Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1168: law level theory

Chapter 1168

Jiang Heng was a little surprised, this woman's law must be related to affecting the mind, maybe she is not good at fighting head-on, but if this kind of treacherous power can be brought into play, it will be infinitely useful.

"Senior Yan wants to wake her up?"

Zhenwu looked at the so-called Xuannv woman and frantically searched for this person in his mind, but he couldn't find any information in his memory.

Maybe it's some great power that I've never heard of.

After all, Zhenwu knows himself well, the era of his birth has already fallen many years behind the original god, and he doesn't know everyone.

"Wake her up, but so what? How can I get out now?"

Yan still looked calm, as if it didn't matter to him, even his heart fell into a dead silence.

I don't have much hope of getting out of here.

"But it's not an option to let this state go on like this." Jiang Heng said.

"Don't seniors want to stay here forever? Even if they don't fight for a while?"


Wen Yanyan let out a smirk, but in an instant his expression became dignified, and he said in a deep voice: "Resistance, after so many years I have naturally fought hard, and even challenged the gatekeeper countless times, but so what?

It's just repeating the failure process again and again, other than wasting the few internal powers and laws in the body, it's meaningless! "

Wen Yan Jiang Heng and Zhen Wu are slightly silent.

Jiang Heng didn't feel much, but Zhenwu had a strong empathy. He was also trapped in a checkpoint for a long time, and it was not until Jiang Heng appeared that he broke this situation.


Suddenly Zhenwu trembled all over and hurriedly said: "Senior Yan, maybe you can also walk with this kid like me, and try again with his strength!"


Yan's eyes officially fell on Jiang Heng for the first time, with strong doubts and even complete disbelief in his eyes.

"Why should I trust him? And both of you were subordinates of the God Emperor, why can I trust you?"

Yan sneered.

"Senior has no other choice now!" Zhenwu's complexion also sank, and his tone was cold, "Senior can choose to die here in obscurity.

But you can also choose to leave here with the help of Jiang Heng, just like me.

If he can lead me into the second level, then he may lead me into the third level, and even pass it! "

Although Zhenwu himself is skeptical about these words, but now he is very sure,

"Hehe, the first palace is the Illusory God Palace, which is not comparable to the Thick Earth Palace. Let's talk about whether you can stand firm under the gravity field of that Thick Earth God."

Yan shook his head, as if he was too lazy to argue with these two ignorant people like Jiang Heng.

"Thick Earth God?"

Hearing that Jiang Heng and Zhenwu looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't meet the gatekeepers on the way to this palace, but they felt that the law of earth movement here was particularly strong, so they guessed that the gatekeeper here was probably related to the law of earth movement.

Zhen Wulue hesitated but shook his head and said: "Senior, I don't know. I have seen Jiang Heng make a move with my own eyes. His internal power is extremely stable, not inferior to some top internal scenes. Secondly, he has many supernatural powers. His own physical foundation He is the original **** who is comparable to the origin of all things.

The superimposition of multiple physical supernatural powers in one hand, the power displayed will be extremely terrifying! "

In fact, Zhenwu didn't see many scenes at the time, and was more busy escaping under the pursuit of the phantom **** incarnation, but now he has to hold up the stage for Jiang Heng, and he must brag about it.

The reason why they worked so hard was not to save these two without asking for anything in return.

It's the truth that more people have more power. Who knows what kind of gatekeepers you will meet later. If you can meet those who are born and restrained, then there will be someone who can defeat the enemy and win. Isn't this easy to pass the level?

On the one hand, it is also because it is too difficult to meet an acquaintance along the way, and it is better to help if you can help.

Jiang Heng wants to let Yan and Xuannv go together, the reason is very simple, that is, the external situation is difficult, if he can bring back a group of internal scene-level powerhouses after clearing the customs, it will give him a lot of confidence to deal with the next foreign war .

"What is the highest level of law?"

However, listening to Zhenwu's bragging, Yan didn't pay attention at all, and just said indifferently.

Hearing that Jiang Heng is a little confused, he knows that the order of laws is the level of existence.

But I have never known how to say the level division between the laws.

"The...first level is perfect, but there are two, and there are several first-level laws, all of which are top-notch laws. The combined strength is not inferior to the second-level laws."

