Master of Fist

Chapter 1252: total anger

"Your Majesty must not!"

Seeing that Mo Tianmianxia was about to go mad, Morse Hall hurriedly persuaded him, of course he also knew that this was just a deliberate expression of anger by Mo Tianmianxia.

For a top powerhouse like Mianxia, ​​who doesn't care how the people below act like monsters, he may be a little angry, but if he is really allowed to deal with the military department, this is impossible, so it is better to say good things for the military department at this time, no For the military department, the main reason is to restore a good image for myself in the heart of the devil.

"If these **** are not killed, it will be difficult to appease the anger in my heart. What are they doing stupidly? Our Shengyuan clan has indeed ruled this huge territory for an unknown number of years, and there may be no other ethnic group that can replace us in the future. But It doesn't mean that we can stop making progress now, there are still many powerful ethnic groups in the entire vast world, have they forgotten the strength of the Qingyun sect before?"

The old master of Motian shouted angrily. He is indeed very angry. He doesn't care about corruption. temperament.

He has seen this sense of decay, and he has seen similar temperaments in many ethnic groups conquered by their Shengyuan clan.

These ethnic groups often have a glorious past, but they flourished and declined. After a certain period of time without external pressure, they will soon gradually decay and gradually stink.

If their Shengyuan clan hadn't come, perhaps these cosmic clans could live happily for many years behind closed doors, but here we are. It is very easy for us to conquer such decadent groups.

Just like today, almost 40% of the vassal groups in the entire Shengyuan system have once been brilliant, and there may not have been weak people in the Wonderful Life in the most glorious period, but it can be admitted that they have indeed been brilliant.

However, before the glory is over, it is to meet the smaller glory but decay like a meteor falling. This speed can be called terrifying.

The reason why we can rule that small territory but not become the local tyrant is that we were the first to end our rise, the first to rise, the first to conquer the land, and the first to suppress other vassal groups.

Slightly calming his mind, Morse Wanjie waved his hand to signal his subordinates to go out first, while he sat under the chair and meditated for a while.

"First of all, if it was said by the crown, and secondly, the ancestors may also reveal it! How did this rumor appear?"

"So, Mian Shang, you still need to make eight chapters with the soldiers!" Seeing this, Morse Huaxiang quickly handed over again. I knew that I had successfully attracted the attention of the Mian Shang, and I was even more happy, saying that I was determined to be able to do it that time. A blessing in disguise.

Motian himself is very embarrassing, I understand very well the state of the eight people now.

Mo Tian is also a fool. I immediately understood the meaning of Morse's Ten Thousand Worlds words, and my eyes dimmed. In my opinion, as long as it can motivate the soldiers to fight, I can't understand it. Morse Wanjie only succeeded in giving the soldiers the determination to fight, and they were too arrogant and blatant to be greedy for ink before.

"Well, it's wrong! It's wrong! It's a big guy of the Wanjie family. His opinion is very wrong. Just implement it like that, and the merits and demerits will be offset. You can forgive the guilt later, but this is just an example."

"Thank you, my lord!"

But the development of the human race universe is too slow, only hundreds of millions of years, and it will be hundreds of millions of years before the next conquest of the human race universe. The first conquest was only for the weak at the inner scene level, and the conquest almost captured the entire human race universe. In the seven expeditions, the two weaklings in the Wonderful Habitat turned out to be against each other.

Thinking of that Wai Motian didn't make my heart tired for a while. Our leaders have never slacked off, so why did those big **** end their slack?

"What? What did he say? That's in the territory of your Shengyuan clan, star robbers appeared? Is he joking?"

"Hehe! That's because he has a clever brain. He must be a bad agent. How can you help this ancestor? This is muddy mud to help him get off the wall. He's a bad guy. The old man feels that he is very important to him. He didn't reuse it!"

After I came, I broke the manuscript. After all, I was giving a report to the small boss, so I could grind it out. At worst, I just pointed out the topic directly.

Morse world

It feels faintly right, but I also feel something.

After thanking Mo Tianmiaoshang and leaving Mo Tian Divine Kingdom, Morse Myriad World heaved a long sigh of relief.

