Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: Shocked 4 Seats (Part 2)

The strength of the Ninth-Rank Outer God vassal is really not simple. If you compare it, it definitely belongs to the strength of the ninth-rank Tianjiao in the physical body.

After all, these foreign **** vassals could compete with the local ninth-order powerhouses of the same class in ancient times. The overall strength of the ninth-order powerhouses back then was definitely stronger than the current ninth-order powerhouses.

There are many kinds of occurrences of this situation, the most important of which is the severance of many inheritances. Back then, countless practitioners could learn from all the true god-level powerhouses and even the top powerful dojos, so they can naturally get very good training.

It can be said that the education received by practitioners today is actually free education, and the teaching materials and educational resources they can access are extremely expensive and scarce. In contrast, the ancient times were elite education, not only a large amount of resources were tilted, but also educational materials that are very precious now.

After the initial astonishment, the four vassals of the outer gods quickly reacted, and the wounds of the powerful vassals whose heads had been beheaded quickly gushed out densely packed granulation, and the granulation began to be closely connected with each other. The other two strong vassals moved towards Jiang Heng to encircle them.

That is to say, the ninth-order vassal strongman who was forcibly suppressed by the God-suppressing Pearl was still suppressed and could not move.

Even if he faced two ninth-rank vassals at once, Jiang Heng only felt a little oppressive.

"Dou!" The ancient phonetic characters spit out from Jiang Heng's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Heng unfolded the subsequent nine-character formulas.

All of a sudden, the acupoints in Jiang Heng's body were filled, and at the same time, his physical body quickly transformed into a body with three eyes and six arms, and the Sanskrit Physique was unleashed.

Jiang Heng is at full strength at this moment, and this is also the full firepower in the true sense after stepping into a high position.

And at this moment, one of the ninth-level vassals had already made a move. This thing looked exactly like a bull-headed monster full of abscesses. Its muscles were bulging and it stared ferociously at Jiang Heng, and immediately punched it out.

The arm of this thing is covered with ferocious and weird pitch-black snake scales, and it punches out the surrounding void as if it has been squeezed and becomes very stagnant.

"Well done!"

Jiang Heng didn't retreat but advanced, Zhengchou couldn't test how much strength he would explode with all his strength after stepping into a high position.

The Douqiao in the body was also activated immediately, and some scarlet dots quickly appeared in the opponent's movements in the eyes. This is due to the simultaneous use of Douqiao and Douzijue, which gave Jiang Heng a very strong detection ability.

At the same time, the power of Xing Tian behind him quickly collapsed and shrank into a phantom that was about the same size as Jiang Heng and merged into one.

Jiang Heng's physical body suddenly swelled with a punch, and some blood-red lines appeared on the surface of his body. He clenched his fist, and immediately blasted out without any martial arts. The power of its own majestic and terrifying inscriptions.

It is this purest physical strength turned into a punch.

The collision of fists and fists is like two stalwart giant planets colliding with each other. In an instant, the two sides were deadlocked for a long time, and then they separated suddenly after a while.

Jiang Heng's figure flew upside down and spun several times in mid-air, until he flew tens of thousands of miles before stopping his figure, but there was no abnormality on his face, he just shook his numb arms.

In contrast, the bull-headed monster with abscesses all over its body exploded inch by inch, as if a majestic stamina was causing trauma to this arm one by one.

Because of its huge size, the Minotaur only retreated thousands of miles, but judging from the abnormality on his body, it is clear whether it is superior or inferior.

But these Outer God vassal groups are indeed difficult to deal with, inheriting many of the characteristics of the Outer God group, and they are extremely resilient. The blood-stained arm has returned to its original state.

"Don't try to fight these guys head-on, unless you can easily blow them up with a single punch, otherwise you will be mentally ill if you fight head-on with this kind of guy."

"Then how do we kill this beast?" Jiang Heng frowned.

"Divine Soul, to deal with any thinking object, targeting the divine soul is the best way. Of course, the strength and resilience of these guys are also at the peak level of the ninth order. You can't beat them with your divine soul methods!"

Taoist Wuwei shook his head, not optimistic about Jiang Heng.

Wen Yan Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows, hooked the corner of his mouth, and punched another monster suddenly.

Almost instantly, Jiang Heng fought with the ninth-level monster with the leading fish head and covered with abscesses, and in just a moment, the two sides encountered tens of thousands of fists and kicks one after another.

