Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 971: succeed

"That... This person is really strange. I have never seen anyone who can practice the method of incarnation outside the body to such an extent."

Zhu Mingguang looked at Qingwu with some trepidation, his face was pale now, he was afraid that Qingwu would be eliminated if he was upset.

"Find it for me! I don't believe it, his incarnation can't be killed!"

Qingwu's face was extremely ugly, but he still maintained his rationality, knowing that it didn't matter to Zhu Mingguang, the main reason was that the guy who intercepted Hu's promotion order this time was too helpless.

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but no matter how he thinks about it, he can't remember who among the people he knows is good at incarnation outside the body, and can practice the incarnation outside the body to such a level, which has clearly reached the level of a demon the point.

As time went by little by little, no matter how Qingwu tried to eliminate each incarnation, the number of incarnations seemed to be endless.

At the end of ten minutes, the auras of many incarnations disappeared immediately.

And the logo belonging to the promotion order also disappeared.

Qingwu lost his perception of the promotion order, and he also lost his perception of that **** guy's breath.

"Zhu Mingguang! Are you really not aware of this person's last move?"

Qingwu said in a tone that was almost gnashing his teeth, staring at Zhu Mingguang with a pair of fierce eyes that wanted to swallow people.

"I...I really didn't feel where the man's breath went, he...he seemed to have disappeared, I felt that he...he should have used some kind of breathing method , I....I try my best to perceive, and use everyone to investigate, I will help you find that person!"

Zhu Mingguang felt the great pressure and had to keep reassuring.

He is also depressed, who is this mysterious person, he is simply his nemesis!

At the same time, Jiang Heng was almost stuck in handing over the items to Yuan Ming of the Jiying team. Naturally, with a dazed expression on his face, Yuan Ming slowly left this world while the Jiying team were stunned.

"This... this... is this the promotion?"

Some people were stunned, and immediately reacted and quickly set their eyes on Jiang Heng.

Everyone looked at Jiang Heng with unbelievable eyes, which were no different from looking at a monster.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. If there is a chance, I can get one or two more, but if there are more, I think someone will go berserk." Jiang Heng shrugged and didn't bother to explain anything.

Just hearing Jiang Heng's words, all members of the Jiying team fell silent for a while.

For a while, they felt that they couldn't see through this guy who had been relatively low-key in the team.

"I remembered,! are Master Shen!"

At this moment, someone slapped his head and seemed to remember something, pointing at Jiang Heng and exclaiming.

"Master Shen? Who is it?"

"It's Master Shen who forged the magic weapon hundreds of years ago!"

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the people came to a sudden, and looked at Jiang Heng with surprised and uncertain eyes.

Master Shen's reputation has spread throughout the Jiying Legion long after the magic weapon was successfully forged, and even most of the frontline legions have heard that the Jiying Legion has produced a master forging the magic weapon.

This once made the rest of the Hou Ye envious.

Their eyes began to scan Jiang Heng's face carefully, and after careful observation, they found that it was very similar to the appearance of Master Shen in memory.

"Master Shen! I didn't expect such an honorable master like you to participate in this kind of competition. Don't worry, you will do what you say, and we will follow your lead in everything!"

After confirming that Jiang Heng was that Master Shen, immediately some members of the team patted their chests and vowed.

Most of the figures who can reach the master level in the professional field, such as refining tools, alchemy, and even arrays, are usually treated with care and even respect by many ordinary practitioners.

After all, every character who can step into the master level often has an extremely broad circle of contacts.

After all, being able to refine high-level divine weapons, high-level elixir, and even arrange high-level formations, these are all channels for making friends with high-ranking people.

This is also why Bai Lao's cultivation is only at the fifth level, and he is extremely old.

But it's because Ji Yinghou, other Hou Ye, and even other high-ranking powerhouses need to treat him politely.

At this time, in the hearts of the rest of the team members, Master Shen in front of him is a real big shot.

Even though Jiang Heng's performance was only at the third level, their respectful attitude was almost the same as meeting a sixth or even seventh level powerhouse.

"You don't need to be so polite, I'm just here to play. Don't worry if you have the opportunity to advance together, if you don't have the opportunity, I will try my best to let you advance one more. You are all members of the same legion, right?"

