Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1171: Do not talk about martial arts

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"Okay, okay, let's not talk about these unpleasant things, let's drink and eat meat!"

Seeing a few people chatting more and more angry, Jiang Heng hurriedly said haha.

After drinking and eating meat for a long time, the seniors were divided into two groups, one group consisted of other seniors, and the other group consisted of Jiang Heng, Lu Ya, Fu Xi and others who entered this place by themselves.

Jiang Heng looked at the two in front of him. Among the two seniors, it is said that the relationship between them was not good in the early years, and there were even many ideological disputes, but he did not expect that the relationship between the two would be so good here.

"They seem to have a good relationship." Jiang Heng secretly said, "If they hadn't been here for so many years, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to be as harmless as they are now."

"Brother Jiang Heng." Senior Taihao with the long white beard said, "Since you have entered this place, we have something to tell you."

"Oh?" Jiang Heng was suspicious and couldn't help but listen carefully.

"The palace in front is very dangerous, and we need to be frightened, but it is much safer in the Temple of Thunder, and there is no attack once in a thousand years." Senior Taihao looked at Jiang Heng, "But it is impossible for us to be completely carefree in the dojo. Here, after all, the purpose of the dojo is to train us and sharpen us, not to raise a bunch of waste."

Jiang Heng agreed with this and nodded repeatedly.

"There is usually no danger in the Temple of Thunder, and it is difficult to be in danger for hundreds of millions of years. But... once a newcomer enters the Temple of Thunder." Senior Taihao looked at Jiang Heng, "Then, there will be a terrible crisis here. It may even be A war!"

"War?" Jiang Heng became even more suspicious.

Senior Gou Chen squinted his eyes and said hoarsely: "Yes, war! As long as a newcomer arrives at the Temple of Thunder, war may occur anytime and anywhere. It doesn't take long for the dojo to send an army of foreign races to attack. When the time comes Only a few of you who entered this place relying on your own strength will fight. As for me and others who were brought in by you, they are not qualified to participate in the battle. Once they get involved, they will anger the rules set by the master of the dojo...then checkmate No place to die!"

Jiang Heng nodded curiously and said, "Foreign army?"

"You have encountered sea people, phantom gods, etc. before, and these are all alien races. And what we are about to encounter will be an army composed of alien races." Senior Fuxi said at this time, "Under the attack of the army, only we Three people participated in the battle. It was really a life-and-death fight. In the past, people would die normally. Even at most, several people died. Only once, not a single senior died."


"Under normal circumstances, one of the three of us should perish." Senior Lu Ya looked at Jiang Heng, "We tell you that it is also to make you mentally prepared."

"En." Jiang Heng nodded.

"The attack by the dojo army is actually forcing us. Let us not be too careless in the days of the Thunder Temple. We have to go through the barriers frequently, sharpen ourselves, strengthen ourselves, and break through ourselves." Senior Lu Ya said with emotion, "Only by constantly Fight, after the battle, keep feeling, the more powerful you are, then wait for the next newcomer to enter this place.

When the war comes, the probability of our survival probability will be greater. "

Lu Ya looked at Jiang Heng, "Brother Jiang Heng, because we need to rely on each other to participate in the war, mutual cooperation is very important.

Before that, we also need to understand what you are good at and what your strength is, so that we can make corresponding strategic deployments. "

"I know." Jiang Heng nodded again.

"Brother Lu Ya is the most powerful. You can fight with Big Brother Lu Ya. You can fight with all your strength. Know your strengths and weaknesses, so you can cooperate better." Fuxi said calmly.

"Hahaha... I'm not the strongest. I think Fuxi's servant is the most powerful. In his eyes, all my actions can be seen through. I'm just the best at attacking from the front." Lu Yadan smiled , "Brother Jiang Heng, are you ready, ready, I'll start."

Over the Temple of Thunder—

Jiang Heng and Lu Ya, who wore a tattered Taoist robe like a primitive man with a shawl, faced each other from a distance, and a group of seniors watched from afar.

"Although there is no great catastrophe every once in a while in this Temple of Thunder. But when newcomers arrive, it is a more terrifying war. How powerful are the seniors who can break into this place? It is even worse than the previous palaces that they have survived until now. difficult."

Uncle Zhenwu shook his head and sighed.

