Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1160: Nameless

"Boy, remember to owe this old man a huge favor!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in Hu's mind.

The sound is very familiar, and it is a jade plate of fortune!

Within the conscious perception, Jiang Heng felt that fine cracks began to appear on the surface of the good luck jade plate in his dantian, and at the same time, the binding force that was originally wrapped around his body began to disintegrate little by little.


Feeling that his strength seemed to be counterbalanced by some kind of force, doubts flashed across the huge child hole in the past.

His eyes widened again, wanting to completely invade and control Jiang Heng's whole body in one go.

However, with the increase of his strength, the resistance force is also intensified, as if it is improving at the same time.

Feeling the lightness of his body, Jiang Heng's face was overjoyed, and he didn't care to say anything. He grabbed the void with his big hand and was directly torn open.

Daoist Wuwei pointed even more, and added a space-time tunnel in the crack, and the two of them quickly escaped into it in a flash.


As the two quickly disappeared into the space-time tunnel, a tentacle quickly broke into the gap in the healing passage behind them, and began to tangle towards the two of them crazily.

Seeing this situation, the two looked at each other and moved together.

The figure kept flickering in the long and infinite space-time tunnel, and the figure kept moving, but the tentacles seemed to lock the two of them, no matter how they moved, the tentacles always followed closely.

And with the passage of time, the number of tentacles has also increased. Gradually, tentacles have spread throughout the space-time tunnel that the two of them pass through. As the tentacles spread, the time-space tunnel along the way seems to be polluted, and densely packed tentacles grow .

"Senior Good Fortune Jade Plate, can I borrow it from this junior?"

Taoist Wuwei's voice resounded in Jiang Heng's body, and the next moment, a bright and clean compass-like jade plate quickly pierced through Jiang Heng's abdomen.

Like an illusory object, it passed directly through Jiang Heng's abdomen, and fell into the palm of Taoist Wuwei the next moment.

"This time, the old man has lost a lot. I knew that I couldn't trust you, master and apprentice, from the very beginning!"

Creation Jade Plate was obviously extremely angry, but right now he had nothing to do, if he didn't help, they would all die here.

And there is a high probability that he himself will be captured by the old days, and even his consciousness will be wiped out, and he will be reduced to a simple tool.

"Thank you, senior, this is not the time to say this, please teach me how to use it!"

Taoist Wuwei kept his attitude very low, but the fortune jade plate was still a little displeased.

"Input into the old man's body at the cost of the law, and input the main body of my array plate with the inner scene as the core. Although the old man is called Yudie, it is actually the first array plate born in this universe.

The common people are chess pieces, and this seat is the chessboard! "

Hearing the words, Taoist Wuwei did not hesitate at all, and the two paths of time and space gushed out of his body quickly, turning into two halos and pouring directly on the surface of the good fortune jade plate. At the same time, he turned his wrist, and a picture scroll was also thrown into the good fortune jade plate.

This picture scroll is impressively the interior bearer of Taoist Wuwei, a map of the universe and stars.

With the input of these things, Taoist Wuwei's expression visibly weakened with the naked eye.

Good fortune jade plate is a special formation plate, and the things put into it are almost isolated from the outside world.

The inner scene level powerhouse temporarily loses the perception of the inner scene, and the consequences are self-evident.

Fortunately, it is still under control for a short time.

Taoist Wuwei touched the two grooves on the surface of the good luck jade plate with his fingers, and these two grooves were integrated into his two ways of time and space respectively.

It is equivalent to the chess piece on the surface of the good fortune jade plate, and it is also the only chess piece that Taoist Wuwei can control.


He pressed his fingers on the chess piece representing time, and with Taoist Wuwei's soft shout, the surrounding time remained unchanged, but the movements of those tentacles seemed to become slow and stagnant.

Gradually it became stiff and motionless, and then the direction retreated when it started to come and go a little bit, and the tentacles that grew out also began to snap back and disappear.


As soon as he pointed it out, Taoist Wuwei's complexion became even uglier. This jade plate of good fortune is powerful, and every time it is used, it will cause a huge loss to the Dao of Law.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also saw the seriousness of the problem, and the two of them quickly moved forward along the space-time tunnel until they could no longer see those tentacles before feeling relieved.

"Is Master alright?"

