Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1173: Extraterritorial War (Part 1)

Chapter 1173: Outer Territory War (Part 1)

In the blink of an eye, it has been a month since Jiang Heng came to Thunder Shrine.

And until the beginning of February, all the interior scene-level powers gathered together, ready to face the battle at any time. Until today, the sky is still cold and the wind is howling, and the sky is still foggy.


! "

The roar of filial piety that resounded through the heaven and earth came from a distance from the Thunder Shrine.


The silhouettes of all the inner scene-level powerhouses flew out of the palace in an instant.

Flying to the void and floating, everyone seemed to be the pioneers who were waiting in battle, looking at the enemy who was coming from the vanguard.

"It's started." Lu Ya said in a low voice.

"Keep me waiting." Senior Taihao licked his lower lip.

"Brother Jiang Heng, don't do it!" Senior Fuxi asked Jiang Heng beside him, "Don't charge too far, you have the laws of the **** of war, the physical body, the Tao and the supernatural powers to protect your body. With the help of others, once you are attacked and killed by a foreign commander, then you will not be far from death."

"Understood." Jiang Heng nodded.

The alien legion has a large number of aliens whose strength is comparable to that of the interior-level powers, as well as the three interior-level powerful 'foreign race vanguards' who have reached this place with their strength, and the alien commander who is stronger than them!

The more internal scene-level powers participating in the battle, the more foreign vanguards and foreign races, this is a process of gradually increasing the size.

The two sides must fight according to the constant law, otherwise the dojo will only continue to increase the size, as many people as you send, they will also send as many people according to the ratio.

Because this time three interior-level powers are playing, they are three alien pioneers!

"Be careful of the alien vanguards. Those three alien vanguards are all on par with our strength. Especially those damned large numbers of aliens. Although they are not strong, they are only at the first-level interior level, but once they entangle you, it will have a great impact on us.

It must be close enough, must help each other, and often cannot be divided by aliens. "

Senior Fuxi couldn't help but keep talking.

"En." Jiang Heng nodded.

He knew the seriousness, and understood that this was all said to him. After all, other Fuxi and Luya had the experience of fighting with such legions.

Because of their experience, Lu Ya and Fu Xi were even more worried about Jiang Heng's mistakes!

Once something goes wrong at such a critical moment, it almost means falling.

Boom boom boom!

The void is trembling.

A group of interior-level experts looked at the approaching army from a distance, and saw a mighty alien race appearing in the distance. These alien races had dark blue skin all over their bodies, and the equipment they held was a variety of weapons such as knives, guns, swords and halberds.

There are even some of them with more exaggerated shapes and more ferocious faces. There are about hundreds of feet of burly alien pioneers, and the skin of the alien pioneers is even more bronze.

"Those big guys are alien pioneers."

"Also, the one with the horns is the commander of the alien race."

Lu Ya pointed to Jiang Heng. In fact, Jiang Heng looked at this place very clearly. It was really the man with horns. The horns alone were tens of feet long. His muscles were frighteningly knotted, and his aura exuded the most terrifying. .


The commander of the foreign race patted the flagon on his waist, and immediately grasped a golden halberd, raised his head and let out a roar.




For a moment, the surrounding alien races roared together.

All the interior viewers who were able to watch were solemn.

In the distance, Zhenwu, Shaohao's internal scene-level powers and other people who are waiting for work in the distance are also extremely nervous.

"Hey! It's started again, and I don't know how this battle will go."

"Hopefully none of us will die this time."

They cannot participate in the war, they are just people brought along, equivalent to smugglers.

Once you take action to help the thinking, it will cause this group of aliens to continue to join the siege, unless there are third-level and fourth-level powers among them, who can solve the enemies they have drawn and help others, otherwise There is no point in joining this fray.

"Hey, I hope Brother Jiang Heng and the others can survive." Taihao sighed leisurely.


"Everyone, if we can survive." Lu Yadan said with a smile but his voice was unusually loud, "If we can survive, then we will have a big bowl of wine and a big piece of meat in the future! Fuck it and enjoy it for hundreds of millions of years!"

"Haha! Lu Ya, you really don't have anything good to say!"

"That guy eats wine and meat together, for wine and meat, let's kill him and turn the world upside down!"

