Master of Fist

Chapter 107: mess up

"My lord! This... Luo Yongnian, the head of the Arhat Sect, is not easy to mess with. He is already a martial artist at the pulse refining stage... I'm afraid that he will act rashly..."

At this moment, Yang Sanlang was terrified of his lord, especially that ferocious smile that seemed to be eating people, which made his hair stand on end. But there are some things that he thinks it is necessary to remind his adults.

"My lord, I feel that it is safe to ask Vice Commander Jiang to take action."

Yang Sanlang felt that this was the most thoughtful and safest visit he had made recently, and he felt a little confident in his heart.

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

However, Jiang Heng's cold words made Yang Sanlang feel colder.

"Don't dare to be humble! It's just that the adults..."

But only halfway through the words, he shrank back in fright from Jiang Heng's vicious gaze.

"You take this thing, and drag someone along with this letter to the Black Tiger Hall! After finishing these things, you will stay in the Zhen Fu Division honestly tonight and can't go anywhere!"

As he spoke, Jiang Heng handed a square object wrapped in yellow paper and a letter to Yang Sanlang.

After taking the things, Yang Sanlang was a little puzzled, he didn't know what was inside. And he didn't know what this had to do with Heihutang.

In the relationship between Jiang Heng and Heihutang, Jiang Heng has only explained this matter to Yang Dalang, and Yang Sanlang is unaware of the matter of Heihutang.

However, Yang Sanlang wanted to ask, but after meeting his lord's almost cold gaze, he decisively chose to accept it silently.

Seeing Yang Sanlang gradually disappearing from sight, Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief, he did not distrust Yang Sanlang. It's just that everyone is different, Yang Sanlang is outspoken, and there are some things that he can't let him know for the time being.

He just needs to be a part of tonight's plan!

"Hmph! Do you want to destroy my Jiang family? I think you are really tired of working!" Jiang Heng sneered on his face, and a pair of big hands pinched the corner of the huge hammer beside him, and the hammer was squeezed out instantly. Deep five finger marks.

"You don't want the Zhen Fusi to know about your participation in this matter, and that's exactly what a certain person wants!"

At the same time, Chengxi Arhat Hall!

"You mean it was sent on purpose?"

Zhou Yan looked at the things brought up under her hands with a little surprise on her face.

Now Zhou Yan's complexion has changed a lot compared to before. Although his right hand still looks a little unnatural, his energy is much better than before. And his complexion is rosy, and his breath is long and long, which is far different from before.

It is even more confident to raise your hands and feet.

"Master, this was delivered by dragging someone from outside, because I was afraid of something important, so the little ones didn't dare to open it."

Zhou Yan's confidant is a very smart-looking young man, tall and thin, whom Zhou Yan admires very much.

Zhou Yan nodded and signaled her confidant to back down, then picked up the envelope and opened it to read.

When he saw the first line of words, his complexion instantly became solemn, and when he finished reading all of them, his face was full of puzzlement.

He unwrapped the thing wrapped in yellow paper, revealing one of the booklets!

Zhou Yan couldn't be more familiar with this booklet, it was the fourth-grade martial arts "Frost Heart Method" that he had the honor to read a few days ago.

"What exactly does Senior Yan want to do?"

Zhou Yan was full of doubts in his heart, looking at the Frost mentality in his hand, hesitation flashed across his face, and finally he sighed softly. Immediately, he called his confidants from outside, and at this time, Frost's mentality had been wrapped in yellow paper again.

"Hall Master!"

"Later, you will find an irrelevant person to send this thing to Li Heishui. Don't let people know your existence. Remember, don't let people know your existence."

Zhou Yan said with a solemn face and handed over the Frost Mind Method wrapped in yellow paper in her hand.

"Yes! Hall Master! Little one, remember, only the dead will not reveal my existence!" The confidant nodded, knowing that the matter was not easy, and quickly responded.

Seeing this, Zhou Yan nodded slightly and waved her hand.

"Go back quickly!"

West of the city, Heishui Street~

This is the largest black market in the west of the city, and it is also the most chaotic and lively place in the west of the city, where people of various identities mingle.

A seemingly inconspicuous shop on Heishui Street called Li Ji Pawnshop is actually the largest black market in the west of the city.

This Black Water Street seems to be a relatively narrow street, but in fact there is a dark street hidden in the Liji Pawnshop, which is where the real black market is located.

Here are the shady transactions of the entire Cangzhou City, and there are many precious treasures hidden here, of course, most of them are defective products.

However, although this street is very hidden, it is not a secret to many high-ranking people in Cangzhou City. Even Zhenfusi turned a blind eye to this, after all, this is also the place with the best news in Cangzhou.

It can be said that every faction has secrets in it, and when there is important news, it will be known by these secrets immediately, and then reported layer by layer to be known by many forces.

However, today's dark street people come and go very frequently, because just now a piece of gossip completely detonated the entire black market!

There is actually a fourth-grade martial arts book on the black market!

This is definitely the hottest news in recent Maybe the people at the middle and lower levels in the black market don't know about it at this time, but the secrets of various forces are well-informed. And this news is not very attractive to ordinary people, but to many forces in Cangzhou, it is no less than heavy news.

Fourth Grade Martial Arts!

Enough to create the existence of a new force.

Although the big forces all have their own fourth-grade martial arts, who would want too many of them? And no one wants anyone to want to carve up the cake in the land of Cangzhou.

In particular, the Zhenfu Division is particularly keen on this.

The Zhenfu Division has been suppressing the forces in the Jianghu for a long time, and he does not want any fourth-grade martial arts to be taken away by the people in the Jianghu.

But at this time Li Heishui was going crazy, and now there were two headless corpses in his secret room!

He didn't expect his confidant to eat inside and out, and the book of fourth-grade martial arts that he just delivered had spread to everyone in the blink of an eye.

The only thing that can go wrong is the two cronies who have been following around just now!

"Has the person who delivered the book found out?"

Li Heishui looked at his subordinates who had gone and returned, and said with a gloomy expression, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

The subordinate raised his head tremblingly, and hesitantly said: "Head, that... that person is dead!"


Li Heishui's eyes widened, and he sat down in the seat after a while, looking a little haggard. He has recovered from the excitement of having just obtained the fourth-grade martial arts.

The other party hides his head and shows his tail like this, obviously wanting to expose his identity, but what is the purpose of doing so?

he does not know!

But he knew he was going to be in trouble soon!

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