Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1004: outer god

"Your avenue has been injured, and it seems that even the interior scene has a little shock. I can't heal it in a short time and can only suspend your pain." The mother goddess said softly.


The God Emperor waved his hand.

"I can't see much hope in this catastrophe. The best possibility is that both sides will suffer, but this possibility is very small. I can't imagine how powerful the so-called detached person is. Even if I just feel the breath of the other party, I have some. ...fear....

Yes, it's hard to imagine that I'd feel dread, it's an indescribable feeling.

Perhaps the detached person is the existence of the level of the strongest person, and only that kind of existence can make me feel afraid! "

The God Emperor's tone was very low, as if he had seen something that he feared most in his heart.

"Dijun, this... this..."

"This is the world we live in. Every world has the power of boundaries. If outsiders come in, their realm will definitely decline. Even the power of true gods will fall to the level of demigods. Only those who are strong in the inner realm can exert their strength. A little, but the strength will be greatly reduced, this is not without the power to fight!"

A Venerable spoke in defense.

"This is Master Ming mastering the soul path, opening up a Neijingtian with only ghosts and creatures, and his strength is second only to the teacher and the mother god."

The explanation of the Lord of Time and Space let Jiang Heng know the identity of this person.

"Perhaps, I have said long ago not to rely too much on the power of the realm. The power of the realm can indeed greatly protect us and other local residents.

However, I believe you all know the strength of the power of the realm. The power of the realm is the strongest in the place where the world was born. At that time, almost no outsiders wanted to get involved in a new world. The pressure is too terrifying.

But with the passage of time, there are more and more strong people like us in the world, and the power of the realm is constantly declining. Now for them, this kind of suppression is acceptable. At least under the benefits of obtaining the source of the world, this little effort is worth it. "

The voice of the **** emperor sounded.

At this time, the Lord of Time and Space also explained: "The so-called changes in the strength of the power of the boundary are derived from the changes in the strength of the creatures in the local world.

You can compare the world to a fixed resource. If there are more supporters and more powerful people, the world will become weaker and the power of the realm will be correspondingly weaker.

At the end of ancient times, the number of gods has reached a very high level. At this time, the power of the realm is the weakest. This has also become an opportunity for outsiders to covet this place. "

The Lord of Time and Space said with a sigh, "Actually, this is also a sign. We have noticed that the power of the realm is very important to the protection of our local world a long time ago, and we also found that the power of the realm is weakening.

It's just that we didn't pay attention to it at the time. It's just a natural phenomenon of the world running. "

"In this case, why not save yourself? Wouldn't the Dao mastered by the fallen gods return to the origin of the world? As long as there is a third and fourth battle of the gods, won't this situation be alleviated?"

Jiang Heng said his own thoughts, after all, it has always been the law that the strong fall from the avenue and return to the avenue.

Since in the face of a more powerful and even world-ending crisis, why not choose a lighter loss?


The Lord of Time and Space sneered.

"It's just what you think.

That's right, what you said is right, indeed, as long as the battle of the gods continued to break out at that time, the situation of the power of the realm would definitely ease.

But that's not the case. Reducing the number of gods can certainly alleviate the power of the realm, but it will take time for the power of the law to flow into the river again.

Generally speaking, when a **** just falls, half of the law will return to the long river, but the other half will slowly return to the long river with the passage of time.

Besides, have you ever thought about it, who wants to die? Even if the four leaders at that time had the idea of ​​a war and downsizing, what about the people below?

Mortals are afraid of death, but I think we gods are even more afraid of death. In order not to die, they are all climbing up, wanting to grab more resources and get one step closer.

After experiencing the previous two wars of the gods, no one wants to start the war in person during this period of time. "

The Lord of Time and Space thought about his current situation back then, and felt a little hard to describe.

The situation is turbulent, but nothing can be done.

At this time, bursts of discussion erupted again in the Divine Court Hall, and it could be seen that many of the gods were a little sad.

"Dijun, are we just waiting to die? We are all the masters of one party, I don't believe we are afraid of those outsiders!" A rather young walker shouted.