My mind was brighter, and I immediately wanted to understand that there were no less exciting sequels to that incident, and the most important thing was how did that incident come to light?

It is true that half of the resources hoarded by the military and even various departments have been handed over, but all of them are dragging their feet and delaying the delivery for a hundred years.

Do you really think that our eighth little old days were not enemies?

For example, the Qingyun sect that I met later was also a middle-level and high-level force in the entire Xilin, as for ours, it was even considered a low-level force.

Mo Tian waved his hand stingily, as long as everyone can use their brains to do things like Morse Wanjie, I feel that I will be less nervous.

"By the way, sir, the evaluation of you guys recently is not bad!"

The ancestor of the Wanjie clan smiled and patted Morse Wanjie on the shoulder. As a grown-up man, I more or less guessed some of Motian's thoughts. Morse Wanjie's big brain is really bad, and he is said to be the last Patriarch of the Wanjie family.

"Eight chapters of the agreement? Which eight chapters?" Mo Tian asked lightly.

Suddenly, Morse Wanjie felt his body shaking a little, and there was a buzzing outside his head.

However, after only a hundred years, I found that something was not right.

The financial officials at the bottom looked bitter, as reported by Naihui.

With a small stone in his heart, Morse Wanjie felt that he might be able to take a step back with a few more meritorious deeds.


The ambitious Hall family, the human race that has not yet developed rapidly, the two small groups still have a solution, and the two jackals have not been resolved, how can we slack off, how dare we slack off?

Sure enough, the confiscated materials, in just one month, encountered various incidents on the way to the Promi family in the inventory, whether it was a star thief or a space storm, etc., and the first one was successfully delivered. The supplies to the Prome family's arsenal only accounted for 10% of the amount. However, it was not followed by all kinds of thunderous means, and after that Xiaojia could be ruined, but some people dared to obey Motian's order, but Motian discovered that in this meeting, there were many people. Although the eyes seem to be respectful, there is a lot of other things missing in the heart.

"Is the evaluation of you bad?" Hearing that Morse Wanjie was slightly taken aback, "What did we say?"

"Uh...sir, by mistake, our evaluation of you is too bad." The official of the Ministry of Finance said timidly.

right! It’s not that it’s nothing, but I’m more afraid of the gradual corruption and laziness of the Yanshang people.

That's nothing, mainly because it slightly slowed down the military construction of Hua Xiangzhi's family.

"How do you evaluate you?" It is said that Morse Wanjie is not a bit bad, and he has targeted someone recently, so why do you evaluate it as bad?

We can maintain a long-term rule on the basis of the ebb and flow of one and the other.

Motian is laughing hotly, I'm so upset, it seems that our ethnic group can slack off, and it means that our ethnic group has not yet been born with such a character as the **** of the sea, even the entire ethnic group system is still a vassal. What a rebellious boy.

Hearing this, Motian nodded thoughtlessly, "Morse Wanjie's proposal was wrong, but would it be too cheap for those guys?"

Morse Wanjie felt a headache for a while, and I still felt that I could relax for a while, and it seemed that something good would happen.

Thinking of that Waimotian shuddered for a while, I vaguely felt that the whole Xilin was not a rule where the small fish eat the big fish. There is no eternal group, let alone an eternal overlord.

But the decree was implemented smoothly, and Morse Huaxiang sat in the rare leisure time in the office at this time, feeling that everything was worth it.

"It's bad! It's very bad! It's only been about a billion years, and it's only been about a billion years since there have been frequent battles against each other. The ethnic groups are like

This rottenness, it seems that it is time for me to clean it up! "

But because what you did later caused many people to be dissatisfied, whether it is a rumor or not, as long as we are sure in our hearts that it was you who did it, then the incident will be completely washed away! "

It may be Hanhu at the bottom, but before the battle with Qingyunzong, our eighth little old man has not gradually learned a little about Xilin, knowing that Huaxiang is very vast and there are many weak races in the universe, overlords, These weak ethnic groups may be too old in the ethnic group, and it is not that there is no deacon in the good fortune environment, and there is no weaker existence under that.

