Master of Fist

Chapter 1286: The Wealth of the Saint-Yuan Clan (Part 2)

After walking through various interior level treasures, the next huge room is filled with various Wonderful Habitat treasures.

"This... These are the Hunyuan Banner, the Divine Sand Gourd, the Immortal Sword, the Six Soul Banner, the Qingping Sword, and the Zidian Hammer. These are all innate treasures conceived in the universe of our human race in the early years. I didn't expect that they were all here."

Seeing these objects, Taoist Wuwei's eyes turned red, and his state was obviously more excited than before, as if he had seen an incredible treasure.

Jiang Heng scanned these objects one by one, uh...... From his current perspective, these are some top-level interior treasures.

There are many treasures in this room, and what Taoist Wuwei said is the lowest level in this room.

After all, the main hoard here is the treasures of Wonderful Habitat, and most of these treasures from the human universe are at the interior level.

"That's why they don't want to waste things!" Taoist Wuwei snorted coldly. Only he could understand the significance of these treasures being lost and regained, and returning to the symbol of the universe of the human race.

Jiang Heng shook his head, he didn't bother to pay attention to Master's grief over there.

His eyes began to fall on the treasures of the Wonderful Life, and these treasures were divided into half-step, temporary, and real Wonderful Warriors.

Among these inventories, the half-step Wonderful Habitat Magical Weapon and the one-time temporary Wonderful Habitat Magical Weapon accounted for the vast majority, and there were only a few pieces of Wonderful Habitat Magical Weapon.

At this time, the energy in the body is boiling, and it seems to be an unstoppable tiger, all eyes are shining, full of fighting spirit.

The next step is not to retreat to the last attack, but to do the first carnival after the arrival of Ba Xiaojiu.

As for the eighth piece, it is a crown, shining with dazzling brilliance.

It is equivalent to retrieving your own thoughts and emotions every time.

Yes, the seventh magic eye still has some flaws, and it's not a problem that turns against the master. If the strength is enough, it will be very difficult to be disturbed and counterattacked.

If the strength is sufficient, holding it can exert a power of one plus one that is absolutely less than seven, and the level of space dao will be raised to another level.

Before scraping away all the classics of the exercises, the little family soon stopped to evacuate in one after another.

Those were also taken by the Shengyuan Clan, and if we take the Shengyuan Clan again, it will be like robbing the rich and helping the poor.

Those bad lucks are like a curse, from the moment the treasure is obtained, it will stop appearing invisibly, entangled in it like a nightmare.

Until all the strategic materials stored by the Shengyuan clan were all cleaned up, and even the Shengyuan coins were taken away.

After all, it is Jiang Hengjing's treasure, and we all carry it with us, so it is really lucky to be able to hoard it here like that, or in other words, the Shengyuan clan is simply short of money, and what they have is Jiang Hengjing Treasures, so it is completely impossible to use them carefully.

For example, the first piece is called the Scepter of Myriad Realms. The name sounds quite bluffing, but it seems that it is worthy of possessing it without the strength of the Creation Realm.

To confuse people's hearts, as long as the divine sense is weak enough, you can't confuse people in groups, or even confuse trillions of people in one breath. The realm is one level higher than yourself. If you use the light of bewitching less often, you can make the other party your loyal superior.

Bao Ying looked at it, and it was a supernatural power called Reversing Tiangang.

After cleaning up the Divine Soldiers, even the pills and the like were also stockpiled terrifyingly. It can be said that the inventory of pills in the Xiao Zhou Empire in the human universe had increased by 10,000 times when it was at its peak.

But soon Xiaojia knew why, because the elixir was really not a large part, it was because Jiu Xiaojun set off later, and many elixirs were taken to the back line.

After the Jiangheng Realm, those things are actually bad, but when they reach the Jiangheng Realm, even those who are physically weak will have to be forced to practice some other laws instead.

All kinds of martial arts classics are gone, but only the Shengyuan clan, which has collected the martial arts, secret arts, supernatural powers and secrets of ethnic groups that have not been conquered by the Shengyuan clan over the years.

After absorbing the essence of Saint Yuan Pond, we have completely recovered the true strength of Jiang Heng.

In theory, as long as the law of possessors is exhausted, then those energy armies will have inexhaustible life, and they are afraid of death, and killing is death.

But the weakness of that treasure is also real.

The first one was obviously prepared for Xiaoneng of the Dao of Space, and the eight old ones were all members of this Dao, while the seventh one had too few defects.

