Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1114: Ruins change

"Your Majesty, a rough estimate has been made about the income from the destruction of the temples. Because of the sharing of profits with the super-dimensional kingdom of God, some of our final income has been divided. However, they have also given us more in the territory. many places.

The treasure resources obtained from the many treasure houses of the Temple of the Gods are equivalent to the total income of our empire for hundreds of millions of years. Among them, we have also received the Holy Legion of the Zodiac of the Temple of the Gods and the Legion of Fanatics from all over the world.

However, because of their weird thinking, these people are now undergoing mental transformation one by one. I believe that they will also become part of the front line in the near future. "

In the study room of the Imperial Capital Palace, Chief Executive Zhao Xin was slowly talking about his recent gains.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou nodded his head frequently as he listened to it. This battle was indeed fruitful, no, it should be said to be a wave of sudden wealth.

"By the way, is there any news about Jiang Heng?" Da Zhouhuang asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Xin Zhao was a little embarrassed, so he had no choice but to say, "Your Majesty, there is no trace of Wuweihou after that time. We have searched all the areas in the ruins. This is the case. But Wuweihou is good at space and time. In the gap between unknown space and time."

"Well, there is indeed a possibility. The accumulation of the temples over the years should not be the only ones." Hearing this, the Great Zhou Emperor also nodded in agreement.

Their previous search seemed to have searched the ruins inside and out, but it always felt like something was missing.

Now that I think about it carefully, it is really possible. After all, the True God of Fire is the heir of such an ancient and powerful descendant as Donghuang Taiyi. It really shouldn't be said that there are no inheritances and treasures left.

Although they found a point general platform in the ruins, it is very strange that they lack a formation board to control that point general platform.

Even in the end, the body of True God Huo Xing was not found, which is even more unreasonable.

"Did the guards at the ruins find anything unusual recently?" the Great Zhou Emperor asked.

"There is nothing unusual, Your Majesty!" Xin Zhao said hastily.

For the ruins, they have already dug three feet into the ground, but there are some things that you can't find or can't find.

"Hey, let them continue to guard, and report immediately if there is any disturbance." The Great Zhou Emperor waved his hand somewhat disinterestedly.

Hearing that, Xin Zhao is also a little helpless. Their Great Zhou Empire lacks space powers. Even if there are some unknown areas in the ruins, they have no way of discovering them.

And if it is still a method arranged by the ancient power, it is even more impossible to gain anything.

Shaking his head, at this moment Xin Zhao was about to push the door to leave and suddenly stopped.

"Your Majesty, there was a report just now that there was a change in the ruins. They don't know the situation, please make a decision!" Xin Zhao hurriedly said with a complexion.

"Go! Let's go together!"

The Great Zhou Emperor looked dignified, grabbed Xin Zhao's shoulder and quickly entered the high-dimensional level to start the high-dimensional shuttle.

The high-dimensional shuttle of the true god-level powerhouse is only inferior to the means of space teleportation, and the true god-level space teleportation can move to the end of the universe in one breath.

The high-dimensional shuttle takes several minutes, but even so, it is an extremely terrifying speed.

Of course, the ruins are not as far away as the frontier of the universe, but it took two or three minutes to reach it.

As soon as I arrived here, I had a panoramic view of the situation. Several high-ranking demigods were retreating nervously to the entrance area of ​​the ruins, looking at the entrance solemnly.

"What's going on inside?" The Great Zhou Emperor immediately asked as soon as he arrived.

"Just a few minutes ago, this place began to be filled with the power of the fire element. At first, it was not particularly serious, but soon the power of the fire element inside reached a peak. Now it is not easy for anyone who is not a true **** to enter, otherwise the flames will burn. Body, spirit and body are all destroyed!"

Snow God in the crowd said that she is also the main person in charge of guarding this place.

As the power of the super-dimensional kingdom of God returned to the high-dimensional level, this place was handed over to the Great Zhou Empire.

"Just the power of the escaping fire element can affect everyone below the true **** level?" Da Zhouhuang was a little unbelievable.

"Your Majesty, just follow me into it and find out!" Snow God didn't bother to say much and entered the ruins first.

Seeing this, the Great Zhou Emperor also followed closely behind.

As soon as the two of them stepped in, the Great Zhou Emperor felt as if his whole body was soaked in an extremely hot magma. This hot feeling made his true god-level body a little suffocated, and his skin began to show a burning sensation.

Now he finally understood what Snow God meant.

The high temperature here is not only lower than that of a true god, even ordinary true gods may not be able to withstand it, that is, he is a true **** of the physical body, and the snow **** is a **** of ice, otherwise ordinary true gods may not be able to withstand it.

"Why is this happening here? What happened?" The Great Zhou Emperor looked solemnly at the blood-red world in front of him.

Everything in the field of vision is bright red, and many ruins suspended in the void here have begun to burn and spontaneously combust, and the terrible high temperature is raging here.

"The space node in a certain area below seems to be damaged, and the power here should be leaking from it. However, the high temperature inside is even more terrifying. Even I dare not step in easily. If you are interested in it, you'd better be careful. " Snow God Liu suggested, frowning.

It's not that she didn't try to enter it just now, but the high temperature inside made her feel extremely uncomfortable. Although the Ice Avenue can reduce the fire line to a certain extent, facing this level of high temperature, rashly trying can easily hurt the source.

Hearing this, the Great Zhou Emperor nodded, took a deep breath, and his muscles began to tighten. At the same time, he stuck thousands of ice and water talismans on his body, and immediately his body turned into a streamer and quickly fled downwards.

The body dives rapidly, and after reaching a depth of tens of thousands of meters, there are very few ruins here, most of them have been burned, and only some materials are extremely this time There are also some things in the field of vision that gradually become clear, and a hole with a diameter of about 100 meters appears in front of the eyes, and inside the hole is a sea of ​​fiery red flames, and the inside is so red that it is hard to see what is inside.

The Emperor Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully trying to distinguish the things inside, and vaguely saw the trajectory of some things moving inside.

"If I continue, my physical body may not be able to handle it anymore." Feeling the temperature around him, Emperor Zhou was a little annoyed.

Ok? !

Suddenly, something jumped out of the hole inside. The speed of this thing was like a fiery red fish. When it passed by the side of the Great Zhou Emperor, it glanced at it, and then quickly disappeared into the void.

With the disappearance of that figure, the flames in the cave became a little calmer and became less violent, but it was still unbearably hot.

If the divine sense penetrates into it, it will be melted instantly, which is extremely terrifying.

"What is it that just passed?!" The Great Zhou Emperor pondered in his mind.

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