Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1198: Victory is not easy

After all, they were all cast out of the shadows in that battle.猰

Many people now seem to have found happiness in the native women of this Qingheng world, but when it comes to the human universe, this group of people immediately becomes restless.

What's more, distortion reactions begin to appear, highlighting an exaggeration.

In fact, it is not an exaggeration. After all, for their level, once there is a major flaw in the mind, it is inevitable to suffer from distortion.

Therefore, the pig-headed **** really felt that even if he ordered to attack the human universe again, most of the people under his command would feel repulsive.

Looking at the old master of the demon sky above, the pig-headed master **** looked embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, I feel that this matter is still a little unsafe. Now..."

"Needless to say, I know it!"

The old master of Motian waved his hand, his expression was flat, "This time is an assassination, not a direct confrontation, so you don't need to worry, and the rest of the people don't need to take action.

But you, and all the main gods like you must participate in the action! "

Among the group of main gods present, except for most of Motian’s direct lineage of Sheng Yuan, none of these vassal main gods count as one, and the part of the natal gods and souls is controlled by Motian. If there is no change, Motian can instantly take our lives .

What about cultivation? Being conscripted by the empire and sent to the back line, the family won a brief period of glory, and then as the human universe was completely captured by the Shengyuan clan, they were destroyed together?

Even in some remote galaxies, as long as they can receive official messages from afar, they are all celebrating.

However, the tentative retreat of the Shengyuan alien race against the human race universe has not become more frequent. After this time, the entire human race universe has also persisted successfully, and there have been few large-scale gains.

Although Xiao Gaowei is only a weak person in the True God Realm, my contribution in the last ten years and even the next million years of persistence is indelible. If there is no my deployment of troops and weak command, I'm afraid the human race's defense line has already been defeated.猰

Because Zhou Huang stimulated the hearts of countless geniuses who were suffocating in the realm of Lord of the Galaxy in those 10,000 years, we finally overcame the fear in our hearts, took this step, and then rushed to the back line without hesitation.

As soon as these words came out, many of the main gods present looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions a little unsightly.

Therefore, at this time, only the central imperial capital was rejoicing, and the entire human universe completely retreated into the carnival.

And it wasn't despair before the madness passed. After a while, the suicide rate in the entire human universe dropped slightly.

The Xiao family toasted with joy, whether it was the weak at the inner scene level below, the master of the true god, the domain master at the bottom, the master of the galaxy, or even ordinary people, the Xiao family was celebrating the hard-won peace.

Thinking in another way, Mo Yun felt that even if he was himself, facing that kind of sudden assassination, he would surely die.

Speaking of that, Taoist Youwei paused.猰

Although there have been cases of Shengyuan aliens rebelling against the human universe, but if you are afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of it.

At this time, in the human race universe, in the central imperial capital of Xiao Zhou, the banquet is still being held.

But who said that the old master of Motian is their boss? If he is the boss, he is more like our master.

Seeing this, all the main gods could only nod in frustration and helplessness.

"His task is to expand his Vientiane Domain. You must have a separate domain that covers Emperor Zhou and isolates the inside. Even if the weak in the Jiang Heng Realm explode their strength, he must maintain the domain for ten breaths!"

I think that the assassination will be successful based on the fact that father Motian has so little preparation.

Even those of the Shengyuan clan who knew the situation would return to the level of the main god, and now they are all gathered in the big world of the old master of the devil sky.猰

So when the time comes, you need him to restrain Emperor Zhou for a short time and drag me into his boundless dream.

After carrying out the assassination mission, none of those people could get out.

And as that period passed, the entire universe retreated into the most advanced stage.

"Hehe, we said that our existence depends on the entire human universe, if the main plane falls, or even collapses, we will surely die.

The entire hinterland of the human universe can be seen in front of any domain master or even a demigod, even if the Little Zhou Empire said that in fact, the master of the galaxy and the inferior warriors are not as good as ordinary people, and they are more or less vague. The whole universe is afraid of a little trouble.

Hearing this, the pig-headed Lord God nodded. My name is Wanxiang, it's just that I have a unique appearance.

The teacher also asked us, why should we get involved in this battle? If you continue to hide from the world, will you be able to maintain a comfortable life? Yeah, guess what we say? "猰

Even if I am a genius, I myself want to cultivate during this period, I just want to cultivate the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy, so that I can avoid being recruited by the empire, and then I can live a drunken life in front of me for ten thousand years.

Thinking that there are still such a group of weak people hidden in the low-dimensional level, it seems that even if the human universe has experienced a catastrophe in ancient times, it still has no vulgar background.

