Master of Fist

Chapter 1262: die!


However, at this moment, the entire port of Qingheng World was enveloped by a gray light that suddenly emerged.

Everyone fell into a state of stagnation almost instantly. Originally, Cheke fell into this state a little slower than others. After all, he is a second-order powerhouse at the interior scene level and still has a certain ability to resist.

However, under the mighty power of the Wonderful Living Realm, his poor resistance only persisted for less than a blink of an eye, almost as soon as the front foot of others stopped, his body was also frozen on the spot.

An idea popped up in his mind instantly, either the fixed solidification law or the top-level time law, and only this kind of law has such means.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, his thinking soon fell into a state of stagnation. Under the time stagnation force field of the powerhouse in Wonderful Life, there is no chance for him to speak.

At this time, in the teleportation circle, the three old days who were talking to each other about some matters at first felt that they had successfully arrived in the Qingheng world and were chatting and laughing, but the expressions of the three changed suddenly in the next moment.

The three of them looked at each other in unison, and immediately blurted out, "Enemy attack!"

As soon as the words fell, the main gods around the three old days were hit one after another, and the figures who were just about to kneel down were all shrouded in gray-white light and pulled into the time stagnation force field.

Immediately after that came the three old suns, but even though the gray-white light covered the bodies of the three old suns for the first time, the three of them were still moving slowly at this time, and the gray-white light around them was bright and yellow. The mighty power of the old days.

It is extremely easy to restrain eight people at the same time, even for a breath.

The other party said that is equivalent to caring about what ineffective counterattack I can make before I know it. To put it bluntly, I am confident when I can, confident that my soul gradually sinks before eight breaths, until the soul dies in the endless succubus, and my body becomes a puppet.

The voice of the Dream Demon Lord sounded again, and Qing Heng's heart sank even more with my narration as if someone was present.

Just when the Dream Demon Lord's mind was racing, he saw that the expressions of the two behind him were terrifying, and they were not even slow to strike.

At the same time, the original body that I hadn't escaped into the dream gradually appeared.

Do I know some of Motian's big thoughts, and I also know what Motian did in those years. But I do care, as long as Mo Tian thinks about the ethnic group, as for what Mo Tian wants to do, I just laugh it off, the other party's methods are so sophisticated and ridiculous in my opinion.

"It's time to do useful work. That prison was specially built for him. The isolation law is nearly hundreds of millions, and it is blocked by the power of time and space. If he can still sense the emotional fluctuations in the inner world, it will be hell."

At this time, Qingheng felt the power of Miaosheng's law, and he was happy to say that it came out, but it seemed that all the laws were suppressed by the opponent's pale light, like a big sheep especially causing the slightest storm.

Qingheng didn't feel a little anxious. According to our future plan, it will not be as complicated as just being an avatar to make a fuss.

"Well, it seems so. That person is actually very bad to deal with. It seems that this time, he will be destroyed together with my spirit and body." Qingheng also nodded, and my mood also changed slightly.

With a loud shout, Miaosheng yanked it violently, and for a moment, I saw my arm driving the entire space to shatter, and then a figure appeared in my hand, and my arm firmly grasped a person's neck .

At that moment, Qingheng was not a little anxious, I hadn't been able to cover my whole body with a layer of accelerated time force field, and my speed at this moment was hundreds of times less than normal.

In fact, at the moment when the time force field spread, the magical power of the suppressing **** was also quietly activated, and at that moment, a surprise attack was made on the soul of the former succubus master.

And that wave, everything reversed, and my body returned to the state after the battle.

Motian was overjoyed, it was worth asking Miaosheng to take action that time, Miaosheng's method is really on the same level, he is ashamed to be a weak person who is close to the good fortune, even if he suffers a serious injury, my hand is enough to give that mere mere Qingheng in Jiang Hengjing forms a dimensionality reduction blow!

Dream magic is only the master of dreams, and can deceive people's vision at will, which is equivalent to the lower level of illusion law.

Before turning from the virtual to the real, I just wanted to escape into the dream again, but above the space distortion, I had no power to resist and was dragged into the space cage.

Thinking back to the battle with Qing Yunzong back then, if it was Miaosheng, I guess Mo Tian and Meng Mo would be able to stop the weaker opponent even if we had ten fewer colleagues.

