Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1162: Exploring Outland

"Where is this place?"

Through the avatar, Jiang Heng saw something unusual in a space node that originally belonged to Qinglan Realm.

It was not the Qinglan star that was rebuilt later and finally merged into the Six Paths of the Human World, but the original Qinglan world, the planet that had fallen.

In the original void of that planet, Jiang Heng's avatar was floating above it at this time.

And through the avatar, using the avatar as the carrier, Jiang Heng's spiritual thoughts are carefully checking inch by inch over and over again.

It's not too much to dig three feet into the ground.

And being careful also brought rewards. In the void, he vaguely found some extremely fine spatial nodes. These nodes were very irregular, as if they had lost their original spatial attributes due to damage.

But with the current space attainments, Jiang Heng can barely restore it.

Jiang Heng frowned and began to put together these space node fragments carefully. He didn't know why, maybe it was because it was too boring.

In Qinglanxing, in the Six Paths, Jiang Heng felt that he had made no progress in the past thousands of years through the continuous comprehension of the incarnation.

It seems that stepping into the interior scene is already my limit, as if I have overdrawn my previous potential.

In fact, Jiang Heng knew very well that his feeling was wrong.

After all, the cultivation of internal scene-level powerhouses is calculated in units of hundreds of millions of years. Naturally, it is normal for thousands of years to not see the slightest change.

It's not normal if there is a change.

But having experienced the feeling of rapid improvement in cultivation, Jiang Heng always has a sense of urgency, or a sense of oppression, because the next big battle may not be just like this.

With the fall of the main **** Luo Yu, the disappearance of an old phantom is bound to attract the attention of that old phantom.

Moreover, Jiang Heng also understands some old abilities, it is said that they can pass through the long river of time, and they will have some subtle induction.

That is to say, even the things you did around the old days in the distant past will attract the attention of the old days.

Because of this, Jiang Heng seemed a little urgent.

"Well, this is indeed a complete space node."

Looking at the space node that has been spliced, Jiang Heng understands it clearly, but when the divine sense penetrates along this space node, he can't help being stunned.

"This is where?"

Jiang Heng felt his surroundings in a little confusion, but his perception of divine sense was relatively clear. The surrounding environment was somewhat similar to a planet, or a plane, and above his head was a strange golden blazing sun.

It was a scorching sun that really exuded golden brilliance, but in this scorching sun, Jiang Heng felt the aura of the law of fire that was different from this universe.

"Not the power of law in our world? How is this possible?!"

At this moment, Jiang Heng's body remained calm, but his heart was already turbulent, and his hands, which were fishing quietly, trembled imperceptibly.

"How does the power of other world laws appear in this universe? And this is a dimension, not a strong outsider."

This is very important. We must know that the laws of the outer domain hardly appear in this universe by itself, and everything is conceived by the universe itself.

Either it was brought by a strong person from the outer domain, or it was a separate small plane of the outer domain, but how did the small plane of the outer domain appear in this universe?

Jiang Heng was suspicious.

"No! This is not within this universe!"

Mengdi Jiang Heng's eyes widened, because he found that this space node was very unusual, and the distance on the other side of the node was very wrong.

It wasn't because of Jiang Heng's own knowledge of space that he discovered this unusual feature, but because of the delay in the feedback of his divine sense.


It is delay!

Just like the ancient radio signal, the longer the distance, the longer the signal can be fed back.

The current highest means of communication in the empire actually has such drawbacks, that is, once the distance is too far, from the center of the empire to the edge of the empire, the delay will be nearly two or three days.

Space nodes are better, as far as Jiang Heng is concerned, for him there is no delay in the space nodes of the entire universe.

At this time, there is a delay, which means that the space node has been connected to somewhere in the outer domain. He doesn't know exactly where, but it is definitely somewhere in the outer domain.

This aroused Jiang Heng's strong interest. Originally, he had planned to explore the outer domain for a while.

After all, the insight needed by the inner-level powerhouse is no longer limited to this universe. It needs to learn from others' strengths and learn the same laws from other worlds. In this way, the original accumulation is completed, and finally there is a glimmer of hope to step into the old world.

If the accumulation is not enough, then the edge of the old days is also impossible to touch.

