Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 989: The Promise of Heaven

After searching some corpses for a while, Jiang Heng found that there were no other objects on the corpses, which is normal. For such an exposed corpse without formation protection, the objects on its body may have been weathered long ago.

Jiang Heng looked again, but left again.

Although the crown on the corpse is of some value, it is also rubbish.

In the past so long, no matter how extraordinary this thing was back then, it is now an ordinary thing.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng continued to move forward to explore further.

After entering these dilapidated temples, Jiang Heng searched carefully several times, but still found nothing. This time, he didn't even find the corpse, which should be weathered.

After all, not everyone is as powerful and extremely high status as the person just now.

Jiang Heng was a little reconciled. After all, he finally entered this hidden small plane and returned without success.

Reluctantly, he could only continue walking inside.

The space here seems to be a narrow and long area. Although there are dense vegetation on both sides, there are no traces of buildings. On the contrary, the more you go inside, the more buildings there are.

When he came to another group of temples, Jiang Heng stopped slightly, because the architectural style here is slightly different from the previous ones. If it was more like a temple before, then this place is more like a sect. The door made of stones is like the mountain gate.

"The Heavenly Sect of the Promise Dao!"

When Jiang Heng came to the gate of the mountain, he saw a plaque on the ground that had been smashed into two pieces, and unconsciously read these words out of his mouth.

The words on the door plaque are just these few characters, which are written in ancient times.

Jiang Heng didn't know ancient characters at first, but he made up for it for this relic exploration. It is not too difficult to learn a character in a short time with the analysis and memory ability of the demigod's brain.

"What a domineering name, is this sect also one of the affiliated forces under the Mother God?"

Being able to settle in the territory of the Mother God Divine Kingdom shows that the Tianzong of Wuji Dao is by no means simple. It is not something ordinary forces can do to be able to settle in the Divine Kingdom. And she is also the mother goddess of the original god.

The material of the door plaque should not be simple, so many years in the past can still maintain relatively clear text recognition.

Looking at the environment inside the mountain gate, there are undulating mountains and lush trees, and it looks like a fairyland surrounded by clouds and mist.

And above the mountains, there are faint shadows of palace buildings.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng was overjoyed, and was about to step through the mountain gate and enter it.

However, with just one step, the divine sense detects a clear and clear whisper resounding through his face.

The next moment the toe of the shoe was cut off, exposing the big toe inside, and the nail cover of the big toe was cut off, the cut was extremely smooth.

Jiang Heng's movements froze on the spot, his face extremely ugly.

A cold sweat broke out on the back.

After a while, he slowly withdrew his feet.

"Kill the formation?"

Jiang Heng looked at the mountain gate with obvious signs of weathering in surprise.

With his own formation skills, he couldn't see where the formations were arranged, let alone detect the slightest sign of the formations.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Heng took out a humanoid puppet from the storage ring, and controlled it with energy to step into the mountain gate.

However, when the puppet stepped within five steps of the mountain gate, the puppet's movements stopped.

After a while, a few obvious thin lines appeared on the puppet, and then it turned into several pieces and fell to the ground.

"Sure enough, there is a problem, and it has been so powerful for such a long time in the past. What kind of sect is this Tianzong of Wuji Dao?"

Jiang Heng had never heard of this name at all, and even the information he had obtained from the trade union before did not have the slightest record about Tianzong of Wuji Dao.

For a moment, Jiang Heng hesitated. Right now, the mountain gate alone is so dangerous, and the ghost knows what kind of horror is waiting for him inside.

But just retreating like this, it would be a lie to say that I have no regrets.

After some entanglement, Jiang Heng took out a small dagger from the storage ring again. It was a dagger with space attributes that he had obtained before. With a flick of his wrist, he was driven by the power of space. It appeared in the area thousands of meters away inside the mountain gate.

However, just as the dagger rushed out of the space channel, a ray of light flashed and collided with the dagger and shot out a little spark, and the dagger was knocked into the air.

Before Jiang Heng could make a move, several collisions sounded, and sparks flew everywhere.