"It is this life-and-death threat that makes the powerful stronger, so that they can hope to enter the next palace." Senior Yan said solemnly.

This is already the third palace.

The next building is the fourth building.

As for the fifth building...there is no danger anymore. Once you reach the fifth building, you can get the inheritance and leave this place.

Therefore, the seniors who can reach the third palace are already very powerful. As for whether there are still people in the fourth palace, no one knows.

Just as Zhenwu didn't expect there to be people in Houtu Palace before, Yan also didn't expect there to be people in Thunder Shrine.

And the war on the Thunder Temple was not aimed at those seniors who gave up, but only at those seniors who were stronger enough to reach here by themselves. This is a blessing in misfortune.

"Brother Jiang Heng, you have to be careful."

Two blood-red sabers appeared in Senior Lu Ya's hands.

"Battle knife?" Jiang Heng was surprised.

I remember that in the Human Race universe, among the many rumors of the Primordial God, Senior Lu Ya’s weapon is not a combat knife, but a flying knife. .

"After entering the dojo, my previous Zhanshen Flying Knife and Nailhead Seven Arrows Book were destroyed in the previous battles in several palaces. After entering the Temple of Thunder, I chose the divine weapon that is more suitable for me." Lu Senior Ya looked at Jiang Heng, "Although this is the case, my combat power has not weakened, on the contrary, it has become stronger. These two sabers are both interior-level treasures! You have to be careful!"

"Then ask the senior to enlighten me!"

With Jiang Heng's hands on his back, his spirit has been highly concentrated

Many seniors who were watching the battle not far away were holding their breaths and concentrating. They also wanted to take a good look at this brother Jiang Heng who arrived here by himself, and how strong this young man is!

If Jiang Heng, a newcomer, can really give everyone a surprise, he has the strength to suppress Lu Ya, then when the war comes, everyone's vitality and confidence in survival will be greater. crisis.

It can be said that everyone can be regarded as a prosperous and a loss.


Senior Lu Ya turned into a meteor and flew towards Jiang Heng suddenly.

Seeing that Jiang Heng also turned into a shooting star, he rushed over.

Boom boom boom!

In the void, two punches and two knives collided one after another, and Jiang Heng was a little astonished as soon as they fought:

"Well, the saber method used by Senior Lu Ya is actually similar to the God of Thick Earth?"

Although the God of Thick Earth does not use sword weapons, the feeling of weight and the law of gravity are somewhat similar.

Could it be that senior Lu Ya is also with gravity?

Because he had the experience of fighting with the thick earth **** for a long time before, it was relatively easy for Jiang Heng to deal with it.

Because he is familiar with it, he has no scruples to use his many supernatural powers in the physical body, and even the law of God of War, the law of power, and intends to continue to test it in a way of continuously increasing the size.

What is more important in this fight is to let these seniors know their various methods so that they can better cooperate in dealing with the war.

It seems to be a fight, but it is actually a kind of communication, and the outcome is not important.


The fist glow containing terrifying power crushed Senior Lu Ya's neck, but fortunately the side of the saber quickly blocked it.


Suddenly, there was another strange blood-red fist shadow, which suddenly blasted at Senior Lu Ya's body from above. Senior Lu Ya also turned his saber, and blocked the blow dangerously.

"Brother Jiang Heng looks young, but his combat intuition is extraordinary, his body skills are extremely strange, and his strength is extremely swift and domineering."

"The physical body is really fast and domineering. If it is a pure physical body, it will definitely not be able to do this step. There must be many other laws of good warfare. The laws that this young man has mastered are really good at attacking and fighting. .”

"I admire you!"

"It's really powerful. This body alone is enough to crush the Thick Earth God. Lu Ya is in trouble."

Fuxi, Senior Dijun, Senior Shaohao, etc. couldn't help being amazed and moved. Although they are all internal scene-level powerhouses, they are even more powerful from ancient times.

But in fact none of them walk in the flesh! From Jiang Heng's physical body, they felt the domineering and invincible intention of a strong physical body.

As for Uncle Zhenwu and Yan, their eyes were even brighter. Although they came with Jiang Heng, they could be regarded as riding the windmill.

But I have never seen Jiang Heng, a young man, fully exerting his physical body, Taoism, God's power, Taoism, destruction, and these extremely powerful attacks in one.