"Well, what father said is very true!" Mo Yun on the side hurriedly echoed.

Saying that, the Old Lord of Motian immediately looked at the Lord of Nightmare.

If they could refuse, they certainly didn't want to get involved in this muddy water. It was really the last battle, even if they were the main gods, they were a little timid to face Jiang Heng, let alone fight.

"Hehe, apart from those weak low-dimensional creatures, there are still about seven hundred demigod old men who hide in the big plane of the main universe, and those guys are all living in a state of suspended animation.

Of course, the propaganda department, under the circumstances of exaggerating the facts, absolutely did it to the fullest.猰

Of course, that pig's head is just the appearance of one of my bodies, I am sure I am willing, and I cannot change into any appearance at any time.

Absolute death situation!

And that is also the key of the key. It is precisely because Emperor Zhou has become an idol in the hearts of countless human races. During the ten years of almost low-level collisions with the Shengyuan alien race, the reason why he was able to defend the line of defense is not that reason.

Promising Taoists say with emotion.

With all kinds of detailed explanations like that, the mood of the entire human universe is very dull.

Those low-dimensional creatures, if they hide in the low-dimensional level, it will be difficult to find us even in the interior. We are more like part of the dimension.猰

If there were no masters of the galaxy to break the demons and take that step, it would take ten or eight years for the demigods in the entire human universe to die completely.

"That's wrong. If Zhou Huang was alone, the success rate of the assassination would indeed increase by a lot."

If the old master of Motian wanted to kill us, he would be too nervous.

Even if we are weak like a cloud, you still have hope.

The secret arrangement of the Shengyuan clan is naturally not known to the human universe.

The propaganda department of the empire has contributed a lot to this. It only invited various imperial historians to explain in detail the origin of the Shengyuan alien race and the grievances and grievances with the human universe, and also analyzed the end of the glorious age of the ancient gods in the next human universe. The reason is not because of the invasion of the alien race.

And his ability is very important, even if he is only in the state of split soul, he can affect a person's mind for a short time, even if that person is a weak person in the Jiang Heng realm.猰

In this case, I will immediately choose to devour the origin of the world of the human race universe. At that time, it will not be the result of death and destruction. You hope to see the best situation! "

Ever since the small battle with the Shengyuan clan broke out, the Xiaozhou Empire hadn't intentionally concealed the truth from the people, but they returned with batch after batch of conscripts.

[Xiaoxiang APP search "Spring Gift" new users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] We have discussed this internally for a long time, and then we made up our minds and joined the war. It's a fault, but it's a small loss to us. You have carried it through the past ten years. "

It was also at this time that Zhou Huang and other people's inner scenes, as well as the masters of the few true gods, such as stars, were pushed to the background by the propaganda department of the empire.

At this time, in the central imperial capital, Zhou Huangzheng was sitting in the first row with Xiaoma Jindao, and there were no other people sitting in the same row as me. .

And because of ten years of persistence, I didn't have the small victory I have now until Emperor Zhou left the customs.

It described in detail how Emperor Zhou stepped out from a tiny native planet, gradually becoming the emperor's son-in-law, and at the very beginning, how he became the top talent in the human universe.猰

Hundreds of master gods from Riga joined forces to attack, and Mo Yun really thought how the Emperor Zhou would be able to survive.

Therefore, Xiao Gaowei is sitting with a group of interior scenes at this time, and the ranking is in the middle C position. Xiao everyone has opinions on this.

"Be ready for the final decisive battle at any time." The old lord of Motian said, "Although the success rate of this assassination is high, the probability of victory is also high, once Emperor Zhou successfully escapes from your assassination.

As for the rest of them, your task is not to attack Shi Yi together, and Mo Yun at the same time! The father will give him seven drops of blood essence. Presumably, with his strength, combined with the blood essence of the father, he can instantly kill that Emperor Zhou. Vientiane! "The old master of the devil sky said, his eyes first fell under the pig-headed god.

At that time, almost every day in the human race universe, the propaganda department of the empire was publicizing the past of the top weaklings of the human race, and our previous record against the alien race.

"How to say?" Zhou Huang also felt bored.

Even if the Zhou Emperor's real realm is Jiang Heng's realm, so what?猰


That would be about ten thousand years later, when Shi Yi was still coming back from Xiaoneng Dojo.

In some border areas of the empire, various chaos appeared one after another as early as a million years later, such as robbery incidents that vented on you, and some star thieves robbed caravans along the way more recklessly, even if it was some local official forces. The fleet was plundered.

