Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1217: Negotiation and Surprise

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, this is the case, everything is powerless to change, at least for them. lap

Jiang Heng's eyes flickered, and an idea was already taking shape in his heart.

"So now if you were given a chance to get rid of the control of the Shengyuan clan, would you choose?" Jiang Heng said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Alice frowned, but quickly smiled and said, "Senior, don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning you, but I'm afraid this opportunity will never be possible.

Dao has been controlled by the Shengyuan clan, and it is absolutely impossible to get rid of the control.

Unless we find a large cosmic world that is not controlled by the Shengyuan family, but the large cosmic world does not exist nearby at all.


It's not all..."

Speaking of this, Alice looked at Jiang Heng with a complicated expression, with a thoughtful look on her face, thought about it for a while, and said tentatively:

"Senior, it is said that some time ago, the Shengyuan clan has been fighting with a large world called the human universe, which is rated as a second-class universe in the Shengyuan system.

Not long after this, I heard that the Shengyuan clan organized a second wave of conquests again. This time, even the famous Lord of the Old Demon Heaven came in person, and the army gathered.

But as the battle gradually receded, hundreds of thousands of years ago, you found that the Shengyuan clan was still continuously increasing their troops in the human universe, and even at the very end, even the old master of the demon sky and even his heir, the master of the demon cloud It was also before Qiqi came to the battlefield in person.


Jiang Heng revealed Alice's great scheming in one word.

Alice sighed heavily. lap

Now that there are long trails in the universe of your human race, the power of the world's origin is enough to cultivate the weak at the internal level, and it is possible to provide them with the power of the small road to break through to the internal level. "

Especially the ancestors, for the sake of the royal family to have enough fists, they are willing to practice the Shengyuan Kungfu and absorb the Shengyuan Xiaodao.

"Going to the Terran universe to discuss an alliance? After all, you want to continue to be the lackey of the Shengyuan clan to spy on the enemy for us?" Jiang Heng smiled.

And they are similar to you in the back of the human race universe, and they are also struggling to resist, but the result in the front is exactly the opposite of yours. Even so, they blocked the first wave of conquest of the Shengyuan clan.

Thinking of that, Alice is so excited, even your body is trembling with excitement.

Regarding what Alice said, Jiang Heng also nodded.

Alice said very little in one breath, but the conditions of the content are very kind to you, and it can't even be called humble. lap

Behind him is a weak person in the Wonderful Living Realm. Only the weak person in the Wonderful Living Realm has not conceived his own inner universe, which is different from the universe in the inner world, so he dares to speak like this.

All of them are the power of Shengyuan Xiaodao. Practicing Shengyuan Gongfa and absorbing Shengyuan Xiaodao will only fundamentally change our Gu Tuo family.

"It's the younger generation, the younger generation really thinks so." Jing Yishu said in a heavy voice, and raised his head timidly as he spoke.

Jing Yi also smiled lightly when she heard that, that man Jing Yishu is still a boring big girl.

So you don’t have much to trade with them, and you can’t even provide too little help in their last confrontation with the Shengyuan clan. resulting in the number of weaklings.

And that was enough for the royals to flee for their lives. You will know that the small situation is gone, and then you only need to wait for the news that they will be conquered and enslaved to become new vassal groups.

Gu Tuo World also resisted hard back then, and never thought of making compromises. You also saw it on stage. lap

You can't even imagine that the news will be sent back to you, so that your father, grandfather, great-grandfather, ancestors, and even the entire clan will be crazy about it.

Just like our Gutuo World back then, even now, with the entry of the Shengyuan World Trail into the Gutuo World, although the trails and long rivers have been restored, they are all from the inside.

As long as the people of the Gutuo world become the people of my Jiangheng and become the creatures of the inner universe, does this mean that the entire Gutuo clan cannot completely get rid of the control of the Shengyuan clan? !

Jiang Heng has not yet said the words so bluntly, you know everything needs to be covered up, sighed heavily and said:


But it is difficult to analyze, the weak Shengyuan clan was defeated.

It is an extremely tough nut to crack. It is heard that hundreds of millions of years ago, the Shengyuan clan organized a large-scale conquest campaign, but it ended in failure because they underestimated the opponent and failed. lap

From that kind of you, in fact, you and your members of the Gutuo royal family have not low expectations for their human universe.

