Master of Fist

Chapter 127: gift giving

Cangzhou Palace—

This was originally the fiefdom of a king with a different surname more than a hundred years ago. Even though some buildings that echoed the identity of the king's mansion have been demolished and rebuilt after a short period of time, it still generally maintains a state of splendor and luxury. What's more, this place is the capital of the former dynasty, covering an area of ​​more than a thousand acres.

However, this palace is not in Cangzhou City, and it is ten miles away from Cangzhou City. Now they have all become official fields, but they have returned to the court hand in hand.

One or two miles away from the palace, you can see the endless pavilions and pavilions, and a layer of white-bottomed glazed tile walls that wrap it around.

"Master Lu, why do you come to see me, a busy person?"

In the luxuriously decorated palace, Master Liu was sitting upright at the head seat at this time, and he didn't get up when he saw anyone coming, but just waved.

"Come here, serve tea to Mr. Lu!"

"Come on, Mr. Lu, please sit down!" Mr. Liu did not show a superior attitude, but waved his hands in an approachable way.

Hearing this, Lu Chen, who came here specially to pay a visit today, did not dare, he cupped his hands and said respectfully: "Lord Liu is just here to give a small gift to Master Liu today, I will leave as soon as I finish giving it!"

Lu Ting is a smart person, he would not really act like that when others are being polite to Mrs. Liu, on the contrary, he should be more humble. He has a deep understanding of the way of being an official.

"Oh!" Master Liu protracted the end of the words, seemed a little surprised, and immediately reprimanded with a straight face: "Master Lu, are you underestimating me?"

Seeing that Lu Zhen wanted to salute again, Master Liu waved his hands again and again.

"Okay, it's just this one time, but what is this gift?" Master Liu said casually.


As Lu Xun said, he looked around at the servants who were in charge of taking care of the mansion. Seeing this, Master Liu waved his hand slightly, and the servants waiting on both sides quickly bowed and retreated.

"My lord, it's one hundred death row prisoners!"

Lu Zhi's voice was very low, but it happened that Master Liu who was sitting in the first seat could hear clearly.

I heard that Lord Liu's expression didn't change, but the hand in the sleeve twitched slightly.

"Well, since that's the case, I will accept this gift."

Hearing this, Lu Bing was overjoyed, and quickly cupped his hands and said with a smile: "It's my honor to serve Lord Liu, so I won't bother you anymore!"

Said that Lu Zhi was about to leave, but his movements were much slower than usual.


Hearing that Lu Bao didn't move much, he turned around and looked at Mr. Liu.

"Since I have accepted your gift, I can't take it in vain. From now on, you can come and walk around here often, just ask the concierge to notify you!"

Master Liu's expression remained calm, but as soon as these words came out, a big stone in Lu Zhen's heart was put down.

He hurriedly bowed and saluted, his attitude more respectful than before.

"So, in the future, I will definitely walk around the adults' side more often!"

Walking out of the palace, Lu Jin's groveling figure gradually straightened up. At this time, a man came down from the waiting carriage and came to Lu Jin and asked in a respectful voice, "My lord, is this trip going well?"

"Worthwhile trip!"

After Lu Xun just finished these four words, there was a smile on his face. This time he has achieved something, he didn't expect to be able to win over this mysterious Master Zhen Yousi twice this time. But since he is willing to accept this gift, his hand will always be soft after many times in the future, and he is afraid that he will not be successful if he does not show affection?

"By the way, Thirteen, what happened to what I asked you to do a few days ago?"


Hearing this, this man seemed to be in a dilemma. This man was approaching the prime of life, and each of them was tall and impressively Zheng Shisan, Xuanyi Wei of the Zhen Fusi!

"What? It's a mess?"

Seeing this, Lu Zhi was a little displeased, and his tone became unkind.

"My lord, there was a little accident, but Jiang Ting's family property has been confiscated, and it has been sent to the warehouse outside the city in batches. The humble job has let a few trustworthy brothers guard it overnight!"

Seeing that the Commander was a little displeased, Zheng Shisan hurriedly said respectfully.


Hearing this, Lu Jin's expression improved a little, "How much silver taels have you confiscated?"

Hearing this, Zheng Shisan was shocked, and said in an almost excited tone: "A total of 10 million taels of silver and 5,000 taels of gold were confiscated. In addition, there are countless precious antique calligraphy and paintings, and there are many low-level third-grade martial arts collected by Jiang Ting. There are as many as three copies of fourth-grade martial arts! In addition... there are more than a dozen beauties, this..."

"Yeah!" Lu Zhi nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on the corner of his mouth again, and muttered to himself: "That kid Jiang Ting has collected a lot of treasures over the years."

"Yes, you will go to the black market in the west of the city to sell all these antique calligraphy and paintings. As for martial arts, you will also sell all of them except for the fourth-rank martial arts. The fourth-rank martial arts will be sent to my house! As for those beauties... let If all the people are sent to the palace, it is said that I sent them!"

Lu Bao thought for a moment before he gave Zheng Shisan instructions.

"Yes! I'll go back to the city and do it!" Zheng Shisan was overjoyed when he saw that the Commander didn't get angry because of what happened just now.

But then he remembered what happened just now, turned his head and frowned at Zheng Shisan: "By the way, what did you say about that little accident?"

"This..." Zheng Shisan didn't dare to hide anything when the commander mentioned this time again, so he told about being held hostage that night.

"Interesting! Interesting!  …"

After listening to Zheng Shisan's description, Lu Zhi chuckled and started talking to himself, looking down and thinking, it seems very lord, I heard that Zhou Yan has stepped into the pulse refining state this week, you see This...."

"Why.... Do you think such a Zhou Yan would dare to attack you?" Lu Jin squinted and stared at Zheng Shisan, which made Zheng Shisan feel guilty.

"This... my lord... After all, there is such a large vacancy in the east of the city, and now the Arhat Gate has been destroyed. Once the Dadao Gate is occupied by Zhou Yan, I am afraid that he will soon occupy the entire east of the city. Touching..."

"Hmph! You've been with me for so many years, and you're still a pig brain!"

Hearing this, Lu Zhi's face immediately turned pale, his eyes were sharp and terrifying, staring at Zheng Shisan even more frightened.

"Why do you think the Canglang Gang doesn't take over this land in the east of the city? Why don't you think Tiejianmen doesn't take over this piece of land? How dare a little Black Tiger Hall master?"

Hearing this, Zheng Shisan was also startled, and only realized it later.

"They will only dare to eat it if my Zhenfu Division allows them to eat it!

Zhou Yan definitely has a problem this week! By the way, when you retracted the Dadaomen earlier, did the kid who messed with Jiang Ting have any opinions? "

"Where does that little ghost have any objections? He almost died following Jiang Ting's short-lived ghost a few days ago. It's a blessing to be able to get his life back. But when he was carried back, many people saw it, and it probably won't last long. "Zheng Shisan quickly replied, with a faint hint of disdain between his words.


Lu Jin nodded slightly, rubbed his chin and ordered again: "No, Cangzhou is about to be in turmoil, and I still feel a little worried if I don't get these rats out of the gutter.

How about this, later you use the hidden people in the west of the city and the Black Tiger Hall to check this Zhou Yan... Maybe you can catch a big fish! "

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