Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 962: Will be right

In this way, another year or so passed peacefully, during which Jiang Heng's life remained the same, and he didn't know what the outside world would say about him. Years of experience in forging large armor can be regarded as a solid foundation.

There is also a conclusion about Dakai's name, that is, 'King Ni! '

In fact, this word has two meanings, the first refers to Fudo Mingwang, and the second refers to a king who has made outstanding contributions or benevolent.

On Jiang Heng's side, it is the second type, convincing people with 'benevolence'!

But today is a bit different. Today, the legion personnel are frequently mobilized. According to the guards of the arsenal, it seems that there has been a large-scale battle recently, and now all the main combat personnel of the legion have gathered.

Now the level of excitement outside is no less than last year's River Crossing Shenbing Jie.

After asking, I learned that some of the refiners in these arsenals also need to join the army to join the war. The purpose, of course, is to carry out maintenance and forging at any time.

After all, this kind of battle with the whole army, according to the habits of each legion, needs to be equipped with many logistical facilities with the army, such as craftsmen, array masters and alchemists.

Not to mention that this strategy is practical and effective.

The weapon refiner can always ensure that all kinds of magic soldiers in the army are guaranteed with weapons at any time. Of course, this is secondary, because many times there will be an extra set. The main thing is that the refiner needs to maintain the God-killing Cannon, which are prone to malfunctioning weapons of mass destruction.

In addition, the array mage is also very important. The array mage can always guarantee the army's warship protection ability. Once the array barrier is broken, it can be repaired at any time.

As for alchemists, they are actually equivalent to the role of field medical soldiers.

When he came to the fifth floor and asked Bailao again, Jiang Heng knew that the two important figures in the refiner, Bailao and Jiang Heng, had to go out with the army in such a situation where the whole army was attacking.

This is because the main force of the legion has left the port, and the port station is empty. If the enemy sneak attack, it is more dangerous to stay in the port station.

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't speak, Elder Bai thought Jiang Heng was afraid, and immediately smiled and comforted him: "Little friend Shen, don't worry, the Marquis knows your importance.

Besides, every time the entire army of the legion attacks, we craftsmen will be well protected. Unless the main force of the legion is completely lost, we don't need to participate in the battle. "

"Senior White, I know, so I will definitely obey the order."

Jiang Heng nodded and laughed.

But my heart inevitably skipped a beat.

I thought about whether this is Jiying Hou wanting to target himself, but after thinking about it, I think it is unlikely. This kind of large-scale deployment of the entire army is definitely not a single dispatch of the Jiying Legion, it must be a joint operation of several legions. It is impossible to go to war like this because he is a small person.

The arsenal was also bustling with activity. After an hour of sorting out, nearly 80 refiners joined the army to join the battle, leaving behind 20 refiners who did not follow.

Elder Jiang Hengbai and Mo Bai were all on the march.

The warships of the Jiying Legion are specially made combined warships, especially the Centurion Squad. And there is one huge ship for every thousand people, like a streamlined aircraft carrier, a formation composed of hundreds of people is slowly leaving the port.

The giant ships of the Jiying Legion are also different from the huge ships of the Champions 3. The overall size is only on the kilometer level, which is many times smaller than the ordinary warships of other legions.

It can only be equivalent to the patrol ships of other legions, but this is already the ten largest small flagships of the Jiying Legion.

"Hehe, little friend Shen, are you interested in starships?"

Seeing Jiang Heng staring at these starships seems to be very novel, Bai Lao couldn't help laughing.

The two of them were working overtime on one of the kilometer-class flagships.

Wen Yan Jiang Heng thought about it and said: "The younger generation is only interested in the starships of the Jiying Legion. I remember that the warships of other legions are tens or hundreds of times larger than the ones here. I don't know why."

"It turned out to be the problem. This is the special feature of the Extreme Shadow Legion. Because of the speed, the starships of the Extreme Shadow Legion are all manufactured according to the specifications of the Starship Championship, and the speed can reach the standard level of the championship.

In fact, every time a new type of racing starship appears in many championships, it first serves the Extreme Shadow Legion first. After the Extreme Shadow Legion replaces a faster model, the championship side will allow it to be used. "

Bai Lao understood this very well, and explained with a smile.

"Starship Championship?"