Fuxi and Jiang Heng were both laughing, watching the alien legions approaching from a distance, each of them had endless killing intent in their hearts! This battle is unavoidable, either die or fight!

Fight, fight, fight!

The alien legion has almost arrived and is getting closer!

Even the weakest alien race can be compared to a Tier 1 interior-level power, and the speed of escaping is naturally unparalleled, and they will soon come to the front.

"Oh, little ones, my vanguard, kill them all!" the alien commander roared loudly.

Hearing this, all the aliens laughed wildly.

"Kill! Kill, kill!"

Lu Ya, Jiang Heng, and the others shouted violently.


Several of their internal scene-level powerhouses sacrificed their own magic weapons one after another.


It was as if the waves were crashing violently, and the waves and the reef were colliding violently. Jiang Heng and the others formed a triangle shape, like a reef standing in the waves, constantly resisting the impact of one wave after another.

Jiang Heng's law of God of War directly surged out, and all the laws of physical body, Taoism, supernatural power and power were superimposed together. Facing alien races wielding swords, guns, swords and halberds and many other magical weapons, in order to save the consumption of laws, he did not use one of the inner scenes, purely using The power of law is counterbalanced by the power of supernatural powers.

With six arms stretched out, like the **** of war Shura!


The head of a foreign race was directly slapped flat, and the huge force made his whole body tremble, like a watermelon that was blown.


Another big hand bypassed the saber in the opponent's vanguard, and slapped a fat alien into a pulp.

"Huh?" Jiang Heng also displayed the Brahma Martial Saint Body from time to time, and sometimes used space, time, and time to continuously drift among the many alien armies. During the siege, it is also very important to protect yourself. Otherwise, if you are completely close by a large group of alien races, coerced and suppressed by their internal scenes and laws, and you cannot even expand your own time and space, then you will be completely finished.

After all, my time and space are still very weak. Compared with the physical body, strength, God of War, and even the order of reincarnation, these avenues are much inferior.

"According to what Senior Lu Ya and the others said, these low-level alien races must be killed quickly. The more they kill, the faster the better. Although they are not strong, they are all considered to be first-tier insiders.

If I was besieged by them, with so many interior forces and law forces suppressing me, maybe I would be more easily killed by these guys. Don't look at them as weak, but they are really not weak at all when united! "

Jiang Heng didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Although he had the laws of God of War to protect his body, if he was completely suppressed, besieged and sanctioned, then the foreign commander could easily order Vanguard to suppress or even kill him.

The alien commander held a dark golden halberd, surrounded by several bronze-colored alien vanguards, and now he was watching from Yaoyao not far away, allowing the alien army under his command to besiege Jiang Heng and others.

Jiang Heng and the others also knew very well that every time the alien legion carried out a wave of raids, they would let the lower-level aliens attack and kill for a while, and then the alien vanguard and alien commander would do it. So at the beginning, the short moment when the foreign commander did not make a move was extremely critical. We had to take advantage of this time to try our best to kill more low-level foreign races, so as to achieve the goal of sharply reducing the number of local people.

Killing, there are only constant and crazy killings. At this time, it is useless if your moves are subtle or not. The comparison is the speed of a crazy killing. Whoever is faster will have an advantage.

In contrast, the main purpose of these low-level alien races is to try their best to protect themselves and block Jiang Heng's wave after wave of counterattacks.

As long as this counterattack is kept in check, the accumulated advantages will allow them to kill Jiang Heng and the others.

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiang Heng continued to rampage, relying on the strength of his body, the aliens he killed cried for their fathers and mothers.

And from time to time, he uses space to move, time and space to hide to prevent himself from falling into the encirclement. This way of fighting and walking makes Jiang Heng's killing speed and efficiency extremely efficient.

And from time to time, a large grinding disc will be used to quickly encircle a large group of people with the power of reincarnation, and then cover and strike, annihilating many alien races at once.

"Heh, interesting brat!"

The commander of the foreign race stretched out his generous big finger and pointed at Jiang Heng, "The new interior-level strong man has a very powerful physical body, and he is good at various laws. Among them, he is the most insane, and the speed of killing children is also the fastest. Quick, get rid of him!"

"His physical body is very powerful, and he has nothing to fear from the magical weapons and methods of the little ones."

"Besides, the agility and space and time abilities are very difficult to deal with, and people will run away if they are a little careless."

