Master of Fist

Chapter 1304: enemy

As everyone entered their cabins, the entire starship began to vibrate violently, accompanied by a countdown.



The starship's energy shield was immediately propped up, and if someone was watching at the port at this time, they could see a huge thing like a rail gun, whose speed was constantly soaring under the continuous blessing of layers of formations.

The speed became faster and faster, until when the countdown reached one, the projectile installed on the track happened to hit the groove in the center of the starship's tail.

There are layers of protective force fields in this groove, which can just block this terrifying impact.

And the projectile can be regarded as completely embedded in the tail of the starship, and the strong driving force pushed the starship to start galloping towards the distant outer space.

But if you look closely, you can find that the projectile in the center of the tail is actually a giant propeller.

After a burst of kinetic energy accelerated, the tail of the projectile also ejected a mechanism. The mechanism opened, and a layer of terrifying tail flames began to spew out from inside. The tail flames increased the speed of the starship again, boost!

The speed is getting faster and faster, and at this time the energy shield on the surface of the starship is squeezed into a diamond shape due to the high-speed movement.

Ou Wanhui then said hotly, "You are a genius, you are a waste like him, you have to retreat to simulate training, there is no gravity room inside the starship."

But a machine is not a machine, and the current technology still has no way to do this.

That gravity has not yet reached the level of the eighth-level demigod. At that level, Li Yue'er has not felt the lightness of her breathing, her back is not slightly bent, and her legs feel slightly trembling when she is propped on the ground.

Back into the training room, there was nothing there, which was also abnormal. The voyage has not been seven years, and that time period is also long. Xiaojia simply took a good night's sleep to replenish energy for the upcoming adventure.

"What's going on with that man? We're training and we're risking our lives. I'll reduce the gravity field for you!"

As for why the magic circle is used for ultra-long-distance transmission, it is actually because the technology is sufficient. After all, the human race universe has not installed stargates in a few universe ports to facilitate trade.

At this time, the gravity has not yet reached the intermediate level of the demigod, and has reached the level of the seventh level.

If you feel the pressure outside, you are afraid that if the gravity field continues to drop, even the soul will suffer irreversible damage.

Even Jiang Miaomiao's condition was right that time, his body was slightly bent, his breathing became very slow, and his veins were bulging all over his body. The same condition was also right.

And what is the identity of that person? I, Jiang Miaomiao, used to be a street gangster, a rotten person, how could such a person be inherited by Jiang Heng's descendants.

"How is that possible for him?! Even if he cultivates the physical body, it is possible to achieve that step." Li Yueer was not frightened at all.

Time passed day by day until seven years passed in a flash.

"He..." Li Yueer breathed out, and immediately snorted, "Hmph! You want to waste time with him."

Seeing that scene, Jiang Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the other party had figured out to lower the gravity field.

In particular, 800 times is the limit of our domain master level, and 700 times is just barely reaching the demigod level threshold.

The seven words are to say that you turn the gravity adjustment valve again, and the gravity value will increase to 800 times soon, and that gravity is not considered a small burden for high-ranking demigods.

Just when Li Yueer was about to turn on the designated gravity unit, the door opened, and Jiang Miaomiao also walked back.

On the other hand, Jiang Miaomiao saw that the guy only blushed slightly, and there were still too few obvious reactions.

"Bad! He wants to regret it!"

It’s just that the operation was kept secret. In order to prevent the starship’s travel records from being clean enough, the starship will retreat for a period of time and reset the initial starting point to another universe.

Before a hum, the entire ordinary room was quickly crushed by layers of terrifying force fields.

However, the more I screamed, the more excited Li Yueer's face appeared.

"Hehe, you said that his level of difficulty is not a serious problem for you." Jiang Miaomiao simply folded her hands on her chest, her legs were broken jumping feet on the spot, and she could walk and jump so freely in such a low gravity.

Jiang Miaomiao just shrugged when he heard the words, and sneered, "You said that you practiced the exercises that Jiang Heng's descendants practiced in the early years, which belonged to the top-level body Taoist exercises. He just believed it, so can you be blamed?"

But if you want to rely on starships to travel from this universe to another universe, this speed is not enough.

That made Li Yue'er faintly feel that it was wonderful, but after that time you were still not angry, and you didn't mean to show your temper.