Jiang Heng's kind attitude made several people very moved, and they wished to die for Jiang Heng immediately.

But Jiang Heng didn't want to win people's hearts, but it's really boring in this place. Since he has this ability, it's okay to play for a while, it's better to have more variables in this game.

It's just something he doesn't know yet. At this moment, the outside world has long been shocked by his miraculous operation.

At this moment, the external projection perfectly reflected the entire process from the appearance of the second promotion order to how Yuan Ming advanced.

The crowd first saw Jiang Heng **** the promotion order with one hand, and then waited calmly for the arrival of Qingwu, the strongest man in the world.

Seeing this, everyone thought that the promotion order in Jiang Heng's hands was definitely not guaranteed.

But I never expected that the situation would change rapidly, and then I saw the avatar disappear, and the promotion order disappeared.

Seeing this, many people were a little confused and puzzled, and did not understand what this operation was.

But some discerning people still guessed what was going on.

"Small diversion talisman! This is to remove the promotion order alone! This move is quite powerful."

"It's powerful, but you need to keep the promotion order in your hand for ten minutes. Within ten minutes, the location will be released for the whole region at any time. This still can't escape Qingwu's pursuit, right?"

Many people don't understand why the person in the picture wants to do this. Is it just to procrastinate for a while, but it is doomed to fail, and it will waste a diversion talisman instead.

Just when everyone was wondering, the screen changed again, and as expected, Qingwu came to the next moving area of ​​the promotion order in an instant.

This time, he also smashed the opponent's avatar with one hand, but the result was the same as before, and the promotion order disappeared again.

"Use two diversion symbols in a row?"

"Isn't it unwise to do this? It can be delayed for a while, but it's too difficult to delay for ten minutes. What's more, a sixth-level demigod like Qingwu is under full pursuit."

Many people watched and shook their heads, thinking that the person in the picture is very unwise, this is a waste and superfluous.

However, what happened next made everyone's breathing a little heavy.

Although the screen keeps turning, which means that Qingwu is rushing to the next location, but every time the screen reaction seems to be extremely similar.

It seems to be repeating the original scene every time.

Until nearly ten minutes later, no one knew how many diversion talismans the man in the picture had used and how many avatars had been destroyed.

"This guy is too rich! Although most demigods will prepare one or two of this teleportation talisman for emergencies. But this guy must have used hundreds of them one after another, right?"

"This guy may be good at engraving inscriptions. Don't he make all these moving symbols?"

Many people have been taken aback by Jiang Heng, a local tyrant's actions.

They have never seen such extravagant means, and every minute and every second represents the passing of a huge amount of imperial coins.


"What's going on here? In the end, he was useless, but gave the promotion order to other people?"

Just when everyone thought that the situation would be as they had guessed, the result turned their minds upside down again.

"Give it to someone else? Such a promotion order that others want to grab their heads, and he just gave it up?"

There was a lot of noise around, and they suddenly realized that the person in the picture didn't seem to be here to participate in the competition, but more like going in to play a game.

At this time, Shizi and all the princes also paid attention to Jiang Heng's series of performances in the screen.

"Isn't this promoted guy a low-ranking junior under Jiyinghou? So the one who wasted the movement talisman just now is also under Jiyinghou's command?"

Ji Wuhou looked at the scene of Yuan Ming's promotion, and his eyes couldn't help falling on Ji Yinghou on the other side.

"Well, this person is exactly one of my subordinates. This person's name is Mo Mo and he is a future master craftsman." Ji Yinghou said concisely.


These words aroused Shi Zi's interest, and his eyes couldn't help falling on Ji Yinghou to signal him to continue talking.

But Jiyinghou hadn't spoken yet, but Jihaihou beside him stroked his beard and laughed, "This old man remembers that hundreds of years ago, Brother Jiying asked someone to ask for an instructor at the rear base I was in charge of. If I remember correctly, this is him, right?"

Although Ji Haihou is old, his brain memory is not bad at all. He still remembers the incident when Ji Yinghou asked Wan Fuchang Liulang to ask him for a formation instructor.

"Well, it is indeed this person. This person is a rare talent. He is good at formation engraving and weapon refining. He has extremely high achievements in both aspects."

