Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1201: disappointment

"What! Isn't the ancestor just saying what he says?!"

"What kind of ability is this? What is the strength of the ancestor? One sentence against the sky to change the fate? This child has really changed the fate!"

"Wait, Yue'er is like this, isn't that child Shaoqing......"

All of a sudden, someone realized that it seemed that the ancestor had ordered someone just now.

At this time, Jiang Shaoqing also seemed to feel something, and hurriedly started to operate the exercises to absorb energy.

But the next moment, his face collapsed.

"My law, my avenue, how did my perception of the avenue become so blurred? No! No! No way! It must be just an illusion!"

Jiang Shaoqing kept shaking his head, as if in a daze, kept shaking his head and muttering to himself, his eyes were a little frightened and disbelieving.拀

The parents and close relatives standing beside him looked worried.

Although hundreds of thousands of people here belong to the Jiang family, Jiang Yuyin's branch has long evolved into countless branches. These branches have different relationships, and naturally there are good and bad qualifications.

"By the way, husband, he, your husband and wife, are considered married teenagers, but... can..."

Shaoqing just glanced indifferently at Sheng Guiyi and his son, as well as our lineage.

A layer of gray luster appeared in the eyes at the end, and when I looked at Duo Nan Jiang Yueer again, I saw pictures of everything Duo Nan had experienced.

"A... ancestor, you dare to wait. After all, Duoqing is still young. Maybe I will make mistakes in the future, but I will change it, and I will definitely change it in the past!"

Dake was rarely dull in those years, and when I came back and saw Dake's face was less sad, I knew that man wanted to give birth to a son and a half for me. I thought it would be a good and bad life to follow, but it turned out that your father died because he didn't carry it over during the tribulation.拀

That is to say, the experience of that man is indeed very tortuous.

In fact, I also gave Wen Yanjiang a chance.

What Shaoqing said was just for fun, as long as that group of people dare to commit the crime again, I don't mind demoting all the people involved into mere mortals!

So from generation to generation, until Jiang Shaoqing's generation, his aptitude is also very good, and he is not as young as the Lord of the Galaxy at a young age of only a few hundred years old.

Shaoqing's reputation in the entire human universe over the years is too great, the so-called reputation is too small, too scary, even if it is just a wonderful sitting here, no one can ignore it, and can't even put a lot of pressure on me.

My son is my pride, and even more the pride of our branch. According to our prediction, the child's future demigod is just the starting point. As long as he develops according to the current momentum, there may be a chance for the demigod to be low.

Some of the sincere and sincere clansmen showed excitement on their faces. The statement made by the ancestors is an opportunity for us!拀

Suddenly, Shaoqing let out a big sigh in his heart, and his divine sense quickly swept across the clansmen, and soon locked on one of them.

After all, Shenggui's ancestor was not well-known, coupled with this almost legendary deed, even if the group of people had ghosts in their hearts, they would feel at ease when facing me, and it was inevitable that they would relax.

[Xiaoxiang APP search "Spring Gift" New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] I belong to a distant branch of the Jiang family, and my father actually has no assets. It's because you are an illegitimate boy. After you were taken back , was robbed and taken away by star robbers together with her mother.

Although my qualifications limit me, as long as I have enough heart and dare to go to some dangerous places, I will be able to break through that layer of shackles.

Shaoqing waved his hand lightly, about to end the topic.

My own pursuit is under the management of the family, so why worry about it.

There are nearly 700,000 to 700,000 people in Jiang Yuyin's lineage, which are still some extremely remote collaterals and even some married families.拀

Hearing this, Sheng Guiyou laughed, "That's right, the royal family will have less troubles than your Dajiang family, so why should you be so troubled?"

I'm not worried about this, Jiang Yueer's temperament is indeed good, but also because of what happened to you when you were young, Shaoqing is afraid that he will grow a white-eyed wolf by then.

Shaoqing was not a little surprised. Under the body of that many men, I saw a heart like steel that has been tempered a hundred times.

What a pity, what a pity!

"Actually, being small is a must. Just like your father, the royal family has been running the business for so young, and has already reproduced countless generations and royal family and nobles. These things are less bullshit, and they are worse than the Jiang family. Father The emperor also turned a blind eye to this, as long as we make too much noise, he won't bother us."

At that moment, no matter how full Wen Yanjiang was, no matter how resentful he was, he dared not say anything at this moment.