This young **** seems to have a passion for it.

"I don't know either, let's go back and prepare separately, the war will come soon."

The God Emperor sighed, and once again a brilliance appeared on his body, which soon turned into a spot of light and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, the gods were discussing for a while, and after failing to come up with a good plan, they could only go back in a hurry.

And Jiang Heng saw that the Lord of Time and Space was not in a hurry to leave but walked towards the mother goddess.

The Mother Goddess seemed to be waiting for him deliberately.

"Wuwei wants to go out to see the situation?" Seeing the Lord of Time and Space, the Mother God whispered.

"Well, before fighting, always check who the enemy is, otherwise, I really feel a little uneasy in my heart."

"Alright, let's go with you. If you think about it, even if you are much stronger than us, you can get me out safely." The mother goddess smiled and nodded. She believed in the space-time lord's ability to hide from space and time.

Soon, the Lord of Time and Space took the Mother God forward, and the surrounding scene changed rapidly, and in one step, he came to a weird and bizarre plane.

"This is the ninth dimension, the edge of the boundary barrier."

"Here you can observe the scene at the beginning of the birth of this world. As long as your divine body can hold it here, you can practice here. Practice here is of great benefit to comprehend the Dao. Many magical powers are It was created after this realization.”

The Lord of Time and Space is very familiar with this place. He used to wander here often, and going in and out of this world is a rare and common thing for a strong inner world like him.

"The barriers here in Wuwei seem to have become weaker than before!" Mother Goddess looked at the Lord of Time and Space with a slight frown and said softly.

"Well, the barriers are indeed weaker than before, and the aura of the avenue here is much thinner. It seems that those guys outside have made a lot of preparations!"

The voice of the Lord of Time and Space also sounded.

The two patrolled around here, and at the same time, Jiang Heng also found that there were many other gods patrolling here, and these people seemed to be observing and guarding.

"These people are the forces sent by various forces. In order not to cause panic, these people are the private forces of the major forces. For example, some of my gods and emperors are also dispatched here. This is the area under the jurisdiction of my gods .”

The explanation of the Lord of Time and Space let Jiang Heng know the crisis of the situation in this time period.

It seems that a great war is about to start. Looking around, apart from these patrolling gods, there are also many buildings built, such as suspended fortresses and suspended airships.

And one can also see the gods and spirits arranging some powerful formations. The formations are so cumbersome that Jiang Heng's formation skills can't be penetrated at all.

"I've seen Lord General and Lord Venerable!" Seeing the two masters of time and space, some walkers came over to salute respectfully.

"How's the situation?" The Time and Space Lord waved his hand and asked seriously.

"The external situation is still stable. Although the power of the realm has declined, it has not yet reached the brink of collapse. According to the descriptions of the leaders of the Emperor and the Ancients, the Return of All Things, and the Temple of Stars, the power of the realm will There is a threshold, even if it is lowered to the minimum, it will trigger the counterattack of the power of the world.

Therefore, Dijun and the others believed that no matter how weakened the boundary barriers would still be, they would still have a strong suppressive force! "

The traveler was very determined.

"How much suppression will there be?" The Time and Space Lord continued to ask.

The traveler pondered for a while and said: "There is a limit to the suppression of Neijingtian powerhouses, but they can barely be suppressed to the level of true gods, and the level of true gods will be suppressed to the level of demigods or even domain masters, which is not a concern."

Hearing that the Lord of Time and Space nodded, he probably had a bottom line in his heart.

At this time, the Lord of Time and Space himself explained in Jiang Heng's mind: "If there is really such a suppressive effect, maybe we will not necessarily lose back then, and even if we will lose, we will not be so powerless to resist."

"Then why is this so?" Jiang Heng asked suspiciously.

"Oh, just keep watching."

The Lord of Time and Space sighed, and the picture continued to change.

The Lord of Time and Space and the Goddess talked with the traveler for a while, and then tore through the barriers of the realm and came to the outside world.