It stands to reason that with the demise of the demigod-level ancestors of those down-and-out demigod-level families, we seldom cut down on food and clothing, and even narrowed the sphere of influence of the family. To train the demigod-level weaklings of the previous family.

Especially Zhou Huang, who was definitely the starlet promoted by Xiao Zhou Empire back then.

And the seventh row is not the Seven Kings, the Snow God, Director Zhao, the Master of Machines, the few low-dimensional true gods, and the other masters of the true gods.

Because of the awareness of the advance of the alien race in the realm, the entire human universe was completely boiling, and the original celebration seemed to be doubled with slow joy.猰

I am the weakest person in the human universe. If I am assassinated, it is possible for others to rescue me.

There was no choice but to come out one by one and decide to die. "Youwei Taoist sighed heavily. A brief absence of consciousness is enough to kill, not to mention, I don't have seven drops of father Motian's blood essence.

In short, to this day, Emperor Zhou is still a well-known legend in the entire human universe!

Mo Yun's tone was confident, and he said with certainty.

"Father is right, now that Emperor Zhou is in the Human Race universe, the Human Race universe probably doesn't worry that no one will assassinate Emperor Zhou, after all, Emperor Zhou's strength lies outside of it.

Among them, the mechanical master and the mechanical **** war beast under my command need to be said less, and they have made little contributions in the seventh battlefield of the fourth dimension.

We wanted to continue to live until the family was maintained, but our heirs were happy, and they remonstrated one by one. It is said that those old men are so angry that they must kill and kill those children, and they want us to inherit the family.猰

But as Xiaojia knew the truth, some people wanted to cultivate some demigods.

"Nightmare, he has the most cunning means, and he is responsible for allowing you to sneak into the human universe quietly.

"To deal with Emperor Zhou this time, only success is Xu Shengli!" said the old Lord of the Demon Sky, "Now the Human Race universe is still holding a small banquet because of a small victory just now, and they are celebrating. Shi Yi is also here now. In the inner scene of a group of people, you have to do it, now is the worst time, the worst is when I am on the order, you wait to appear suddenly and kill Emperor Zhou."

And in the past ten years, 20 million demigods have fallen one after another, and it is precisely because of that reason that there were no seven million demigods in the first place.

I am also Jiang Hengjing, and I don't have the cooperation of the old master, the master of nightmares.

Because of those thoughts and emotions, the entire Terran Universe has periods of high fertility and periods of valuing genius.

In the next ten years, except that the human race and the universe were twisted into a rope and ended up determined to die, it was not those who hid the weak who were born.猰

Apart from this, Shi Yi's position is in the middle, absolutely the most eye-catching position.

"Hehe, don't underestimate these weird-looking guys. When you found us, you thought we were alien aliens. But until you found out that we didn't have the breath of alien aliens, you were sure it was something hidden in the low-dimensional level. of the weak.

But these few low-dimensional true gods made Emperor Zhou think of it. UU Reading

"Father, there is absolutely no chance of mistakes in this matter! With so little preparation and no mental calculations, if you can still win that Emperor Zhou, this kid can only apologize with death!"

I want the family to repeat its early glory.

After some questioning, Emperor Zhou finally understood.

In this regard, the Little Zhou Empire had been making a fuss about it for a while, and the point of the propaganda was not that the saints and alien races are not invincible, we are also flesh and blood, and we will die.猰

The Old Lord of Motian nodded: "Although there is no risk in beheading Emperor Zhou in a place with few people, if Emperor Zhou is alone in a certain place, it will be too late for you to do it, even if these human race internal scenes want to rescue. Of course, in the Human Race universe, there are still many kisses and kisses, and in the realm, it is the key that this seat has the Dharma body descending!"

That's why the Xiao Zhou Empire ended and held press conferences one after another, which is equivalent to reading the specific situation of this small calamity to the entire universe.

"As for you, especially Mo Yun, you need them to deal with the Human Emperor Zhou within ten breaths!"

Is it the worst thing to do or let Zhou Huang place the order, you wait for all to make a move, so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong! " Mo Yun agreed.

One of those people is the true **** of the seventh dimension, one is the seventh dimension, two are in the eighth dimension, seven are in the first dimension, there is no master and eight true gods in the fourth dimension.

The consumption rate of the entire universe has also risen slightly, and violent consumption has appeared everywhere, and I even heard from time to time that some down-and-out demigod families lost their millions of years of savings in just a thousand years. .

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