At this time, the nine-level vassal powerhouses with three heads that were still able to move began to besiege Jiang Heng. However, Jiang Heng was as nimble as a monkey at this time. Coupled with the acceleration of the power of time, almost only Jiang Heng beat them, and they did not have any part in causing damage to Jiang Heng.

In just ten breaths of time, these three monsters were more or less covered with many scars, and these scars often reappeared just after healed the last time.

This scene also shocked all the imperial guards, and made them even more at a loss. On the contrary, they all watched the show happily, but forgot to help.

The four commanders also feel a lot more at ease. From this point of view, it seems that they don't need to take action?

But they are not fools, after watching for a while, they also saw something not so good, that is, no matter how brave this Wuwei Hou is, it seems to be just scraping.

For these ninth-level monsters, although they were constantly scarred, they could always recover quickly, and Jiang Heng became more and more tired after going back and forth.

A few monsters besieged Jiang Heng at first to no avail. After finding that it was impossible to catch this little guy who kept moving around, they simply grabbed and slapped it symbolically. They all had grim faces, and they began to imagine this The little bug finally exhausted and could only be consumed by them to death.

However, at this moment, Jiang Heng's attacking method suddenly changed, one punch after another slammed the bull-headed monster head-on.

And they all concentrated on one point, and kept smashing towards the Tianling Gai of the Minotaur.

One punch and two punches are fine, and tens of thousands of punches and feet are thrown in one breath. Rao, the Minotaur has amazing resilience, and at this moment, I just feel dizzy and unconscious.

But at this very moment, a "Humph!" resounded.

The majestic and mighty sound resounded directly in the mind of its own person. This sound resounded throughout. At this moment, in the mind of the minotaur, this sound was like the loudest and most terrifying sound since it was born.

Under this loud noise, he saw the upper body of the half-transparent minotaur floating suddenly on the surface of his body.


Another bang resounded, and the Minotaur monster only felt that his soul was shaking and almost shattered, and the external performance was the same, seeing that his soul and body began to expand rapidly and then collapse rapidly.

Half a sound later, more than half of his soul body shattered and exploded.

As more than half of his soul was broken, the other half quickly retracted his body, and at the same time, a heart-piercing howl finally came out from his mouth.

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The miserable howl that suddenly resounded below immediately attracted the attention of the Outer Gods. Seeing that the attack frequency of the Outer Gods had dropped, the Great Zhou Emperor and Snow God also cast their gazes there. I was a little taken aback by just looking at it.

Of course Jiang Heng and the others knew about it, but what the **** is Jiang Heng?

"This is my son-in-law?" Da Zhouhuang was even more confused, of course he knew the level of Jiang Heng's strength.

Five thousand years ago, it was the fifth-level cultivation base. The combat power, the Great Zhou Emperor did not underestimate Jiang Heng, but from a real estimate, it was about the seventh-level level. It is still possible to deal with ordinary seventh-level powerhouses, but against It is impossible for some powerful seventh-order powerhouses.

Although Jiang Heng had defeated such fierce men as Blood War Hou in the previous competition by himself, the Great Zhou Emperor knew very well that the competition restricted the performance of God's Domain.

And the high position of using God's Domain and the high position of not using God's Domain are completely two concepts.

Just what is the situation? Is this still my son-in-law of the fifth level realm? Isn't this a disguise made by a certain ninth-order powerhouse?

Because he was his own son-in-law, Emperor Zhou looked at it very carefully, and he couldn't help being surprised at this look.

Because he found that this guy is not a ninth-level powerhouse, but only a seventh-level powerhouse, but the opponent's many methods seem to be very extraordinary, and his strength can reach the level of some powerful ninth-level powerhouses.

"Emperor Zhou, your son-in-law is still very powerful." Snow God spoke at this moment.

"Er...Senior, is this person really my son-in-law?"

The Great Zhou Emperor was a little uncertain.

"Isn't he your son-in-law? Why do you still need to ask me?" Snow God smiled, and was really surprised in his heart.

She naturally knew that this was Jiang Heng, and she was even more surprised just because she knew it. ,

Could it be that Senior Wuwei would have taken a fancy to this kid, and he actually has such aptitude, which is probably not inferior to the direct disciples in those top powerful dojos back then, no, even stronger!

