Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 964: God's Realm and True God's Phantom


Accompanied by the terrifying current pulse, Jiang Heng and many other soldiers who were standing on the deck watching the battle at the rear suddenly found two **** of light bursting from the center of the shadow field.

Then, with the two clusters of light as the core, dense electric currents rapidly spread out.

The current is like layers of electromagnetic pulses, sweeping across the fleet instantly at an extremely fast speed.

As the electromagnetic pulse swept across, the entire fleet shook suddenly, and then the speed of the fleet suddenly dropped.

"The power system is lost! All energy electromagnetic equipment is at a standstill!"

Someone discovered that the fleet was abnormal and exclaimed.

This means that the fleet lost any ability to move in an instant. At this time, the fleet only relied on inertia to continue gliding ahead.

"How is this going?!"

This is the first time I have seen this kind of situation. Could it be some kind of large-scale black technology in the super-dimensional kingdom?

But soon everyone discovered that this should not have been done deliberately by the other party.

Because at this moment, the rear shadow field battlefield area.

But I saw countless electric currents constantly jumping in the shadows. From a distance, it seemed to be a cumulus thundercloud.

The mobilization of the current became more and more intensive, and soon two currents were quickly and consciously condensed in the shadows, gradually turning into two human-shaped current frames.

As the frame formed by the current took shape, many Omni Legion soldiers and starships soon began to liquefy, as countless volumes of liquid quickly filled these frames along the current frame.

It was like quickly filling an empty bottle with water, but after it was filled, everyone gradually discovered that the metal liquid gradually converged into two terrifying and huge celestial bodies with a size of hundreds of light years.

The two huge metal celestial bodies stand upright with a height of hundreds of light years, and the upper body directly rushes out of the shadow area.

This is like an enlarged version of a super-giant mech, but such a terrifying quality makes every action of this kind of creation carry an extremely terrifying gravitational field and pressure.

Facing these two god-level gods at this time, even the very large Beastmaster is like a tiny cell tissue. As for Jiyinghou, it is so small that it cannot be seen.

If it weren't for the large enough range of the summoning area of ​​​​the Extreme Shadow Hou, I'm afraid that the size of these two terrifying celestial bodies would look even more terrifying.

"Damn it, is this the true **** projection of the rumored god-level powerhouse?"

The Beastmaster looked at the two statues and cursed immediately.

The so-called True God Projection is a method mastered by all god-level people. It is a bottom-of-the-box method that uses the power of powerful mechanical laws to quickly condense and absorb nearby mechanical creations for their own use.

Whether the power of this move is strong or not, he is also very strong.

Because the power of this trick depends on how many mechanical creations are nearby, the more true **** projections, the more power they can absorb.

For example, the special electromagnetic pulse diffused by the layers of impact before is a force of mechanical law, which can issue a mandatory order to every nearby mechanical creation.

The extreme shadow fleet, which is far away, is also considered lucky. If it is not too far apart, the starship will probably generate self-awareness, and rush into the dark area without hesitation, becoming a part of the two huge mechanical celestial bodies.

"What should we do now?"

The Beastmaster glanced at Ji Yinghou, thinking that we have offended him, what should we do?

"Beastmaster, don't you always say that your physical strength is as strong as that of an eighth-level physical martial artist? Go and try!"

Ji Yinghou said very calmly.

These words made the Beastmaster roll his eyes, but these words also aroused his desire to win.

Strong physical strength has always been the pride of Beastmaster.

Furthermore, in the face of such a huge mechanical creation, only simple physical destruction is the most effective.

And these high-ranking powerhouses also know that it is extremely terrifying for a god-level powerhouse to use this kind of hole card consumption.

At this time, what is consumed is no longer pure energy, but the incomparably precious power of mechanical laws.

This kind of power does not come from the god-level powerhouses, but from the gifts of the mechanical gods behind them, and this gift will not continue continuously.

It can be said that this form consumes a huge amount of power every second. Once the laws are exhausted, they will not be able to maintain this kind of created physique, and eventually their bodies will disintegrate and be beheaded.

Either it disintegrated and fled back to the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

Obviously, these two god-level powerhouses were also forced to do nothing, so they could only use this to determine the outcome.

"Damn it, do it!"