A family gathering lasted for a few days. Sheng Gui actually hated that kind of gathering, but considering that he came back as a young man, it could be regarded as improving the cohesion of the family.拀

"Hehe, maybe you care too much." Shaoqing laughed heavily.

Hearing this, some people in the Jiang family who knew the matter nodded slightly, thinking that what Jiang Shaoqing said was very unreasonable.

As for the 700,000 or 700,000 people, there are still more than ten demigod-level weaklings in the entire group, and none of the ten is counted as one.

Shaoqing let out a hot snort, and glanced around, everyone still had their heads bowed in a submissive look.

In addition, your own qualifications are extremely poor, and your own experience and sensitive identity, you have been excluded and criticized by your tribe.

Shaoqing glanced at the group of people, with a look of disappointment on his face.

When Sheng Gui walked out of the room a month ago, he felt more refreshed, as for Da Ke... 拀

"Let's talk about it later!"

Seeing this, Jiang Shaoqing felt the most obvious. He felt that the energy in his body was like a reservoir that opened the gate before it leaked out crazily.

Compared with my father's situation, I still retain the original state of Lord of the Galaxy. As for becoming a mortal, I have no chance and no strength.

What is aptitude actually? In Shaoqing's view, as long as one's heart is bad, one has no chance to win the Tao.

However, he repeatedly pretends to be bad, he really knows the so-called!

"The child's aptitude is very different after that, but his xinxing is far superior to others! Yes, even in the mortal period, his xinxing is already different from the special domain master."

In an instant, everyone's reaction was the same. Some guys who had no other ideas and no big plans stopped thinking about how to change their minds before.拀

"Do you think it's okay to be a demigod?"

Sheng Guiyi's father, Jiang Shaoqing, looked worried and relieved.

But behind the scenes, it seems that everything is the same.

Sheng Gui was really disappointed with that group of people.

Is that person someone else? Jiang Yueer!

Wen Yanjiang collapsed, his body trembling all the time.

"If you just think that the demigod is the end of the world, this is too short-sighted. If you think that stepping into the demigod will be complacent and reckless, this lord minds that you will be exhausted after several years of hard work!"

"Hmph! Do you really know what the boys did when they came back? It's just Wen Yanjiang, not him, not his father, relying on the prestige of Jiang's family, cooperating with the empire to take over the rear line Supply of strategic materials.

For a genius like me, aptitude is not the capital to maintain our pride, but with that kind of talent, it means that our pride is also completely lost.

"Husband, although he is not satisfied with those clansmen, he must take it to heart. It is not a custom. It will be inevitable before any family develops for a long time."

"Father! Father! You are finished, the child's perception of trails is very good, you... your foundation is ruined!"

It is said to be bad, but the character is really unlimited. I have never suffered too much since I was a child, and now the character is not yet determined. Whether I can break through the shackles in the future and step into the true **** and even dominate the inner scene is to be known. up.

In addition, there are only seventy or seventy domain masters, and the situation is also poor. The small minority still stay at the level above the master of the galaxy, and it can only be said that one generation is the same.

Later, he was sold to a slave merchant by the star thief, and changed hands several times before he was discovered by your father and brought back.拀

Before, it wasn't that Shaoqing didn't go out for a month in a row, the two of them had been busy for a long time.

Da Ke sighed heavily.

Because my perception of the trail has become rather blurred, it is the change brought about by the sudden deterioration of natural aptitude.

Originally, I just wanted to punish the minor admonishment, since it is the case, the son is the fault of the godfather, so let him also bear some of it! "

"It doesn't matter if you give him a chance. If you want to let this matter go, you have to investigate and investigate."

At that moment, the image of Shaoqing's ancestors had not been completely defined in our minds. He was just, stern and selfish, and had very strict requirements on the clansmen.

However, everyone discovered that this Sheng Guiyi's aura of semi-divine high status suddenly ended and plummeted, the domain master peak, the domain master early stage, the galaxy master, low-level, middle-level, high-level, until he completely became a mortal with no ability.拀


"It will be fine, please ask your ancestors!"

For the weak in the wonderful habitat, it is really not something they can do in the past. And letting those people become mortals can be regarded as feeding back some power of law for the human universe.

Did Shaoqing show the slightest aura, but with such indifferent words, Wen Yanjiang and his son couldn't help but feel panic in their hearts.

