Master of Fist

Chapter 1255: 1 hunt

Soon, many people on Minister Raymondon's side discovered that the other party seemed to have no bottom, and could always throw out some sources of goods every once in a while. As time passed, everyone's face became a little bit ugly.

"I can't go on like this. I can't hold it anymore. My savings for many years have been completely squeezed in. How about you?"

"It's the same for me. I have lost all my savings for many years, and I have long since run out of funds."

"It's all the same, so those ministers are still relatively well-off."

Indeed, after nearly 30 times of throwing out by the other party, everyone found it a bit difficult to deal with, because the funds were really limited.

"But what should we do now? Do we just allow energy to flow into the market at will? Now that there is such a large amount of materials in the market, the price of energy will definitely fluctuate violently. Maybe it will cause a collapse effect, and everyone will follow suit and start selling!"

There are smart people who have seen this game, but they are no longer eligible to quit the game halfway, and now it is a one-shot deal.

Either continue to follow up, then there is still a chance to make a lot of money, or give up, and the funds invested before will be lost.

"Come on, they released another batch of resources, let's contact the family behind it, now is not the time for everyone to back down, we must work together, no matter who the other party is, but there are so many of us, so many of our Shengyuan clan I don't believe that the top families are working together, they can still compete with such a huge power fund like ours!"

Someone gritted their teeth and said, now is a game that no one can quit. Of course, this mysterious force that is being sold cannot enter and exit at will, anyway, the other party is making a lot of money by selling it.

"Oh, why are there so few?"

"Ah? But you only have such a small source of goods. Could it be that Director Fan Lanqiu and you have joined forces with other cosmic groups to participate in this operation?"

"It is true that you have not cooperated with our forces in that regard, but do you really need to cooperate at no time? Does he think that your subsequent actions are too small?" Raymondon asked with a smile.

"That's right, that's not a huge profit at all. You left the market when the original price was eight times the original price, and now it's a hundred times the original price. It's just a sudden wealth!"

"Hehe, okay, scare us, and release the last batch at a shorter interval so that we feel that you are fighting to the death." Dick also smiled, and I am also operating with a playful attitude now.

But at that time, no one in the Xiao family spoke, but waited quietly, waiting to see if the other party would continue to deliver the goods.

No one suggested that there are actually not many people who don't have that kind of thinking. After all, it is difficult for no one to maintain rationality after such huge profits.

"you understood!"

Furthermore, you are these commercial firms that do not have the support of the treasury of the small family. Your ability to resist risks is very limited. Xiaojia should stop in time. "

At this time, the families with more than billions of years are also feeling the pressure. Only a few ancient families that have passed on for tens of billions of years and led the Eight Little Old Ones are still as stable as Mount Tai.

"Yes! After that, it's not a signal that no one is selling wildly. If you can't, then the price of energy will stay for too long, and if it will plummet.

"It's okay, so few, who knows we haven't got much stock yet?"

"I also know who is a fool, so crazy to buy."

Everyone was in a bad mood, tasting all kinds of delicacies one by one, while laughing and talking about our feat just now.

The ghost knows what we went through in those few days. From the eight batches of materials that Morse Hall threw out at the beginning, to the forty-seven batches of materials in sight, we completed the purchase in one case.

And this time, only big commercial firms are making moves, and these small firms without the support of the cosmic ethnic group are also making moves.

We are not out of business if we can maintain prices.

That's very unusual.

Now you completely treat it as a game. After all, the funds have been completely withdrawn, and you have made less than double the assets you invested later, and we are still making money like crazy.

But we forget that we are buying and selling at a low level at this time, and it does not mean that the sellers,

Just sell us what you bought at the original price by a hundred times.

"Director Raymondon, it seems that there is nothing wrong with our background. We actually ate all the supplies you didn't hoard? Could it be that the entire group of the Shengyuan clan is working hard?"

But my eyes lit up very slowly, and I gritted my teeth and said, "Xiaojia is going to panic, we let out so little in one breath, does it mean that I am also panicking inside?"

The two are not two demons at all at this time.

"It's bad, there is another source of goods! Bad less!"


Now is the time to make a small profit. We are about to play. It is a hunting behavior where a few big fish are crazily nibbling a small fish. Anyone may be the winner, but the Shengyuan clan will get their money back! "

The owner of a smaller firm headed by Guo shook his head.

We need to pay a hundred times as much as others, and it does not mean that our community of interests can spend a hundred times as much as the other party in order to fully eat what the other party does not have.

From our point of view, although the immediate loss is huge, we cannot bear it with gritted teeth.

Seeing that the price has ended falling, let us suddenly start the acquisition mode again in a swarm.

Even after ten days of stable and stable days, we still feel uneasy, for fear that a small batch of goods will suddenly appear.

Although we have made a lot of money, we haven't completely got the supply of goods at hand, and our desire to attack the currency system of the Shengyuan family has also failed. It seems that apart from making money, we have not given each other a substantial blow.

The bad thing is that the small family is very slow to regroup on the encouragement of Minister Alice.

"Now is not the worst opportunity to hit the rocks. In the future, you and the Shengyuan clan should stop buying and hoarding energy, and you will raise the price of energy at the same time. However, the previous price increase is based on your size. It can be done, but it is the efforts of all ethnic groups in the entire Shengyuan system!

"Yes, it's not been ten days. According to the past rules, there has never been such a long gap. It seems that there is probably a stock."

Dick wasn't depressed, and now we're stuck.

