Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 987: primordial god

"Does that mean that you need to buy me a drink later?" Ania supported the counter slightly, obviously not doing much, but it just gave people a very seductive feeling.

"Of course, if Miss Ania is willing to accept the invitation!"

Now that he knew that this was actually the vice president of the trade union, Jiang Heng wanted to know more about Miss Ania.

"Of course. After all, your appearance is okay. I accept it."

"Besides, you still seem to be an outsider. I really want to know where you came from. With a combat power of nearly six levels, I don't believe that you are just an unknown person. I have never heard of the name Silence. Don't doubt the union's intelligence capabilities."

Ania paused as she spoke, and rested her smooth chin with her slender hand, suddenly she raised her willow eyebrows slightly, her enchanting figure leaned forward slightly, and her vermilion lips gently opened her mouth to exhale the fragrance.

"By the way, I remembered. It seems that a millennium ago in a legion in the southern battlefield of the Great Zhou Empire, there was a master craftsman accompanying the army with this name too!

silence! Yes, it's the same name. Could it be that they happen to have the same name and surname? "

While talking, Anyia's eyes watched the expression on Jiang Heng's face without blinking.

However, to her disappointment, Jiang Heng's face did not change at all from the beginning to the end.

"Perhaps, the universe is so vast, isn't it normal to have a few people with the same name. Or do you think I'm a master craftsman, Miss Ania?

Of course, I also think that I am a master craftsman, so that I will not lack magic weapons. "

Listening to Jiang Heng's slightly teasing words, Ania kept her eyes fixed on Jiang Heng's expression, and only moved away after a while.

"Well, maybe. As far as I know, that master craftsman is not as short of arms and legs as you are."

All of a sudden, Ania's expression became more formal, and she lost the pretentious coquettish feeling just now.

"Okay, Mr. Shen, the information you want to buy for 10 million is definitely worth the money, but our union always pays first!"

"Of course this is no problem, but before that, there is no need to know whether this information is worth the money!"

"Okay!" Anya nodded, she lost the coquettish attitude just now, and now she has an aura that no strangers should enter.

"Then let me tell you something about it."

Arnia stopped speaking and changed to sound transmission.

"At present, there are hundreds of adventurer teams entering the ruins, and there are also uncountable numbers of scattered people and people from other organizations. And according to our observation and understanding, Da Zhou and the Temple of the Gods have also sent multiple forces to enter the ruins. The ruins, some are still on the sidelines and some have already entered.

But what is gratifying for now is that everyone is still staying at the core portal of the ruins. "

"Why? Could it be that the killing array in the ruins has made it difficult for the whole universe to crack?" Jiang Heng asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. The ruins are just a dead thing after all. No matter how powerful the owner of the ruins was, she died for such a long time. Many methods are far less powerful than they were at the beginning, and most of the methods are regular.

The reason why everyone is blocked outside is that on the one hand, it will take some time to crack the killing array, on the other hand... there seems to be a voice coming from inside! "

Arnia's expression at this time was extremely mysterious and gloomy, as if she was telling a horror story.

"Sound? How come there are still voices coming out of this place in the past so many years. Could it be that there is some abnormal phenomenon caused by the operation of the formation?"

"If that's the case, that's fine, it's the voice of a living person!"

"How is this possible?" Ania's words made Jiang Heng a little restless, "Even if there are massive resources and energy supplies in the ruins, it is impossible for a living thing to live such a long time. It cannot be life Mother God is still alive."

"Who knows!" Ania said with a smile: "But now all parties are delaying discussions, on the one hand, they are waiting for the killing array to be cracked, and on the other hand, they also want other people to explore the way first.

This kind of ruins involving the ancient true gods and the first batch of original gods often means great danger and terror. Rushing to the front may be able to reap benefits, but sudden sudden death is more likely. "

"It shouldn't be that simple. If it's just a simple human voice, maybe there are some special phonograph formations that can do it. But it can make everyone so fearful. Do you think there are other discoveries in the ruins?" Jiang Heng pointed out the doubts.

"It costs money. I've said enough, haven't I?"

Anya laughed, at this moment she was a shrewd girl.

"Of course I won't let you spend 10 million in vain. After all, anyone who spends such a huge sum of money will feel distressed. I still have some good things that can be used in the ruins, and I can give them to you later."

