Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1122: Interior-level means-dangerous!

"Huh? What's the matter with you, third? You still can't handle this kid?" The leader, the peak master, frowned immediately when he saw this.

The three of their brothers are all members of the Shengyuan clan and belong to the headquarters of Luo Yu Lord God. He also knows the strength of his two brothers.

The realm shown by the other party is only at the peak of the ninth level, but there seem to be several auras, and it seems to have mastered multiple laws, but it doesn't matter, how can it have the power to counter the master if it is not a true god?

Even if a true **** faces a master, it is reasonable to say that he loses more and wins less.

"Boss, there is something wrong with this kid, his law is very wrong! It seems to be related to strength, and there are other laws that complement each other!" The third child was a little aggrieved. He did use his full strength just now, but was forced back by the opponent's punch, and There are also some disadvantages, which makes him look a little unsightly.

"Fart, you still can't take down this kid in the **** realm, I'll give you another chance! Take him down!" The boss was furious immediately, and dared to make excuses, is it because he has been idle in the headquarters for too long and is a bit lazy and lazy?

"it is good!"

Seeing his elder brother speak, the master didn't dare to neglect, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward, his whole body was full of breath, and with a wave of his big hand, he saw the surrounding space solidify for a while, as if he was holding it in his palm, and the two avenues of law were revealed in his palm.

The origin of the Dao he mastered is not related to power, but with the increase of the two laws and the strong physical characteristics of the Shengyuan clan, he feels that the opponent will die with this move!

However, the opponent still punched flatly, and the fists and palms intersected. As soon as he touched the master, he felt something was wrong, and his body trembled and quickly retreated.

Looking at the palm again, his complexion suddenly changed, and he saw a black air lingering above his palm. If the black air had special attributes, it began to continuously cause damage to his palm, with the characteristic of destruction!

"The power of destruction?!" Seeing the situation of his third brother, the boss finally looked a little dignified.

Destruction Dao is also quite famous in the Shengyuan clan. It should be said that looking at many universes, Destruction Dao is also a very destructive way.

"Let's go together and take him down first!" The leading peak master no longer hesitated and decided to join hands to take down the opponent first.

Although the opponent's Dao of Destruction is only at the ninth level, if left alone, it will cause a lot of damage.

The three of them came together to suppress several complete laws, especially the leader who mastered four complete avenues. The number of complete avenues is like a boundary suppressed.

Jiang Heng felt his whole body tremble, his spine seemed to be bent. However, he only frowned slightly and quickly recovered his composure, with a faint smile on his face instead.

"Master and Senior Gu Shu said that if I want to step into the true god, I need a life-and-death battle, so now is the time!"

Thinking in his heart, several paths emerged from behind him, destruction, power, body, reincarnation, space, time, airway, and order appeared one after another.

"Eight Avenues?!"

Seeing the number of ** emerging from Jiang Heng's back, the leader Peak Master frowned.

The number of such laws, and the aura emitted by each law seems to be an unusual law. Is this a direct descendant of a top powerhouse in this world?

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face instead, and he was more motivated to deal with this kind of genius.

Killing a genius like this is far better than killing several true god-level powerhouses!

The second child and the third child entangled Jiang Heng respectively, while the boss pulled out a long spear from the void. It was a spear with a very strange shape and the whole body looked like poured flesh and blood, and blood vessels could even be seen wriggling on the surface.

With the spear in his hand, a ferocious look appeared on Hogos's face. This object was a half-step interior-level treasure bestowed by Lord Luo Yu for his great achievements in a conquest.

Belonging to the treasure that has stepped out of the peak dominance level and originally belonged to a small-world interior-level powerhouse, because it is only a small-world interior-level powerhouse, so the treasure is only half-step interior-level.

And this kind of treasure is undoubtedly a big killer for Hogos. Seeing the tip of his spear shake, the surging power of law in his body quickly melted into the spear like a few swimming dragons.

The law poured into the spear and trembled, and in an instant, the surrounding space and time and even this world were different in Hogos' eyes.

The original three-dimensional world has now appeared in the eyes of Hogos like a plane, and the duel between the human race and his own second and third child in front of him is like a paper man fighting.