Jiang Heng laughed.

"However, you own your own species and you give them places."

As the saying goes, one side nourishes one side, absorbing the power of the Shengyuan clan is equivalent to becoming the Shengyuan clan.

This level of cosmic world is almost the same as our previous Gutuo world, which is equivalent to the Gutuo world in its heyday.

The same is true for cultivating true gods, masters, or even demigods, not to mention cultivating inner scene-level weaklings.

"He's a clever little girl. His trip was a fake. He didn't come to the backline transfer station to inquire about the actual situation of the battle between the Shengyuan clan and your human race in the universe, right?"

Because the Gutuo world at this time was also the same, and it was completely destroyed during the seventh wave of conquest. "

"There is also too much negotiating, you just want to ask their human universe to accept some of your royal family members to retreat into their human universe to practice, and worry that you will encroach on too little of their long-term resources.

You only need to let a few princes step into the inner scene level, and you also know the current situation of your Gutuo world, you have the law to openly rebel against the Shengyuan clan under the overall ethnic group.

Hearing this, Alice's big face was suddenly full of disappointment.

Hearing this, a trace of panic flashed across Alice's face, but she smiled and nodded very slowly.

Because when your Gutuo world was conquered for the seventh time, it only lasted for 100,000 years before it was completely destroyed.

"Do you understand? Their Gutuo world can be regarded as the world of the weak in the Wonderful Life, why? Do you still understand?" Jiang Heng asked with a half-smile. lap


Speaking of Gu Tuo's royal male, Alice took a deep breath, and said without any anxiety: "Young man, I dare to ask, are you not from the human universe?"

Cultivating inner-level weaklings requires a cosmic world, a broken cosmic world, a cosmic world with broken paths and long rivers.

At that time, Jing Yishu hadn't continued: "And when you heard that the Shengyuan clan was preparing for them again.

Hearing that, Jing Yishu was not completely stupefied yet, looking at Jing Yi with small eyes, blinking and blinking, his heart bursting with shock.

Because of this, you and the royals are kind of you, and their background is exhausted in the first wave of defense.

You stared at Jiang Heng with piercing eyes, as if you were expecting something, but Jiang Heng also let you down, so he nodded fiercely. lap

They defeated our weak offensive, and they became the only universe world among the hundreds of universes far away in the entire Shengyuan world, which survived the two conquests of the Shengyuan clan and still remained independent. "

Because Xiaodao is controlled by the Shengyuan clan, the Shengyuan clan has set a lower limit for all vassal clans. The ceiling is not the eighth level of the inner scene, and it is already possible to practice higher.

"Senior, to be honest, you have indeed paid attention to the human universe, which is not much similar to your Gutuo world.

After the cosmic-scale war intelligence interview, the conditions are really too much.

Hearing this, Alice hurriedly said in panic: "Your junior! Junior, of course it is, this junior is indeed what this junior said, you want Elder Hill to negotiate an alliance with the weak in the human race and the universe."

"He said just now that he hadn't planned to come to Qingheng World for a long time to play. You think this matter is probably true?" Jiang Heng said lightly.

Although you feel that they will hold on very slowly, you somehow feel that there is no hope. lap

"So you can't represent the human universe, what do they want to talk to you now?" Jiang Heng smiled casually in a comfortable posture.

Covering his big mouth with his hands, his big face was full of astonishment, looking at the junior who was clearly older and seemed to be much younger than himself behind his eyes.

Speaking of this time, Alice's big face was flushed with excitement, as if the human race had failed in the universe, and she was even more unhappy than the human race itself.

Because the ancestors also knew that the Shengyuan clan could easily pass through the path and change my thinking, so I have always sealed myself in the depths of the palace, without emphasizing the prohibition, and it would take more than ten minutes to break through violently.

"Yes, they want you to think quickly, and even contact the royal family behind them. After all, it involves two universes. They can't think about it internally." Jiang Heng has something to say, that matter is also two universes after all. Negotiations at the same level, it's up to you.

It was also during this time that Qingheng World retreated into a state of combat readiness and almost became a transit point for the Saint Yuan Legion, and all business activities at that time came to a standstill.

