Master of Fist

Chapter 125: A blessing in disguise

The injury was too serious this time, and Jiang Heng felt that drinking water was laborious, so he needed to use medicinal soup to nourish it first, and then he could switch to taking medicinal materials directly to speed up recovery.

But this time, being lucky enough to survive is really like a dream!

Jiang Heng doesn't even know what happened at that time even now. Are the two burly monster-like figures that suddenly appeared after that monsters? But why do demons kill each other?

And where are those two Lord Zhenyousi now? Is the demon really solved?

Jiang Heng was a little puzzled, and didn't bother to think about those things at this time. At this time, my mind still feels a little confused after sleeping for a long time, and my brain is still a bit muddy. Thinking about things is several times slower than usual, and thinking about it also causes severe brain pain.

The deficiency of Qi and blood was too serious, and his body was always in a state of extreme exhaustion. Now Jiang Heng only felt that he was panting when he spoke. It would be unbelievable if this were normal.

After half an hour, Xiaorou walked in with several maidservants carrying several pots of medicinal soup.

Knowing that the young master is seriously injured now, Xiao Rou thoughtfully filled a bowl with a small bowl, and then blew on it until the temperature was acceptable before carefully feeding the young master.

It was so painful that I forced myself to drink a bowl while holding back my cough. Every movement of the throat will involve the muscles so that it is extremely painful.

Fortunately, a sip of medicine soup into Dujiang Heng felt a lot better, but it seemed that the amount was too small, and it did not trigger the black ball's ability to absorb feedback.

Could it be that the body is too empty?

This medicinal power was directly absorbed by the body?

Helpless, Jiang Heng drank two pots of whole medicine soup under Xiaorou's service. Immediately afterwards, the familiar feeling resurfaced again, but the suction force seemed to be very weak because the medicine was too weak.

However, Jiang Heng soon felt an incomparably pure energy fed back to his whole body, the amount was not much, but this kind of refreshing dared to relieve Jiang Heng's feeling of weakness a lot, and his whole body was also refreshed a little, but his whole body was injured. Still not healed at all.

"Come again!"

Xiaorou soon brought a few more pots of medicinal soup, this time she swallowed even the dregs of the medicinal soup, a whole pot of medicinal soup and the dregs went into her stomach. This time the feedback was even more significant. Jiang Heng only felt that the pain in his muscles had been relieved a lot, and some of his meridians had recovered a little.

Jiang Heng was surprised to find that the meridians in his body seemed to be much tougher than before after recovery, as if they could withstand more influx of Qi and blood. This discovery surprised Jiang Heng a little.


Xiaorou nodded, showing no sign of impatience, but a small face full of joy, as if seeing the young master slowly recovering, she was happier than anyone else. Even if she is very tired now, and her clothes are even soaked in sweat!

Xiaorou was busy working quickly, even a kind of maidservant was busy, and Laifu outside also led a group of servants to carry firewood and keep filling the fire to cook soup.

After drinking three or four pots of soup medicine in a row, Jiang Heng was steaming all over his body at this moment, some water began to evaporate, and his whole body began to sweat hotly. And the body also began to change rapidly, and the black ball began to absorb the medicine and feed back pure energy.

These energies are constantly reorganizing the meridians in Jiang Heng's body, as if they are reshaping Jiang Heng's whole body. The muscle soreness disappeared completely, and the internal organs began to recover as before.

Xiao Rou and the maidservants had stopped making the soup, and began to take turns wiping Jiang Heng's sweat with towels. Laifu brought a group of servants to bring box after box of medicinal materials.

At this time, they all looked at their young master in astonishment, they had never seen such a martial arts practitioner before. Even the masters in the Escort may not have such a miraculous phenomenon as his own young master.

Puffs of hot air rose from the body surface, at this moment Jiang Heng began to vomit violently, but fortunately Xiaorou caught it in time with the wooden basin next to him. A mouthful of black blood spewed out one after another, exuding a stench.

Everyone watching was shocked, Xiaorou was so frightened that she even wanted to go out and call a doctor, and the Lin family siblings who were helping her looked pale. On the contrary, Laifu seemed to have guessed something and was not in a hurry but watched quietly.

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of the broken internal organs, Jiang Heng felt his stomach refreshed a lot.

Previously, not only the meridians and bones were broken, but even the internal organs were in a mess, with all kinds of internal bleeding and internal organ damage. If Jiang Heng didn't focus on horizontal training, and his body was here, he might have died suddenly in Hengjiang City that day.

Now I'm completely relieved.

Boom! Boom!

But at this moment, Jiang Heng's eyes widened, and he seemed to be in disbelief lying on the bed. Feel it carefully, the sound is indeed like a bell! Can't go wrong!

This is the pulse of the heart!

Jiang Heng only felt that every beat of the heart in his body was extremely powerful at this time, several times stronger than before. Feeling that every time the heart beats in the body, the circulation of qi and blood is greatly It is simply an earth-shaking change.

In comparison, although the other viscera have also undergone huge changes, compared to the heart, Jiang Heng only thinks this time is really worth it!

The changes in other viscera implicitly strengthened the body, but the improvement of the heart can be said to be Jiang Heng's future!

Although the Nine-Dragon Prison Lock Manual is an incomparably tyrannical kung fu practice, every time he wants to superimpose it, Jiang Heng finds it extremely difficult! Not only is the pressure of qi and blood directly pressing on the whole body, but also the heart cannot surge such a majestic qi and blood in a short period of time.

Forcibly surging, I'm afraid it will increase the pressure on the heart, and it may even burst. Like blocking demons in Hengjiang City and forcibly casting the third layer, Jiang Heng already felt short of breath and almost couldn't catch his breath.


Exhaled in a long breath, but saw that this breath turned into something similar to energy, blowing so that a vase on the opposite side wobbled and fell to the ground and shattered into a pile of pieces.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng was really in a good mood!

He is looking forward to recovering from all his injuries more and more. How much will his strength improve?

"Medical ingredients!"

Hearing this, Laifu hastily handed over a few roots of old ginseng, and he didn't need to think about the situation that his young master would be in vain. The joke is really a little numb to the young master's ability.

It can be said that in Jiang Heng's small house, everyone has an almost blind confidence in Jiang Heng, as if there is nothing the young master can't do.

Jiang Heng grabbed a handful of wild ginseng with one hand and began to bite with his big mouth regardless of his image.

As the ginseng enters the stomach, I feel that the black ball seems to have felt some kind of suction force surge, and then a feedback force that is far better than before hits!

bring it on!

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