Master of Fist

Chapter 125: 800 miles urgent

Cangzhou City—

Early in the morning, the gate of the city had only been opened for less than half an hour, and the street vendors were just about to set up their sheds for business, and there were few pedestrians on the road.

But at this moment, a soldier on a fast horse and wearing armor was galloping all the way from the north city gate. He held a token in his hand and kept shouting in a hoarse voice.

"Eight hundred miles, hurry up! General Zhang will give you a token, and those who block the way will die!"

Walking along the way, he knocked over countless street vendors and people along the street, causing everyone to panic, but no one dared to speak ill after seeing the ferocious behavior of this soldier.

This scene happened very abruptly. When the figure of the galloping soldier gradually disappeared from sight, many people started talking about it. For the people, this kind of situation is extremely rare, and they were all talking about what a big event this happened!

Almost not long after this happened, Su Yu trotted to Jiangfu and reported what happened today.

He was well-informed at the government office, and the news he got was relatively accurate.

"You mean Liuzhou is in an emergency? General Zhang, who was in charge of countering the rebellion, was defeated?" Jiang Heng frowned and said with a gloomy expression.

"My lord, the matter is urgent. According to the news from the government office, it is estimated that the remnants led by General Zhang will retreat to Cangzhou in a short time. I'm afraid the situation will change by then!"

Su Yu also had a worried look on his face.

"Didn't the general in this chapter say that he led an army of 300,000 people? 300,000 regular troops fought against other people's 100,000 refugees and still managed to fight like this. What is he doing for food!"

Jiang Heng was a little impatient, which almost completely destroyed his arrangement.

It is almost predictable that once the army enters the city, the power in the city will definitely be grasped by the general who holds the military power.

Cangzhou will also soon become a place of war. Since the opponent has already threatened to fight to the capital, they will definitely not go north to fight with the frontier army. Instead, he directly led his army south to Cangzhou, the gateway to the Central Plains!

At that time, it will be extremely difficult to get out of this place. Jiang Heng is fine alone, but he still has a big family. It is not easy for such a large group of people to leave Cangzhou without anyone noticing.

But if you stay in Cangzhou, you will soon be forced to fight. You have no military power in your hands, and you are just someone else's **** in the battlefield.

Jiang Heng is confident that as long as he is given a little more time to grow, it will not be difficult to walk through the thousands of troops. But right now is really not the time!

Besides, Jiang Heng didn't have a clear understanding of the real military formations in this world, and the rebels were able to beat 300,000 regular troops into such a ghostly state, who knew what was wrong.

Rubbing between his brows, Jiang Heng waved Su Yuqie to retreat first, while he walked back and forth in the hall.

"It looks like you have to speed up your pace!"

Jiang Heng pondered for a long time and muttered to himself.

At nightfall, the sky was cool, and Zheng Shisan, who was full of wine and food, waved goodbye to his colleagues and got into the carriage with the help of his servants after being a little drunk.

As the carriage moved forward slowly, Zheng Shisan only felt a little sleepy, and he was in a good mood when he was drunk, so he also took a nap under the cushion in the car.

Recently, Zheng Shisan has been in a good mood, with both wealth and official career. From the hands of the newly promoted Xuanyiwei, he directly seized Dadaomen, a feng shui treasure, to gather money, and at the same time, relying on this wealth, he continued to expand his contacts and even curry favor with Commander Lu. It's okay to do what you like, and give some great supplements to people who practice martial arts.

The carriage shook slightly, and Zheng Shisan slept very soundly. He didn't know how long it had passed, but Zheng Shisan only felt that the carriage had stopped.

"Old man? Old man?"

He called several times in a row, but there was no response from the servant. Zheng Shisan was a little suspicious, and got up and lifted the curtain to check.

The curtain was lifted, but what came into view was not the familiar front of his own mansion, but a huge courtyard......

But looking at the densely packed men holding torches around him, they just stared at him fiercely.

This scene made Zheng Shisan's drunkenness dissipate in an instant. He looked around in some surprise, and found that his servant was being held by the other two with a piece of rag in his mouth and whining non-stop.

"You... who are you! What are you trying to do? It's lawless!"

Zheng Shisangao drank to attract the attention of passers-by outside the hospital, but his eyes began to scan the crowd to find the leader here.

At this moment, his heart is still relatively empty. Although he has the strength of the third-rank state, he knows that as long as he does not step into the pulse-refining state, he will be exhausted to death in the face of crowd tactics!

"Master Zheng! Please forgive me for taking the liberty to invite you here tonight!"

At this moment, a figure walked out slowly, and the crowd quickly gave way to an aisle, revealing the face of this person. This is a face that Zheng Shisan is not very familiar with. It looks very fierce. He is wearing a bunt outfit and has a particularly strong aura of recklessness.

"You are..." Zheng Shisan frowned, he didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce you to Mr. Zheng. I'm the master of the Black Tiger Hall, Zhou Yan! It's the time to invite Mr. Zheng to talk to me tonight!"

"So it's Sectional Master Zhou, hmph! I have nothing to say to you!"

Zheng Shisan said with a displeased tone on his face.

"Master Zheng, don't say no!" Zhou Yan waved her hands with a smile, and then she gave a slight wink to the cronies beside After a while, several men dragged a few quilts covered with sackcloth A man in a rich and brocade robe came.

But at this moment, Zheng Shisan's expression changed. Even if he didn't see the faces of these people, he thought of something instantly when he saw the clothes they were wearing.

The materials of these clothes were obviously bought by him at a tailor shop the day before yesterday to give to his wife.

Sure enough, when the cloth bags were opened, there were several familiar faces revealed, namely his wife and two young sons. At this time, the three of them were gagged with rags. It was an excited whine.

"You... What exactly do you want to do? What is there to discuss with the official's family?"

Zheng Shisan could no longer maintain a calm expression, and his tone was already a little excited.

Zhou Yan seemed very satisfied with Zheng Shisan's performance, nodded slightly and smiled and said: "It's very simple, hand over the territory of Dadaomen you have in hand, and secretly help me settle the resistance from the Zhenfu Division! After the matter is completed... I will let Young Master Ling and Mrs. Zun go!"

Zhou Yan looked confident. In fact, he initiated this series of actions after receiving a secret letter from the mysterious senior Yan. On the way back, Master Zheng was easily invited to the Black Tiger Hall resident.

At the same time, he secretly **** his family's youngest, and everything went so smoothly.

Of course, the smoother the situation, the more shocked Zhou Yan was. You must know that the whereabouts of most of the police officers of the Zhenfu Division are erratic, and if gang members like them follow secretly, it is actually easy for these entry-level warriors to detect. Unless he, Zhou Yan, made a move himself, it would be a big commotion, and it might attract the silver guards who were on duty in the city.

From this point of view, this senior Yan's status as an eyeliner in the Zhenfu Department is not low!

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