Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1240: Patriarch Xi Yuan makes a move

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Hearing this, Gourd Master God turned pale, because Patriarch Xi Yuan had said all of this.

Indeed, as the top combat force of the Shengyuan clan, he is very clear about what the Shengyuan clan is currently planning to do.

The original plan to beat the Xilin clan was cancelled, replaced by large-scale recruitment, and began to continuously dispatch troops to conquer the human universe.

But at this critical moment, the Xilin clan started to make a fuss.

"Your Excellency, are you so confident? My Shengyuan Clan is so huge, and I have an incredible army. If you want to destroy the Xilin Clan, you can destroy it with a snap of your fingers!" The Gourd Lord God is still stubborn.

Seeing this, Patriarch Xi Yuan also smiled slightly.

"Junior Hulu, do you think I'm a fool? Or do you think our Xilin clan's savings for so many years are completely unprepared?

You are investigating us, but why aren't we watching you closely?

Recently, various strategic materials on the market have suddenly become in short supply. According to the investigation of our Xilin family, two of them are making large-scale purchases.

We don't know about one of them for the time being, but one of them is definitely your Shengyuan clan, but maybe you are used to being careless on weekdays, and this cover-up work is not good.

And now that they are embarking on the eighth conquest, it seems that the attraction of the human race universe to them is very small. I have no reason to doubt that the human race universe absolutely has no temptation that they cannot resist.

As he said that, he saw Alice Zu grabbing falsely with one hand, and for a moment, the representatives of the small clan who were the first to escape and praise the little prince, and the accompanying people were all lifted into the air by some invisible force.

The final decision-making power is not a confrontation between the two below.

Listening to Alice Zu's teasing, the young man didn't complain at this time, and nodded his head like a pest. Alice Zu strokes the beard, even if I am in a state of hostility with the other party, I still have to deny that the gourd master **** is very capable.

"What a pity!"

"My mother, I was forced to stand in line that time."

Suddenly, a purple-gold gourd quietly appeared in the void beside Gourd Lord God.

At that moment, Alice laughed and Gerry was depressed, looking at the Gourd Lord God as if he was looking at a big clown.

"Yes, I know. It may be the gourd **** or the legendary Alice ancestor. Anyway, you can only wait and see what happens. Whoever wins you will take refuge in whoever wins."

"My junior, spare my life! My junior, spare my life! You Xishui clan are willing to surrender! Willing to surrender! Please spare your life!"

As soon as the words fell, the gourd master god's face and figure quickly became old and thin, as if he had been emptied of energy in an instant, and the internal scene-level aura emanating from his body was also rapidly sluggish.

Of course, this old guy from the Xilin family is also a smart person, maybe he can't see it, but I'm also saving money, so just wait and see, the drama is about to end. "

At this time, after dealing with the Gourd Lord God, the old man looked down and nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the representatives of various ethnic groups who had been arrogant rather than restless were now more honest and submissive.

You Xilin family can bear that kind of change. "

Repeatedly, the first thin thread that fell under Alice Zu was only as thin as a hair.

The whole body of the gourd is purple-gold, and the densely packed inscriptions on the surface are actually the laws of the small path, and this person has integrated all the laws that he cannot.

Ancestor Shi Jingfeng persuaded him with bad words, it would be even worse if he could subdue the gourd master god.

Alice Zu was not surprised to see this, I had already seen what the Gourd Lord God was preparing, but it was useless?

At this time, the representatives of various ethnic groups, who were not related to each other, retreated into the chatting state of the Transsion voice channel.

At the end of the separation process, it seemed to be very fast, but then as the separated fragments became larger and larger, the speed of separation suddenly accelerated, and even the soul was quickly decomposed until there was only a little residue left.

Immediately afterwards, the scene of the gourd **** being dismembered was repeated again, and the disintegration speed was not the slightest stagnation, the speed was slow, and in the blink of an eye, the two inner scene-level weaklings completely disappeared from everyone's sight, as if the world evaporated and never appeared past those two.

It was almost everyone expressing their opinions, and when they were discussing with each other, the gourd master **** suddenly showed his power in the last moment.

And that also led to a very bizarre scene in the venue at this time, seeing one by one weak people falling to the ground like puppets off-line.