After a fight, the two quickly separated with a roar, each suspended above the void on one side.

Lu Ya was also very excited at this time, with fanaticism in his eyes, he smiled and said: "Brother Jiang Heng, with your strength, it seems that you cannot be underestimated. Although I was at a disadvantage just now, it was just a little careless , Let me let you know each other a little bit. But now I won't let the water go, and don't play any temptations, we will go all out for a battle."

As he said that, Senior Lu Ya's aura began to soar, waves of majestic internal force stirred and trembled the void, and a thick qi seemed to lock onto Jiang Heng.

The next moment Lu Ya suddenly turned into a shooting star and immediately charged towards Jiang Heng, and when he fought Jiang Heng again, he felt the difference.

Senior Lu Ya's swordsmanship seemed to be different all of a sudden.

It's no longer the thick earth god, but suddenly the style of painting has changed from the original mysterious to extremely violent, with wave after wave of crushing state.

The dense knife light was like a rapidly formed city wall of knife nets moving towards Jiang Heng in an instant.

Although he was also very good at that kind of aggressive fighting style, Jiang Heng couldn't gain the upper hand for a while.

Obviously, during the countless years of Lu Ya's innumerable years in the Temple of Thunder, his swordsmanship has become perfect, especially the use of laws, as if it were integrated, rank suppression and powerful skill suppression, all of a sudden Jiang Jiang The horizontal multi-law tactics suppressed it.

"Amazing! As expected of Senior Lu Ya!" The two sides fought fiercely for a long time, Jiang Heng turned sideways and laughed, "I wonder how your physical body is, Senior Lu Ya, how many attacks can you withstand?"

Speaking of which, Jiang Heng actually stopped blocking, but completely withdrew his defense, letting the opponent's saber continue to greet him.

At the same time, Jiang Heng's body also shot out like a spring and attacked Lu Ya again. This scene suddenly made Lu Ya's face turn aside, and he hurriedly wanted to change his tactics to block Jiang Heng's attack.

Boom boom boom! ~! ~! ~~

Lu Ya was beaten back and forth under this kind of continuous onslaught, and he couldn't help shouting: "You... this is the law of the God of War? No, there is also the way of destruction, the way of strength?!"

"Haha! Senior, you still have time to speak, be careful!" Jiang Heng also laughed heartily.

"You! You are cheating. How did you come to have the laws of your body? How can you have the laws of that kid, and also the laws of that fierce man Xing Tian. It's not true to your God of War, it is more perfect than Xing Tian's!" Lu suppressed his integrity for a while.

If Jiang Heng still played like a reckless man just now, he wouldn't feel anything.

But now Jiang Heng displayed several different amazing laws one after another, with the Dao of God of War as the dominant core, incorporating all the laws that are good at attacking and killing into it, and the pressure suddenly increased.

The God of War is more inclusive than the War One, like a vortex, it can absorb and integrate all the laws that are helpful for fighting.

This range is very small, which also means that the God of War Dao can accommodate almost all laws, even if some healing laws are integrated into it, they are actually laws that can help wars, so there is no exclusion.

And once Jiang Heng takes the God of War as the leader, it is equivalent to mastering all the laws he has mastered, and the improvement of his combat power is incomparable.

"Who the **** are you kid? And who is your master?" Lu Ya hurriedly yelled, UU Reading "Xing Tian has long since fallen, how did you get his legacy, don't you Is it from self-awareness?"

"In the beginning, I just understood the law of war, but later on I was very compatible with the war, so I transformed into the law of the **** of war. As for my master, Taoist Wuwei, perhaps none of the seniors have heard of it." Jiang Hengda He smiled and said, "Senior, do you envy me the fit of Zhan Shendao?"

"Self-awareness, the fit is extremely high? Damn you, you are really lucky. Damn, why haven't I encountered a law that fits me very well." Jealousy and envy, so **** lucky.

"Stop, stop! You kid is so good at attacking and killing. If you have the ability, don't use the way of the God of War, fight with the way of the body or other ways?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also knew that this time it was just a trial for both sides, and it was not good for the other side.

After showing his powerful strength in attacking and killing, he removed the God of War and started fighting in a normal state. The two sides returned to the state of back and forth again.

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