Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1084: flashing knife light

"I know my father!" Jiang Wenwu's heart is already surging. He has a character of Wu Chi and has always yearned for Jiang Heng's strength.

He doesn't say it outwardly, but he knows very well that he wants to be like his father.

And Jiang Yizhen, who was still struggling to see this, was naturally envious, and also exploded his strength to resist this pressure.

The epidermis exploded inch by inch, and the muscles swelled, which was hideous and terrifying. You could clearly see the texture of each bundle of muscles that was stretched almost to burst.

I saw him stand up little by little, every step caused the bones to shatter, until he stood up completely, he felt as if his whole body was about to collapse.

Fortunately, Jiang Heng didn't continue to embarrass the youngest son, but also input the law of life to quickly heal his injuries.

"Okay, let's go out with the father."

With a wave of Jiang Heng's hand, he brought his two sons to the North Gate passage in an instant under the space distortion.

As soon as he took a step, he brought the two sons, who were still somewhat novel, to the exit of the passage outside the north gate.

When the two of them were still intrigued by their father's elusive spatial means just now, they were even more shocked when they saw the densely packed battlefield in the distance.

This super-large interstellar battlefield really shocked the minds of the two boys who had never seen the world.

"Heh, take a good look. My father has already galloped on a large-scale interstellar battlefield when you were your age. The fastest way to improve martial arts is to experience the crisis of life and death on the battlefield."

Jiang Heng never forgot to teach his two sons.

Turning his eyes, Ting Shanhou leaned over again. He looked at Jiang Heng and then at the two young men who were seven or eight points similar to Jiang Heng. He understood what was going on as soon as he rolled his eyes. , his smile suddenly became more eager.

However, he also knew that Jiang Heng treated him indifferently, so he turned his attention to the two boys.

Seeing this Jiang Heng didn't mind, he smiled and said: "Tingshanhou, you will go to the battlefield later, right? Why don't you take the two of them for a stroll later?"

"Oh! The two young masters are also planning to go to the battlefield for a trial?" Ting Shanhou was surprised, and couldn't help but grumble in his heart, this Wu Weihou is really ruthless, he is ruthless to himself and his son.

Even in such a tragic battlefield, he dared to take his son to the trial.

"Uh, that Marquis of Wuwei, it's not because I'm unwilling, it's because my strength is limited, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of the two young masters."

Ting Shanhou was a little embarrassed, he really didn't lie, he really went to the front line, under the chaotic battle, with his own strength, he might not be able to save the two young people.

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

"Don't worry, I will use an avatar to accompany them and let them follow you." Jiang Heng didn't care, with his avatar and Tingshan waiting, as long as he didn't go to those high-level battlefields, he was basically safe and sound.

Of course, he didn't believe that Ting Shanhou, a life-saving guy, would go to the high-ranking battlefield to make fun of himself.

After arranging the two little guys, Jiang Heng left another avatar, and at the same time took back the other avatars before going to continue to wander around the high-level battlefield.

At this time, the ninth-tier battlefield area above has settled down, and the remaining two ninth-tier powerhouses and the forbidden army were not seen.

After a little inquiring, I found out that all the forbidden troops have now retreated and are now recuperating in the rescue center.

Just now, the Forbidden Army borrowed the power of the divine weapon, driven by the power of the battle formation, and killed two ninth-rank vassal powerhouses in a row, and now they have no power to fight again in a short period of time.

Only the ninth-level foreign enemies have fallen, but the number of seventh-level and eighth-level is still extremely terrifying.

Especially the seventh level, Jiang Heng took a rough look and estimated that there are no less than tens of millions, and there are monsters waking up from some small planes in the void and rushing out.

The stream is like a swarm of insects gathering.

And here is the most delicious piece of fat in their eyes, and there are more than one such fat, not only the main battlefield on the north gate, but also three secondary battlefields in the east, west and south. Now there is no fluctuation of true god-level powerhouses fighting over there, so they can only rely on the power of the formation to survive.

But Jiang Heng could see clearly that the channel here was transporting massive amounts of resources almost all the time, and if it continued, these resources would be exhausted.

Even if there is no exhaustion, with the strength of the opponent's continuous reinforcements, the pressure on the formation will only become heavier and heavier, and it will be completely crushed in the end.

