Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1209: Withdraw and backhand

"Although I don't agree with his approach, but I think this may be a way of thinking. And it has succeeded now, hasn't it?"

At this moment Jiang Heng opened his mouth slowly, his meaning was very clear, that is, if the matter is done well, I will not bother you, and if the matter is messed up, I will turn against you.

But it has to be said that the hope of the human universe cannot be pinned on Hongjun alone. Whether he can save the human universe is his own right.

And now that he stands up, this can be regarded as repaying the sin of deliberately leading the Shengyuan clan to invade. Jiang Heng didn't feel grateful to him at all, and only had a flat emotion.

"Hehe, little brother Jiang Heng, thank you for speaking for me, but I did do something wrong in this matter, but I don't think I did it wrong. I think I saved the entire human race universe and gave the human race universe Saving a lot of time in the first stage has brought you a leap, so I have made a great contribution, and of course I don’t expect you to recognize my contribution.”

Hongjun was very understated, he felt that what he did was very correct, and he had done an incomparably magnanimous thing.

"Hmph! Hongjun, I don't care how you plan, as long as I kill you, all the calculations are empty talk, kill you, and then kill this Jiang Heng, and kill all the two pillars of your human universe now. , everything will settle down!"

With a burst of shouting, Mo Tian simply didn't bother to continue talking nonsense, he decided to act first, and those things that took a lot of brains really made things difficult for him.

He made a big move with his hands, opened them and then closed them suddenly. In an instant, a terrifying demon **** suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the phantom of the demon **** floated in the sky of the entire human universe.

"Evolution of the origin, the boss Motian is really hardworking. Using the origin to drive his own universe to come down, is he planning to directly swallow the entire human universe? He is also afraid of choking him to death!"

The plan also retreated in the same way, but it just happened frequently.

The Nightmare Lord's move made Wan He, who had never seen such a method before, fall into a hallucination and lose his mind.

And then it was time for me to go out.

However, my son is awesome!


The strength of Wanhe's body is beyond our imagination. That's all. My father, the old master of Motian, blocked the trail with one hand and almost killed me. As long as I continue to make up the knife, I can quickly boil the frog in warm water. Kill Wanhe quickly.

"The source of the seat is a little bit short, but it is too good to be able to fight!"

"Or go with the father?"

People were killed, but they were killed wrongly, and what was killed was just an incarnation.

The most important thing is that if I, Moyun, can take advantage of the victory and complete the make-up when the law of stone learning is banned, it will completely crush the entire human universe.


"Hmph! This time, Jiang Heng has to come even if he wants to. In those years, in order to help me recover for my father, and How much Nightmare helped me plunder the origin of the world to restore my strength.

Relying on calculations and deduction, as well as continuous command and control, I can indeed hold back Moyun for a short time, but after a long time, I will eventually lose.

Mo Tian let out a small shout, and with a move of his little hand, dense chains spewed out from my palm, and layers of illusory banning chains wrapped around Youwei Taoist's body in an instant.

What an idiot, this time you have a short rest in Qingheng World and then go back and invite his other two uncles over. The focus is on Shi Xuexue. Trash with nothing left to lose! "

But so what, when I reached Jiang Heng's realm, simply devouring the origin of the world couldn't make me recover. And there is no perfect healing thing in the human race universe now! "

"Father, wait for a while, you will be able to get rid of this person as long as you don't have to work for a while, and when the time comes, father, you and the seven of you will definitely kill these Wanhe and that old guy!"

"Did he remember the last time?"

Thinking of that, Mo Tian was not annoyed for a while, but now I may scold me again.

"Mo Yun, does he know, he is definitely your son, he is not dead yet!"

"Stop!" Shi Xue yelled, and used time-space teleportation to quickly kill the former Lord of the Demon Sky.

Hongjun sneered.

Mo Yun didn't feel ashamed at this time either. The Taoist Youwei who he had pestered for a long time, once wanted to be subdued by his father with one move.

Originally, according to the original plan, the succubus lord took the lead, and I followed closely.

The seven collided violently, the world was cleared, and the two sides fell one after another, which completely canceled out the killing move of the old master of the devil sky.

For a moment, Wan He's body was covered in golden light, dazzling, and when his figure exploded, it was like a bright rainbow tearing through the sky.

Comparing the background, Hongjun, even if he schemed against the sky, so what? This seat is basically calculating with him, you only need to compare your fists and background, with the background of your Shengyuan clan, they are not fish under the eucalyptus, and you can kill them with energy!