The beast king let out a roar, and his body soared again, and the hideous patterns of alien beasts on his body began to become more active, and at the same time, the scales of various scales of alien beasts also appeared on his body.

In just a few breaths, the figure of the Beastmaster has directly reached the level of hundreds of millions of meters, but it is still very small compared to the two huge mechanical celestial bodies.

At this time, the two giant creations also started to move. One directly pulled out a giant metal spine from the back spine, and with a flick of the big mechanical hand, the mechanical spine instantly stretched and straightened into a sharp high-frequency cutting giant sword.

And the other one flicked its big hand, and instantly threw out a three-pronged spear with its arms bent out. The two huge metal creations had a stomach composed of countless mechanical parts.

Like a mechanical **** wearing a huge armor stomach.

From time to time, faint electromagnetic currents surge all over their bodies, these are the forces of mechanical laws that maintain the huge structure.

They look huge, but their movements are really not slow.

The movements are done in one go, and one raises the giant sword in his hand and the other holds a spear to slash or stab at the two humble enemies in front of him.

'Roar! '

There was a roar like a hybrid beast composed of countless strange beasts.

The Beastmaster made a move, and the totems of alien beasts all over his body drilled out of his body again, rapidly growing in size like living creatures, forming countless densely packed alien beast heads above.

But immediately the Beastmaster grasped upwards with his big hand, as if grasping the rope that was pulling these phantoms of strange beasts, and quickly pulled these phantoms of strange beasts back into his body.

But this time, it was not pulled into Zhou's body surface, but into his right arm, forming countless densely packed unknown ancient characters on the surface of his right arm.

The sky and the earth changed color in an instant, and the surrounding pitch-black shadow field seemed to collapse under a terrifying gravitational field, turning into countless pitch-black smoke messages that penetrated into the body of Jiyinghou.

Seeing this, Ji Yinghou's figure turned into a black shadow and quickly fled back far away.

Ignoring Ji Yinghou's behavior, the Beastmaster jumped up and punched the huge celestial body in front of him.

His arm seemed to become pitch black, like a black hole formed, surrounded by a majestic gravitational force.

"Divine, Demonic and Beast. Town!"


Accompanied by a low shout, the Beastmaster's fist struck heavily on the surface of the opponent's blade.

Seen from a distance, the Beastmaster's figure is not even one-tenth of the size of the opponent's huge sword, as small as dust.

But soon after only a moment of stalemate, the giant sword shattered from the middle.

But the Beastmaster's castration remained unabated, hitting the chest of the super-giant mechanical giant in the front like a cannonball at a speed exceeding light years.

It seemed that an invincible bullet directly blasted a huge groove in the giant's chest.

This force was obviously extremely terrifying, the terrifying inertia caused the giant to stagger backwards, and countless fragments of parts fell from the groove of its chest.

And the giant holding the three-pronged spear was taken aback for a moment, but he still stabbed the spear fiercely in the direction of Ji Yinghou.

A random giant spans hundreds of light-years, and this thorn spans nearly a thousand light-years. Even Ji Yinghou frowned at such a fast speed.

This giant's physique is too terrifying, and the spear in its hand is also extremely huge. The impact area of ​​this spear alone is tens of light-years, and the gravitational field stirred by the spear is nearly a hundred light-years.

The gravitational field generated by this huge body is like a small black hole attracting nearby objects.

Ji Yinghou was attracted and captured by this huge gravitational field.


Countless black mist poured out again, and the dark field opened again.

Relying on the coverage of the dark domain, Ji Yinghou quickly dodged the blow with the help of the invisible power of the dark domain.

At this time, the beast king's momentum was exhausted.

He looked at the power of his punch, and although he was a little excited, he also secretly cursed that this thing was too big to chew on.

But this was already his most powerful blow.

Although it can cause damage to the opponent, it is obviously impossible to blow this thing with a single punch.

At this time, the giant had already reacted, and stretched out his big hand to dig out the ant embedded in his chest and then crush it to death.

"Jiying save me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dark area quickly expanded, and the figure of Ji Yinghou also arrived at the moment the dark area spread.

Grabbing the shrunken figure of the Beastmaster with one hand, the figure was once again wrapped in shadow and quickly disappeared in place.

At this time, seeing two super-giant mechanical giants that suddenly appeared in the distance so huge that everyone would have a fear of giants, everyone on the Extreme Shadow Legion fleet was shocked and speechless.