The Shenhun thing is really a defense is a victory.

The scepter of the myriad realms is only for those who are weak in the laws of space, that is to say, if he is not a person who does not follow the laws of space, if he holds the scepter rashly, he will be drained of blood and become the renzhuli of the scepter.

And the value of that supernatural power has also skyrocketed, so it's no wonder that it can reach Jiang Heng's level, affecting the rules, and no one can stop it.

There are not a few half-step Jiang Hengjing treasures that I think are still wrong. I gave them to my son, apprentice, or man, and the rest were rewarded to the Xiao family for their achievements in the battle with the Shengyuan clan.

Although it was the tempered physique of the fleshly body and weak people that weakened his willpower, how could he be able to deal with these guys who specialized in the laws of the soul and the soul, and there were not many guys who specifically aimed at the treasures of the soul.

It's worse than Bao Ying's space law, which integrates the origin of the world. Holding it, it can exert a strength comparable to that of Bao Ying's peak, equivalent to half a step of the good fortune.

At the same time, on the other side, after Bao Ying and us went to the treasure house for a long time, the ancestor Xiyuan and Hongjun seven people have pulled out two Wanhe clan lands one after another like a broken bamboo, and collected a small amount of treasures .

The emperors of the entire ethnic group, before possessing that treasure, had to encounter various bad luck more or less for a short time.

And at this moment, the first plane, where the demon clouds are located, one after another of terrifying auras spewed out from the Saint Yuan Pool, and the figures of weak people in the cross-river realm floated in mid-air, each with a satisfied expression on their faces. smile.

Jiang Heng took a closer look and found that there were a total of three Divine Weapons of the Wonderful Life. The first one looked like a scepter, and the second one looked like a **** eyeball. Even if someone controls it now, it seems to be broken. From time to time, he looked at Miao Sheng and his party.

After all, the soul is too sensitive and strong, and that is the pain of the weak without physical body.

The small thing is that every time you let the avatar return, you will carefully sort out and screen yourself, so that you can wake up all the time.

According to the emotional feedback of that treasure, Bao Ying knew that the owner of that treasure had experienced several emperors, and those emperors were still emperors, and they were all the leaders of Bao Yingjing's clan.

Accompanied by Mo Yun's breathless drink, no one cast their gazes over one after another.

Seventh, through the rapid evolution of the master's law weakness, a small army of energy is derived, and the whole body of those troops is composed of law energy.

And the seven treasures are magic eyes, which cannot deceive people's hearts, or even peep into everything.

And as they retreated to the outermost part of the treasure house, what came into view were some classics of exercises, which made the eyes of Youwei Daoists flood, and then if it was said that they were just works of art and humanities of various ethnic groups, and the eyes Up is the real treasure.

As for the eighth piece, it's called Emperor's Hate!

As for the hatred of the emperor, it is even more needless to say, the more mysterious the thing that is nagging, the more difficult it is, and there is no possibility of deciphering it. If you want to be affected, you can only pray that your life is hard enough.

The self-awareness in it is weaker, and it has a certain bewitching nature, so it is difficult for it to affect the mind invisibly if you are not cautious, and you will be reduced to the opponent's puppet quietly, similar to the Scepter of Myriad Worlds behind, And the ability to bewitch is even weaker.

Although that move is pretty bad, it can only be used once. After all, he transfers the injury to the opponent. If he still fights, he wins. If he transfers the injuries that have been transferred one after another, it will be more difficult to lose.

Eighth, to push this thing with all your strength, you can't quickly cover the body surface with a phantom of the emperor. This phantom can increase the combat power of your physical body by nearly seven times.

Next, instead of sweeping the goods all the way, everyone frantically stored everything they could see like the ransacking specials. Whenever he saw it, he almost stuffed it into the storage space, no matter how cheap it was. He is also willing to leave a hair for the Shengyuan family.

Named Ten Thousand Realms, it is natural for us to walk through various planes with our plane in hand, and easily master the space path ability of Jiang Hengjing.

The advantage of that treasure is not that, the karmic fear in the dark makes people dare to be easily contaminated, and that is also the reason why Ba Xiao used the treasure easily in the face of the danger of the group.

Secondly, that eye can also release suppressing light. On the suppressing light, anyone whose level is higher than his own will be suppressed by about 70%, even if the strength is equal, it can suppress the opponent's strength by about 10%.

That supernatural power is quite boring, and it can directly react the injury it has received to the opponent. Of course, it is only a rebound, and the opponent can resist it.

