Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 983: Free Covenant

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For Orto and the entire Neanderthals, Jiang Heng's arrangement was rather simple. He directly opened up a portable cave, and then transported a living planet into it to make it a living place.

Alto and all the Neanderthals have no objection to this. They are already extremely grateful for such a place where they can multiply and survive, not to mention that the gods have done enough for them, and they dare not ask for more.

It is also because of this that their worship and respect for Jiang Heng, the god, has grown stronger.

They have seen the gods create the world a little bit, for such a great power. Some of them who were skeptical about the authenticity of the gods could no longer stick to their views. There is no doubt that the gods are the real gods.

After helping the Neanderthal man Jiang Heng, there was less follow-up attention. Helping these people, Jiang Heng was only holding to fulfill his promise.

Now that the promise has been fulfilled, I don't care.

Perhaps in the future, some strong Neanderthals will be born in the Neanderthals in the secret cave, and if they want to leave the secret cave and go to the outside world, Jiang Heng will agree.

After all, the law that the Neanderthals gave to Jiang Heng when they practiced now can no longer meet Jiang Heng's requirements at this time.

For the domain owner, this may be an expensive leek land. But for a demigod or a fourth-order demigod, this power of law is just a drop in the bucket, and it can't even make a splash.

Free Covenant—

This is a large-scale force located on the edge of the core of the universe. It is named the City of Freedom because the atmosphere here achieves the greatest degree of freedom.

The reason why such a force with such an excellent location can have such confidence is that there are two elderly high-ranking ninth-level demigods here.

The two are still brothers, and they are twins of the same mother.

They are called Yang Lao and Yin Lao respectively. He is also honored as the two elders of yin and yang by many casual cultivators who pass by here.

Even the Great Zhou Empire had conferred two titles, named King Ming and King You respectively.

And the temples of the gods also honored the two **** kings.

Both the Great Zhou and the Temple of the Gods tried to woo him, but it is said that the two have never responded to the two forces, and they have always shown that they are casual cultivators, not caring about world affairs, and only managing their one-third of an acre of land.

It is also interesting to say that the total area of ​​the Liberty Star Alliance ruled by these two ninth-level powerhouses is only about ten super galaxy clusters.

According to what the two declared to the outside world, the two elders just want to live here for the elderly, and they don't want to move when they are old. They also ask all parties to save face.

It is also because of the general knowledge of Yin and Yang, the Great Zhou Empire and the temples also expressed their tacit attitude towards this, and did not over-infiltrate it.

This also leads to a very free atmosphere here, and it is also a paradise for all casual practitioners in the universe.

It's a pity that the yin and yang elders didn't intend to establish a sect, otherwise nearly 80% of the casual cultivators in the universe would be willing to become their disciples.

Even so, the yin and yang elders still have some named disciples, and the number of these named disciples is not many, and they are completely random.

This also shows that Yin and Yang really want to retire here.

Of course, the reason why this place is called the Freedom Star Alliance is not named after the Yin and Yang elders, but because more and more scattered cultivators gradually formed in this place.

Jiang Heng docked his starship at this place called Athos, the largest port in the Free Star Alliance for ten days. In the past ten days, he has been wandering around the port like an ordinary casual repairman, occasionally asking about some things here. interesting things, like travelers.

Today, as usual, he came to a tavern named Poggy to drink the unique fruity wine here, while listening to the discussions of several sailors sitting next to him.

In the Free Covenant, the crew of a caravan starship is generally called a sailor.

The group of people next to them are all dressed very smartly, and it can be seen that there are some practical gadgets in every pocket on their bodies. These belong to very skilled old sailors.

Their understanding of the Freedom Covenant is beyond doubt.

"Hey, you guys have heard. A while ago, a big event happened in the Great Zhou Empire not far from us!"

The one who spoke was a rather shrewd young sailor. Seeing their mysterious appearance, it seemed that they were talking about something very important.

This also attracted the interest of other sailors.

"The Great Zhou Empire, that's a giant. Why has something happened in the empire recently? Could it be that they are fighting with those lunatics from the Temple of the Gods again?"