"Sword? No! This is... space cutting!"

Jiang Heng Tong Kong shrank slightly, but saw that the dagger had already been cut into several pieces.

However, before Jiang Heng's heart ached, there was a slight tremor in his ear, and Jiang Heng, who had mastered the way of space, was most keenly familiar with this tremor.

In a flash almost instantly, a strand of hair was cut in two.

Jiang Heng looked at the area the dagger entered just now with an ugly expression. He never thought that the power of space in the mountain gate would turn around and almost kill him.

"There is the power of space inside. Is this the power left here by a high-level demigod or true **** in space?"

Jiang Heng's mind was full of doubts, which was too strange.

This is the relic of the mother god. What the mother **** masters is the law of life. When will the laws of other gods be left in her own kingdom? Even after such a long time in the past, there are still such powerful laws.

The power of space within the mountain gate is about at the fourth level. To be able to maintain this level of power for so many years in the past, the person was at least at the ninth level.

"It's not that you can't make a breakthrough at the fourth level, and after so many years in the past, the power left behind is strong, but after all, it is a rootless duckweed, and there will always be a moment of exhaustion."

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but start throwing things into it little by little. Anyway, he can throw all kinds of **** into it.

And the power of space inside will always cut it open instantly.

Over time, the power of the power of space began to decline slowly.


It took about three days, feeling that the power of space had dropped to the third level, Jiang Heng stopped continuing.

Continuing to spend time can certainly reduce it continuously, but Jiang Heng knows that time is very tight here, and who knows when other people will find this place.

Jiang Heng's palm slightly touched the void, and his figure quickly got into it, and the next moment he appeared in the area where the dagger landed before.

Sure enough, Jiang Heng quickly sensed the attack of several space cutting forces just by appearing.

Because he had been prepared for a long time, Jiang Heng was also very handy in dealing with it, and quickly swiped his palm several times around.

Soon, several ping-pong sounds were heard, and those space cuts were canceled out.

Before Jiang Hengsong could breathe a sigh of relief, space cutting struck again soon, but this time there were dozens of them.

Jiang Heng frowned slightly, but he was still unhurried, and a pale white light quickly rose from behind, which was a halo representing the power of time.

The white light radiated several feet from the whole body, and it froze here when the space cutting approached.

The stagnant space cutting looks like a few translucent glass blades frozen in mid-air.

In the same way, Jiang Heng's palm was extended, and a horizontal slash directly cut off the dozens of space cuts!

Disperse the time light wheel, but this time there is no space cutting attack.

Jiang Heng breathed a sigh of relief, but still maintained a high degree of vigilance.

At this time, there is a spacious mountain road paved with bluestone slabs, and there are stone hollow lamp holders next to every ten steps.

Despite such a long time in the past, these buildings have lost their original elegance and look like lost relics. But I can still imagine the grand occasion here.

The ladder seemed to be endless at a glance, and Jiang Heng didn't bother to climb slowly, and he would fly straight to the sky towards the palace on the top of the mountain when he jumped.

However, as soon as his figure jumped up, just over ten meters high, he felt that the surrounding space became extremely viscous.


Almost instantly, Jiang Heng noticed that this place was abnormal, and he didn't dare to try again and quickly landed.

Jiang Heng also thought about using space teleportation to get on the road, but considering that there are so many space means here, after thinking about it, he decided not to play tricks, who knows what he will encounter if he continues to speculate.

"It seems that the owner of this place wants me to go up the mountain on foot. I didn't expect the ancients in ancient times to be so particular about it."

Jiang Heng had no choice but to climb up the stairs.

After walking for ten minutes or so, Jiang Heng always felt that something was wrong.

But what is wrong?

Feeling it carefully, there is no abnormality in the body, and the surrounding space seems to be normal, and there is no sense of space distortion.

Jiang Heng frowned, everything was normal, but for some reason, he always felt that something was not right.

It is also normal to glance around, and then gradually look farther away.

The next moment Jiang Heng Tong Kong suddenly shrank.

I saw something faintly flickering in the distance, and the flickering speed was extremely fast.