After all, the energy output of a starship is unlimited, and if you want to maintain a very low speed, you have to sacrifice the energy supply ratio of others.

It was after leaving the port and suffering such serious injuries in Liyu, although the recovery was slow, it was very convenient after all.

However, Li Yueer still managed it, her big face was slightly flushed, and her veins were slightly raised, which was caused by the low pressure and gravity.

That is also an abnormal performance, once you continue to lower the gravity field, your skin and flesh may have to separate from your bones and fall to the ground, and your bones will also be crushed into fine powder by the gravity field.

The slight weakness of the demigod level is that it is very difficult for the weak body of the domain master level to collapse under the body.

That is the advantage of mastering the seven-element law. That advantage is quite useless at the demigod level, and the advantage becomes more obvious as you go forward, unless you take a step back to improve the mastery of the law.

However, the opponent hadn't turned around yet, and the gravity field immediately increased to two thousand times.

As soon as you gritted your teeth, you increased the gravitational field to a thousand times in one breath.

bang bang! ~

Breaking away from this low-speed movement speed, I can travel freely inside the starship and return to the necessary mobility.

And Li Yueer's corpse at the side also squirmed for a while, and the flames rose repeatedly, and the whole body quickly turned into flames, and then quickly recondensed into a body.

"Eh..." Jiang Miaomiao was at a loss for words for a while, I don't know the difference between high-ranked and low-ranked demigods, after all, I'm only at the domain master level now.

There were two muffled sounds, the sound of Jiang Miaomiao being crushed to the ground by the huge gravity, and the sound of Li Yueer's body being directly pressed by gravity into a mass of flesh and blood clinging to the ground.

A genius should be the ancestor of the Lu family. A genius like the ancestor of the Jiang family has experienced all kinds of security and tempering since the beginning of his rise. If he is a genius, this genius is too cheap! "Jiang Miaomiao is not used to the other party at all, and she doesn't say anything except to hate the other party.

"That's natural!" Jiang Miaomiao directly raised her neck, very proud.

Jiang Miaomiao took a sip, everyone was asleep in his eyes, if there was an accident in the gravity field, no one would save us.

"According to the voyage, the nearest Qingheng universe is less than seven years away. Is he going to go into a dormant state?" Jiang Miaomiao saw Li Yue'er opposite him as soon as he stepped out of the cabin.

All the cabins without people have their own stabilizing force fields, which are used to protect the living people in the cabin. In that kind of low-speed acceleration state, Xiaojia has a lot of activities.

"He's talking nonsense!"

It was very difficult for Ou Wanhui to return to her original state again, but she didn't turn pale, obviously she didn't consume a little bit, whether it was too much or not, she could recover after a while.

That kind of crazy thought made Li Yueer's eyes turn red, and after the end of the agitation, the law of the whole body supported her body again and approached the gravity valve.

In order to train the other party without her, I took off my lower clothes, revealing a muscular lower body. The muscles are like bronze, without a sculptural beauty.

"What is he doing here? Although it's a two-person gravity training room, the strength of your training is very small. If his realm is too high, don't join in the silence." Ou Wanhui's intentions were bad, after all, gravity field training is still very safe.

After looking at Jiang Miaomiao lying on the ground next to him, he felt relieved for a while. Originally, you could use your soul to lower the gravity field again.

Then there is still some domain master level, which is obviously not the performance of the weak in the demigod realm and physical body.

"Hehe, what kind of genius is he? Isn't he a genius? Are you kidding me? Even a big boy who has never seen blood dares to call himself a genius. It seems that he even knows what a real genius is.

"That's why I have to worry about you, and you're afraid that he's following your training weakness." Jiang Miaomiao's words were really arrogant, which made Li Yue'er very angry.

Li Yue'er couldn't bear it any longer, her whole body was half kneeling on the ground, her bones were crackling, she didn't seem to be able to bear the burden.

Perhaps because of jealousy, Ou Wanhui didn't get angry, and turned the gravity valve again, and soon the gravity soared again, reaching 1,700 times the gravity that time.

"My lord is exaggerating. As long as you step into the demigod level, what's the problem with your physical **** blocking and killing gods and Buddhas, and directly challenging low-level demigods!"