So you want to never have the last time, otherwise, the father will really hold back. "

In the pitch-white void of myriad worlds, there is not a long way to the Qingheng small world where we will be stationed later.

In the next confrontation with small powers, the downside is that it will gain a little, but it will pay back a small number of low-handed players, and even the eight old players will suffer some injuries.

Although it is said that the threat of the demon cloud will take away my inner universe, that matter is so complicated. The characteristics of our family can indeed do it, but it is too difficult to find a direct bloodline person with a perfect body again.

However, Wanhe is not mentally prepared for the seventh time. Unless the main body of the succubus comes, there is no way to drag me into the illusion again.

Mo Yun felt that he would be beaten to death by his father when he returned to the station.

It's slow...haha, come quickly~"

Wan He's figure appeared behind Mo Tian following the emergence of the space-time vortex.

That's right, if it's really the peak state, the weak who have integrated into the world's source of wonderful habitat, how can they be regarded as those who have not integrated into the source of wonderful habitat today?

"Hmph! You're lucky this time, but they will think that the matter will be left alone." The old master of Motian smiled and looked at Shi Xue and other weak human races, "This is the small formation for refining young people. , refined by sacrificing the eight Wonderful Living Realm Divine Weapons, and the forbidden path of this seat is integrated into it. If they have no ability, they will break through the small formation. If they have the ability, they will wait for your Shengyuan clan to sweep back again.

As Mo Tian talked, the dazzling brilliance in his eyes was still missing. In fact, there are some Taoists who are weak and weak, but after all, they are only at the peak of the eighth level of the interior scene. Even if my eight incarnations are all at the peak of the eighth level, they are still in the wonderful habitat.

"Father, but in that case, can Uncle Shi Xue really make a move? My state..."

How could he not have that useless heir, the cultivation of the Wonderful Living Realm was actually entangled by the peak of the eighth-order scene in a district.

The old master of Motian was so shocked that the huge phantom trembled, but his eyes were still fixed on Wanhe, and Wanhe used space teleportation again, and quickly came to Hongjun.

"Father, is Uncle Shi Xue currently in seclusion? The next time he fights with this Qing sect, Uncle Jiang Heng paid a very small price to make a draw. Now that he invites me to fight again, I'm afraid... .”

However, something went wrong when I went out. An eighth-level promising Taoist in the interior scene is like a dog's skin plaster, very difficult to deal with.

Now the world of Shengyuan is still continuing the pace of continuous conquest, but in fact, the insiders know that the current Shengyuan clan is no longer weak in the middle.

That withdrawal spit out from my mouth, what a sweet thing this is.

But at this moment, I saw Mo Tian yelled, and my body disappeared in place. For a moment, this phantom of the majestic bank seemed to have lost its mind. ,

Even Mo Tian and Meng Mo, who were seriously injured, are actually in their peak state right now.

"Father, what should we do next? If you want to take a break and attack again, we probably thought that you would be able to return to your carbine."

The Brahma Martial Physique was unleashed suddenly, and Wanhe's Brahma Martial Physique had changed slightly that time, the original eight arms now became a four-armed body.

From there the situation became more and more manageable.

When Mo Tian heard the words, he gave Mo Yun a vicious look.

But then another bad old man named Hongjun appeared, and the appearance of that guy directly disrupted everything.

Even though I have done my best to attack the Nightmare Lord twice, the timing of each attack is just right, especially the first time, and I perfectly fulfilled the task of my trip.

"Boom!" The Old Lord of Motian also waved his arms, and one arm also turned into a dazzling stream of light at this time, colliding with Wan He's four arms.

My father, Mo Tian, ​​the old master of the old days, said Mo Yun felt chills, but I also knew that my father had never lied to me, and if he wanted to smoke my inner universe, he would definitely smoke.

Seeing this, Mo Yun gritted his teeth and could only hold back a sense of willingness. He really wanted to get rid of Taoist Youwei, but being entangled by Taoist Youwei was an emergency, and I couldn't get rid of it in a short while.

But I also found that the opponent seems to be pursuing speed, so the ban is not generally weak, and it only takes eight breaths to break through the ban, so he simply gave Mo Tian a face and asked me to take away Mo Yun .

Taking away his inner universe, and then merging into the body of another senior whose physique is comparable to his, I suspect that I can also dare to fight and kill, even better than him.

Although he has not fully integrated into the origin of the world, but he has too few principles of cultivation, and with all kinds of strange methods, he can even compete with his father for a while.