"Hearing your mention, could it be that the news of the birth of the god-grade divine soldier that your Jiying Legion has been buzzing about a while ago, my brother Jiying, is not from this person?"

Ji Haihou said suddenly.

"I just heard that there is a master craftsman in your Jiying Legion who has refined a divine weapon! Could it be this silence?"

Ji Haihou's words once again surprised Shizi a lot, he looked at Ji Yinghou and thought for a while and said, "Isn't Bai Lao refining the supernatural product?"

He is naturally familiar with Bai Lao. In the early years, Bai Lao was a member of their palace, but later he was bestowed by his father as Jiyinghou.

Bai Lao is a master craftsman who has been famous for a long time, so when talking about master craftsman, the prince immediately thinks of Bai Lao.

"It's not Bai Lao, Ji Haihou is right, it's this silence. He was the one who forged a complete set of armor of the fourth rank of the divine grade, and successfully survived the heavenly tribulation of the divine weapon."

Ji Yinghou didn't try to hide it at all, and nodded sincerely.

"Is there such a thing?" Shizi was really shocked now, the birth of each master craftsman is extremely harsh.

Looking at the entire southern region, there are less than ten people who can refine divine weapons, and even less than three who can refine high-level divine weapons.

Although Silence can only refine fourth-rank divine weapons at the moment, with this foundation, it is impossible to refine high-ranked divine weapons in the future.

In the eyes of the prince, such a character is no less valuable than some princes.

"I wonder if Uncle Jiying can send me a copy of the silent information?" Shizi quickly calmed down the excitement in his heart and asked softly.

"You can!"

Speaking of which, Ji Yinghou directly sent the message about Jiang Heng to His Royal Highness's bracelet with his own bracelet.

After receiving the information, Shi Zi didn't bother to pay attention to the progress of the competition, and started to read the information about Jiang Heng on his own.

After reading for a few minutes, he read Jiang Heng's general information.

"Your Highness, do you think this person is okay?"

Seeing this, Ji Yinghou asked softly.

"It is indeed possible. At the third level, he has such attainments in refining weapons, and he is also proficient in engraving formations. He is also very credible from the Eye of the Heavenly Domain organization."

Shizi seemed to be thinking about it very seriously, but when he saw Jiyinghou staring at him with burning eyes, he changed the subject immediately.

"But, let's wait and see after the game."

This move directly prevaricates the matter.

Seeing this extreme shadow, I don't say much anymore, I just watch my nose and my heart.

His Royal Highness Shizi also had a flat face, as if nothing had happened.

The two of them agreed not to mention this matter any more.

But Jiang Heng's move also shocked the members of the Wuqian team who were watching the battle at the headquarters of the Eye of Tianyu.

"Damn it, I knew he would do this, but Lao Shen's incarnation outside his body is still as strong as ever. How did he manage to divide so many incarnations in one go?"

Looking at Jiang Heng's almost endless incarnations in the screen, Liu Que went crazy with joy.

Fu Gang who was on the side saw this scene, and couldn't help but mourn for Qingwu from the bottom of his heart.

It's too bad to be played like this.

But compared to them, Ke, a new member, is very From the beginning to the end, she looks very dignified in the picture.

"Xiao Ke, why do you think something is wrong?"

Sensing Ke's abnormality, Fu Gang, the captain, asked with concern.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just very curious. Could it be that Brother Shen is better at space?"

"Why do you ask?"

Hearing the word space, Fu Gang raised his brows slightly and became vigilant in his heart.

He was the only one in the team who knew that Jiang Heng was also good at the law of space, and he more or less guessed that Jiang Heng didn't use the space way on weekdays because he deliberately hid it.

If it wasn't for the critical situation that time before, I am afraid that Lao Shen would not be able to use the way of space.

"Because Brother Shen has used a lot of teleportation talismans. I think he should have a better understanding of space together. Only by refining these talismans by himself can he use them so lavishly without regard to consumption."

Ke pointed to Jiang Heng's continuous use of moving symbols in the screen and laughed.

"Um, you know that Lao Shen is a warrior in the physical body. How could he be good at space. As for the transfer talisman, he told me about it. He said that he entered an ancient ruin by mistake in the early years, and obtained a There are a lot of diversion symbols stored in batches."

After thinking about it, Fu Gang decided to help Jiang Heng hide it.

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