"This is ten million!"

Ania felt that Mr. Shen in front of him didn't look too rich. After all, the opponent was so powerful, but even a mere broken arm couldn't be healed, which looked very shabby.

After all, the injury of a broken arm is as simple as pulling out hairs for the demigods of the physical body. Perhaps ordinary demigods find it a little troublesome. After all, it takes a lot of resources to condense the physical body.

But only a few precious pills are needed, and the broken arm injury is not a problem at all.

But when she saw Mr. Shen in front of her calmly took out a storage ring again, Arnia fell silent.

She seemed to be wrong again.

After a little counting, there is no difference, and it is still cash.

"Now I'm really more and more curious about you, Mr. Shen. You shouldn't be as simple as a casual cultivator, right? By the way, you can't really be that master of crafting, right?"

Anya looked at Jiang Heng seriously, she really became more and more curious about Jiang Heng.

"Why? Miss Ania is interested in my small role, but if you want to know my identity, it's not impossible, ten million!"

"Forget it, I'm suddenly not interested in you." Arnia shrugged. In my heart, I secretly scolded this guy for being too slick.

"This is the information you want!"

Speaking of which, Arnia took another crystal card and handed it over.

"anything else?"

"What else?" Arnia was puzzled.

"As you said, the accompanying gifts are good things that are helpful for exploring the ruins." Jiang Heng didn't feel embarrassed at all, he spent so much money.

Although Bai Lao had left enough savings for himself, he couldn't afford to spend so much.

"You really know how to calculate carefully!" Ania felt that the guy in front of him was unlikely to be a master craftsman.

She has never seen a master craftsman be so unassuming when making a move.

After all, in her impression, those who have reached the master level in skills such as refining tools and alchemy formations are often extremely wealthy people who are rich enough to rival one of the forces, and they don't even blink.

"that's it."

Ania took out two things from the storage space, one was a light gray ring, carved like a stone, and the other was a small and exquisite incense burner.

"Wearing this thing can greatly cover up your aura." Ania pointed to the ring, and then weighed the incense burner in his hand: "This thing can deal with the mazes in the ruins, some mazes are due to the arrangement It’s been a long time, but it’s still working, but if the nodes of the formation are out of order, it’s extremely troublesome even for a formation mage to crack. So lighting the barrier-breaking incense in the incense burner can somewhat prevent you from being fascinated.”

Jiang Heng nodded, and put it away without hesitation.

"Although I don't know whether you want to explore alone or with other people's team. But for the sake of your spirit, let me remind you, don't trust others in the ruins, and don't worry about it." Don't! Even your teammates are the same. And don't show kindness, kindness is the most useless in the ruins.

There are only benefits in the ruins, and even a savior in front of benefits will become a father-killing enemy! "

Anya didn't care whether Jiang Heng understood or not, she clapped her hands and smiled and said, "Okay, let's wait until you come back alive to drink before drinking. I hope the true **** of luck can take care of you."

After leaving the Adventurer's Guild, Jiang Heng returned to Tom's Hotel and closed the door to check the information.

Although Ania asked for a lot of money, she still did things very reliably, and the information was very detailed.

Leaving aside the first free information, it only introduces the areas that have been explored in the periphery, but the second information is very important.

There are many annotations on it, not only detailed annotations, but also very time-sensitive information.

Jiang Heng watched it for three full days before he read all the materials and kept them in his heart.

"It turns out that this ruin is said to be a ruin, but its actual size is extremely large, almost on the other side's small plane. The area that has been explored alone is thousands of light-years in size, and it is estimated that the size of the core area is larger than that of the other side. The peripheral area will only be bigger and not smaller.

There are three planes in total, the first layer is the periphery, the second layer is the edge of the core, and the third layer is the real core. "

Jiang Heng recalled the information he had just checked. In addition to the large area of ​​this ancient relic, through some internal images of the relic recorded on the information, it can be seen that there seems to be traces of an unusually large ancient theocracy inside.

There are also annotations on the data, speculating that this may be the divine kingdom of the ancient life mother god.

The gods in ancient times were relatively primitive, and they paid attention to the restraint of beliefs on the creatures in the territory they ruled.

