Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1221: pride

"No wonder you said earlier that even the interior of the Qingheng universe is not safe. It seems that star robbers have become a common phenomenon in the entire Saint Yuan system, and they are extremely rampant!" Jiang Heng said with emotion. scorpion

"Yes, senior."

Alice nodded, but said indifferently between her brows: "Actually, these star robbers are not just ordinary casual cultivators, or people who are dissatisfied with the Shengyuan regime.

They even include some vassal royal families, and it is common for some cosmic royal families to occasionally find time to take part-time jobs as star thieves. This is really not a rare thing under the Saint Yuan system.

Even our Gutuo royal family had worked as a star thief during the previous period of poverty.

There are even some royal families who find it very interesting and gradually develop it into a private main business. In fact, they are not short of money, they just want to enjoy the pleasure of unscrupulous plundering in private like star robbers. "

"Pleasure? Could it be that this is the reason why he has been suppressed and enslaved by the Shengyuan clan for too long, is it a little sick?" Jiang Heng asked.

"That's right, because the star robbers robbed the Shengyuan family and there is no way to determine who did it.

Not to mention spending a lot of trouble for the little star, after all, the regular army cannot be looted, and some Shengyuan clan who are in small groups or traveling alone are often robbed.

Everyone enjoys this status as a member of the Shengyuan clan who is unscrupulous and painful.

How do you say it is wonderful?

However, the star thieves will also honestly abide by the iron law promulgated by the Saint Yuan World, that is, the star thieves can rob money, can hurt people, and if the victim is willing to pay a certain amount of remuneration, they can definitely kill people. If it is followed, the Shengyuan clan will send regular troops to retreat to encircle and suppress.

After all, people need to do research, and the Alice family is indeed the poorest vassal group.

It was a mistake that fell into Sun Yishu's ears but he didn't take it seriously.

Prome shook her head. scorpion

Another example is that there is no one called that is a method that cultivates a kind of neuron cells, extracts the nerve fluid in it, and injects that nerve fluid retrogradely after the baby is born, and the intelligence of the pre-baby will not improve much.

Jiang Heng raised a question. It feels like guarding that wave of operations, rather than shooting a rock at my own foot.

For example, the chip in the counter next to it is not a chip called

At that time, Jiang Heng let Promi see his arrogance. The price of knowledge is cheap, and Jiang Heng bought a copy of all the knowledge chips that were not available outside the store with a wave of his hand.

"By the way, Promi, is that kind of blueprint sales, is it that the Shengyuan family is afraid that those blueprints will be stolen by the stars or the vassal royal family will end the small-scale batch production before they get it? Even if they are afraid of the risk of force, this emerging arsenal , it will also create commercial competition for our private arms sales, right?"

A total of 700 million Saint Yuan coins were spent.

Storage rings are also quite common there, and they are often only possessed by the weak, while the strong use capsules. scorpion

You must know that what is sold outside is only the technology provided by the Alice family, not the popular technology provided by the various universes in the entire Saint Yuan family system, and the entire Saint Yuan family has no knowledge that the Alice family dares to buy with such pride.

It must be that the domain master level is equipped with that kind of technology, and it will directly have the computing power of the demigod level.

Jiang Heng's eyes narrowed, I thought the events before and after were outrageous, and I thought it was even more outrageous now.

As for the members of the royal family of my vassal group, who dares to be so small.

After all, the conquest of the Shengyuan family is as complicated as a word. It spans countless light years and retreats from a few universes.

Here, there are not too many other technologies, and there are all kinds of them. What Jiang Heng cares most about is these basic knowledge, which are rarely shared by Alice's family.

It is estimated that if it develops according to that way, hundreds of millions of years ago, even if the Shengyuan clan can take over the enslaved vassal group by virtue of the small road, so that the vassal group dares to resist publicly, but privately they can hold back more and more frequent big moves, It even hindered official duties to a certain extent and affected the conquest of the Shengyuan clan. scorpion

After walking out of the shop, Promi was still a little dizzy.

Of course, it is limited to domain master level and above. As for the domain master, the life level has not gradually changed and retreated towards the demigod, so there is no way to weaken it.

And the result of that little hand wave, it's not that the staff's gaze towards Jiang Heng hasn't worshiped so much, it's like seeing his own father, and he hates to call him dad directly.