"First, this is a small battle at the moment. Whoever dares to do something that does not violate the war retreat will be decisive! Seventh, establish a military law department, which is usually used for activation. Once a round of war starts, the military law department will end Take action, strictly investigate corruption and those who obey discipline, if you don't find it, you will be decisive!

The official of the Ministry of Finance took a deep breath and said loudly: "We all said that the appearance of the old corona this time was not the proposal of the chief and the Myriad Worlds, especially sir, you took the initiative to raise your opinions to the crown, which made the crown furious. .”

It is also because of this that, in the view of the Old Lord of the Demon Heaven, there are only a few of those vassal groups that really needed to spend a lot of money back then. The Hall family should have been the most difficult to conquer, but the other party's plans were too far-reaching, so they chose to save The strength directly surrendered, thus making our Shengyuan family paralyzed.

Immediately, I bowed to the old ancestor beside me, "Thank you, old ancestor, for coming forward! But my grandson is afraid that something will happen to me this time!"

"Returning to the crown, I can only ask you to sit in front of the situation first and ask these military officials to return half of the supplies, so as to ensure that the war will be affected as much as possible. As for the punishment, you think it cannot be offset by military exploits. This can also stimulate The bloodiness of the soldiers on the battlefield!" Morse said respectfully.

Eighth, all subsequent crimes can be deducted according to meritorious service in this expedition, which does not mean that as long as the past crimes are performed well in this battle, the past is to blame! "

Except for the Hall family, the Gutuo family is considered to be the most difficult to conquer. When they conquered the Gutuo world, they retreated a few conquests. The master is still in its heyday, so when the former master of Wanhe appeared on the stage, the small game was settled.

It is also because of this that the frequency of conquests by the Shengyuan clan has been reduced to a great extent, and the arrogance is gradually subdued. We are like big children who hide and seek, hiding ourselves as much as possible, for fear that our arrogance will cause trouble. The attention of the real overlord and the weak in Xilin.

"Master Ten Thousand Realms, that's not the case! The star robbers obviously didn't premeditate that time. They only robbed you of a small amount of supplies, and killed 70,000 of your law enforcement officers and even a few of your Ministry of Finance. Collaborators!"

Morse talked about it with eloquence, and I came up with it after studying it for a long time. The purpose was as narrow as possible to give Xiaojia a way out. Previously, corruption of ink was completely eliminated, at least in trivial matters, there would be no greed for ink.

Morse Huaxiang felt confused for a while.

But slowly I figured it out.

As for who it is, Morse Wanjie is still Hanhu.

Apart from this, there are no groups that are difficult to conquer, but at this moment, the Old One of the Demon Heaven feels that those are nothing.

Listening to his superior's report, Morse Wanjie's eyes narrowed, as if he had just heard a small joke.

"That's right! From our point of view, that matter needs to be confirmed. From your subsequent performance, it is very difficult for us to pinpoint that it might be you. As long as it is a guess, the seeds of such resentment will be planted. The rumor may just not be ignored. Thoughtful small talk.

"Huh! As long as we hand in the resources honestly, all of this will be bad!"

That was hundreds of millions of years ago!

It stands to reason that there is no reputation for getting involved under him.

Looking at the financial official's expression, Morse Wanjie knew that it had no meaning at It was some kind of **** star thief, but an unplanned insider's crime!

Are you kidding me, besides, it is unforgivable for me to encounter star robbers in my universe.

Cosmic world plunder? Is that a crooked thing?

The talents of the eight of us are actually not so good. At least after encountering the human race universe, we still thought that our talents were extremely low. People with extremely bad talents, at least at the level of Wonderful Life, our talents can only be described as outstanding.

Everyone in the clan thinks so, but the eight old people are so normal.

"It's bad, the eldest son of the Huaxiang family, he told me how I should cooperate with him!" Mo Tian rubbed his brows and said without any fatigue.

With the return of Morse Wanjie again, the entire Shengyuan clan found out that many former Lords of the Demon Heaven who could meet had appeared in just a few days!

But then things got even better.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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