And in that world, no one is sleeping all the time, as long as no one is sleeping, you can't escape into the dreams of a special person or even an animal in Wanhe World for a moment. So what if they killed your body.

"Haha! It's not this person! Kill me!"

"Hmph! It's possible to kill you, but there are not many people in this world..."

Even if countless people have survived the tribulation of inner demons, can those inner demons really be eradicated?

"It takes a little effort, eight breaths broke my space cage!" Miao Sheng looked calm, and immediately probed again suddenly.

"It's bad! That's an illusion created by Dream Magic!" Patriarch Xi Yuan shouted loudly.

No, the so-called calamity of the demons is just a manifestation of the collective outbreak of the demons before reaching a certain level.

Miao Sheng's complexion is brilliant, obviously he is used to it, and he cares too much about it, after all, in my opinion, I am the oldest descendant of the entire Shengyuan clan.

"Hehe, the breath is bad and strange, Human Race Qingheng! If there is no way to heaven, he will go. If there is a gate to hell, he will cast himself. Today he dares to come to die!" Feeling the strange breath, Mo Tian grinned.

It was almost as if Miao Sheng's old voice hadn't finished speaking, and in an instant, everyone felt a little ripple in the surrounding space.

It is said to be weak, and it is indeed weak, because......

Even so, following the eight people's reactions, two figures appeared out of nowhere in front of the Nightmare Lord of the Past. In the last moment, Qingheng's body suddenly touched the back of the Nightmare Lord's back. At the last moment, he had to use space teleportation to drag them into the space cage that he delayed and prepared to destroy.

"Hehe! At the moment the force field spreads, you can become vigilant. Since your majesty knows that I am so afraid of death, do you still know how you cherish your life?"

Suddenly, in the depths of Qingheng's heart, a sudden voice suddenly sounded, which made Qingheng even more horrified.

The Dream Demon Lord laughed wildly, that's not the reason for my high profile.

To kill is to die!

Similarly, the Dream Demon and Motian at the side both supported their own laws.

With a pinch, the future body united by Qingheng's avatar was directly squeezed into a crumpled paper ball. It was a dimension method, obviously another method of law, and immediately the crumpled paper ball could spontaneously ignite , was completely wiped out by Miao Sheng's heavy description.

In fact, no one has a demon, and as long as there is a slight change in the mood of the other party, I can easily enter the other party's body.

I am a compound weak Jiang Heng who masters several laws at the same time!

I am not a demon at heart! A complete demon!

"Kill you? Then I want to kill you? Although I am very cautious, and most taboo no one is close to your body, but what if you kill your body? Do they know that the core of this seat is not the succubus, but the soul! As long as there is no place for dreams, then you are everywhere.

I thought that the succubus would not be able to react for so long before encountering the trauma of his soul, but he once thought that the other party was affected at all.

There are at least seven Jiang Hengjing bodies that you hoarded over the years. If they are destroyed, they will be destroyed. If they shake, they will lose your foundation! "

In an instant, the faces of Miao Sheng and Mo Tian were not to mention ugly.

In an instant, the Dream Demon Lord felt that his dream magic had ended and quickly entered from the opponent's body, and returned to his own body in just one breath.

However, at that moment, Qing Heng frowned slightly, feeling that there was no sense of reality.

That voice was not my own at all, but that of the Nightmare Old Lord.

Because my law is said to be weak, and it is ridiculously weak. With just one thought, I can control the life and death of countless people in dreams, and make countless people collectively brain-dead in dreams.

And the power of the waning moon is not weakening the banning law, forcibly pulling it down to the level of Jiang Heng, and adding the suppression of the lower realm, Qingheng has no power to resist.

Even though the confrontation between Qingheng and the succubus master seemed very long, in fact, they disappeared behind the eyes of the other two Xiaojiu in just a split second. Just in front of our noses, one of our old buddies was taken away up.

"He reversed the time!" Xiao Hai, the succubus master, turned out to set my time back even though the law of time wasted a lot.

Mo Tian on the side couldn't help swallowing his saliva, he still underestimated our little brother Sheng Yuan, a weak person in the Jiang Heng realm, even if it is an incarnation, the incarnation's weakness is also at the level of Du Jian's realm, he is so capable It's gone.

What law is that?

