Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: deceased

"Senior, this junior Jiang Heng is also a human race!" Jiang Heng said hastily, he has already seen that whether it is the other party's physical appearance or the aura of laws on his body, they are all products of his own universe.

This also means that the other party is likely to be a fellow, but how could there be a fellow here?


As the other party raised his head gradually, his hair began to part due to the center of gravity, revealing a pale and wrinkled old man's face, holding a long sword, staring at Jiang Heng violently and crazily, the depths of his eyes were faintly red , The killing intent was revealed.

"Human race?" The old man sneered lowly, "Phantom God, you and I have fought countless times, and you don't know how many people and things you change. Why, you think you can deceive me by pretending to be a fellow?"

"Senior!" Jiang Heng said hastily, "I'm really a human race, not some illusory **** changing disguise. My master is Wuwei Daoist, I don't know if senior knows?"

"Wuwei is your master?" The old man stared at Jiang Heng and frowned, "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"I am Taoist Master Wuwei who was accepted as a disciple hundreds of millions of years after that catastrophe. I don't know when my predecessors entered here. I don't know if I know about the catastrophe of the alien race's invasion?" Jiang Heng Hastily said, "But what the junior said is true."

"Of course I know about the catastrophe, but it's not surprising for you to know." The old man sneered, "It's through the memory extracted from my brain when I unintentionally let go of consciousness. Do you think that you can deceive me?"

Having said that, the old man is no longer in a hurry to make a move.

"My master is actually an egomaniac. He has played tricks on many people. He once had a crush on the Mother Goddess!"

After Jiang Heng finished speaking in one breath, he had already closed his eyes, thinking to himself, I'm sorry, Master.

These were all secretly told to the disciples by the senior of the original ancient tree. Now that the situation is urgent, I can only use your black material to talk about it.

The old man frowned obviously. If it was said that he could be known by the phantom **** through the surface of his mind before, the old man had never recalled this news in his mind these years.

That's right, he also knew about this secret, but because it involved other people's privacy, he didn't dare to think about it in this universe before, for fear of being sensed by Wuwei and Mother God.

And here, because of the habit he had developed before, he didn't think about it.

The phantom god's extraction of thinking and memory comes from thinking, if he doesn't think about it, he can't detect or even simulate it.

"Senior, can you tell me your name, I may know something!"

Seeing the old man lost in thought, Jiang Heng hurriedly hit the railway while it was hot.

"This seat... is... Zhenwu!"

Hearing this name, Jiang Heng was a little confused, and then he quickly thought of No. 1 person.

"You are the third venerable of God Court?! In your former dojo, there were two disciples who ruled the peak. At the peak, there were a hundred and one hundred disciples of true gods, and tens of thousands of disciples of demigods. The strongest among all fighters!"

As Jiang Heng said, he couldn't help regretting: "It's a pity that Senior Zhenwu disappeared not long after the catastrophe started. Afterwards, all the disciples in the dojo went to death and fell into the hands of foreigners..."

Following Jiang Heng's words, the old man's complexion changed suddenly, his body trembling uncontrollably, his head raised, and tears kept falling like two lines.

"Ha ha ha ha…!"

While laughing, the old man burst into tears. He laughed and kept laughing, "Hahaha..."

Seeing that Jiang Heng was silent, he didn't stop it, it was because this senior had suppressed it for too long and was eager to vent.

"You just said your name is Jiang Heng?" The old man stopped his smile, and when he looked at Jiang Heng, his old face also began to change rapidly. This gradually restored his youthful appearance, and his hunchbacked figure also became tall and straight. , The scattered white hair began to become jet black and extremely soft.

"Sorry, the laws of this place are not compatible with me, and I am always fighting with phantom gods. I don't have time to comprehend and refine the power of the laws here. So I need to save the consumption of laws."

Jiang Heng nodded to express his understanding. In this foreign land, all strength can only be reserved by the laws of the inner scene.

Although the inner scene can already continuously generate the power of law, it is still unable to make ends meet in frequent battles.

The laws of the Outer Domain are not impossible to absorb, but need a process of comprehension and refinement, otherwise it will be a kind of poisonous poison to swallow rashly.

"I've met Senior Zhenwu in Jiangheng!" Jiang Heng said again.