This is the first time for Jiang Heng to come to the outer void, because it is the first perspective of the Lord of Time and Space, so Jiang Heng also has a certain perception of the surrounding environment physically.

For example, I feel that the environment here is extremely cold, icy cold, like entering an ice cellar, no! It is more terrifying than the ice cellar, the cold here is deep into the bone marrow and deep into the soul, and the soul has signs of being frozen.

"This is the void of the outside world, there is no light here, and there are only occasional faint dots in the distance, but those dots do not represent warm stars, but cosmic worlds.

Because every cosmic world is isolated by the power of the boundary, it is difficult for the light and heat over there to travel too far, so the light you see now is the universe that is relatively close to us, and the light that is a little farther away is the universe. It is not the light that our naked eyes can catch.

Generally speaking, if a high-level demigod steps into the outer void, the soul will be frozen within an hour, and the soul will be completely necrotic within two hours and become some chaotic pheromones in the void, which will gradually dissipate with the passage of time.

Here, if Nei Jingtian or even a higher-level powerhouse wants to bring juniors here, he must be fully prepared. Even if the true **** enters here without preparation, generally speaking, when the law is exhausted, the soul cannot resist a day's effort.

That is to say, because of the presence of Nei Jingtian, the strong Nei Jingtian can live on without fear of the extreme temperature here. "

The Lord of Time and Space explained, and while Jiang Heng was secretly surprised, he also saw the densely packed fleet from the perspective of the Lord of Time and Space.

It is a bit inappropriate to say that it is a fleet group, it is more like a herd of giant beasts. There are many strange beasts wandering in the void in the distance. The appearance of these strange beasts is different from any giant beast seen in the main universe.

Their size is as large as tens of light-years across, and as small as one light-year in length.

They wander in the universe, with different body shapes. Some have densely packed limbs like centipedes, and densely packed weird eyes on the body surface. These eyeballs exude a strange light, as if carrying terrifying distortion elements.

"These are worms raised by the outer gods, and they call them Sada Hegra. This kind of giant beast itself is a true god-level existence. It is a giant beast with terrifying distortion power, and they themselves are like distortions. The source of the distorted force spreaders all the time, and the terrifying pheromones on them make it impossible for true gods of the same level to face them.

It's like facing a true god-level pathogen! Powerful and terrifying, making people extremely tricky! "

Hearing what the Lord of Time and Space said, Jiang Heng frowned, and couldn't help but ask: "Master, how can there be a giant beast made of the root of the distortion body? Don't they, the outer gods, fear this kind of giant beast? Are they not afraid of distortion?" , to raise such a giant beast?”

"Of course they are not afraid. They are different from us because they have the only detached person in the group. Of course we call it a detached person, but they have another name for that existence!"

"Another name?"

"Old rulers! We suspect that this is a description of that level~ We don't know exactly how. But our limited observations have found that this so-called old rulers are of a higher level A powerful existence, suspected to be on the same level as the most powerful person who opened up our universe.

The Old Ones can absorb all the distortion power in the ethnic group, and this level is not afraid of distortion to a certain extent. Perhaps they themselves exude extremely terrifying distortion power, but this power is far from affecting them. "

The Lord of Time and Space narrated slowly.

"Secondly, those of us who have lived in this universe for a long time are actually very well protected by the universe itself. We are different from these outer gods. They are the most powerful predators in the many nearby universes. The external void has extremely rich experience in dealing with the external void and distortion.

And it is suspected that the resistance to distortion is far better than ours. "

Jiang Heng was a little emotional when he heard it. According to the description of the Lord of Time and Space, the defeat in the battle seemed to have become a matter of course.

At this time, Jiang Heng found streaks of streamers flying in the field of vision. Through the streamers, Jiang Heng vaguely saw a life body full of tentacles and strange scales and strange tissues all over its body.

"This is the Outer God! The Outer God at the Neijingtian level?" Seeing this thing, the Mother God raised her brows slightly and said in surprise.

"Not bad!" The Lord of Time and Space nodded.

At this time, Jiang Heng found that the Lord of Time and Space at that time seemed a little pessimistic.

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