At least you believe it, he is quite boring, why do you think he wants to be weaker than your body? "

Li Yueer did not hesitate to expose the other party's lies, and said in a bad temper, "His words are too false. Even Jiang Heng's juniors could challenge the low-ranking demigods at the level of a high-ranking demigod! He is talking nonsense!"

As the saying goes, enemies are jealous when they meet each other, and everyone in the family snorts hotly.

right! Not like that, let me be so arrogant, today you want me to die! Why can I practice worse exercises than you? Obviously you are a genius!


Gravity was reduced by half, Jiang Miaomiao finally gasped for breath, and felt dizzy for a while. The blood was almost suppressed just now and almost stagnated, and the whole body would feel very relaxed.

The other party also had too little reaction, even more calm than your reaction.

Why? Why do you, Li Yueer, who is such a genius, have that kind of inheritance, and I, Jiang Miaomiao, don't?

"He He...."

At this time, the pushback is entirely due to internal force, so the starship can fully accelerate with some concerns.

Under the effect of that force field, Ou Wanhui's breathing was only a little slower, but when she saw Jiang Miaomiao, she didn't feel a little dazed immediately, because the other party also had some reaction.

But when I looked at Jiang Miaomiao at the side, your pupils shrank again.

Speaking of which, Li Yueer turned her head and went to the training room. Compared to bickering with that kind of fight, it would be worse if you didn't have that time to practice.

However, at this moment, Li Yueer's soul floated out, and his physical body was crushed. You didn't regain your rationality at that time. Looking at your miserable physical body underground, the corners of your mouth twitched.

Li Yueer got angry as soon as she heard that, whether she was letting it go or holding back her anger, she said calmly, "You said he really practiced the skills of Jiang Heng's descendants?"

Tyrants? I have heard of any name.

right! Li Yueer's body collapsed immediately.

There is also a way, after all, it is not the real weak people in the wonderful habitat who fly with others, and the weak in the wonderful habitat can perfectly protect us by flying with others.

"Papa!" Jiang Miaomiao clapped her hands and laughed, "It's wrong, it's wrong! That reason is very wrong.

However, when Jiang Miaomiao saw the direction in which the other party moved, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his body swelled violently, and he rushed towards the other party.

In seven years, the speed of the starship has not gradually decreased from the original Wonderland escape speed to the interior level level, and the driving force brought by the port thrusters is slowing down.

"Why did that guy just continue to increase the gravity? Did he grind you into a pulp?" Jiang Miaomiao asked in a strange way.

With such a weight, even a high-ranking demigod with a physical body would have to be crushed into a meat paste at the first time. In fact, you are not wrong.

Therefore, it is necessary to borrow a little internal force, which is not a little internal force in the eyes, and use the repelling force of the port to push back. At that time, the starship will load the energy that has not been output on the shield to avoid being squeezed into pieces by the pressure brought by the low-speed movement.

Even so, it seems that the starship voyage technology of the Terran universe has not surpassed the Prome clan in that tricky way. UU reading

This can be regarded as a tricky technological iteration method chosen by the Terran universe. Using the advanced technology of the Promi family, although it can upgrade the starship to the interior level.

Just now I was badly prepared to be played to death by that crazy man with a gravity field.

At the same time, your skin also collapsed one after another. Under such gravity, your tight and rotten skin hangs loosely like an old lady.

Speaking of Li Yueer's seven words, it means directly increasing the gravity field to 700 times!

Hearing this, Li Yue'er frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, she still snorted, "He's worried, you don't have any compassion for him, you're just worried that your own soul will bear it."

It's because before the other party knew the reason to play you to death, they got started again.

You are a genius or not, but you are such a monstrous genius, your physical body is your weakness, and now the gravity field has not been raised to the weight that can only be borne by the peak of a demigod.

After thinking about it, Li Yueer laughed angrily, gritted her teeth with a smile, and said, "Bad! Bad! Very bad! Let's see if he can keep up with your training strength."

"Hehe, you said it, he is some kind of genius at all, what is he like? I have no ability to continue to be weak."

Li Yue'er snorted heavily, and cursed inwardly, although that person was very disturbing, but his figure spoke volumes.

Li Yueer sips, you simply believe it, so what nonsense.

"He's honest!"

Hearing Jiang Miaomiao's words, Li Yueer gritted her teeth in anger.

After thinking about it, you still lower the gravity field in the end, and don't stop until it reaches 700.

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