Master of Fist

Chapter 119: demon present

"Haha! I need to make enough money today!"

Deputy General Chen laughed out loud as he rode his horse with a waist knife in his hand and galloped towards the helpless people, and the veterans behind him also laughed endlessly.

This time, receiving the transfer order from the Zhen Fusi is actually not very lucrative, which makes it difficult for them, the soldiers, to bear it. How can this wasted half a day be as comfortable as exploiting merchants and common people in the government office?

"My lord! Shouldn't we go back?" But at this moment, the guard on the side followed behind and reminded.

"That's right, you can't do too much! Well, I'll return to the city after making some more money!"

Deputy General Chen also had some concerns. Although he was the guard of Cangzhou, he still suffered a blow from a special institution like the Zhen Fu Division.

"My lord! My lord! Please spare my life! The little one is just doing business..."


The bright long knife showed no mercy to the kneeling begging man, the light of the knife cut across a round head and landed on the ground. General Chen and a group of soldiers and bandits got off their horses, swung the blade directly, and hooked the money bag on the corpse with a hook from the tip of the blade.

This set of movements seemed to have been rehearsed countless times, and it was more crisp and neat than when they killed people.

"Haha! Five hundred taels of silver, I didn't expect it to be a fat sheep!"

Deputy General Chen didn't care about the blood on his face, he grabbed a handful of banknotes and grinned.

"My lord! Something seems wrong!"


Hearing this, Deputy General Chen frowned, stuffed the bank notes into the armor, and looked up.

Something is really wrong!

Looking around, they have actually killed dozens of people around them, leaving dozens of corpses on the ground. Other fleeing people have gradually poured into the dense forest in the distance. What really made them feel that something was wrong was that a large flock of birds suddenly aroused above the dense forest in the distance!

The flocks of birds flew away in groups into the sky clattering, as if they had been frightened by some kind.

Deputy General Chen frowned and looked into the distance, grabbed the reins and did not continue to chase.

"My lord, this..." The guard also quickly reminded.

The flock of birds in the distance was aroused more and more, and they were getting closer, as if something was approaching rapidly in the dense forest in the distance.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!!"

Deputy General Chen's complexion suddenly changed, and the soldiers below may not know the specific reason for the transfer. But as a senior official, he knew it clearly.

What is a demon? He doesn't know much, after all, he is just a guard stationed in one place, and he has only been active in Cangzhou in his life, and he has not seen much in the world. And in terms of understanding of monsters, he is not even as good as any random black-clothed guard from the Zhenfu Division.

But he also heard, demon! The greatest horror in the world!


After receiving the general's order, a kind of soldier followed Vice General Chen, turned his horse and galloped towards the city gate.


Just when everyone turned around, there were heart-piercing screams in the dense forest.

This is the voice of those people! !

"I hope this group of mud legs can drag for a while!" Deputy General Chen was already terrified. Judging from the speed at which the birds were stirred up, the opponent's speed was already extremely frightening.

But his hope was doomed to fail, because the screams not far behind him stopped abruptly!

"No! I can't die!"

Deputy General Chen began to thrash and sit down on the horse. The horse was so painful that it let go and ran wildly, but the previous charge was straightforward, but now when I turned around, I realized that I and the others were already some distance away from the gate of the city without knowing it!

"Sha Baihu, you lead your forty riders to restrain them!"

Deputy General Chen turned his head to his cronies and said, the cronies wanted to shirk, and vaguely had a bad premonition in his heart, but he still swallowed his saliva and nodded in agreement to his Shangguan's eyes which were totally different from usual.

The confidant shouted, and directly divided forty out of the fifty riders, turned their horses and galloped away.

Deputy General Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and the sound of the horse's hooves gradually faded away.

But soon there was a burst of miserable cries from behind, and at the same time there was a burst of chaotic hoofbeats, as if his forty riders scattered and fled in all directions in an instant.

Beads of sweat were already dripping from Vice General Chen's forehead. At this moment, he felt a little remorseful. Why would he covet a mere tael of silver?

And what kind of monster is behind it?

What exactly is a monster?

At this moment, Deputy General Chen didn't even dare to turn his head to look, he was afraid that turning his head would slow down his running speed.

"Fortunately! The city gate is ahead!"

Deputy General Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but soon his eyes changed from rejoicing to despair in just a few breaths!

Because the city gate in the field of vision is slowly closing...


The city gate was slowly closed, and everyone on the city wall felt a lot more at ease.

At this time, many soldiers on the city wall and the people in the Zhenfu Division had their legs trembling. No one could believe that there were such living creatures in the world!

It was a four-meter-high head, burly like a giant beast, wrapped in black mist, and any cavalry and sitting horses touched by the almost instantly turned into a ball of blood and finally died on the ground. The giant beast was sucked into the ferocious giant mouth between each breath.

It has two ferocious giant arms covered with dense round scales, and one palm can even directly cover more than half of a person's body. Behind it dragged a long tail with scales covered with bone spurs.

It is in the shape of a human, but when it is galloping, it looks like a beast with limbs constantly trampling on the ground. Every time it takes a step, it leaves a black footprint full of corrosion on the ground. It looks like a ferocious monster covered in scales, with a pair of horns growing on its head, its eyes are pitch black, and black mist is faintly escaping.

A mouth grinned like a maniacal laugh, and the arc of the grin even reached the ears. The mouth was full of fangs that shone with cold light, and the extremely dense layer pushed inward was full of densely packed sharp teeth. Just looking into his mouth makes him feel cold all over.

With this sharp tooth, there is no doubt that any gold or iron falling into its mouth will be smashed into pieces by it!

At this time, Jiang Ting, who had the highest official title on the city wall, was already trembling slightly in his fat body.

He had actually seen demons, as early as a few years ago...but what he saw at that time was only a corpse, a corpse like a small mountain bag. At that time, he was already terrified of fear, and he decided in his heart that this thing would be able to compete with the extraordinary power!

But seeing the living demon at this time, his mind was blank, without any thoughts at all!

At this moment, Jiang Heng's situation is not much better!

The brain fell into a blank for a moment, but after a short impact, it barely recovered.

Although the disaster movies I watched in my previous life didn’t have as much impact as this personal experience, they still had a bottom line.


Extraordinary strength can contend!

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