The horror in Snow God's heart was unknown to Emperor Zhou.

He is still a little dazed now, is this person really his son-in-law?

If his background was not good enough, he might not be able to defeat such a fierce son-in-law in front of him.

For a while, Emperor Zhou began to think about whether he had treated this son-in-law badly before, and after thinking about it carefully, he was relieved, no, he was very good to this son-in-law.

But what did this kid eat? How do you practice so fast?

And what really surprised the Emperor of the Great Zhou was that the son-in-law's supernatural powers were very good every time, just like the divine soul method performed with the voice of the divine soul just now, it was clearly a kind of supernatural power specifically aimed at the divine soul.

The supernatural powers that can target the soul, no matter how ordinary in quality, are extremely rare.

At the same time, Jiang Heng has no time to care about other things. He is now highly concentrated, and it is still a bit difficult to use the supernatural power of hum ha, which he has just mastered. It is also pale and tired visible to the naked eye.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Heng slammed his big hand on the head of the Minotaur who was still dancing wildly because of the pain, and the power of time and space enveloped the opponent, and the opponent's figure was twisted and swallowed by the twisted space in an instant and disappeared.

Although the opponent's soul was severely injured, the opponent's physical body was too difficult to deal with, so he had to move it away first.

Right now, the opponent's mind and soul are confused and they are powerless to resist. Even if Jiang Heng's space power is only at the fifth level, as long as the opponent's consciousness is clear, he can easily get rid of it, but Jiang Heng is bullying the opponent's confusion.

After finishing one end, Jiang Heng's figure quickly disappeared in place, and he kicked the other fish-headed monster head-on.

The spirit, energy and spirit are united, and while the opponent's head is drowsy, he hums and hahas in unison.


The exact same situation happened just now, but this time the fish-headed monster was obviously vigilant, and the spirit resisted extremely fiercely. Jiang Heng's face became paler, and he had no choice but to interrupt the input of the power of the spirit, and the opponent's spirit shattered one-fifth Return to the flesh again.

The fish-head monster's head was even more dizzy, but he was still very conscious, and he was also very vigilant to prevent the little bug in front of him from using that weird method to move himself away again.

However, Jiang Heng didn't give him any time to react, his figure was radiant, and with all six arms outstretched close to his body, he attacked the opponent's head fiercely.

The opponent who was hit by the huge impact was frustrated one after another, and his head became more and more dizzy. The next moment, before the opponent could react, the power of space quickly enveloped the opponent.

At this time, Jiang Heng's chest was already heaving violently, and he used many supernatural powers at once, plus the humming This was a great consumption of energy and spirit.

This time, Jiang Heng didn't hold back the imperial army who glanced aside and was about to eat melon seeds, and said through voice transmission with his spiritual sense: "The next two guys will be handed over to you."

With a flash of his body, Jiang Heng directly discarded the remaining two monsters, and even retrieved the Zhenshen Orb, which was also very expensive.


Seeing that Jiang Heng really walked away, the imperial army was a little dazed. Just as the four commanders were about to say something, Jiang Heng had already entered the formation and disappeared.


"Wuweihou is really amazing..." Fenghou tried to ease the embarrassment with embarrassing words.

"Don't think about anything else, Wu Weihou has done his best to deal with the two enemies with his own strength, let's deal with the remaining two in one go!" Yuhou shook his head and said solemnly.

Hearing that the four commanders no longer hesitated, it was beyond expectation that Jiang Heng could help them so much.

At this time, Jiang Heng was not idle when he returned to the formation. The main body quickly differentiated into dozens of seventh-level avatars, and they formed a small battle formation outside the formation without the slightest hesitation.

Take out the elixirs from the storage space and take them one by one, while urging the law of life to restore its strength as soon as possible.

"The strength you showed when you broke out with all your strength is somewhat beyond the expectations of the teacher, not bad! You are worthy of being the closed disciple of my Lord of Time and Space."

Daoist Wuwei was very proud of his words. Jiang Heng's performance just now really surprised him. Seventh-level and two-level battles against four ninth-level powerhouses, this ability was not something that everyone could do even back then.

"However, if your space dao also reaches the seventh level, there will be even more room to display it, and your use of the power of time is too superficial. When this matter subsides temporarily, I will teach you a lesson about time for the teacher." The art of combining with space."

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