Seeing that the rules and inner scenes had all returned to Wuwei Daoist's body, Jiang Heng couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, Senior Good Fortune is really powerful, and it's something that most people can use. It was Senior who took care of me just now, otherwise I would have been drained."

Taoist Wuwei was filled with emotion, what he said was the truth in his heart.

That kind of dryness is not in the conventional sense, but the collapse of the entire interior scene.

"It's good to know, you are still too weak, it is impossible to control the old man, the only person who can control the old man may be that person back then!"

The good luck jade plate was quite sentimental as he said that, the person's departure seemed to have taken away the luck and most of the laws of this world.

The fact is indeed the case, with that person quietly leaving, although this world has experienced the prosperous period of the ancient gods, it has flourished and then declined.

During the period, there was no existence of that person's realm back then, otherwise...

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also understood that he had heard about the creation of the jade plate before.

It's just that he is a little curious now, since there was such an existence in this world back then, why did he never come back?

And why has it never fed back to this world? Did it fall or what?

Shaking his head, unable to figure it out, Jiang Heng decided not to think about it.

When the two of them reappeared in a flash, they had arrived at the time point of Taoist Wuwei before.

Returning to the period before the decisive battle, Jiang Heng and Taoist Wuwei looked at each other and heaved a sigh of relief.

Time travel is indeed dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will encounter such a dangerous situation.

If it wasn't for the good luck jade butterfly to help, both of them would have fallen there just now.

"Master, that should be an incarnation of the past, right? It is so powerful that it is beyond the comprehension of the inner scene."

As he said that, Jiang Heng couldn't help showing a look of concern on his face.

It was really dangerous just now, I didn't expect to feel the feeling of powerlessness when stepping into the inner scene level.

"Hmm." Taoist Wuwei nodded.

"That is indeed the clone of the old days. Master Xuying has seen it before, and once saw the **** emperor repel it once. It must be the clone."

"Master, didn't you once say that in the war at that time, the old days never sent such means as clones, could it be because of our time travel that this caused such changes?

Will this affect the timeline change? "

Jiang Heng is a little worried. Once the timeline changes, according to the previous development track, Jiang Heng and others, the Great Zhou Empire, etc. will cease to exist in the future.

After all, that avatar is enough to flatten the entire human race.

"Isn't it the best proof that you haven't disappeared yet?" Daoist Wuwei shook his head and chuckled, "You still don't know much about time. What we affect is only a single timeline, and the timeline we set to happen has never changed. However, what we have changed is only this time and space.”

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded half-understanding, as long as he was still alive, it would not be a big problem.

As for another change in time and space, he can't control it.

"So, master, you can integrate these spirits into your body and complete the real reset."

Jiang Heng handed over the spirit polymer that had been well protected in his hand.

If he wanted to bring Taoist Wuwei back to the time node that originally belonged to Jiang Heng, he had to have the soul fragments from the time when Taoist Wuwei fell since this time node.

After all, in Jiang Heng's time and space, Taoist Wuwei had already fallen in that battle, so he didn't integrate the soul fragments when he fell. Even if he brought back the time node of Jiang Heng, it was just an empty shell.


Taoist Wuwei nodded, and pressed the soul fragments between his eyebrows with one hand, and the fragments of the soul began to melt slowly.

"As a teacher, you need to sort out these fragments and rearrange them. It will take a little time, so be careful!"

As Taoist Wuwei flicked his whisk, a chaotic space-time space was formed around him, isolating the two of them from the outside world.

At the same time, various talisman arrays flew out of the surrounding layers to form layers of isolation layers. With previous experience, both of them became more vigilant.

Strictly speaking, the two belonged to time and space criminals, and if they used some tricks in time and space, the unexpected situations they encountered would be unpredictable.

At the same time, the previous time node—

Feeling the retracted tentacles, the old giant eyes narrowed slightly.

"Interesting, there is an old treasure. It seems that there have been friends in this universe, but they have disappeared for some reason."

The old days seemed to be lost in thought, and he stared at the void where Jiang Heng and others disappeared before.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, a giant purple-black eye appeared beside him.

It looks like two giant eyes, but it can be clearly seen that the old giant eyes are blood-red, and the purple-black giant eyes are the master of time and space of the alien race of Shengyuan who had previously fought with Taoist Wuwei.