Zhenwu's voice seemed to be a little embarrassed as he spoke in a lower and lower voice.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help thinking.

The two first-order perfections mentioned by Zhenwu should refer to my order and reincarnation.

It turns out that this is the truth, that is to say, mastering the laws enough to become a true **** is called the first-order law.

And the first-order consummation means that the two ways of order and reincarnation before me are gradually becoming more and more perfect, so is this just the first-order consummation?

Then, if one law achieves the inner scene, it means that this single law must be raised to the second level.

From this point of view, the difficulty of the second-order law is self-evident.

I am multi-law to achieve the inner scene, but I don't need the second-order law to step into the inner scene.

But now it looks like I'm being despised.

Jiang Heng was a little helpless, he found that the old man Yan looked at him with contempt, even with a sneer.

"Hehe, you're not ashamed to say that you dare to brag like this when you're only perfect at the first level. It's ridiculous! By the way, Zhenwu, your boy's Thunder Law seems to have been perfected at the second level.

In the end, you were fine, instead of bragging about yourself, you were bragging about this junior. "

Yan made a mockery of Jiang Heng and Zhenwu.

"I don't know what the senior said, but what rank is the senior?" Jiang Heng was also said to be a little angry, and he looked very dissatisfied.

"Hehe, you know that above the second level is the third level, and the fourth level above the third level is the existence of the old days, and this seat is not talented, it is only the third level, and there is still a long way to go before the fourth level." Distance."

Yan sighed, seemingly humbled, but that proud appearance was superficial.

"Third level? Senior Yan, have you stepped into that level yet?!"

Hearing this, Zhenwu was shocked.

"Hehe, I have been trapped here for so many years, and the laws here are very different from our world. This is a good place to understand the Dao. If I haven't been able to step into the third level for so many years, I will die long ago! "

After saying these words, Yan's tone became even more conceited and even arrogant.

"Uncle Zhenwu, what is the concept of the third level?" Jiang Heng couldn't help asking through voice transmission.

"Third level, in our universe, during the heyday of the four great powers of the gods, only four people reached this level! Do you understand what it means?"

Zhenwu glanced at Jiang Heng.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng understood, that is to say, only the leaders of the four major organizations reached this point back then, and there was no one else besides them.

"If I remember correctly, when this senior Yan fought against His Majesty the God Emperor, they were both only at the second level. After all, it was the beginning of the establishment of the four major forces.

It's just that I didn't expect Senior Yan to be able to complete a big jump after being trapped here for so many years, which makes me very ashamed. "

Zhenwu blushed as he said that.

The time he was trapped here was much shorter than that of Yan, but he was already at the second level when he came in, and now he is only at the second level.

As for Tier 3, it's a long way off, and even now he hasn't figured out where the door of Tier 3 opens.

"Okay, don't waste your time in vain. If you want to convince me, you have to show your strength, unless you can step into the second level in a short time, or you can defeat the God of Thick Earth.

Otherwise, I don't have the time to take care of you! "

Yan waved his hand, bringing these two people in just to let them see, the main reason is that they have been lonely for too long, and it is hard for two living people to have a good chat.

Jiang Heng didn't care about being rejected, it was just expected.

Walking out of the bedroom, Jiang Heng and Zhenwu came to the hall of the palace. The layout here is like some dojos, with a lot of futons in the middle, and densely packed floating withers around the futons.

The two sat cross-legged on the futon casually.

"Next, Nephew Jiang Heng, why don't we leave now, if I think Senior Yan doesn't want to be together, then forget it, I know that this person has a stubborn personality.

He will never agree to what he decides until he completes his request. "

Zhenwu sighed and said to himself,

"Yeah. Nephew Jiang Heng, you are..."

Suddenly, he found that Jiang Heng didn't listen to what he said at all, but looked up at the surroundings with special focus, as if admiring rare treasures in the world.

Seeing this, Zhenwu also looked over, and saw that the floats here should be a strange form of gods, there are tens of thousands of floats, densely packed, but they are all the floats of the same god.

The floating and carved are lifelike. Although they are all the same characters, their movements and expressions are different.

Zhenwu felt a little suspicious, and vaguely felt that this was a bit weird, so he calmed down to watch carefully, and his eyes widened immediately.