"Jiang Heng, you are Wuwei's disciple, then you can call me uncle, and I will call you nephew." Zhenwu suggested, he had recovered his calm, with a faint smile on his face.

His appearance is quite heroic, worthy of the name Zhenwu, he has a pair of sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his face is sharp and angular. At first glance, he can tell that he is a righteous, upright and upright person.

"Well, the nephew met the uncle!" Jiang Heng could feel the kindness of the uncle.

Zhenwu smiled a little ashamedly, "I'm sorry, I mistaken my nephew for a phantom **** before, and I almost fought against you. Fortunately, my nephew is very strong, and I have stepped into the inner scene at such a young age. Injured my nephew, if my nephew dies at my hands, I'm afraid I will be ashamed for the rest of my life."

Thinking of this, Zhenwu felt a burst of emotion and guilt again.

"Uncle Shi cannot be blamed at this time. Uncle Shi has also been trapped here for many years." Jiang Heng said with a smile.

"You really blame me at this time. By the way, why did you enter this place?" Zhenwu couldn't help asking, "Nephew, you should know that this place has been a forbidden place since ancient times. Did you come here because you want to find something?" Is the opportunity above the interior scene not possible?"

"Forbidden place? Since ancient times?" Jiang Heng was suspicious.

"Yes, you should have entered this place through a space node in a barren planet, right?" Zhen Wu said.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was taken aback. Speaking of which, based on the age of Zhenwu's group of people, it was all hundreds of millions of years ago.

At that time, Qinglan Star was not to mention a barren planet.

"Well, it's about the same. It's just so muddled in here, but uncle, do many people know this place?" Jiang Heng asked curiously.

Taoist Wuwei never mentioned this to him.

"Not really, not many people know about this place. At first, only the top experts of the Council of the Ancients knew about it, and then the four leaders also knew about it. Then there were a few people who knew about it. I'm one, you Master may or may not know." Zhenwu murmured.

"By the way, you mentioned the catastrophe before, and Taoist Wuwei is still accepting apprentices for hundreds of millions of years. Could it be that the catastrophe has passed, and everyone successfully drove out the group of foreigners?" Zhenwu was really supportive of this matter. curious.

He has been trapped here for hundreds of millions of years, lacks knowledge of everything in the outside world, and is very eager to learn more.

And he also has a problem now, that is, talkative, always likes to ask questions and chat with people, and it is endless from the beginning.

"No, nearly 90% of the group of true gods that seniors were in that catastrophe fell, but now it is the second catastrophe, and the alien race of the Holy Yuan invaded again. This time, I worked together with several other internal scenes to stop it. The first few waves of offensives. But the follow-up Shengyuan alien race will definitely not let our piece of fat go."

Jiang Heng described it carefully, and this is also true.

"How could it be? This is already the second catastrophe?" Zhenwu only felt his head buzzing. He never expected that the outside world would suffer another catastrophe.

"Leaving aside the matter of seniors for the time being, is it possible that seniors are only allowed to enter here and not allowed to leave?"

Jiang Heng wanted to ask this question before, mainly because he perceives the space now and finds that the space here is not at all the rules of space that he understands, which undoubtedly directly defeats his plan to move back again.

"Hehe, I wanted to leave right after I came in? But my nephew, let me tell you, it's hard to leave! It's too difficult! It's almost impossible. I've been here for hundreds of millions of years, and besides fighting, I'm also looking for how to leave The method of this place, but the laws of this place are very different from the laws of our world, and you want to leave unless you understand the laws of this place.

But the guys here will not give us time to realize. "

Zhenwu sighed, this was his trouble all the time, he knew that he would probably be consumed to death here.

In fact, it was because he was strong enough, otherwise, he would have been killed by that phantom **** long ago.

"But now that you're here, you and I can spare a little time for comprehension."

Jiang Heng nodded, he thought so too, but his brows were still furrowed, he didn't expect that this ghostly place was only allowed to enter but not to exit.

If you are trapped here for hundreds of millions of years, it is estimated that the daylily outside will be cold, the universe will be destroyed, and it will be useless to go back.

I guess I will be the next crazy general Li.


Thinking of Divine General Li, Jiang Heng couldn't help asking: "Uncle, was General Li Shen here not long ago?"