"Oh, it is some entertainment competition system that will be reported by Wanxing City and even some prosperous super cities in the entire empire, which is to use starship players to control some extremely fast starships for racing.

In this regard, I have also been fortunate to participate in the research and design of some starship engines, so I have a little understanding of this.

In fact, there are quite a lot of styles in them, such as large starship competition system, medium-sized and even small-scale competition system, but the most popular one is the miniature Pod competition system.

Micro pod racing is the most entertaining and the best format that many bet on.

The shuttle used by the ordinary soldiers of the Jiying Legion to charge is this kind of racing-class shuttle, throwing out all other functions, and developing the power engine to the extreme. "

Bai Lao patiently explained, seeing that Jiang Heng was very interested in this, he still reminded: "However, I can remind you that if you want to learn this starship engine, it is a university question.

Although the starship engines of our empire are often used by our refiners, in fact, this thing is different from refiners, and it involves a lot of knowledge anyway.

We have also learned the technology of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, but now we have surpassed the super-dimensional kingdom of God in many individual fields, in short, don't be distracted to study this stuff.

It would be good if the old man said that a genius in refining weapons like you should study refining weapons honestly. If it doesn't work, you can also study giant ship cannons. Injecting the Destroyer Cannon can overwhelm an entire fleet of giant warships with one shot. Even killed a sixth-order demigod. "

Jiang Heng heard it a little funny, so he figured it out.

Although Bai Lao recognized the technology of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, in fact, he almost said that those are all fancy things and unreliable.

Jiang Heng couldn't refute this publicly due to his identity, but he had always recognized the technology of the super-dimensional kingdom in his heart.

To put it bluntly, this is the power of technology, which belongs to the technology that mortals can kill gods step by step.

But there is one thing to say, Jiang Heng really can't recognize the system of the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

Carrying out pure mechanized transformation, destroying human nature, and only retaining the mechanized program thinking.

This way of thinking is efficient and precise, but Jiang Heng doesn't think it's good.

At this time, the legion fleet began to accelerate after a while of slow and rapid movement. After the entire legion entered what they called a state of rapidity, Jiang Heng experienced the so-called drag racing of the Jiying Legion for the first time.

Countless stars retreated rapidly in the field of vision, and because of the acceleration, everyone and everything in the fleet seemed to be stretched into a straight line.

If it is an ordinary person in this situation, they will definitely be crushed into particles by the terrifying pressure.

However, there is no force field protection on this fleet, and everything is thrown out according to what Bai Lao said, and everything is for speeding up the service.

Only then did Jiang Heng know why every item in the fleet needs to be made of special materials, because under this kind of pressure everything will bear terrible pressure.

Fortunately, the fleet is full of demigods and even domain master-level auxiliary soldiers. This level of demigods can be said to have no effect, at most they can experience the feeling of drag racing.

Although domain master-level powerhouses may feel a little uncomfortable, domain masters who can serve on the Extreme Shadow Legion often suffer from this kind of pressure. It is obvious that they are used to it and even become numb.

The kung fu fleet group has begun to slow down slightly after only a few tens of breaths. According to the prompt, it turns out that it has arrived at the battlefield area.

"First Evolution"

As the speed gradually slowed down, the vision gradually became clearer.

However, the starry sky in the distance is already full of light, and it seems that several legions are already engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the omnic army.

"Everyone, get ready. In three seconds, all will enter the state of super-light-year navigation again. We will directly rush into the enemy's hinterland. This battle will involve a high-ranking battle. But please rest assured that I and Your Excellency the Beastmaster will join the battle , even if we unfortunately encounter three god-level gods, we can retreat unscathed.

Of course, this is the worst case, and the best case is that we will cut them through, and the Extreme Shadow Legion will own them! Kill as you wish! "

Ji Yinghou's declaration was transmitted to everyone's ears through the voice of each starship. Not long after he spoke, each fleet began to speed up slowly again.

Whoosh whoosh!

As the starships were stretched again, the speed soared again.

The extreme speed made many people howl with excitement.

For this reason, Jiang Heng is inexplicably in such an environment and feels quite excited.

As the light quickly retreated in the field of vision, accompanied by a roar, the fleet group had already entered from the flanks of the densely packed omnic legion.