"I think there is a high probability that these two giants often fight, but this is not a big deal. How rare!"

Some people don't take it seriously, after all, they often hear rumors of the two sides fighting, and they all hear the cocoon coming, as if it is not normal for the two giants not to fight for a certain period of time.

"No! This time it's not the battle between the temples and the empire, but the super-dimensional kingdom of God and the empire. I heard that it is in the southern border of the empire. It is said that the super-dimensional kingdom of God is very strong, and it hit the hinterland of the southern border in one breath. We've arrived at the center of the South Territory!"

"And this?"

"It's unlikely, isn't the super-dimensional kingdom of God always in the high-dimensional world? These guys are more extreme than the temples, why did they suddenly appear in the main universe?"

Hearing this news, many people are skeptical. After all, the super-dimensional kingdom of God has always been in the high-dimensional plane, which has become an inertial thinking in everyone's mind.

"Believe it or not, this is true. My fleet also happened to pass by the edge of the southern border. It is said that there is a temporary blockade there. My fleet also had to cancel this trade because of the war, which made us The captain and the boss behind it lost a lot of money."

"Is it true or false? It's so serious?"

Some people still didn't believe it, but the corners of Jiang Heng's mouth twitched when he heard it.

It seems that the matter of the southern border is only now being passed on. After all, there is still a lot of distance between the southern border and the Liberty Star Alliance, and there are quite a few neutral forces in the middle.

The reason why Jiang Heng came directly to the Freedom Star Alliance is because he knows that this place is the most famous among the neutral forces, especially the Yin and Yang elders.

Of course, there are some famous ones, such as the Three Gods Mountain, but most of these forces are difficult to find, and they are difficult to enter in some gaps in space and planes.

Jiang Heng waited for this group of people to finish talking about the southern border, and was a little bored listening to it. The more this group of people chatted about this topic, the more they became addicted.

Jiang Heng was speechless, and was about to get up and go to other places to inquire about the news, but the next sentence from the neighbor made him dispel the idea.

"Have you heard? Recently, an ancient ruin has appeared here. I heard that even the Yin and Yang elders have become interested in it, and sent their registered disciples to investigate it."

"I've heard about this, but didn't you say it was discovered ten years ago? It doesn't seem new, does it?"

"What do you know, the discovery was indeed made ten years ago, but what was discovered ten years ago was only the outer area of ​​the ruins, and the inner core area was not discovered at all. This time, it is said that a team of adventurers went in to explore. The team There is a brilliant formation master who just cracked one of the hidden ancient formations, which made the whole picture of this ruins truly visible to everyone."

"And this matter, why are you still sitting here? Why didn't you go in with some adventurer teams to pick up the leak?"

The profession of adventurer is very popular in the Free Star Alliance, which is rarely seen in the Empire and other places.

And this kind of adventurer has many other names, which generally refer to relic explorers, treasure hunters, battlefield relic scavengers, etc...

These adventurers also have an adventurer's guild co-founded by the Star Alliance Council in the Free Star Alliance to serve these adventurers.

Jiang Heng also knows about this these days, knowing that this thing is similar to the warrior alliance of the Luohui Empire.

The Adventurer's Guild often releases missions, some are entrusted by others, and some are issued by the council. Adventurers need to pay a small amount of money to accept and complete tasks.

The Adventurer's Guild can be said to be a golden rice bowl. Of course, it was jointly established by the entire Freedom Star Alliance, and even the Yin and Yang elders have certain shares in it, so no one dared to make a move on it.

In addition, the Adventurer's Guild can also buy some information and sell it at the same time.

If the adventurer has some useful information that can be sold to the adventurer guild, the guild will store it in the archives after making an evaluation. If someone wants to buy relevant information and sell it, it is not a money-making machine.

At this time, there was another voice of conversation: "Of course I want to follow the other teams to pick up leaks, but now the trade union has issued an announcement about this task.