It's a pity that that kind of weakening fluid is only suitable for demigods and above.

After all, the Shengyuan clan does not give public expenses to the royal family of the vassal clan, and even every year in each universe, the vassal clan pays a small amount of taxes to the Shengyuan clan.

There are all kinds of booths outside, but inside the booths are chips, and there are labels and descriptions on the counters.

It has to be because the Shengyuan clan understands that the existing vassal clans are depressed and rebellious. scorpion

You later thought that Jiang Heng was just pretending to be weird, but you saw someone throwing something like a ring directly.

"Well, when the time comes, you will pay him the Holy Yuan Coins to agree, what is that to you, you don't have too many Saint Yuan Coins, so little that he can't imagine."

It's worse than our Gutuo family. In fact, the royal family has less funds at their disposal.

In fact, the Gutuo family can be regarded as a small vassal group, and the current disposable assets are only more than 7 billion yuan coins.

After pondering for a while, Sun Yishu immediately said: "Young man, since you are so interested in arms, it's wrong to have more civilian equipment than that. You definitely don't need it. You can't buy knowledge."

"Yes, in fact, a small number of cosmic worlds are actually not good at forging, and even fewer still stay at the level of ancient workshops. The forging level of those cosmic worlds is purely based on personal skills, and that kind of person can create standard weapons that conform to the specifications of.

That technique is also very wrong. scorpion

"That's for sale too?"

But the memory storage capacity will be slightly improved, nothing like the auxiliary brain chip of the human universe.

Promem suggested.

Jiang Heng suddenly pointed somewhere and let out a heavy hey.

Jiang Heng did not approve of this. After all, Promi's identity is sensitive, and it is very difficult for the guards here to know when he goes in and out of that kind of place.

"Is that junior leaving the human universe for the first time? Could it be that my old man wants to exchange semi-artifacts and real artifacts for holy coins? currency."

"Then... Could it be that the guards also acquiesced?" Jiang Heng really understood what was going on. scorpion

"Oh? Can it be mass-produced without an arsenal?" Jiang Heng asked rhetorically.

In short, the lower level of the Shengyuan clan seems to say that they play in secret, as long as they don't kill people, they do it carefully, and it's up to them to vent their depression or seek money. As long as there is a reason for killing people, it is enough to publicly praise our Shengyuan clan.

It seems that everyone has the same intentions, but in fact we are not afraid of making troubles at all.

"Hey, this is..."

"You can do this for you. After all, your identity is subject to scrutiny. You will let your own channels help you purchase, and you will purchase a copy of the drawings that are not in the store for you. In order to avoid necessary troubles, you Still have to go back."

Jiang Heng listened carefully, and when he heard it, he felt that the Shengyuan clan was taking off their pants and farting, hitting them again and again, which would make the star robbers more reckless.

Sun Yishu thought to himself. scorpion

Even the local royal family was held accountable, forcing the local cosmic royal family to hand over the murderer, otherwise the local royal family would not suffer.

Following the conversation with Sun Yi, Promi also understood that the Human Race universe behind that junior seemed to care about those cutting-edge technologies.

A brief introduction is not about the technology of developing genes, the in-depth study of genes, and the modification technology.

Even Jiang Heng believed that the theory of Star Pirates culture was definitely not brought about by the private efforts of the Shengyuan clan.

Jiang Heng felt that such an effect was very wrong.

Promi shook his head with a smile, and once again said something that subverted Jiang Heng's views.

And that kind of nerve fluid directly weakens the cerebellum, and the front can also be implanted with a chip. The combination of the two, Xiaoyue can't let special people have computing power comparable to low-level warriors. scorpion

The purpose is not to give Xiaojia a channel to relieve depression and depression.

Nor is it the longevity gene adjustment technology. Through that kind of adjustment, the lifespan can be increased by 70% without the original foundation. The reason is the same, and it is suitable for demigods.

But when he thought about it, he realized that it was not a perfect method.

"Arsenal? Yes, Xiaojia does not have an arsenal. In fact, there are more than ten cosmic groups in the entire Saint Yuan system that have self-developed arsenals, and these ten will be tolerantly controlled, and the manufacture of arsenals is prohibited."

Sun Yi was emotional, and she was ready to ask Promi to take her to ask the price.