This is very similar to the Temple of the Gods.

In every planetary system within the territory ruled by these gods, there will be many statues of gods they believe in.

If we say that the attitude of the demigods and true gods of the pantheon towards the believers is to take advantage of them.

The gods of the ancient times are an interrelated relationship to believers.

Believers believe in gods, and if gods see it, they will give alms and spread some miracles, but they seem to have no use for believers.

Different from the temples of the gods, the reason why the temples of the gods want to use believers is because there are many demigods in the temples of the gods, and these demigods need to collect the essence and blood of the believers to refine the power of the law.

The gods in ancient times were real gods, and they themselves mastered their own complete law, so they didn't care about the law.

Therefore, in ancient times, the relationship between believers and gods was very harmonious and even stable.

The gods seemed selfless and great at that time.

But there are exceptions, that is, the gods will become extremely cruel and ruthless to the creatures who do not believe in themselves, and it seems that it is only a common behavior for them to wipe out several super galaxy clusters with a snap of their fingers.

Of course that's out of the question now.

In addition to spreading beliefs and absorbing believers, the ancient gods usually built their own kingdom of God.

At that time, the Kingdom of God was a small plane independent of the main universe plane. These gods would occasionally admit some devout believers into the Kingdom of God and become their own gods.

It is said that although many ruins of the kingdom of gods of ancient gods have been discovered today, most of them are dilapidated and can only be regarded as some small fragments of the kingdom of gods.

And most of the time, you can't even find the kingdom of God, at most you can find a small cave of the gods.

The relic of the Mother Goddess of Life is obviously an extremely well-preserved relic of the Kingdom of God.

Many **** statues and traces of the city were found in the data, which means that countless creatures lived here and reproduced the brilliant civilization of the Kingdom of God.

Jiang Heng found one of the pictures of the streets of the city, from which he could see some symbols representing faith from time to time on both sides of the street.

In addition to these, Jiang Heng also saw the description of the mother of life in the information.

Although the exploration team has not yet entered the core area, some of the inscriptions on the stone slabs that are still preserved in the outer city are the descriptions of the mother of life by the believers.

This Mother Goddess of Life is the first batch of primordial gods who gave birth to wisdom at the beginning of the universe, and she has been the embodiment of life from the very beginning.

It is said that many gods in ancient times were descendants of this mother **** of life.

And according to the description, the Mother Goddess of Life created green plants on the first day of waking up, and brought the wind of recovery to countless planets that were still in the bud of life on the second day.

On the third day, the first animal without intelligence was created. The first creature that was squeezed out of the clay by the mother goddess of life was named Ya!

It is said that it is a brutal beast with an extremely huge body, no intelligence but chaos. Its power can make the galaxy tremble, its roar can make people's souls fly away, and its appearance can make people's spirits collapse.

According to the records of believers, the Mother Goddess of Life was very dissatisfied with her first work, but because this was her first child, the Mother Goddess of Life, who is kind and represents maternal love, did not kill Ya, but brought it into the Goddess. Imprisoned in the depths of the country under the throne of the Mother Goddess of Life.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

This is a typical believer's record of the origin of the gods. In fact, how the mother of life is possible is very different from the After all, this is written by believers. Believers are full of the greatness of God and the love of God. So just look at these records.

In the description, the Goddess of Life finally squeezed out the first intelligent life on the seventh day, a demigod named Ava, who is said to have been created by the Goddess of Life by adding her own hair and nails into the soil made.

The following content is actually similar to the story of the gods handed down from the previous life in Jiang Heng's memory. The mother goddess felt that Ava was lonely alone, so she created a male offspring.

Then these two people were combined, and they lived a happy life for a long time, but later Ava and her husband's many children were mixed.

As for intelligent life, there are many kinds of desires.

As a result, some descendants wanted to obtain the divine power of the Mother Goddess. They found that the Mother Goddess held a vine-like scepter all the time, and thought that the Divine Power of the Mother Goddess came from it, so they thought of snatching it.

Jiang Heng looked at these and felt very boring, but in fact, what was described here was quite different from the ones in his previous life memory. But there was no way, considering that he was going to enter the ruins soon, Jiang Heng still endured the heart of complaining and forcibly read everything.

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