Just when Jiang Heng was about to enter the high-level battlefield again, there were bursts of dazzling light beams and extremely powerful and frequent energy surges from behind these monsters in the distance.


Someone shouted.

"It seems to be reinforcements from the southern border!"

"It's Nan Wang! Nan Wang led his troops to reinforce him!"

The news spread quickly almost instantly, and Jiang Heng's spiritual sense glanced and found that the reinforcements came, and the aura of the leader was very familiar, but it was the Southern King who kept his majesty at all times.

I saw that his figure was like a sharp sword quickly piercing through the high-level monsters along the way, and the places he passed were almost full of flesh and blood, and there was no enemy.

Ninth order!

With just one glance at Jiang Heng, he could tell that this was definitely the ninth rank, and he was only inferior to the Great Zhou Emperor. His powerful body was comparable to a starry sky behemoth of the same rank. Wherever a Black Dragon Spear passed, there were continuous howls of spirits and souls. This is a ninth-level magic weapon that can target both the body and the soul.

After Nan Wang, there was the relatively low-key Ji Yuan Hou, who just followed the road opened up by Nan Wang closely, and seemed to have no desire to attack the enemies around him.

"There are still little guys coming over, hey, you hang on to them first, I will spend time with these two little guys with good breath!"

At this time, at the True God Battlefield above, a burly giant-like Outer God full of tumors also noticed the majestic Nanwang and the restrained but radiant Ji Yuanhou.

After a short greeting, it rushed straight towards Nanwang and the two of them.

In the battlefield of the true gods, the outer gods already have the absolute upper hand, and when the true god-level powerhouses occupy the majority, the Snow God was strong enough to hold back the six true god-level powerhouses. It has always been dangerous At this point, the separation of an Outer God now does not have much impact on the Outer God.

"Jiyuan, it's time for you to make a move, give this big guy a surprise!"

Seeing this, Nan Wang was not in a hurry to make a move, but glanced sideways at the silent Ji Yuanhou and said with a light smile.

"Yes! My lord!"

Ji Yuanhou's words were concise and to the point, his eyes were looking directly at the huge outer **** with a terrifying aura, without any fear or panic in his eyes.

I saw him spit out a silver streamer from his mouth, and the streamer drew a circular arc in mid-air and then fell into his palm, turning into a jet-black sword.

With the sword in hand, a majestic momentum suddenly rose into the sky.

Terrifying, sharp and substantial saber energy surrounds the whole body, and at the next moment, Jiyuan Hou burst out suddenly, just like the silver streamer rushed out before.

I saw him lightly slashing out halfway, and the surrounding slashing sounds were instantly suppressed, except for a melodious saber whistling across the galaxy.

The frightening sword light flew out like an explosion at the moment when the universe was born, and turned into a silver horse, sweeping towards the body of the Outer God like a galaxy pouring down.

Outer God was a little startled on the way, and was about to take some countermeasures, but at the next moment he felt a chill in his body, followed by an incoherent response from his upper and lower body.

The huge body was split open with a knife at this moment.

Severing the body of a true god-level powerhouse with a single blow is Ji Yuanhou's extremely extreme law of the weapon category.

"Falling Abyss Slash!"

At this time, Ji Yuanhou's almost indifferent voice sounded.

"A native of this world who specializes in swordsmanship? It's just some flashy little trick." The outer **** sneered, although he was a little surprised, but to him, this injury was just a small injury that could be recovered in a blink of an eye. That's all.

"Once back!"

However, Ji Yuanhou's next sentence rang out.

But at this moment, the saber light sweeping across the body of the Outer God whirled, and immediately exploded into dozens of more fierce slender saber lights, whirling and slashing again.


Dozens of saber lights pierced through quickly, cutting the outer god's body into dozens of pieces again like cutting tofu.

"Enough! It's just a little gimmick."

The Outer God roared, this is a kind of humiliation, thinking that he was originally a powerful existence comparable to the master-level god, but now he is suppressed to the true **** level, it is enough to be aggrieved, but he did not expect to be humiliated like an ant-like existence.

I saw his physical body recovering rapidly, and the body with countless granulation quickly connected and disconnected seemed to be about to recover quickly.

"30% off!"

Ji Yuanhou's next words sounded again, this time his complexion was even paler.

However, he saw the dozens of saber lights whirling around again and exploded and split into hundreds of saber lights again, and the clanging of the sabers continued.