Carefully controlling the avatar to enter the space node, with a delay of nearly a minute, Jiang Heng was connected to the avatar's vision over there.

This avatar has a strength close to the ninth level of demigod, but at this moment Jiang Heng feels that it is difficult to move, it seems that the surrounding force field is very wrong, with extremely strong pressure.

Looking around, here is a small island, and not far away is a vast ocean with rippling blue waves, and there is a majestic and vast law fluctuation in it. Jiang Heng can't feel the specific law. But there seems to be something very unusual in it.

"Then go and have a look."

Anyway, it was an avatar, Jiang Heng manipulated the avatar into the sea, and immediately began to sink.

But soon after sinking, Jiang Heng felt the body of the avatar begin to rattle, and after a breath, there was a sound of Peng, and the entire avatar was squeezed into a blood mist.

"What kind of sea is this water-like thing condensed?!"

Jiang Heng was horrified. The physique of the ninth-level demigod is already very good, not to mention that Jiang Heng is the incarnation of the internal scene-level powerhouse who cultivates the physical body. The physical body is an extremely high-level existence in the ninth-level demigod. As a result, it fell without even being able to sink tens of meters into the sea.

For a moment, Jiang Heng's face was a little ugly. He didn't want to take risks in such an unknown place.

After all, the rules are very different, and it is an outer domain that has never been set foot, which means too many unknowns.

"Forget it, just go and have a look, if it's too dangerous, just withdraw!"

As soon as Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, he still decided to take a look. He planned to have a rough look, and if he realized something was wrong, he would withdraw immediately.

After all, I am now one of the few interior-level combat forces in this universe, and I cannot fall easily.

With a flash of his figure, he appeared in the void of the universe, and with a move of his wrist, the six paths turned into six small light clusters to form a halo suspended behind his head, and then disappeared into the inner scene.

In a flash again, the person has appeared where the avatar found the space node before.

"That's it."

Looking around, Jiang Heng briefly recalled.

"This seems to be very similar to the area where the fragment of the ancient **** was discovered. Could it be that this space node is related to the so-called God of War?"

Jiang Heng recalled the scene when he practiced in the deep sea of ​​the Qinglan Realm, and remembered seeing bits and pieces of the fall of a true **** at that time. Thinking about it now, there are indeed a few points, for example, the name and taboo of the true god's name and characteristics seem to be very incompatible with the Ragnarok period of this universe.

"Could it be that what I saw at that time was not a fragment of the memory of the strong in this universe, but a fragment of the fallen true **** of the outer domain floating through the space node?"

The **** of war in his memory was wiped out by a ray of light, and Jiang Heng didn't feel anything at that time.

But with the opening of his vision, he found that the breath of law of the **** of war in the memory picture, and the breath of law of that light are very unusual, and also do not belong to the breath of this universe.

Originally, these memories have almost been forgotten by Jiang Heng today.

But this space node awakened those memories again.

"So, from the beginning to the end, this space node has always existed, but my vision was too low back then, and I didn't see it through."

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help sighing, he was lucky that he didn't see through it back then.

If you can see through it, if you enter the outer domain with the cultivation base at that time, you may die suddenly in an instant. After all, even the demigod ninth-level physique can't handle it, especially if you can't even compete with the inferior warrior.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng hesitated and stepped directly into the space node.

After a long wait of about tens of breaths, the surrounding darkness gradually faded, and the light in front of my eyes was distorted. When I looked again, what imprinted on my eyes was exactly the same as what the avatar saw at that time.

A round of golden scorching sun was suspended in the sky, and at the foot was a small island surrounded by the vast ocean.

"This pitch-black sea of ​​ink is so strange. You must enter it from the inside. It's like a world of its own. Other masters of the true **** realm can't face this sea of ​​ink. If you just enter the sea, you will feel the majestic power of the sea. I can't get into it." Jiang Heng no longer hesitated.



Jiang Heng has completely disappeared.

The moment he entered the ink sea for a hundred thousand miles, Jiang Heng only felt an inexplicable force enveloping him, and then he seemed to come to another world. He had a little understanding of the way of time and space, and he knew very detailed about space, but at this moment The bottom of the sea seems to have become an upside-down world.


Jiang Heng broke away from that feeling, and the next moment he appeared, he found another sea area under his feet.