"This turned out to be some kind of cultivation method outside the territory?!"

Zhenwu couldn't help blurting out.


At this moment, Yan's figure also appeared not far away. He glanced at Jiang Heng who was obsessed, and Zhenwu who looked astonished, and then continued to say calmly:

"These floating withers are all in the appearance of the thick earth god. It is right to say that it is a kind of method, but it is not right. In fact, it is more like a kind of cultivation comprehension of the earth.

It's just that the God of Thick Earth itself is at the third-order level, and he has mastered the exotic soil skills. So don't waste your efforts, we can't learn this kind of insight. "

Yan sighed, but seeing Jiang Heng was still looking at Fu Shuo obsessively, his brows were slightly frowned.

"Why do you still watch it? This seat has just sat and watched for hundreds of millions of years. Except for almost letting the earth in the body go mad, there is no gain. It was a waste of hundreds of millions of years."

What Yan said is true, after all, they are people from different worlds, and the perception of the other party is formed according to the rules of the universe of the other party.

And if you use your own understanding to understand the perception of the other party's world, isn't this just playing the piano against the cow and wasting time.

It's just that Jiang Heng didn't realize it, and his eyes still fell on Fujiao.

What he saw above the float was not a line of earth, but a kind of thick, a kind of power called thick and heavy.

This is also a coincidence, if it is Yan or even Zhenwu, their laws themselves have nothing to do with the laws of the earth.

But the power in Jiang Heng's body is at the first level, and after seeing the third level of the earth element floating withered, it actually produced a bypassing effect.

From it, he actually comprehended the heavy power of the Dao of Power.

Seeing that dissuasion was fruitless, Yan frowned and didn't say anything, just snorted coldly, "Stubborn!"

After leaving these words, he flicked his sleeves and walked away.

Zhenwu took a look at Jiang Heng and Yan, and then he had no choice but to look around, and had no choice but to close his eyes and adjust his breath.

Time passed by, and Jiang Heng didn't even notice the passage of time. Gradually, he was the only one watching, but soon it became three, six, and nine of them with the same aura and the same aura, observing the murals at the same time.

For a moment, Jiang Heng only felt that his perception was multiplying, and the thick and heavy branches of the Dao of Power, which were not yet immature, began to become more and more perfect at this moment.

Even Jiang Heng himself didn't expect that in such an invisible perception, he would push his power to the first level of perfection little by little.

This is also the avenue for Jiang Heng's third way to step into the first-order perfection level after the second way of order and reincarnation.


It should be said that there is a second-order avenue in Jiang Heng's body, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is called the God of War Law, but since the battle with the Illusory God, Li Changsheng has not even been able to truly demonstrate the power of the God of War, so he still doesn't know about it.

After Jiang Heng came to Houtu Palace in the 10,000th year and three hundred and twenty-seven years later, Jiang Heng finally opened his eyes.

"Is the power path stepping into the second level? But this is also the limit that murals can let me improve!"

Jiang Heng sighed, and slowly got up, "If we meet the phantom **** again, I'm afraid it will be easy to defeat him with just one avatar."

The Dao of Strength is second only to the Dao of Destruction, but it is also the existence that is best at attacking the Dao Sequence.

It was already extremely destructive, but now it has stepped into the second level, Jiang Heng didn't even know how terrifying the power of his punch is now.

"Huh? Where are Master Zhenwu and Senior Yan?"

Jiang Heng glanced left and right, and found that there were no two people around, and the divine sense could not be used here.

Walking out of the palace, Jiang Heng saw the two of them immediately.

I saw these two people sitting on the boulders of the island, holding two slender branches in their hands, fishing there bored.

It's just that Jiang Heng is skeptical about whether there are fish in it.

"Jiang Heng has gained a lot from his exit this time, and I invite seniors to witness it!"

Jiang Heng's sudden opening startled the two people, and they all turned their heads to look at the sound.

"Have you mastered the second-order law, or are you planning to challenge the God of Thick Earth?" Yan glanced at Jiang Heng and said indifferently.

"Challenge the God of Thick Earth, and at the same time I have mastered the second-order law!" Jiang Heng responded calmly, but with great confidence. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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