As for whether there is such a small amount of cash outside, Promi has to go and see for himself, as long as he sees the joyful expression of the clerk, he knows that the amount is probably too little or too much.

Or the space folding technology suitable for special people, and it is not a folding portable space that can be used by those who are not weak in martial arts. scorpion

"I want to make some purchases." Jiang Heng is also hiding it. I am also afraid that Promi is faking it. In fact, after a little soul check, I can't see through the girl Promina. The facts show that the other party's alliance is sincere.

According to the implementation of the Star Thief strategy, the Xiao family had no outlet for venting. Naturally, they would continue to work for the Shengyuan clan for a long time, and even something would hinder the Shengyuan clan's conquest.

Sun Yi said casually.

"Tsk tsk, it's a place of business and trade."

The space cannot be folded and stored in a large capsule. Ordinary people only need to press the button of the capsule to use it, and they can't just pack up and take away their small starships, or even houses with hundreds of thousands of square meters.

Beings with divine functions seem to have changed, and in essence have not yet ended on the path of voluntary degeneration.

And at that time, if you think about it according to the thinking of the ruler of the Shengyuan clan, you can find that it is definitely the most perfect solution. scorpion

But that is more important than the chip, the chip itself is not a thing, and it is impossible to implant a small-capacity chip. Once the capacity is too small, it is difficult to cause a minimal burden on the cerebellum.

"I'm afraid, because even if we provide other drawings, we can't produce in small batches. The customers outside are mainly for large workshops." Promi said lightly.

And Sun Yi killed one-seventh of the treasury of the Gu Tuo family's royal family in one go, which shocked Promi. Seeing this, Promi's eyes flickered, and he immediately said loudly: "Junior, this is not someone who sells military design blueprints, especially Xiao Shao, who sells standard weapons, armor, shuttles, starships, long-range weapons, and military defense system designs." drawing."

"It would be even worse without that channel!" Jiang Heng was also delighted when he heard that, thinking that he could also buy knowledge in a package, which is definitely something that is also very much needed in the current human race universe.

The reason why there are so few is that there are not many small branches of science and technology, and even some large scientific and technological achievements, various disciplines, etc., whether it is theoretical physics or practical physics, chemical engineering, materials, electrical, etc...

As for those with arsenals, they all recovered or even destroyed their ordnance skills before being enslaved by the Shengyuan clan. That is the routine operation of the Shengyuan clan. "

"More than ten? Tolerance and control?"

As for Promi, he was still stunned.

According to the description, at the very least, one cannot weaken one's own genes by 100% on the basis of the original foundation, nor is it doubled. The group before weakening will double in terms of physical fitness, intelligence and life expectancy.

Therefore, the star robbers in the entire Saint Yuan system did not abide by that iron law. "

Jiang Heng can naturally understand the text of Qingheng World in an instant, and he is not surprised when he glances over it.

At present, the human race universe has not mastered such a practical civilian technology.

And without those cornerstones of knowledge, the future development of the human universe is limited, and even to a certain extent, it cannot trigger the era of a small technological explosion.

It cannot be said that other body modification techniques are suitable for demigods. scorpion

"Yes, it is also acquiesced. Hehe, let alone the design drawings, I am sure the younger generation wants it. We can even sell our heirs and wives to him at a certain price."

Looking in the direction of Jiang Heng's finger, I saw that the store was empty under the counter, only a few staff were swaying around, and no customers came, so we chatted loudly after we got off, and the other party shook his head. Chennai gave up.

However, the Shengyuan clan is also very vague now. We have long since returned to the glory of the past. Violent and weak pressure will only cause a violent rebound, and even cause the morale of the entire vassal group to drop, which will be extremely beneficial to the conquest of other worlds.

Not here and there

Because the knowledge that can be purchased is civilian technological knowledge, there are some restrictions, so Promi directly brought Jiang Heng to a store.

Jiang Heng nodded, so it seems that the Shengyuan clan has a tight grip on the dominance of the group.

"The younger generation is interested in those blueprints" 獋

So the Shengyuan clan is also very vague, we are determined to be able to push back the group of vassal clans.

Seeing that Jiang Hengbai seemed to have no interest in the blueprint shop, Promi asked.

The design blueprints are all top-secret documents to be kept in the laboratory, and they were sold out just like that.

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