Several other pioneers on the side also talked one after another.

"Is this new interior class named Jiang Heng?" A foreign commander smiled, "Second brother, let's do some tricks with him!"

"Hey, killing him is really a small test!"

Immediately, a thin foreign vanguard with two scimitars nodded his head, and then his body turned around, the scimitars in his hands instantly merged into one, and even his body and scimitars merged into one, and he rushed towards Jiang Heng quickly. Wherever the vanguard of the dark golden alien race passed, those low-level alien races avoided one after another.

Immediately, the dark gold alien commander with a scimitar had already killed Jiang Heng.

"Brother Jiang Heng, back quickly!"

"Brother Jiang Heng, you are a pioneer! Be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Ya and Fuxi shouted via voice transmission.

Jiang Heng was also taken aback. The vanguards under the command of the foreign race, because Lu Ya and the others have had experience again and again, naturally remembered the appearance of many vanguards. The abilities of those pioneers are all different, and among them, the scimitar pioneer is extremely outstanding in speed, defense breaking, and surprise attack.

The opponent is taking the avenue of weapons, and its laws seem to have reached the third-order level, which is almost the same as the level of laws mastered by Fuxi Luya.

According to Lu Ya and Fu Xi's estimates, the commander is about at the peak of the third level, with half a foot in the fourth level, and the vanguard is just entering the third level.

But entering the third level does not mean that they are not strong, the fact is on the contrary, although entering the third level for the first time, each of them is the type of slanting swords and only practicing one law.

This is very similar to Zhenwu, Zhenwu is the mastery of the law of thunder, and his law is extremely good at moving, escaping, and even especially good at single-point killing.

In the same way, the individual laws of weapons are even more so, especially the laws of weapons are also one of the best avenues that are best at attacking and killing.

"Among all the vanguards under the command of the alien commander, this scimitar vanguard should be the most threatening to me. His weapon-like avenue can break through my defense!"

This thought flashed across Jiang Heng's mind, and the scimitar vanguard who was covered in dark gold had already rushed to him.

"Die to me!"

Holding a scimitar in his hand, he spun and rushed towards him.

The scimitar in his hand almost completely enveloped Xianfeng's body, like Wu's impenetrable blade barrier, even though Jiang Hengkong had strong physical strength.

It is not easy to touch the enemy in front of you.

"Star Picker!" But going on like this is not an option.

As soon as Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, he went up hard, his right hand became extremely heavy in an instant, and the dense starlight quickly floated up on the palm of his arm, and the next moment, he suddenly backhanded and smashed it down, just like the powerful five-element palm who practiced Wuxing Mountain in ancient times. The mighty power affects one world.


With several palms in succession, Jiang Heng slammed down on the place covered by the scimitar without hesitation, but the foreign vanguard continued to resist with the scimitar.

Obviously, in terms of strength, this product is also extremely powerful. For a while, Jiang Heng didn't even have an advantage in strength.

Also master the same type of power law?

No! Will not!

It's inertia!

Jiang Heng was keenly aware that this thing was using the inertia of high-speed rotation to form an extremely powerful kinetic energy inertia, and reached a certain power balance with himself by virtue of this inertia.

At this time, a large number of foreign races around are also besieging Jiang Heng frantically.

For a while, Jiang Heng was in a hurry. He could easily kill these alien races before—but after being surrounded, these ants turned into a huge threat.

While dealing with the vanguard of the alien race, he had to face the many methods of this group of low-level alien races, which made Jiang Heng extremely uncomfortable for a while.

"Vatican Martial Eucharist!"

Jiang Heng's body was covered with a golden light. In an instant, he displayed the supernatural powers of the physical body with three eyes and six arms.

In an instant, the six arms seemed to cover the sky and the sun, constantly flapping the damned flies. In just a short moment, the low-level foreign races around the vanguard were slaughtered by Jiang Heng, and at the same time resisted the culling of the scimitar pioneer.

"Third brother, give him a little more!" Seeing this, the commander of the foreign race not far away said calmly.


It was said that the dark golden alien vanguard named Lao San evolved thousands of arms in an instant, descending like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara.

The moment he landed, he saw a long iron whip on each arm, and the iron whips were densely swung towards Jiang Heng.

With the arrival of this person, the situation suddenly reversed. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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