Very slowly, the officials of the Shengyuan family, these family backgrounds that have been passed down for billions of years are still holding on. In eyes, there are only tens of billions of years left, and the ancient families of tens of billions of years are still struggling to support them. As the procurement started, the energy sources on the market were once again empty, and everyone was relieved to see this.

A group of Sanyuan officials shook their heads and sighed. We are not a group of crazy gamblers now, and we have no way to maintain rationality. We can only grit our teeth and continue rushing.


Dick slapped his calf, his eyes lit up, and his whole body became agitated and even trembling.

Speaking of which, Fan Lan couldn't help clenching his fists, and finally let out a low cry.

At this time, at the meeting place of the Shengyuan Clan, Xiaojia was completely excited. Even if there was no supply of goods in the market for ten days, we still dared to slow down. Now we are slowly being driven crazy by this mysterious force up.

Accompanied by that exclamation, Xiaojia reflexively looked at the real-time data, and his face collapsed when he saw it, it's bad, it's over again,

Dick looked suspicious, but he was right. From the beginning to the end, only our Xilin family and Gu Tuo family participated in the economic siege of the Shengyuan family. There must be an eighth participant.

However, there was still too much rest, and the joyful atmosphere only lasted for half an hour, and soon no one exclaimed.

"Yes! No one can defeat your Shengyuan family, no matter in which field!"

"Phew! Is it really out of order, is this guy really in stock?"

The eighty-seventh batch, which only lasted for one hour, was quickly acquired.

Although each of those big trading houses has very unlimited funds, but the total amount is very small, so few big trading houses are selling together, and for a while, Alice and other officials of the Saint Yuan feel a little pressure.

Now some people doubt that it will be Morse Hall who sells a small amount of materials. Maybe it will be Morse Hall in the end, but now it is definitely possible to be me.


Two days later, as one hundred batches of unused materials were sold out, Raymond and Dick looked at each other in blank dismay.

It is said that many people are gradually returning to sanity, and they all nodded in agreement.

"Haha! It seems that no one is crazy about purchasing energy in limited quantities!"

"That's right, it's a mess, but the quantity is getting smaller and smaller, and the price has dropped slightly, what's the matter?"

Accompanied by Alice's sip, very slowly, once again a small amount of supplies ended up being purchased.

The bad thing is, one big hour, two big hours, until ten big hours passed, and there was still no movement, and Xiaojia was relieved.

"Everyone is panicking. It's not a war. The most taboo thing on the battlefield is not the morale of the army but stability. But will you really lose? Yes! You will lose!

"Right, right! If that's the case, we've already got the goods out of the same hands, and we plan to release them all so that you can overcome difficulties. But your Shengyuan clan has never surrendered under the war, and it's the same outside of it. How could it be possible to be intimidated, let us work together, let us see how terrifying your financial resources are, and let us know how accurate it is to provoke you!"

"Oh, that's right, why there were so few less that time, and the delivery frequency is also weird."

Forty-seven batches, one hour.

"Then...then why is it gone again? We don't have any stock yet?"

Those words seemed to open everyone's minds, Xiaojia's eyes lit up.

"Hehe, it's quite vigorous. It seems that we are still full of energy. How about that, you first release ten batches to scare us!" Fan Lanqiu twirled her black hair heavily with her fingers, her pretty face full of amusement.

We spend such a small amount of money to acquire, or is it to keep the price of energy at a low price, so as to maintain a monopoly, and end up making small profits first.

Eighty-eight batches, half an hour.

On the contrary, Fan Lanqiu just slumped under the chair very nervously, folded his hands together, and said calmly, "Wait a minute, you guys are done selling, but things are still beginning."

When everyone heard that the price had dropped, they felt heartbroken.

"Well, since it's so profitable, if you want to keep holding the goods on the sidelines for a while, are you sure that the price can go up?"

Standing in front of you are several families of the Shengyuan family. Each of them is an ancient family with billions of years and billions of years. The background you have accumulated is unimaginable. Let us see you now. horror! "

"Haha! Sure enough, that was the opponent's first fight. Looking at it now, you still won. We are not a group of losers!"

As everyone's fighting spirit rose, they all ended up purchasing frantically one by one, but the amount released that time was too small, and it took the Xiao family eight hours to eat that batch of goods.

[The app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, which is used by old bookworms

You, you have thrown away all the family's liquidity. If this investment succeeds, we will probably have to beat you to the bone. "

I suspect that Xiaojia also knows that the price of energy has been a little bit lower since then, and now it has soared to the point where it is so shocking. Even if the Shengyuan clan needs to conquer the inside, it needs so little energy.

After all, the Ministry of Finance does not have such an astonishing material reserve, so it will be necessary to beg for materials like this in the future.

At the same time, in the gathering place of large commercial firms.

All the bosses of large commercial firms with or without backers were all beaming when they heard the reports from their superiors.

Suddenly, no one exclaimed.



Eighty-seven batches ten minutes.

We haven't shown Fan Lanqiu that there is no super fat sheep in sight, so naturally no matter how hesitant he is, he will go on stage.

It seems that our small community of interests is not fighting against this unknown force. At this time, the Xiao family is still full of confidence. After all, there are so few people, each of whom is a family that inherits the youth of the Shengyuan clan, and the background of each family is very terrifying. , we firmly believe that behind such a huge amount of small capital, no one can shake us.

"Haha! That's how it should be, my mother, the boy has fought in the battlefield, and he has thought that he can experience the same feeling outside there. Xiaojia wants to persuade you to crush us!"

Listening to the lack of despair from the people around her at this time, Alice also frowned, and letting out such a small breath really hurt morale.

Raymondon also nodded with a smile. Afterwards, the other vassal groups came to the stage, which meant that we were tempted.

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