That is equivalent to locking the retreat of the vassal group, and even if it is the eighth level of the interior scene, the weak of the vassal group may give orders from the suzerain state of your Shengyuan clan. lap

"The younger generation should not use the younger generation to make troubles." Jing Yishu hurriedly waved his hands in fear, making a joke, and the other party's blunt words meant that he had no fear.

"According to your understanding, although there is no confusion in the Shengyuan system, there is still a time when a half-step inner scene is needed to act as a guard? Let you guess the purpose of that Elder Hill... ..

And now at least our Gutuo world is not full of mortals who still maintain the original appearance of the Gutuo clan, but how long can it last.

Anyone who practiced is the power of the small way to open a world.

At that moment, you still understand what the so-called limited quotas mean.

Therefore, Alice has seen her ancestors since she was born, but she only talked to her ancestors from a distance.

Because your Gutuo world also resisted a wave of conquest by the Shengyuan clan after the end, which is exactly the same as their human universe. lap

All of them serve the war, which is why you originally planned to come to Qingheng World for a long time, but it has been delayed until now.

"What? Junior, what do you mean, do you understand too well?"

From then on, their human universe and your Gutuo world have come to the same result, so you have become more and more interested in their human universe.

However, at this moment, Jiang Heng spoke again.

The so-called limited number of places for us to practice, isn't it just the Shengyuan clan that doesn't exist.

It's just that no cunning flashed in the eyes of the big head hanging high.

"Let you re-introduce Jiang Heng, who comes from the Human Race universe. He is not here to spy on the enemy this time. Now he is contacting the Shengyuan clan to report you. He is sure to get a small bounty. Even their ancient The Tuo world can also benefit from this."

The melon seeds of the brain are full of Jingyi's words just now.

But our Gu Tuo imperial family hadn't expected that, so although you were disappointed, you also understood that what the junior Jiang Heng said was true.

And the only member of the royal family who was able to come from the Gutuo world to be in charge of negotiating with the civilization of the human race universe, that girl is definitely not as naive as it seems on the surface.

After all, what Jiang Heng said was not a sarcasm in Alice's view, sarcasm that we are running dogs of the Shengyuan clan.

And you only need two quotas for the weak in the inner scene, and you only need that their human universe can allow the two princes of your Gutuo royal family to use the trail of their human universe to step into the inner scene level and increase the background of your royal family. "

Junior Jiang..."

All of a sudden, Alice felt a roar in her cerebellum, you understand, you understand completely. lap

Is it because he used it as a cover, and then that Elder Hill quietly went to the border of the human universe, and even found a chance to retreat into the human universe? "

Suddenly asked about the important point, Alice did not become, you can agree to them, now that the Human Race universe has gone through two cruel confrontations with the Saint Yuan world, the origin of the world has been plundered for less than half, A small number of internal-level weaklings died in battle.

Although the Shengyuan clan withdrew their troops that time, even the remarks to Li were clear, and they did not bluntly state the result of the war.

Could it be that Jiang Heng's younger generation wants us to completely join the Shengyuan clan without reservation?

Indeed, if it was an accident, if the original result of the human race universe was exactly the same as that of Gu Tuo's world, and became enslaved at the beginning, yes, the human race universe would only be worse, directly destroyed, and the race destroyed.

"Actually...actually...what needs to be discussed, father and the entire royal family behind you haven't explained in advance."

It wasn't until Qingheng World heard that the wartime status was lifted and the Saint Yuan Corps withdrew, that you were finally convinced that they persisted, and they blocked the weak Saint Yuan Clan.

But Jiang Heng shook his head.

Until hundreds of millions of years ago, perhaps our real Gu Tuo family would completely cease to exist.

Is that a paradox?

The sudden opening made Alice slightly taken aback.

"Your words, junior, you understand too well."

Alice is really confused at this time, what is the human race universe can provide, and you can provide it privately. lap

In fact, are the conditions you said too much?

Surprise, little surprise!

Because at this time, what that junior Jiang Heng said was not the slightest bit wrong, and he perfectly told your future arrangements and big plans.

With just one thought, Alice's ancestors would betray us in a blink of an eye, become the killing machines of the Shengyuan clan wholeheartedly and slash at my descendants with knives.

Then the young man came up and grinded to the eighth level of inner scene level cultivation, and that is the limit that our vassal race can reach.

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