"I've seen the old Sun Mianxia, ​​but I don't know what is the important thing for the Mianxia to summon his subordinates?"

Faced with the sudden ingestion of the old days, this time and space master of the alien race of the saint is obviously a little scared.

The whole giant eye was trembling, he was also injured just now, it was caused by trying to eliminate Taoist Wuwei at this time point.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, I'm just borrowing your body and strength."

As soon as the words fell, the next moment, the purple-black giant eyes froze in place, and the body was shaking slightly, but no matter what, they couldn't get rid of the strange restraining force.

The blood-red giant eyes began to overlap with the purple-black giant eyes little by little, like two illusory shadows superimposed.

With the passage of time, red bloodshots gradually appeared on the surface of the purple-black giant eyes.

Feeling this shell with the power of time and space, Jiu Ji nodded in satisfaction. He doesn't understand time and space, but as long as he wants to, he can understand.

The tentacles gently swipe towards the void in front of him, and a space-time tunnel is formed immediately, and the figure quickly sinks into it in a flash.

Seeing that the integration of Taoist Wuwei was progressing smoothly, and there seemed to be no accidents during the period, Jiang Heng's hanging heart gradually relaxed.

Resurrecting at different time and space nodes is indeed a treasonous thing, Jiang Heng feels that this kind of behavior may bear a bad luck buff.

Feeling the surroundings again, and finding that there was no other outsider's breath, he was relieved again.

Almost every breath, Jiang Heng will try his best to release his perception to detect accidents that may occur at any time.

Time passed by little by little, and at this moment, Jiang Heng was slightly taken aback.

Because at this moment, although there is nothing in the perception, the naked eye can see hundreds of thousands of light-years away, an old man in ordinary clothes just appeared in the void out of thin air.

"When did this old man appear?"

Jiang Heng was shocked. His current perception could radiate the entire universe. If it wasn't for fear of attracting attention, he had completely let go of his perception, and now it only covered half of the universe. Even so, he still couldn't find the other party.

Strong insider?

Being able to shield one's own perception, the other party must also be a strong person of the same level.

But after careful perception, he still perceives a loneliness, and the other party at such a close distance is still a non-existent person in the perception.


Jiang Heng's vigilance suddenly rose to the highest level.

However, in the next moment, the other party came to a position less than 100 meters away from Jiang Heng and Taoist Wuwei, and just watched them quietly.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng hurriedly stood in front of the master. He didn't know the purpose of the person in front of him, but he must not let the other party destroy the critical moment of the revival of the master.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Heng looked dignified, and silently began to invoke the power of the inner scene, preparing for the opponent to unleash a thunderous blow if he was a little slack.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, young man. I know you, Jiang Heng, a person who doesn't belong to this time node, and I understand your purpose. Is it right to resurrect Brother Wuwei?"

The old man was kind-hearted, with white hair and beard, but his eyes seemed to be blind. He was wearing a shabby gray robe, and he looked like a recluse in a paradise.

"You... who the **** are you?!"

Hearing that Jiang Heng was calm on the surface, a turbulent wave had already set off in his heart.

"The old name is taboo, I told you that you may not be able to remember it."

The old man's smile was particularly friendly, but Jiang Heng keenly grasped the meaning of the other party's words.

In my mind, I also recalled an existence that the master once mentioned. The other party only had a master-level cultivation, but the particularity of the law gave him extremely mysterious and transcendent abilities.

Maybe the lethality is not enough, but the method is extremely headache even for the inside scene level powerhouse.

Thinking of this, UU Reading Jiang Heng's expression also relaxed. If it is not a last resort, he does not want to deal with such a difficult person.

"Old senior, it's the younger generation who is being rude, but I hope that the senior will not stop my master's resurrection. I am very grateful."

Said Jiang Heng bowed deeply.

Hearing this, the old man stroked his beard and smiled, glanced at Taoist Wuwei whose eyes were still closed, and said calmly to Jiang Heng:

"You brat is really courageous, reversing life and death against the flow of time and space? Hehe, you are not the first in all ages."

"Not the first?"

Jiang Heng was taken aback.

"Could it be that there are predecessors who have done the same thing? So what happened to them?"

Jiang Heng is very curious about this, if there is a precedent, maybe he can understand the dangers he will encounter in the future.

"The predecessor is your master, he has done this before."

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