"Shen General Li? Are you talking about Shen General Li of the Four Great Generals of Shenting?"


"No!" Zhenwu shook his head.

And this veto also made Jiang Heng's heart a little cold. He thought that Li Shenjiang got the opportunity to successfully step into the inner scene level from here, and then returned.

Since Li Shen will be able to do it, he can do it too, but the other party has not been here before, so this condition is not established.

"Hey, these years, only those saints and aliens were still with me before, and there are a few guys from the stars. But now they have all fallen. They died, not at the hands of the seaman in the first level, Just die at the hands of phantom god. I'm the one who lived the longest.

That's why Qun Xing and those guys are so interesting, they gave me all the things on their bodies before they died. If another 100 million years pass, I probably won't be able to bear it and fall here. "

Speaking of which, Zhenwu couldn't help but sigh a long time. For hundreds of millions of years here, the same thing is repeated every day, either fighting or on the way to fighting.

In this way, he can still maintain a fairly complete sanity. It has to be said that this has raised Jiang Heng's evaluation of Zhenwu several steps.

If there is no accident, this person will achieve extremely high in the end, and maybe there is a glimmer of hope to step into the old level.

"By the way, you come with me!"

Zhenwu seemed to have thought of something, and waved at Jiang Heng.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them bypassed the hall in the backyard and entered the front of a big mountain in the backyard. At the foot of the mountain was a corridor. The two entered it.

Entering the cave, Jiang Heng was astonished by the scene in front of him. He saw many carved inscriptions and various characters on the stone wall of the cave.

That level of density is enough to make ordinary true gods feel dizzy.

"This is...."

Jiang Heng couldn't help touching these inscriptions with his hands, and he found that these words and inscriptions were all from ancient times.

And the content described above is also a variety of things related to laws and supernatural powers.

"These are the insights that I and the true gods of the stars have engraved on it for so many years. After each battle, we will leave a little bit of experience, "

Zhenwu sat on the ground casually, looked at these inscriptions with emotion, and said softly: "Is there any wine on my nephew?"

"Here!" Jiang Heng flipped through, and dozens of bottles of wine and various delicacies appeared.

He himself carries a whole six realms, which is equivalent to a moving multi-plane, and the creatures inside are still alive and well, and there are all kinds of fresh and delicious food in it.

"Oh, not bad not bad!"

Seeing the delicious wine, Zhenwu's eyes lit up, and he picked up the jug and took a few big mouthfuls. Ton ton, ton ton, he drank a few big pots in a row, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Quick! Quick! I didn't expect to be trapped here for so many years and still be able to drink wine and enjoy fresh food. I'm a bird out of here!"

Indeed, after so many years, in the constant competition with phantom gods, his spirit is highly tense, and he has no place to relax at all times. There is only one person alone, which is extremely boring.

"Hehe, nephew, there's nothing to look at here. They're all my own creations, and they're not clever ones. Under high pressure, we can't write any profound insights. Most of them just leave our own inheritance. That's all."

Zhenwu said with a light smile, even he himself left the inheritance here, this is because he knew that if he couldn't get out, if something happened to the outside disciples, the inheritance would probably be broken, so he did this.

But Jiang Heng shook his head, still watching quietly.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you." Seeing this, Zhenwu didn't bother to continue persuading him, but started to eat Haisai madly.

For him, being able to satisfy his appetite is the greatest blessing in life.

Jiang Heng was still watching silently.

"The true gods of the mountains and seas stay!"

"Master Mosha of the stars stay!"

"The interior view of Tianqin of the stars stays!"

"All the stars stay alive!"

Every inheritance here has left a name note at the end. Most of UU Reading are stars and powerhouses. Occasionally, there will be one or two ancient councils and gods returning to the source of all things, but the number is very small.

It seems that they were affected by that war and strayed into this outland dojo.

Jiang Heng is now at the level of the inner scene. For him, most of the inheritance here is of little significance to him.

It's just that the sentiments of a few inner scene-level powerhouses are still a little bit touching, but they are not very useful. After all, he is a teacher of Wuwei Taoist and has received many inheritances from **** emperors.

As for the interior scenes that strayed into here, Venerable Zhenwu can be called the top line, and other than that, the non-top interior scenes have all fallen.

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