Master of Fist

Chapter 116: You are special!

However, when Jiang Heng saw the other party's playful expression from the corner of his eyes, as if he was looking at some kind of plaything, Jiang Heng's expression remained unchanged, but his heart had already sunk to the bottom.

This is because the other party doesn't take him seriously at all!

But why do I feel this way...

Jiang Heng's heart was very heavy. He thought that if he took this step with his own strength, he might still be far away from the monsters, but no matter what, he wouldn't be helpless to fight back, but...

However, this kind of pause is only a tenth of a second, and ordinary people can't feel that this person paused at all, and only Jiang Heng, who has personally experienced it, can clearly feel it.

In the eyes of others, it was the two Lord Zhenyousi who walked towards Commander Lu to say hello.


After pausing for a tenth of breath change, this person stepped into the range of Jiang Heng's extremely keen perception.

Like a male lion, he saw the kitten's territory and forced his way in, not caring about the kitten's feelings at all. This is a great humiliation and invasion for animals.

He just stepped into Jiang Heng's "territory" without even looking at Jiang Heng, and directly nodded to Commander Lu. Commander Lu got up and immediately began to chat with the two of them very flatteringly.

"Master Wang, please sit down!" Commander Lu said in a low voice, stood up and pointed to the main seat where he was sitting.

Jiang Heng looked a little amazed, although he already knew the horror of these two people in his heart, but Commander Lu's humility still made him feel a bit of embarrassment.

However, it was not the older, elegant middle-aged man who responded to Commander Lu, but the child behind him. The childish child nodded slightly and was not polite, strode over and sat down on the seat that was obviously too high with some effort.

But seeing this, no one dared to laugh at him!

It seems that this childish background is not small!

Jiang Heng looked over silently, but at this time the childish Lord Wang also seemed to sense it, and looked at Jiang Heng with a playful smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man also sat on the position that originally belonged to Vice Commander Jiang.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Commander Lu squeezed out a smile, and began to introduce the young children and middle-aged people in the first and second seats to everyone: "These two are the principals sent by Zhenyou Division to deal with the situation this time. Master Liu!"

"Master Wang, Master Liu?" Jiang Heng silently wrote down these two names in his heart.

The people below were discussing for a while, but as the childish-looking Lord Wang glanced over, everyone silenced, not daring to offend the two airborne adults.

Even if this Lord Wang looks like a child at all.

"This is..." At this moment, the childish Lord Wang spoke in silence for a moment, pointing at Jiang Heng and asked Lu Zhi kindly.

Lu Jin was stunned, Jiang Heng was stunned, and everyone present was stunned, looking at Mr. Wang in puzzlement. However, Lu Zhen reacted quickly, and he turned his head to Lord Wang and said with a dry smile: "Master Wang, this is just a little Xuanyi guard from the Fusi of Cangzhou Town."

Hearing that Mr. Wang, who looked like a child, nodded gently towards Jiang Heng, and then closed his eyes slightly, as if he was taking a deep breath, and seemed to be sniffing something.

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, maintaining an expression that was neither humble nor overbearing, but his heart was full of turmoil.

This Mr. Wang is obviously the leader of the two, and also a powerful existence that can compete with monsters in the legend, but what kind of feeling does it feel to be stared at by such a person.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng's face was slightly solemn, and he immediately came out of the row and clasped his fists at Mr. Wang who was sitting in the front seat.

At this time, Lord Wang opened his eyes intoxicated, glanced at Jiang Heng, and seemed to be sighing to himself.

"It's really rare, the blood is so strong, I didn't expect someone to take that step."

Mr. Wang's words made the rest of the people a little confused, but it fell into Jiang Heng's ears like a stormy sea.

The other party actually sensed my abnormality?

Could it be because of this that you paid special attention to me just now?

Jiang Heng was horrified, he didn't know how the other party could feel that his physique was different from ordinary people. But it was clear that the other party did feel that he was different!

It's just that Jiang Heng doesn't know whether it's good or bad to be paid extra attention by the other party!

"Hehe! Master Wang is joking, Jiang Heng is only a third rank, how can he bear the ridiculous praise of Master Wang!" Lu Jin said with a smile.

Fortunately, this Lord Wang didn't seem to want to get entangled in this matter, so he just waved his hand.

Jiang Heng breathed a sigh of relief. This time maybe it was just the accidental rise of the other party, after all, in the eyes of the other party, I was just an ant. Even if you can see that your physique is different from ordinary people, in the eyes of these two people, maybe you are just better than ants.

But from this point of view, the opponent doesn't seem to have the ability to discover the black ball!

This made Jiang Heng feel a little more at ease.

However, seeing Jiang Heng, a little-known Xuanyi guard, was highlighted by a master Zhenyousi, the surrounding Xuanyi guards and black-clothed guards were all talking a lot.

Feeling the eyes of emotion and envy around him, Jiang Heng's expression was indifferent, but his heart was full of bitterness.

"Quiet!" Lu Jin shouted loudly.

Immediately, the originally noisy hall quickly quieted down Some Silver Armored Guards and Black Tie Guards restrained their subordinates one after another, looking upwards one after another.

"Indeed, there have been a lot of troubles in Cangzhou recently, and various bizarre cases have emerged one after another, making everyone panic! Even a silver armored guard in my town's Fusi has died!" Lu Jin said loudly.

The rest of the people also echoed. It is true that the Zhenfu Division has been hit the hardest recently. There are more and more strange murders. Even the people in the prefecture city are panicking, let alone the rest of the people living in Cangzhou.

Although the Zhen Fusi tried his best to fool Saitang in other ways, but a discerning person can still see that the situation has completely escaped the control of everyone.

Lu Jin coughed twice, then pressed his hands again, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"The recent situation of the Zhenfu Division is indeed difficult to grasp, but as long as the real troubles are solved, everything else will be solved. So this time I invited Mr. Wang and Mr. Liu here to solve this matter."

He stretched out his hand to signal to Mr. Wang on the first seat and Mr. Liu who was silent beside Mr. Wang.

"These two Zhenyousi lords are the ones who came here to solve the current situation."


The name seemed to have magical powers, and it was quickly passed among everyone's minds. Everyone who was a little bit arguing at first changed their expressions after hearing the name of this person. Except for some newly joined black guards, almost most people have heard the rumors about Zhenyousi.

Although I have never met anyone from Zhenyousi, I have heard of this name.

The scene quickly quieted down. Some people who were not good at handling affairs on weekdays began to sweat faintly on their foreheads and vests. It was not clear whether the two Zhenyousi masters would manage the internal affairs of the Zhenfusi.

So what if it is found that they are not good at doing things on weekdays?

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