The feeling of the body falling to the ground is also like a marionette losing its former radiance, its eyes are bright, it is because the souls and life breaths of the Guo Xiaojia are still there, and it is not that the souls are completely isolated and lose the perception of the body and everything.

My Xilin family doesn't know much about the human universe, but my Xilin family has many powerful people who hold important positions in your Saint Yuan Army, and some information is still very clear.

And densely packed nearly thousands of broken path laws that are close to the true **** level, and saw the gourd master **** peeling off the gourd plug, and groups of terrifying rays of light emerged from the gourd mouth very slowly.

That feeling was an illusion, but it actually happened.

"Of course I'm afraid! So it's a delay, but that has nothing to do with me getting rid of him?

"Hmph! Although the pavilion is in the Wonderful Living Realm, it's just a half-step Wonderful Living Realm incarnation. Today, the Lord God is going to kill his incarnation! I'll cut it off for you!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Elder Xi who was blushing with excitement from the scene in front of him, Jiang Heng felt helpless for a while.

Hearing this, Elder Xi Yuan's eyes lit up, and he became even more excited.

"But he acted like this, is he afraid that you will suddenly stop using troops against the human universe, and instead quickly put down their Shi Jing clan's rebellion?" The gourd master **** seemed to have guessed his mind, and said sternly.

But that's just the power that escaped, and it must have been shot with all its strength. Even if Alice Ancestor was placed in Wonderful Life, he really didn't have two brushes. No wonder he dared to challenge the status of the Shengyuan clan.

"Tsk tsk! Gourd Lord God, how about it? The old man's hand is still wrong. It's too much for him to still hurt me. His elder brother's ability is also wrong."

Thinking of that, I have no idea in my heart, and I feel less scary about the mysterious, treacherous and terrifying separation path in my heart, but I just feel that it is not very powerful.

Jiang Heng ignored all those things from the beginning to the end, and he didn't have a certain understanding of the parting path of Alice Zu in his heart.

Like a terrifying sword light piercing through everything.

"Very weak! A very weak law, but is there any limit? For a weak thing or a living body, the separation speed will be very fast once it is over.

At that moment, no one in the venue felt that they were separated from their own perception, spirit, body, and even the law.

But the thin white lines like hair still left shallow bloodstains on the surface of Alice Zu's body. Obviously, even if the power was separated by Alice Zu several times, the sharpness contained in it and this thing can be cut The power of rules is still terrifying.

Are you going to use troops against the human universe recently?

If you get rid of him, he will think that the Shengyuan clan will openly fight with your Xilin clan because of him, right?

For a moment, no one was silent. At that moment, we were all in the lake, and at this time everyone was the fish under the eucalyptus.

Seeing that scene, everyone was shocked and said yes, and some representatives of the big clan couldn't help trembling with fear.

"Of course, such an Anzi who was specially dispatched by the Shengyuan clan would be complicated, and what he said was not delaying time.

At this time, the white Changhong below is actually separating little by little, and a beam of light ends at the end of the branch, and is divided into several thinner beams, and at the same time, it retreats and separates under each of the thinner branch beams. .

At the same time, Elder Xi Yuan also saw Jiang Heng who was looking aside from the situation in front of his eyes, and hurriedly said in voice transmission, "Your junior, are you making a move? Or what do you need to cooperate with you?"

"How about surrendering, Your Majesty? He conquered the seven directions for the Shengyuan clan, whether he has any credit or hard work. We let him do such a mission that must die, obviously we have a bad intention.

But it wasn't the Gourd Lord God, my body, my hair, everything about me was separating rapidly, and at the end it was separated in small pieces.

At the same time, Elder Xi also fell to the ground, Jiang Heng was also an example, of course I was faking it.


However, the Gourd Lord God would not surrender, I snorted, "Hehe, if you surrender to him, you will die now at least. But if you betray the ethnic group, you will die before, and even the descendants of the ethnic group behind you have to be buried with him. kill!"

This successively arrogant representative represented the panic in the eyes at this time, and the mask used to hide the breath was directly shattered, revealing a strange face made up of water flow, not resembling a catfish head at all.

"A mere ethnic group that owns a half-step ancestor of the wonderful habitat dares to speak wild words in front of your clan, it's too late!"

"Now you guys should think about how to get out of there. Now that the two sides are fighting, who do they think will win?"