The trade union evaluated the danger level of the ruins to be extremely high. If a low-level demigod enters, it will be a situation of ten deaths and no survivors. Even if the middle-level strong enters, the survival rate is not too high. Moreover, it is said that there are still a large number of killing formations inside the ruins, and the first batch to enter are top-level adventurer teams, and they are recruiting brilliant formation masters to open up wasteland. "

Hearing the word land reclamation, Jiang Heng inexplicably felt a little weird, a bit like a copy of a game from a previous life.

"Is there any treasure in there? Don't use up the strength of this boss and end up with some rubbish!"

"Hey, do you think those top teams will make money-losing deals?" the man asked sarcastically.

"Do you know the batch of objects that have flowed out on the black market recently?"

"You mean that those batches are all above the median level, and there are even one or two missing high-level semi-artifact parts?"

"Yes! That's the batch, that came out of the ruins, and this is only something found on the periphery. It is said that these things were randomly scattered on the ground at that time.

I heard that some formation masters saw through the killing formation that there is a large-scale Buddhist scripture pavilion inside. It seems that there is a high-level storage formation to maintain its operation. It is still operating after so many years. It can be seen that the classics and collections inside are well preserved Very good.

These alone are priceless treasures, and you also know that even if the books in it are not ancient martial arts classics, but just some miscellaneous books, they are treasures for special people.

Some people like to collect and read ancient books, hoping to learn about ancient styles and customs, so as to restore the general situation of the entire ancient period. ",

Jiang Heng also understood what this person said, and knew that even the empire had special historical personnel dedicated to restoring the living environment in ancient times.

Don't look at these as unimportant, you can get a glimpse of the whole picture, if there are some relevant biographies of ancient strong men, it is even more priceless, and some cultivation experience can be found out through biographies.

And just as Jiang Heng was thinking for a while, the next conversation of the person next to him made his breathing a little heavy.

"These are nothing. I heard that there is also a alchemy room and a water pool inside. Guess what's going on here?"

"In the end, you don't want to keep it up."

"At that time, there was a scent coming out of it through the formation. Everyone just smelled it, and most of the internal wounds in the team were eliminated. In this way, you can more or less guess it.

Hehe, everyone guessed that either there is an extremely good life-prolonging pill in the Nadan room, or the water in that pool is a fountain of life.

You all know the value of the original liquid of life, if it is true, it is a whole pool of original liquid of life. If you just get a bottle here, let it go! "

Hearing this, let alone Jiang Heng, in the entire tavern, everyone who heard their conversation was short of breath.

Some people's eyes are red, this is simply a great wealth that ordinary people can't imagine.

Let alone a pool of life essence, for ordinary sailors like them just one drop of the essence is enough for them to exchange for follow-up cultivation resources.

"This...this pool of life essence should...should be impossible, maybe it's because of that elixir."

"Hey, don't care what it is, now that the yin and yang elders have spoken, whoever can enter the alchemy room, if there is a life-prolonging elixir, then they will meet any conditions for them, and even accept them as personal disciples!"

The yin and yang elders have reached the end of their lives due to old age, and their lifespan may be tens of thousands of years at most, and the entire Freedom Star Alliance knows this.

Therefore, the yin and yang elders have always spared no room for the collection of life-prolonging pills and life-prolonging methods.

"If this is the case, why didn't the Yin and Yang elders go there in person? The two seniors are demigods of the ninth rank, so it should be more hopeful to break through the killing formation with the strength of their elders?" Someone asked doubtfully.

"Hey, how can it be so simple, don't you know the characteristics of ancient ruins?

Because of the long time of many ancient ruins, most of the space is not stable, some may be limited to low-level or even below the low-level entry, and some of the strength is still acceptable, and some middle-level powerhouses can enter.

But there are very few strong people who can maintain a high position to enter, especially the two high-ranking demigods of the ninth rank. With the strength of the two elders, if they break the formation violently, the entire ruins may collapse in an instant.

Now the trade union has said that the ruins can only be entered below the high level and above the low level. We are just a group of low-ranking sailors, and we should stay where it is cool. This time, the ruins have nothing to do with us. "

"That's right, we didn't expect to miss this kind of large-scale ruins. After all, there are too many treasures and they are too precious. Even if we miss them, we don't have that kind of life!"

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