"Is this the vision that can be seen anytime and anywhere at the level of the main god? It's really different!"

Hogos said with emotion that he only obtained short-term dimensional vision with this half-step interior-level treasure. I heard that some space powers have this kind of vision when they step into the true **** level, but space powers also have to step into it. Only half-step interior scenes or even interior scenes have the means to attack under this kind of vision.

And for Hogos right now, with this spear, he has the means to attack others in this dimension.

It belongs to the method of half-step interior scene.

An unremarkable stab, but it was a large consumption of the power of several laws in Hogos's body.

The tip of the gun pierced the human race without stopping, but the other party didn't notice it. In the other party's field of vision and all perceptions, he had no trace of the shot at all.

The point of the gun piercing the opponent's body was like poking a big hole out of a paper man.

And the reality is that...

Jiang Heng, who was in the midst of a fierce battle with the law and means, was suddenly torn a big hole in his body without warning, and blood gushed out of the huge wound.

"how is this possible?!"

Jiang Heng was terrified. This fight was for tempering, so he naturally never thought of relying on the power of Xing Tian to superimpose the status in advance, but even so, he was confident that he would drag on through this life-and-death tempering until he was truly capable of stepping into the true **** levels of perception.

It was just the sudden change that caught him off guard.

The Dao law of the physical body surged rapidly, wanting to heal and restore this hideous wound, but under the surging law, Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment.

"How could this be? Can't recover and can't stop the bleeding?"

Swinging away the dominating kill in front of him with one punch, Jiang Heng teleported and jumped hundreds of light-years away. The situation was weird, and he had to get out in time to check his own condition.

He frowned at just one glance, the big hole in his chest was still flowing with blood, there was no granulation wriggling on the surface at all, it was not that he didn't have it, but he couldn't. Under the power of the law of the physical body, the law didn't respond.

Because the feedback the law gave him was that he wasn't hurt?

But how is this possible?

Such a big gap hasn't hurt yet? What's more, Jiang Heng can already clearly feel his body is getting weaker.

For the strong in the physical body, no matter how much blood is lost, the impact will not be too great, but this kind of weird injury is a little different. Not only the blood is lost, but also the power of the gods and a little power of the law.

If it is an ordinary injury, the reason why there is no loss of power is because there is divine power and law power attached to the surface to restrain the power from leaking out.

But this wound is weird. The feedback given by the law and the divine power is that there is no wound, which creates a loophole, and the divine power of the law begins to flow through this loophole.

"It's also useless?"

Jiang Heng took out a lot of life essence and dripped it on the wound, but the life essence also did not respond. Oh, it's not that there is no reaction, there is still a reaction, that is, the vitality in the body is much stronger, but the wound is indifferent, it seems that even the law of life cannot judge that he is injured.

"Boy! Run away! This is an interior-level method! This time the guy must have missed it, and if he pokes your head next time, with the special nature of the interior-level method, your soul will be ruined!"

Suddenly, Taoist Wuwei, who had been silent for a long time, had a slightly hasty voice.

"Internal-level means? How come? Didn't Valkyrie have already fought against an internal-level expert? Could it be that another one came to me??" Jiang Heng was shocked, why suddenly there was an internal-level expert.

Before he had time to think about it, Jiang Heng had already used space teleportation to escape. At this time, I don't even care about the life-and-death training, and the current situation seems to be more cruel than the life-and-death training.

"Want to escape? It's useless!"

At the same time, Hogos couldn't help sneering at the scene in front of him. From this perspective, the opponent's escape was especially ridiculous.

Under this perspective, the other party's so-called teleportation of space and time teleportation is a joke, because it can be detected here. The so-called teleportation of space means that the paper man suddenly came out of here and came to another place. Stay on the paper, you can see it at a glance.

As for time shifting, it is even more a joke. From this perspective, time shifting will not change at all, because of the particularity of time.

The shuttle time is true, but the space position still stays in place, but it is just jumping from the time node of this place to this area of ​​another time node.