Jiang Heng thought in his heart, but I have thought about it, if my behavior of using the magic cloud as a unit of measurement is known by the other party, I will definitely vomit blood.

As soon as the words fell, Alice Zu became a little more serious.

That being the case, it's not the best time for your Xilin clan to take action. Once they conquer the human universe and obtain the treasures in the human universe that make them miss, the variables will be small.

The divine sense is still observing his own state at this time, as well as the situation below.

That kind of strength is just an incarnation, and the strength of that incarnation may be comparable to the waste of Moyun. "

You Xilin clan is not a good citizen in our opinion! "

The gourd master **** didn't tremble a little, not because he was afraid, but because he was in good health. My body couldn't bear such a terrifying deterrent.

You never imagined that one day you would see a confrontation at the level of a half-step Wonderful Life Realm. Although the Gourd Lord God is a half-step Wonderful Life Realm, the difference is far away, and from what the younger generation said, it seems that this person has not made a move yet. The ensuing confrontation was absolutely uneventful.

"Oh? Junior, do you mean that the gourd master **** has no front hand?" Shi Jingfeng was completely puzzled.

"Hmph! It's because of your hypocrisy!"

As soon as the words fell, Alice Zu raised her palm, and for a moment, there seemed to be an endless sense of separation and isolation in the void.

"It's bad, the old man is not a bloodthirsty person, it's just that he is an obedient person, they are very obedient, the ancestor hates them very much, I hope that your apprentice will talk to them next time, they will be polite of."

At this time, many people were suppressed because of the Gourd Lord God, and these originally restless representatives of various ethnic groups sat down again at this time.

Yes, we will at all, we will only see it for the time being, so from the beginning to the end, the initiative is in your Xilin clan, if you want to rebel, this rebellion will appear, if you want to rebel, their Shengyuan clan After the human race universe has not yet been conquered.

In the last moment, a sky-reaching white beam shot towards Alice Zu.

"It's not interesting. So it's not Shi Jingfeng ancestor's separation law. It's really powerful. It's really scary to practice a law to the extreme. The power of subtle rules seems to want to separate every cell of you little by little, and at the same time separate your soul and body. contact.

It seems that every part of the body has a sense of fragmentation and division, the soul has lost contact with the physical body, and the law, the path, and the treasures under the body have also lost contact.

After all, the girl's temperament was jumping off, that is, seeing that small scene that never happened since then, her former composure disappeared in an instant, and she regained her masculinity.

That group of people is very powerful, and it has let you fall into the sand twice, and returned with great success.

"Yeah, then who would have thought that there would be no such small change in that exchange meeting. If I knew it earlier, I would have been invited to participate in that Laoshizi exchange meeting. It's hateful!"

"I said so little to this seat, isn't that what he prepared?"

"Damn, how could such a thing happen?"

And according to your investigation, it seems that the person who arranged for him to return to that task was someone under the command of Wan He and the Dream Demon Lord, right? That's blatantly suppressing dissidents. Could it be that Your Majesty is so willing to do so? "

Just when the Gourd Lord God seemed to stop talking to Alice Zu, I made a move.

The closer the strength is to Alice Zu, the faster the separation speed will be. "

Jiang Heng simply folded his hands on his chest, UU Reading must have no melon seeds, I am not completely like a melon eater at this time.

In the last moment, the Gourd God had no intention of resisting, and seemed to sacrifice a simple jade pendant, but the jade pendant only persisted for eight breaths, and then the jade pendant was separated into the finest dust in the universe.

Almost instantly, Alice Zubai seemed to feel the terrifying power contained in the white light, and frowned slightly, "That's it, you said why he didn't have the courage to resist, it turned out that the devil gave him a ray of law in the past .It is indeed in line with his characteristic of the law of slashing, and that hand is indeed amazing, but that's it!"

"It's the worst policy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Why do you have to make a move in the eyes, and what kind of good is that gourd master god?" Jiang Heng smiled.

"Hey, who said yes, but whoever stands in line is not dead! Which of them can bear the anger of the weak?"

Seeing this, Alice Zu was no longer determined, and raised her hand a little harder.

"It's bad to be honest earlier. If I come here before, I can do anything. After the first name, their Xishui clan is the most escaped, isn't it?"

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