The opponent obviously didn't expect such a sharp arrow to appear suddenly, and all kinds of shields were cut open by several streamlined starships just after they were propped up.

At the same time, countless tens of thousands of spears flew out, and these tens of thousands of spears quickly combined into a giant high-frequency rotating cutting blade, rapidly tearing and expanding the passage ahead.

Intensive explosions resounded throughout.

There are tens of thousands of guns cutting enemy warships, and some are the effect of many soldiers on one's own starship constantly projecting with bone-crushing bows.

The attack by demigod powerhouses using divine weapons is so terrifying, each piece is like a terrifying penetrating missile that quickly pierces through several enemy starships.

For a time, there will be dense bursts of enemy warships bursting on both sides and in front of the Jiying Legion.

Jiang Heng didn't make a move, but just watched all this silently.

Seeing one's own demigod drawing a bow and shooting an arrow, seeing one's domain lord-level auxiliary soldiers begin to control a ship-mounted giant cannon to shoot, everything seemed to have been rehearsed countless times, every movement was not wasted at all, everything was as it should be. silky smooth.

"Haha! Did you see that, there is no need for us to take action at all." Bai Lao smiled and stroked his beard.

"Is it true that the Jiying Legion fights in this style every time?"

Jiang Heng was a little shocked.

"Almost, pay attention to the situation of the lead ship!"

Hearing that Jiang Heng followed the direction Bai Lao pointed at and looked at the foremost flagship.

It was found that the shape of the flagship at this time was somewhat different from other flagships. The other flagships were just streamlined flagships made of special metal. Although the front looked sharp, it seemed that they could not withstand multiple violent impacts.

But the lead ship is different, it is bigger than other starships as a whole, it should be said that the sharp part in front is much more exaggerated than other starships.

That piece is like a sharp tuna thorn, very sharp, and it seems to have engraved many formations on the surface, it looks like a work of art carved with countless complicated and gorgeous flowers.

"This is a powerful semi-divine weapon?!" Jiang Heng vaguely saw something.

"That's right, this is a sixth-order semi-sacred weapon forged by the old man. Although it is only sixth-order, it is no different from seventh-order in terms of sharpness, puncture power and toughness. In addition, this thing is engraved with a lot of reinforcement and puncture. Array pattern, under the high-speed movement of the starship, even if a high-ranking powerhouse is hit by this thing at full speed, his body will still be penetrated!"

Speaking of this, Bai Lao looked a little complacent.

"It costs a lot of void gold, but it's worth it. With such a lead ship, as a legion's spear, it can instantly cut a huge hole in the opponent's After that, the follow-up starships can Take the opportunity to tear the line of defense!"

Hearing Bai Lao's explanation, Jiang Heng also began to pay attention, and found that it was really as Bai Lao said.

All starships advance collectively in the direction of the lead ship, and often no solid defense encountered in front can stop the lead ship's violent puncture.

Just like penetrating tofu, nothing can stop the swift and sharp attack of the Jiying Legion.

But as time went by, Jiang Heng found that as the legion continued to break into the depths of the enemy's army, the advancing speed of the legion still gradually slowed down uncontrollably.

"This is the trouble. If it is an ordinary enemy, this round of piercing can directly penetrate the opponent's formation. The super-dimensional legion is different. Every time they engage in a large-scale battle, their number of troops is always extremely large.

The further inward the legion was, the greater the resistance it encountered, and it seemed that it still took a little effort to penetrate it completely. "

Seeing all this, Bai Lao frowned and sighed.

Jiang Heng also discovered this, it is like an arrow no matter how fast it is and how sharp it is. After piercing through dozens of targets in a row, its speed naturally slowed down.

If the speed slows down, the power of kinetic energy will not be exerted.

At this time, the Jiying Legion is facing such a dilemma.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, accompanied by two roaring sounds, two pitch-black vortexes suddenly unfolded not far ahead, and then two metal figures sitting on the divine throne flew out of the vortex.

The Divine Throne is coming!

And it's two at a time!

The moment the Divine Throne class descended, two figures quickly flew out of the lead ship, they were Jiyinghou and Beastmaster.

Now that the opponent's general has appeared, it is natural to have to fight against the general. It is impossible for the opponent to completely curb the overall progress of the army before making a move.

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