But it didn't take long for everyone to feel that their vision seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

However, the darkness came and went quickly, and the darkness quickly disappeared, but then everyone found that their legion leader appeared in front of them, and at the same time, there was a beast king who fell on the deck with a bit of aura.

Both of them were a little pale.

"Master Hou, are you back?"

Seeing Ji Yinghou, Bai Lao hurriedly went up to meet him.

"Master Hou is over there..." Mrs. Wan respectfully saluted and then looked at the situation of Master Hou in surprise.

"It's okay, I made a mistake this time."

Ji Yinghou waved his hand and looked to the distance behind.

Everyone followed his gaze, and saw that the two huge giants behind him were also watching quietly, but they didn't intend to chase after him.

After watching for a while, the two giants began to disintegrate rapidly like ice and snow melting.

"Master Hou, what's going on?"

Seeing this, some people couldn't help being a little surprised and said, thinking that this is a big victory for his master Hou, and he can even kill such huge monsters.

"The god-level powerhouses are not so easy to kill. If you want to kill a god, you must first draw them out of the army one by one, otherwise it will be too difficult to kill."

Ji Yinghou shook his head.

"It's too difficult to chew. It's as if I'm okay if I punch you. But they can't last long like this. If two more people join forces, they may be able to kill them!"

At this moment, the Beastmaster sat up cursing. He was well known for his resilience. After sitting cross-legged for a while, his complexion returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Go back to the rear and adjust first. As for the frontal battlefield, I will explain the situation to them so that they can be prepared."

Ji Yinghou gave some instructions to the chiefs and entered the cabin without looking back, as if he wanted to adjust his breath.

After some adjustments, the fleet finally resumed operation.

When passing by the main battlefield, Jiang Heng found that although the battle here was equally fierce, there seemed to be no high-level fights yet.

Or a high-ranking battle has already broken out.

Returning to the port station, the port personnel were very surprised, because it seemed that the period from the departure to the return flight seemed to be less than an hour.

These stranded personnel thought that the war had already begun, but when they heard the description of the soldiers who went to the expedition, they all blushed with excitement, and they were even more jealous, secretly thinking that they missed this rare event.

Although Jiyinghou has led the army for many years, but for the entire Jiying army, this is the first time they have seen their own Lord Hou make a move.

Maybe some old people from two million years ago have seen it, but there are really too few old soldiers left in the legion who are still alive.

This time the shock to Jiang Heng was also great.

I used to think that the gap between Tier 6 and Tier 7 was still Although the gap is huge, if you step into Tier 6, you might have Tier 7 combat power.

But after what happened today, Jiang Heng knew that the gap between God's Domain and Domain was really not something that could be easily bridged.

"But why am I worrying about these things? I'm only at the second level now, so I'm only worrying about the things that need to be worried about at the sixth level. Is it too far away?"

Jiang Heng shook his head self-deprecatingly.

But not to mention, the gap between the low position and the middle position is not so obvious, but the gap between the middle position and the high position cannot be easily made up.

"Thinking about it now, when Patriarch Tianshuang first entered the high position, it seemed that he was not very strong and had not mastered the domain of the gods. It should be said that the domain of the gods was not fully formed."

Jiang Heng recalled how Tianshuang's patriarch stepped into a high position by relying on tricks.

Indeed, it was quite amazing at the time. With one hand, Ice Age freezes many demigod-level powerhouses around, and even the soul can gradually fall into a state of frozen thinking.

But this method is far less shocking than what we see today.

Ji Yinghou and Beastmaster's motionless movement is a means of radiating thousands of light years.

But the old ancestor Tianshuang back then was far behind.

Moreover, the dark domain created by Ji Ying Hou, in Jiang Heng's view, even if the dark domain was cancelled, some strange energy anomalies appeared in that star domain for a long time after that, and the boundary between the dark matter plane and the main universe plane gradually faded away. signs of weakness.

"It seems that God's Domain can even permanently affect the void anomaly in an area to a certain extent."

Jiang Heng frowned and thought.

"However, the Beastmaster's Beast Domain is a little different. It only acts on the material level, but the impact is relatively large, which makes the gravitational field in that area seem to be abnormal.

It seems that different gods have different impacts. "

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