Later, Jiang Shaoqing's grandfather married a demigod woman. In this way, the genes were optimized again, and the offspring he gave birth to would naturally be even better.

Just care about the people around you.

In fact, Shenggui hasn't seen it yet. If it looks cool in the past, it's okay to take care of it, or let the Xiao Zhou Empire weaken the control, or declare a clear line to Li, to give anyone privileges and such.拀

Sheng Gui felt that Da Ke probably wouldn't be able to go out for the past few days, so Shaoqing quickly ordered the servants to take good care of Mrs. Seven.

The Jiang family is still too small and the population is too small. Few people actually know what Wenyan Jiang or even Sheng Guiyi's branch has done.

What should I say about my two sons now.

Of course, it was only for a while after the end. Shaoqing just chatted with his wife and children outside the house. As for the group of people who asked us to gather by ourselves, Shaoqing left the venue, which actually ruined the atmosphere of Xiaojia.

Shaoqing looked at it and felt that the child didn't mean to be a protagonist template.

Shaoqing is also quite helpless, that group of people can be regarded as having no blood connection with him, but their aptitude and even their temperament are one by one.

"Ancestor, how about lifting the restrictions for Duoqing first?" Jiang Shaoqing still wanted to fight for another seven.拀

As he spoke, Jiang Hengyu Heng understood immediately before a blush appeared on Dake's face.

"Your honor! Sir, is there something wrong with him?"

A family gathering is actually quite enjoyable.

And if he can still persist, isn't that the protagonist's template?

For example, Jiang Shaoqing's branch was the first batch of talents to stand out. Jiang Shaoqing's grandfather was a very good young hero from Jiang Yuyin's lineage, and his cultivation level once reached the domain master level.

It must be placed outside the male fan talk, probably a template for a male emperor, who encountered countless hardships when he was young, and thought that he would live a bad life before returning to the family, but he was still excluded in various ways.

Jiang Shaoqing quickly comforted him, then knelt down on the ground in the direction of Shenggui, and said in a low voice: "Ancestor! Why is that ancestor? Duoqing's child is also your Jiang Heng, and it is your blood. There is nothing wrong with my talent being bad. ? Why is this? When I grew up, it was also for the Jiang family, and for you!"

"Oh? He is teaching me how to do things?"

For Da Ke, Sheng Gui still has no feelings for him. Although Lin Yanwei who has walked through honor and disgrace since the end, he is also a very precious man.

Shaoqing shook his head with a heavy smile.

At this moment, all the members of the Jiang family had already been excited to see the legendary ancestor of his Shaoqing, but they were replaced by awe and fear.

That point is like a special commoner suddenly facing the emperor, this kind of coercion makes people feel bad, like pressing a huge rock.

Not to mention, that group of people is really worthless. UU reading

Shaoqing also wanted to pick a family senior to train Yiqi badly.拀

At least from Shaoqing's point of view, the two sons will at least stop at the level of true **** dominance in the future, as for the inner scene, it is too possible.

"As long as you behave according to your duties, practice diligently, be humble to others, and be filial to others, then I will only appreciate him. Talent or status, I will be stingy. If you do something that does not humiliate your family , this seat severely punishes me!"

In the lair of the star thief, he experienced a lot of torture.

Seeing that Shaoqing was in a bad mood, Da Ke rubbed the center of his brows for Shaoqing, while persuading her in a soft voice.

As soon as the words fell, Shaoqing already had nothing to say.

Just like a low-myopia patient who originally wore glasses suddenly took off his glasses, the picture he saw was rather blurred, and his perception of the world became ignorant.

Looking at the two of us outside the room, and thinking about the solitary space that that little woman Lin Yanwei deliberately created for the seven of us, Sheng Gui still understands what that means.拀

As soon as Jiang Shaoqing opened his mouth, it was not Xiaoyi, and his posture was bad, as if he was saying that Shenggui, the ancestor of the Jiang family, was so big-bellied and caressed about every detail with the older generation. Nothing wrong with the child? The child's talent is bad, so it will not benefit the Jiang family if he grows up in the future?

It is estimated that I will be able to step into the domain master level in a long time, but now I feel that the domain master level, which was only one step away from me, has become far away at this time.

Detian said, Shaoqing is giving me a test, and it depends on whether the eldest son breaks through obstacles in the future, or complains about himself, and gradually spends the rest of his life in resentment.

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