At this time, seeing that Mo Tian's attack was fruitful, and he failed to win either Wan He or Hong Jun, Mo Yun was also anxious.

Seeing this, Taoist Youwei didn't intend to break through, but Younai found that the power of the law was temporarily restrained.

Therefore, even if our ethnic group is ordinary, we can transfer the inner universe to our people at will, but that also requires people of the same clan to have the same physical conditions, otherwise the opportunities can be tolerated.

In fact, the guilt under me is also the smallest, and it can be called a war criminal performance from beginning to end.

"Hit? What a fart! Withdraw!" the old master of Motian, with veins popping out of his forehead, could no longer hold back his anger and yelled.

"Damn it." The old master of Motian fought with Hongjun, and he staggered and fell in. Wanhe hadn't yet arrived for reinforcements, which made the old master of Motian resentfully look at him. Hongjun who was flying upside down, "You spent such a small price, and even a bad old man has no existence close to the strength of the original wonderful living environment. I am really willing. With such a small fee, not even a single person has been captured. It is so exasperating." Angry!~~"

And beyond that, in fact, there is still no hope.

Mo Yun kept explaining that I was very panicked, afraid of being severely punished by my father before the war.

In an instant, countless trails and long rivers appeared around me, converging in the palm of my hand, and immediately collided with Motian's small handprint.

Mo Tian laughed wildly, following my laughter, gradually my majestic phantom disappeared, together with Mo Yun, but this wild smile disappeared after a long time.

That is also the embarrassment of Moyun. It is a lie that I can win against promising Taoists, but it is not that I lack the special explosive power like my father, and it is difficult to defeat the enemy in an instant.

So all things combined, I, Moyun, is indeed the smallest backer.

Mo Tian shook his head, I didn't look tired, and sighed: "I listened to the advice of the succubus lord one after another, it's so accurate, that guy has been lurking in the human universe for so many years, and he even realized that everything was a scheme.

Although it is Taier Suo Hongjun's old coin character, Wan He has to deny that now the seven of us are standing on the united front. If they wanted to deal with Mo Tian, ​​who was weak in the Wonderful Living Realm who hadn't integrated into the origin of the world, the two had to join forces.

"Hmph, it's okay, no matter how injured you are, this is still a half-step good luck. As long as you can get such a chance, even if you can make the injury less serious. As long as you get the chance, it is said that Ding Jiangheng can still use this thing to jump Truly break through to the Creation Realm!"


For example, Moyun only appeared in tens of billions of years, and of course it was formed by my own cultivation. Didn't Motian do some guidance work.

Motian is hot, the succubi master has not fallen, this seventh time I cast the phantom is actually a fatal blow to me, UU reading www.uukanshu. After all, it is just a remnant soul of the main body, and it is the limit to be able to cast two phantoms that affect the weak in the wonderful habitat.

At the same time, with one head and eight eyes, it has also become a body with eight heads and eight arms. It is the body of the Brahma Martial Saint Body and superimposed with eight heads and eight arms.

I quickly flew to the side of my father, the Old Lord of the Demon Heaven, and I hung my head dejectedly aside, I dared to raise my head too much, it was too embarrassing to be ashamed.

"Father...Father...Dear babe...Baby is not being careless this time, last time...last time..."

If I told the old people in Shengyuan World, I would die laughing.

That's right, isn't there a small opportunity in the human race universe now!

But so what?

As for Motian, who is still a weak person in the Wonderful Living Realm who has integrated into the original source, naturally, that kind of realm suppression is more obvious, and it would be too complicated to restrict me.

Mo Tian snorted hotly, restrained his anger and said bitterly: "It's not the last time, you will take away his inner universe, he knows, the characteristics of your family.

You Nai, the old master of Motian, since I haven't decided to advance, I am also a decisive person. With a wave of my little hand, a formation disk in the style of our Shengyuan clan flew out, and in an instant, the small formation of Zhoutian was shot out. Illusory chains.

It can only be said that everything was too coincidental, so coincidental that our Shengyuan clan will go uphill in the next day.

Moyun's whole body trembled with fright at Motian's abrupt voice.


Speaking of that, Mo Yun was not firm.

Mo Tian's words immediately made Mo Yun's eyes light up.

At this time, Mo Tian had a clear and ugly face, and his face was as white as a pot of coal, while Mo Yun, who followed him closely, had a mournful face.

Hongjun took advantage of his strength and quickly flew backwards.

Hongjun snorted hotly, and slapped it with the same palm.

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