Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: start again

Chapter 1182 Start Again

"Kill you?" Jiang Heng sneered.

The other party should indeed be killed, no matter how extravagant the words are, after all, since he did it, he should think clearly about the consequences.

"It's too cheap to kill you, go in, I will take you out, and fight for the human universe until you die!"

Jiang Heng said that he had already revealed his own phantom of the inner scene.

Seeing this, everyone was slightly silent, and no one spoke well of Fuxi, because they had already admitted it.

Even those people who were close to Fuxi just couldn't bear it at this time, but they didn't say anything.

At this level of cultivation, of course, there will be no love for children like ordinary people. If you do something wrong, you have to admit it.

Fuxi nodded, his figure quickly disappeared into the inner scene, and he was bound by those chains on the road of self-proclaimed law.

The matter of Chi is already a thing of the past, what Jiang Heng pays most attention to now is the last obstacle! There is only one last step left before leaving the Almighty Dojo alive—

A certain day after more than five thousand years of coming to the ancient magic palace.

The fierce sun hangs overhead.

On the other edge of the ancient magic palace, Jiang Heng and Senior Zhuyin were standing there looking at the front.

Senior Zhuyin pointed to the distance: "Look, there is the alien pass leading to the next palace! It will be the last pass leading to the fifth palace. As long as you pass the alien pass, you can reach the fifth palace. Get out of here."

"Is it the alien pass again?" Jiang Heng looked at the suspended passage in the distance, and there were countless densely packed swords, guns, swords and halberds standing in front of the suspended passage.

"What is the strength of the gatekeepers on the alien Xiongguan, and what should we pay attention to?" Jiang Heng asked.

This is the last obstacle, Jiang Heng understands that the gatekeeper who can sit here must be extremely terrifying.

Senior Zhuyin and Senior Qiongqi glanced at each other and then laughed. Senior Zhuyin looked at Jiang Heng: "The opponent of this alien hero... only you!"

"Me?" Jiang Heng was startled.


Senior Zhuyin explained, "When you kill the alien Xiongguan, the enemies that appear have the same physical body, supernatural powers, mana, etc., as you. The only difference is the supernatural power he uses, which is the supernatural power of a family with similar laws outside this region."

Jiang Heng was a little shocked.

My own advantage is that the third level of the "Avenue of God of War" is close to the later stage, but this advantage has been wiped out under the exact same situation in the foreign race Xiongguan.

"At the alien Xiongguan, the comparison is pure fighting skills." Senior Qiongqi also said with emotion, "For me, it is better than the martial arts skills of magic soldiers, but for Jiang Heng, you are better than physical supernatural powers! Your supernatural powers are stronger than the enemy , to kill the enemy.

And there are 20 such enemies in total. They all have the same physical and magical powers as you, but the magical powers they display are different. The later the gatekeepers, the higher the magical powers. "

"There are twenty gatekeepers in this alien gate, as if twenty people are twenty of you. Only by beheading these twenty of you who are exactly the same as yourself can you reach the fifth palace and get out of this damned place. Da Neng Dojo." Senior Qiong Qi said.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

Is it okay to compete on your own?

And there are still twenty identical selves, how can this be fought?

Knowing the horror of this alien race, Jiang Heng also felt a lot of pressure at this time. I am stronger than other internal scenes because of the God of War. The physical body is strong enough and there are enough laws, but now they are all gone. If it's simply better than supernatural powers... Fortunately, I passed through the previous alien race and fought for thousands of years, and my supernatural powers have also seen a rise!

But Jiang Heng himself knew that a large part of his supernatural power came from the power of the God of War as the engine.

"If the advantage of God of War Dao is wiped out, can I still kill through the alien Xiongguan here?" Jiang Heng was a little uncertain.

"Brother Jiang Heng, you are the one that the commander of the foreign race said has the most hope of surviving from the Da Neng Dojo. We are all counting on you." Uncle Zhenwu laughed.

"If you go out, we can go out with you."

"Brother Jiang Heng wants to go out. It must not be difficult."

At this time, everyone was setting up simple food outside, and the digital insiders gathered together. They looked at Jiang Heng with great anticipation, because in their hearts, Jiang Heng was indeed the most hopeful person to leave here.

In the previous battle, Jiang Heng also proved with his strength that he was indeed the most capable person to leave this place.

They've been here too long and bored. Just like some prisoners, trapped in one place all day long, always want to go out and see the outside world.

"Hehe, don't put too much psychological burden on Brother Jiang Heng." Senior Zhuyin shouted, "How can it be so easy to kill this powerful dojo? Let Jiang Heng be careful. It doesn't matter if you fail many times, anyway. I’ve been waiting here for countless years, and it’s not too late.”

"Well, we're not in a hurry. We're in a hurry. It's a war when we go out. We can relax here."

"Yes! There may be many troubles when we go out. We are not in a hurry."

"Now there are alien races outside. Of course, we have to go out early, otherwise it will be slow. We couldn't eat warm food in this battle, how boring!"

The crowd burst into laughter all of a sudden. UU reading

And Senior Qiongqi and Senior Zhuyin came to Jiang Heng's side, Senior Qiongqi said calmly: "Jiang Heng, to tell you the truth, this alien race... I have tried many times with Zhuyin Suzaku .

But when I was only eleventh, I couldn't kill anything.

Suzaku is stuck at the eighth enemy. Zhuyin was better, and had to retreat in front of ten enemies.

These 20 gatekeepers gradually become stronger as they go on, and their strength is based on your foundation in all aspects.

I still have nine gatekeepers who have not been killed!

They are worse than me, but our hopes are slim.

The previous Yuanfeng managed to kill the 18th gatekeeper, and Chi Zai had 16 gatekeepers, but they were still a bit behind. "

"Yes." Senior Zhuyin also sighed. "Twenty gatekeepers, I'm only halfway through.

There are ten more!

I really have no confidence.

In fact, Yuanfeng was very promising back then, when he beheaded eighteen gatekeepers.

Only the last two Gatekeepers remain. It's a pity that he died in the hands of Na Chi, who was also stronger than the two of us, and now Chi also beheaded sixteen gatekeepers, but only the last four remain. "

Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

He felt that seniors Zhuyin and Qiongqi seemed to have lost their fighting spirit, as if everything had been taken out of their spines because of repeated failures, and they lost their vigor.

"The two of us left this place with no hope and relying on our own strength." Senior Qiongqi looked at Jiang Heng, "Now everyone here can only look at the three of us, but the two of us are very self-aware that there is definitely no way, so This important task still has to be entrusted to you.”

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