The place remains the same, but in the eyes of Hogos, time and space can be explored, and the opponent still stays in the same place when time shifts, and the space shift has to test Hogos' eyesight a little, because if the shift is too fast, he may miss it. ,

"However, I am the master of the pinnacle. If I can't hit the target when everything can be detected, then I have practiced for so many years in vain!"

With a slight smile, Hogos stabbed again with his gun, this time he aimed at the head of the human race extremely quickly.

"Huh? Space teleportation is really troublesome, and it's off again!"

Although he hit the target this time, he still missed the head.

"Hmph! Let you escape, but what if you are lucky? I don't believe how many times you can bear!" Hogos smiled and wanted to stab again.

At this time, Jiang Heng was already in a state of embarrassment, a hideous piercing hole in his chest could not be healed, and his left thigh was even broken, yes! Just poke.

The fracture is a strange jagged wound like a paper torn apart, but every jagged part of the wound is extremely neat, including the extremely strong bones.

Still not aware of it, this feeling made Jiang Heng very uncomfortable.

He clearly knew that someone was hiding in the dark to attack him, but he just didn't know where the attack came from, so naturally there was no possibility of avoiding it!

"Continuing like this is not an option! Do you still remember the ability of space Tao that I told you before?"

"Which kind of ability are you talking about?" Jiang Heng was a little embarrassed when he heard Taoist Wuwei's voice.

His teacher mentioned too many things, and he didn't know which one.

"Just jump out! Jump out of this world to see the world from another angle!" Taoist Wuwei's voice was rather resentful.

"Ah! You said this, but...but it was used before, but it was temporarily borrowing the ability of the true **** state period with the time dao. You said that the borrowing of the time dao pays attention to borrowing and repaying. Now I even I didn’t pay back last time, so I can’t borrow any more?”

Jiang Heng came to his senses, indeed, if he jumped out of this world, he might be able to see who was doing the trick, and he could also see the opponent's attack methods.

Because it is the same perspective and one dimension, naturally there is no situation of being blind.

It's just that it's hard to replicate what happened last time.

"Then don't borrow it! Break through! Break through the true **** level!" Taoist Wuwei shouted.


"Yes! It's now!" Taoist Wuwei said firmly, "If you don't want to die, you can break through now. Don't you want life and death honing? Now is the real life and death honing, which is more dangerous than fighting with others if you have the confidence.

If you step through it, this crisis is not a crisis, but an opportunity. If you don't step through it, you will die! Your so-called time and space and many laws are completely useless in front of interior-level means! Think clearly, this is the last chance! "

Taoist Wuwei is very serious, and Jiang Heng also understands that this is true, stepping over is life, not stepping over is death!

Life and death are two lines!

"Okay! I'll break through now!" Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and said viciously.

In this situation, there is no way to retreat, and we can only fight to the death!

"Be careful!"

With Taoist Wuwei's reminder, Jiang Heng moved quickly, but the right forearm was still stabbed and took away a large piece of flesh and blood.

"If this continues, I have no chance of breaking through!"

"It's okay! That's it, as a teacher, relying on the interior perception level to take precautions, you should pay attention to moving at any time, and move through the calamity while moving!"

Taoist Wuwei said it lightly, but the danger involved is self-evident.

The true **** calamity is the most difficult calamity. Generally speaking, you need to be fully prepared, how can you break through while escaping like this.

But now it was like this, no matter how worried Jiang Heng was, he could only grit his teeth and take this step.

A stream of green smoke spewed out from Jiang Heng's mouth and nose and turned into an avatar with an eighth-level cultivation.

"Once Master speaks later, take me away immediately!"

"I see!" The avatar nodded, and was on guard all over the suspension.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng quickly sat cross-legged, and began to communicate with the resonance of the Dao of Space and the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

"Senior, please help me! Give me a helping hand!" Taoist Wuwei quickly penetrated into Jiang Heng's body with a wisp of remnant thoughts.

"What's the matter?" Fortune Jade Butterfly was quite dissatisfied.

He is fine in this kid's body, why is something wrong again?

Isn't it just tens of thousands of years?

For Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, tens of thousands of years is really nothing, he sleeps for hundreds of millions of years, this drizzle.

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