Master of Fist

Chapter 114: calm

The next day, when it was reported that the Arhat Gate had been destroyed, the whole city was boiling, and the Zhen Fusi was furious. Although the Jianghu gang was hit hard, it was good to be happy, but it was destroyed under the nose, and there was no news in advance.

This caused Jiang Heng to go out to patrol for several days in a row under the orders of the senior officials of the Zhenfu Division. And the Cangzhou Jianghu is also panicking now.

After this incident, the Cangzhou Jianghu suddenly became a gang of twelve schools. This cake is indeed big, but it also makes many Jianghu forces restless, especially Tiejianmen.

Not long ago, the deputy sect master went to Arhat sect once and never came back. Now, a deputy sect master and two elders have been lost in total. This made the head of the Iron Sword Sect difficult to sleep and eat. He did not have the background of the Canglang Gang, and he was considered to be second only to the Canglang Gang in this Cangzhou boundary.

In an existence that is neither high nor low, with the Canglang Gang on top and the Arhat Sect on the bottom, everyone with a discerning eye in the Twelve Halls knows that it is just a vassal of several of their giants. It can be said that as long as the few giants of them discuss it well, then the west of the city can be completely divided.

But right now, not so.

Tie Jianmen rushed to the Canglang Gang overnight to discuss the alliance, and many halls in the west of the city were also secretly meeting. The people above them panicked, and so did the people below them.

As a result, the entire Cangzhou Jianghu has a faint state of unity.

Jiang Heng only learned the news on the third day and went to the Black Tiger Hall.

Now that the fighting in the past has stopped in the west of the city, as for the fourth-grade martial arts book, it was directly taken over by the Canglang Gang. It is said that the Canglang Gang had the most people coming that day, and as for the Luohanmen and Tiejianmen, some people came to give a symbolic gesture.

In the past, the Iron Sword Sect was still fighting against the Canglang Gang, but with the death of the deputy head, the head of the Iron Sword Sect kept a low profile.

Jiang Heng could guess that he didn't even bother to find Heihutang. Tiejianmen wasn't as numerous and powerful as the Canglang Gang, and had a deep foundation. After the death of a pulse refiner, he is the only one in the sect who can carry the beam. At this time, he is still in the early stage, and he is afraid that if he dies, it will really be over.

The second is that the head of the Iron Sword Sect is almost fifty years old now, with a large family of wives and concubines. Naturally, he seems to be constrained in doing things.

This turmoil lasted for a full month, during which the Canglang Gang also sent someone to the Zhenfu Division to deliver a message, but Jiang Heng didn't know exactly what was said.

But this also let Jiang Heng know that the Canglang Gang is really not simple!

What is the strength of the youngest son of the old master of the previous generation, who is now the leader of the Canglang Gang?

It stands to reason that the current Zhenfu Division is fully capable of cleaning the entire Cangzhou rivers and lakes, those who obey will prosper and those who oppose will perish!

But once the Canglang Gang came forward, things actually calmed down.

Jiang Heng didn't think too much about it. He would naturally know about these things in the future. In addition to the symbolic daily patrols and a few missions in the first period of the month, he has been nesting in the mansion and practicing hard.

In the early morning glow, Jiang Heng was sweating profusely with his upper body shirtless in the courtyard. But if you look closely at the muscles on his body, you can actually see some clues. Even before erupting, those muscles are only temporarily dormant, piling up on the body surface one by one, like super armor that fits tightly on the body surface. Only when it fully erupts, this thin layer of super armor will instantly expand, while maintaining super defense, it is also rapidly transporting the power of Qi and blood in the body.

With a sudden swing of the fist, the muscles in the back of the arm instantly swelled, and the air was hit with a series of sonic booms. When the fist was retracted again, the muscles in the back of the arm quickly shrank and closed to fit the back and arm tightly.

Jiang Heng showed a satisfied smile on his face, and immediately picked up thick black iron sticks one after another.


Jiang Heng stood on the spot, his arms inflated like rapidly clapping balloons, and he clenched the iron rod and slammed it on his body.

Boom! Bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, not only the muscles of his arms, but also the muscles of his whole body exploded, swelled in a circle, rippled like waves, and spread and vibrated from the skin of his whole body.

The iron rod that contained Jiang Heng's almost full strength hit him, only pressing out tiny dents, but soon recovered.


Suddenly, Jiang Heng's muscles tensed up.

The black iron stick was directly bounced and flew out.


All the black iron sticks were shattered and hit the wall directly. Make potholes of different sizes, and then hit the ground heavily.


Jiang Heng retracted his arms, his chest and abdomen on his bare body were red, but there was no wound.

Finally, Jiang Heng showed a look of joy on his face, the effect of Lie Yang Physique was surprisingly good. Now it is estimated that he should barely be able to carry the military three-bow bed crossbow and one crossbow gun used to defend the city without dying.

The three-bow bed crossbow is a sharp weapon for siege and defense that can pierce the city wall, and it can be described as inhuman if it can resist the next killer weapon.

Jiang Heng reckoned that it would be difficult to take a shot even if he was in the fifth-rank territory with full Qi.

"The tempering of the bones has almost finished tempering all the vertebrae. It seems that we can try to prepare the second layer of the Dragon Strength!" I silently thought in my heart, the medicinal materials consumed these days are astronomical, if it is not for the Heihutang Channels, as well as the huge wealth left by Dadaomen, can never be covered by the salary of the Zhenfusi and the old background of the Jiang family.

But at this moment, voices came from outside.

"grown ups?"

"What's up?"

"A few hours ago there was news from Zhen Fusi." Su Yu came quickly and saluted and brought me the Xuanyi. "Jiang Heng's complexion changed slightly and he ordered directly.

"Yes, master!"

Xiaorou on the side also nodded and hurried away when she heard the words.

Standing in the courtyard, Jiang Heng felt the blood flowing through his whole body, and he felt a sense of refreshment that he had never felt before. Know that physical strength seems to be stronger than ever.

Putting on the Xuanyi, Jiang Heng sat in a carriage and rushed to Zhenfusi.

When I came to the Zhenfu Division's conference hall, it was already full of people, and the first seat was Commander Lu who was already sitting on the first seat.

Almost everyone came together today, such a big battle was not as bad as the turmoil in Cangzhou City some time ago, seeing this Jiang Heng didn't speak, but everyone present was talking all the time.

It seems that he is also very curious and interested in today's events.

Jiang Heng listened carefully, everyone seemed to be talking about only one topic, and that was Zhenyousi!


What is this?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng poked the fat man next to him, and said in a low voice, "Brother Pi, you know that Zhenyou Division..."

Peter looked at Jiang Heng with some surprise, but immediately patted his head and said in a low voice, "Brother Jiang, you don't know Zhenyou Division yet!"

"Where did Zhen Yousi come from?"

"The Zhenyou Division, like our Zhenfu Division, is an institution loyal to the imperial court, but unlike our Zhenfu Division, they are even more mysterious!" Fatty Pi looked mysterious.

"Mysterious? How to say?"

Jiang Heng was a little surprised, what kind of mysterious method is this? Can't you still see people?

"Zhen Yousi is specialized in dealing with... monsters! Brother Jiang, it's normal that you don't know. I thought it was just a rumor before, but I didn't expect it!"

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