"This is?" Jiang Heng looked around.

huh huh huh~~~~

The endless sea water is surging, also beating the reef.

Another round of golden scorching sun hangs high in the sky, and the gentle golden scorching sun shines on the vast ocean.

"This..." Jiang Heng looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. In front of him, there was actually a divided submarine sea route, which seemed to extend continuously to the end of the ocean. Even with Jiang Heng's naked eye observation, he couldn't see where the end of this sea route was.

"How far and how long is the sea route?" Jiang Heng was speechless secretly, and followed Lian Shennian to release it.


"Spiritual sense is this?" Jiang Heng's heart skipped a beat, and he released his divine sense, but nothing could be detected.

Jiang Heng's complexion changed.

What the **** is this place that can block the divine sense of inner-level powerhouses? !

"The golden blazing sun in the sky, is this golden blazing sun the previous one, or...?" Jiang Heng looked up at the golden blazing sun, "What's going on?"


Jiang Heng suddenly soared into the sky, and after flying for millions of miles, it seemed that he had hit an invisible boundary barrier, and there were turbulent circles and ripples above. But the Lieyang is still hanging high in the sky, unreachable.

Jiang Heng pondered for a while, but had no choice but to go along the sea road, because he felt that the sea road ran through the ocean, as if guiding people forward.

Jiang Heng moved quickly along this sea road, and he had advanced millions of light years, but it was still an endless ocean, a deserted sea road, with only sea water slapping on both sides of the sea road.

This made Jiang Heng even more vigilant.

Weird, too weird!


Keep moving.

Even if Jiang Heng moved randomly, his speed was so fast that he could move no less than hundreds of millions of light years, and it was still an endless sea route.


At this time, somewhere far away on the sea, a hideous taupe head covered with scales emerged from the sea, looking at Jiang Heng who was galloping in the distance, Jiang Heng could only see it with his naked eyes, so he didn't notice it.

"It's been a long time and finally someone to die." The gray-brown scaly head murmured softly, and madness and violence loomed deep in the eyes.

Although he was moving at a high speed, Jiang Heng did not let go of his guard. He always felt that the seemingly peaceful world of Mohai might have a terrible disaster brewing anytime and anywhere.

In the depths of the sea, a gray-brown humanoid creature covered with scales, holding a spear, is approaching rapidly, sometimes disappearing out of thin air, appearing in the sea hundreds of light-years away, and soon lurking not far from Jiang Heng with.

Those dark green eyes looked through the sea at Jiang Heng who was moving quickly along the sea road in the distance, licked his lips with his slender tongue, and muttered to himself: "It's hard for a plaything to appear, it must be stronger, otherwise it will be too much It's boring."

"It's now."

"Die to me!"

Suddenly, a grayish-brown scaled humanoid creature rushed out of the sea, turned into a grayish-brown scaled shadow and charged towards Jiang Heng.

"Huh?" Although he moved for a long time, Jiang Heng, who was already vigilant, was shocked, "It's so close, I didn't notice it at all?"

This is a creature of the sea tribe that looks like a seaman, with a pair of dark green eyes full of violence and madness, holding a long spear and directly poking at Jiang Heng.

"I have too little information so I have to catch it alive." Jiang Heng poked his wrist, and his palm instantly swelled, covering the sky and the sun like a huge hand covering the gray-brown scaly seaman.

Astonishingly, it was Jiang Heng's supernatural star picker, which he hadn't used for a long time, but the Hairen felt a great crisis, and roared angrily: "Break it for me."

"Huh? This gray-brown scaly seaman speaks our human language?" Jiang Heng thought to himself.

But Jiang Heng will not show mercy.


Even though he was stabbed in the palm of his hand by the spear, the Star Picker still grabbed the gray-brown scaly seaman, no matter how hard the gray-brown scaly seaman struggled, he couldn't escape.

"To be honest, ants, what's going on in this world?" Jiang Heng sneered while holding his opponent.

"Hey, it's not bad, it's a little bit capable." The gray-brown scaly seaman who was captured gave out a sharp sneer, and his green eyes looked at Jiang Heng up and down, "Interesting, I haven't met him for a long time. It’s a good guy, it’s a bit of a skill to be able to capture my avatar so easily, but it’s interesting, not bad!”

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