Outer God was taken aback, his body was separated again, and this time it was even more horribly split into thousands.

"Falling into the abyss!"

Seeing this, Ji Yuanhou gritted his teeth, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

However, the sword light appeared above the outer **** in a circle this time, and immediately split up again. This time, thousands of sword lights fell like a violent storm!

However, what fell was not rain, but an incomparably terrifying saber aura, which directly chopped the Outer God into countless densely packed and tiny pieces of flesh scattered in the void.

This time the saber energy completely dissipated and became invisible.

At this time, Ji Yuanhou's figure was also staggering, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the surface of the pitch-black Ji Yuan knife in his hand was quickly covered with cracks, and the next moment it was completely shattered with a crisp sound.

"It's such a powerful method, it chopped the real god-level powerhouse into pieces!"

Jiang Heng was shocked. Although he had heard the rumors that Ji Yuanhou's strength was unfathomable, he knew that Ji Yuanhou would not make a move easily. Once he made a move with all his strength in the true sense, it would be unimaginably terrifying, but he was really impressed when he saw it today Startled.

"Oh, it's really an extreme way. I didn't expect that after so many years, there is still such a way of combining human and machine. Don't envy him, kid. This guy is useless. All his life's cultivation has been condensed on his natal blade. On top of it.

On weekdays, you must not use all your strength to make a move. Once you make a move with all your strength, you will die. Even if you hang your life with treasures, you will be useless after that day, unless you rebuild other avenues. But people who can walk such an extreme way are often paranoid in character, and would rather die than accept transfer.

However, as a teacher, I really admire this kind of person, who dies so violently that he only makes one move, and if he doesn't make a move, it's enough. A gesture will shake the world! This kid is good! "

It is rare for Taoist Wuwei to make such a high evaluation.

At this time, everyone on the battlefield was also shocked by Ji Yuanhou's incomparably sharp but straightforward method.

Even the foreign gods above who were planning to watch a good show were stunned at the moment.

This mere ninth-order ants are so ferocious, apart from anything else, they cut a true god-level powerhouse into pieces. In just three breaths, a true god-level powerhouse has no resistance at all. ,

"It's really a pity for this junior, if I don't have to use this trick, I really want to take him as a disciple!" Snow God's vermilion lips parted slightly, looking at Ji Yuanhou whose physical body was gradually collapsing, said with emotion.

"I didn't expect him to have such a fierce man under his command?" Da Zhouhuang had a complex expression. Although he didn't have a good temper with his brother, this brother really treated his subordinates without saying anything. You can always see some people around him. An elite man who is willing to die and dare to fight and kill.

At this time Nan Wang looked at Ji Yuanhou and sighed lightly.

"Jiyuan, do you still have any wishes to fulfill?" He knew that his subordinate would not wish to save because saving him would be of no avail unless he was persuaded to switch to other avenues. Ji Yuanhou would never agree.

"I...I...I have nothing to worry about in my life... I am an orphan myself, if it weren't for the prince, there would be no Jiyuan. I have always been the knife in the prince's hand, and I am your shadow.

I just hope.....after my death, the lord can treat my former subordinates kindly...don't let them all be wiped out at once, they are walking the same road of no return like me, and it is the best way to do it Going forward without hesitation, like soldiers crossing a river, advancing and never retreating..."

Ji Yuanhou's voice became lower and lower until it disappeared completely. His physical body began to crack, drifting away in the void and turning into the dust of the universe. The power of law filled one after another spread out, and part of it returned to the Dao A part of the long river diffused towards the Jiyuan Legion behind him as if consciously, and merged into the bodies of many soldiers.

At this moment, all the soldiers of Jiyuan Legion were in tears, and Jiyuan waited for their regiment commander, their only and eternal regiment commander.

For this Ji Yuanhou who always maintains a cold and cold temperament, they know that this boss who is like an ice cube is gentle in his heart.

Nan Wang's eyes were red, as a king, he did not allow himself to cry.

Ji Yuanhou is his subordinate, but his relationship is better than that of heirs.

The other party grew up little by little by himself, and the other party's martial arts was also carefully taught by him.

Finding that the other party is quite talented in the avenue of weapons, he exhausted his mind to find many top methods in the avenue of weapons, but now he regrets it.

"Emperor Zhou, you bastard, you owe me a son!"

Nan Wang gritted his teeth and cursed in his own voice.

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