It can only be said that this trick is very bad for the confrontation between low-handed players, but the difference in strength is generally small, and it can play a decisive role.

The ground can be easily turned into a prison, and the opponent can be exiled in the restricted space with a flick of a finger. Even if it takes some time for Bao Yingjing to break through the space.

And it cannot be immune to the impact of the soul to a certain extent. To be complicated, it is a treasure of the physical body. It can be immune to the impact of the soul to a certain extent.

And that move was extremely useless when the two were fighting for life and death. After all, he beat the opponent half to death, and even severely injured him. As a result, all the injuries were on his body in the blink of an eye. Seven days later, the situation of the battle was reversed in an instant.

In fact, it wasn't a Jiangheng Realm treasure, but to Bao Ying's surprise, it turned out to be a Space Dao treasure.

Seeing this magic cloud, he clapped his hands and smiled, "Bad! Small things are done!"

"Everyone listen to your orders!"

Miaosheng touched the eight treasures one by one, and those treasures contained extremely weak self-awareness, but as soon as he touched Miaosheng, he would get corresponding feedback.

Bao Ying shook her head with a wry smile in her heart, but she should honestly put away all the eight Jiangheng Realm treasures in her eyes, it was a difficult thing to find the Jiangheng Realm treasures there.

But the disadvantage is that the strength is enough, it is very difficult to become its puppet in the real world, and it is not to be controlled by that treasure as a human pillar.

If the opponent's strength is equal to his own, or slightly lower, this magic eye can also interfere with the opponent's strength to a certain extent, it can be regarded as a very useless eye.

Miao Sheng thought about it sloppily, and understood why Sheng Yuan Ba ​​Xiao used those treasures in the past.

As for the magic eye, it is also necessary to say less, it is too terrifying to bewitch people's hearts, and that kind of tangible erosion is more terrifying than any physical damage.

It's finally out!

For example, we have also seen the classification of the human race universe, and we have collected many supernatural powers that have not been lost in the human race universe, and one of them is even closer to the Jiangheng realm.

Of course, that number is still too much for the Shengyuan clan. After all, the Shengyuan clan has hundreds of vassal clans to support them. Coupled with the experience of young people fighting in the country, the military industry in the entire system has developed normally.

"I also know how the weak in the physical body fight in my place. I feel that the physical body was cut a little before stepping into Jiang Heng's realm!"

For me, the main reason is that the physical body is too afraid of the impact on the soul. If you are not careful, a single method of the soul cannot abolish a weak person in the physical body.

After some deduction by Miaosheng with Zhenshen, he was very nervous and pushed that supernatural power back to the level of Jiang Hengjing's supernatural power, and UU reading The ability to reverse Tiangang directly soared to the point where it could not affect the rules the point.

Miaosheng can also be reminded through the avatar, and even go back in time, what can others do?

This treasure cannot be embedded directly between the eyebrows to form the eighth eye. Once it is embedded, this treasure can be regarded as completely bound to recognize the owner, and its own laws and supernatural powers cannot be released through that eye.

After confiscating the eight Jiangheng-level treasures, Li Changsheng also confiscated the half-step Baoying-level treasures and the one-time Jiangheng-level treasures one by one.

In fact, Bao Ying has misunderstood the old days of the Eighth Little Saint Yuan. We are so rich that we only care about those treasures of Bao Yingjing, but that each of the eight treasures is more evil than one.

How do you explain it? It wasn’t the opponent who beat him half to death. He used the Reverse Tiangang, and the injuries under his body were directly fed back to the opponent’s body. mysterious.

Thinking of that, how worried Miao Sheng is, my own spiritual sense is weak enough, and I don't have the habit of facing our avatars all the time.

So, it's really Ba Xiao's bad intentions in the old days to put the eight top-quality treasures that are obviously in Bao Yingjing's world there for use, but those top-quality treasures are all thorny roses that are easy to touch.

At this time, there were no alchemy ingredients in the treasury that were several times less than pills, and those medicinal ingredients were also a terrifying wealth, so they were packed and taken away with little thought.

If you are not cautious, you will hardly be tricked.

Although Miaosheng has seen others who are weak in the physical realm at the level of Jiang Heng, but I am not a weak in the physical realm myself, and I am very vague about the limitations of the weak in the physical realm.

First, once the treasure sits down, it cannot have a certain ability to move. Although it is as weak as a person in the same realm of space and Taoism, it does not have a very weak ability to travel.

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