In the last moment, Miaosheng once again probed into the void, but that time I got nothing.

However, just as the succubus master was playing with Qingheng in the depths of his heart wantonly, at the last moment, a gray-white magic ring suddenly bloomed from the palm of Qingheng, which was clearly the law of time.

As I was talking, my eyes narrowed a little bit, because I felt that it was the dream of someone in the inner world and even my mood fluctuated.

"What to do! What to do now?"

I was not a little confused at first, preconceived ideas were the cause, I had no idea that the human race universe, which was just dying, would dare to attack us. But the sloppy judgment was definitely wrong, and I was even more excited.

Qingheng shook his head, and what I said was that Yayu directly sentenced the succubi master to death. This figure is Qingheng who is hated by others, the old master of the devil sky!

"A mere Du Jianjing dares to sneak attack!" Miao Sheng said calmly, a waning moon quickly rose in front of me, and the waning moon exuded a stern jade glow, which quickly dissipated the surrounding gray-white time force field, almost instantly I get out of this fast state.

With a sinister laugh, the succubus master was about to sense emotions and penetrate into the bodies of those two people.

However, my expression froze immediately.

In fact, apart from being able to escape into my dream at any time, as long as no one in the distance has a slight emotional fluctuation, I also can't quietly sneak into the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time tamper with the opponent's consciousness little by little, and gradually occupy the magpie's nest.

"Did you do it? This is because you are being polite! I really think that this seat is a soft persimmon!"

is true!

In an instant, Qingheng figured it out, the opponent's laws were indeed dominated by the waning moon, but there was a layer of banning laws that could block my few laws on top of the waning moon.

At the same time, after being moved by Qingheng to the space cage, the Dream Demon was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

"Brother Qingheng, he guessed wrong afterwards, that succubus is really a waste! As long as my law is thoroughly analyzed, it will be nothing but garbage!" Patriarch Xiyuan said fiercely, from the beginning to the end I His emotions were normal and calm, without any waves.

That is the generality of the law, but the suppression of my realm. My law is more like an amplifying force, which can extremely weaken every ability of my own, including only the physical body and various laws.

"That's right! That's my body! It's useful to kill me! Big heart!"

At that moment, the succubus master seemed to know something, and I felt any emotional fluctuations under those two people.

My laws are weak, weak and terrifying, and in fact I have hidden some.

"Come here!"

At the same time, when he was suffering from inner demons and his mind and soul were at their healthiest, you also pulled him into endless dreams. "

The ripples were insignificant, and their use of space was unpredictable. If it were the eight weak Jiang Heng Realm who were all integrated into the origin of the world, they would have noticed it all at once.

Miao Sheng didn't do that, but his eyes were shining with a pale light. At this time, my whole body was covered with the light of the waning moon, including a pair of eyes that shot out a dazzling light.

How can the inner demon be killed?

"Out there!"

"Qingheng? Is there a mistake? There are no people without ideas in the human universe!" Miao Sheng smiled lightly, and a crack like a crescent moon opened between my eyes and brows, and a terrifying white ray shot out from the crack. With a spiral impact, everything around him can be seen in an instant.

"Do you know why you are called a dream demon? Did he think that dream magic was really so powerful? Now does he feel his inner demon moving? Yes! Eight breaths! Before eight breaths~www.wuxiamtl. com~He will encounter the inner demon again.

Like turning a turntable, the law of time can turn backwards and forwards quickly.

Especially Motian, it was both embarrassing and embarrassing, the wounded Miaosheng just captured one person, and I was doing bad things there, in the end I had nothing to do, and I was taken away.

And all of that, except Mo Tian and Miao Sheng, everyone knows.

As soon as the words fell, Miaosheng poked his little hand, and for a moment, a small hand was engraved with densely packed waning moon, and the waning moon seemed to bloom for a moment, covering my whole arm with sparse pale light, which looked like a white arm in an instant. Piercing to the void, it was as if a probing hand had caught something in an instant.

"Brother Miaosheng, you have to rely on him. You are too bad at cracking that space technique!" Mo Tian said without any embarrassment. How many are the least among the eight of us, and the one with the most shortcomings.

However, in terms of the repulsion of the law force field of the eight old masters, the acceleration effect is slightly weakened, and it is wrong to not have a speed that is several times the normal speed.

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