Xi Yuan complained a little, but of course he only smiled. After all, the resources of Ruuobao Land are limited, and they are not ashamed to **** Jiang Heng's opportunity, let alone this was discovered by Jiang Heng himself.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind them, the voice was so familiar.

"Everyone, do you miss me?"

The sudden sound made several people startled, and then turned their heads one after another, and suddenly saw Jiang Heng's familiar face, and they were all overjoyed immediately.

"Jiang Heng, where have you been recently?"

As he said that, Patriarch Xi Yuan took the lead in hugging Jiang Heng, which was called enthusiasm.

He and Jiang Heng can be regarded as carefree, which is different from Hongjun and Taoist Wuwei.

After all, the former is an almost indifferent stranger, while the latter is Jiang Heng's master.

"I'm sorry to bother you all. Recently, there are some opportunities that have been opened up over there. I just thought of a few people."

Jiang Hengchao Xiyuan Patriarch and Taoist Wuwei bowed their hands but ignored Hongjun, Hongjun just smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

He knew very well that Jiang Heng was very angry, and probably unless he died, Jiang Heng would always remember this.

Jiang Heng continued to smile and said, "Everyone, the treasure land I discovered recently is richer in resources than what can be compared here. Now I have sealed all the acupoints and am stepping into the Creation Realm."

Hearing what Jiang Heng said, several people were taken aback for a moment, and then they all reacted.

"So, this is just your incarnation!"

Only then did Patriarch Xi Yuan come to his senses, seeing that Jiang Heng was the aura of the peak of the Wonderful Life Realm, he thought it was Jiang Heng's real body, but now it seems that it might just be an incarnation.

Jiang Heng smiled and nodded, "That's right, it's just the next incarnation, how many of you would like to go there with me?"

Jiang Heng sent his avatar here to remind these old seniors that they are all a whole, and the energy of Luo Tian Universe is not in vain.

Moreover, the Zijin clan also spoke out recently, saying that the Luotian clan's energy is unlimited and free, and the purpose is to win over him, a foreign-aided fortune-telling powerhouse.

Since they have plans, Jiang Heng can naturally act a little more recklessly. The energy is not in vain, and it might as well be cheaper for his own people.

"Of course, there is a good place to think of us, it's considered that I didn't hang around with you for nothing!" Patriarch Xi Yuan laughed, really saying what he said.

As a powerhouse in the Wonderful Life, how could he not think of continuing to go further, but he has never had a chance, and now that a great opportunity is in front of him, how can he bear it.

Taoist Wuwei also nodded with a smile, looking at Jiang Heng with relief in his eyes.

It's unbelievable for him to think about it now, but he didn't expect that his apprentice had already begun to shelter them like a towering tree.

He was the one who dragged Jiang Heng away before, but now Jiang Heng is dragging him, the master, away.

Since they all agreed, Jiang Heng did not neglect, and asked the others to wait, and then pulled Manager Zhao, Emperor Zhou and others over.

He had promised to take them to practice before, but after that, Jiang Heng kept entering that dojo by mistake, and finally entered Luotian Universe by mistake, but he forgot some of his friends who were still stranded here.

"Everyone, there may be some discomfort in the future, because we will travel a long distance to the new world, so everyone should be mentally prepared."

Jiang Heng looked at the crowd with a smile. Hearing the words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Unexpectedly, Jiang Heng's opening was the new world.

Where are the secrets and where does this new world come from under the entire Saint Yuan system?

But since Jiang Heng said so, he must be sure, maybe it is the new world or not.

Thinking of this, everyone is a little emotional. This is the feeling of temporarily forgetting everything in the past and going to embrace the new world. There is an illusion of starting everything again.

Seeing the Dao ring of space appearing behind Jiang Heng, accompanied by violent space tremors, the next moment everyone felt the space in front of them was distorted, and when they looked again, they found a piece of dry ocean seabed.

This is naturally the dojo. Seeing this scene, Taoist Hongjun who had been here before was stunned.

He was about to ask whether Jiang Heng's so-called treasure land was here, but the space trembled again in the next moment. It was obvious that this was just a transfer station, and the real destination had not yet arrived.

This time the space tremor was obviously more intense and longer lasting, and the surroundings began to show a sense of This is a space corridor that travels through a long distance. It is an extremely terrifying and long journey, and it is possible for the strong in the Wonderful Life to hide for a lifetime, until the distant place where thinking and mental aberrations may not be able to reach.

After all, Jiang Heng's Space Dao is the pinnacle of the Wonderful Living Realm, and even he needs such a long voyage, how terrifying the distance will be.

Time passed little by little, and a full hour passed before everyone felt the tremors in the space begin to weaken.

At this time, everyone was already shocked, and it took an hour to travel in space. Does this mean that they have already left the Saint Yuan system and went to a new and strange universe group?

As this guess came to mind, everyone flushed with excitement, as if witnessing history.

Even Patriarch Xi Yuan was overwhelmed. This was the first time he stepped into a strange universe. What Jiang Heng said was indeed true. This is a new world, a completely new world!

This may be another beginning for these people, but what follows is anxiety and anxiety. Going to an unknown universe group, the danger is also accompanied by opportunities, and the danger is also huge. They can really gain a foothold there ?

Thinking of this, some people have already started to frown and have a lot of thoughts before arriving at the destination.


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