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, at first he thought it was just a unique abnormal phenomenon in this place, but gradually found something was wrong.

"It's not like this, but the time difference between the two places!"

Jiang Heng suddenly realized that it was not a special natural phenomenon in the distance, but because the distance was a normal flow of time, while this place was a slow flow many times slower.

Standing in the slow space and looking at the normal space outside, there is naturally a feeling of flickering and jumping. The wind and sand no longer blow across the ground, but become a kind of flickering noise. Today's slow vision naturally becomes lightning speeding up countless times, and such fast lightning becomes a continuously flickering slideshow when connected together.

"Can the Tao of Time actually affect my thinking?"

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin, he himself has mastered the way of time, if he knows about the way of time, Jiang Heng thinks he is not a layman.

But at this moment, he felt that he was no different from a layman.

"My use of time can indeed interfere with the flow of time in an area, but the people in it are only moving slowly, but their thinking is difficult to be disturbed by it.

Could it be that the way of time that I used before can't be called using time at all, and it can't even be called an introduction? "

Jiang Heng frowned, he was a demigod of time dao at the fourth level, but in this situation, he was no different from other ordinary people, affected by the strange time here without knowing it.

"I didn't even notice it at all after being in it for so many days. I thought it was the normal flow of time. Did I fall into the abnormal time flow here when I stepped on the stairs?"

Jiang Heng became more and more curious, and even more in awe of this place in his heart.

"The Tianzong of Wuji Dao, the name is very domineering, and its strength is worthy of this domineering. Is this kind of sect really just a subordinate force under the mother god?"

Jiang Heng couldn't help but become suspicious. Two top avenues, the Space Dao and the Time Dao, actually gathered here.

"However, the Time Dao here is really terrifying, and it is difficult for the backhands left by the Time Dao powerhouses to weaken much with the passage of time."

Jiang Heng is very clear that time has very little influence on the time dao here, because the time dao itself is an expert in playing with time, and time has very little influence on it.

"That is to say, what I am facing now may be a backhand arranged by a high-ranking demigod of time and dao, and its power is not much inferior to that of back then."

Jiang Heng was not in a hurry to continue climbing, but slowly mobilized the power of time in his body.

A gray-white light wheel rises behind him, and the light wheel exudes a faint white light covering the whole body.

However, the progress of the light radiation covering the whole body was extremely slow, as if another extremely powerful will was preventing the light from spreading.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng quickly invoked more power of law, and the light wheel began to rotate clockwise at high speed.

But the speed at which the light spread out was still abnormally slow, and even the light of the gray-white light wheel itself was flickering.

"The law of time here is much stronger than mine in terms of levels."

Jiang Heng was a little helpless, and finally let the gray-white light cover his whole body reluctantly.

With the covering of gray-white light, everything in the field of vision seems to become extremely slow, almost suspended, and the grass beside the stone steps no longer sways gently, as if it has fallen into an extremely slow static ~The wind and sand in the distance and the thunder in the clouds also gradually returned to normal speed.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng breathed a sigh of relief, not daring to delay any longer, as every second here is a great waste.

It took about a minute for Jiang Heng to reach the top of the mountain. If the stairs were not too long, it would not have taken such a long time.

"The times here should be normal flow rates."

Looking around, Jiang Heng carefully removed the gray light from his body.

At this time, what came into view was a group of majestic palaces. Different from the dilapidated scene outside the mountain gate, the buildings here seem to be well preserved. It seems that they still retain the appearance of ancient times, but there are some differences. That is, many buildings are dilapidated.

But these dilapidated places are obviously not caused by the erosion of the years, but are caused by people fighting here.

"This place should be isolated by the power of time. The power of time has kept this place as it is. It seems that the rank of this demigod of time will never be low!"

Jiang Heng felt a little emotional, this method is estimated to be at least the method left behind by time masters above the eighth level.

"However, these damages should also be left over from that year. Could it be that someone broke into this place?"

Seeing that there are traces of battle in many areas in front of him, Jiang Heng guessed.

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