Master of Fist

Chapter 98: force

Zhou Yan has haggarded a lot these days, since the Great Sword Gate was destroyed. Afterwards, many forces offered to recruit, but fortunately, they finally found a fairly good new owner.

It's just... I thought that after that day, Zhou Yan would be able to live a good life under the big tree to enjoy the shade.

But they never expected that the Canglang Gang would not make a move. But Iron Sword Gate and Arhat Gate were staring at him.

Especially in the past few days, whenever he goes out, he can always meet some people whose dress style is obviously from the Iron Sword Sect and the Arhat Sect.

"Damn it! These wolves are so blatant!"

Zhou Yan patted the armrest of the seat fiercely, exhaustion was written all over his rough face. Several brothers have disappeared outside, and it is easy to know that they must have done it.

"Hey, I don't know when that senior Yan will come again. If this matter is not resolved, I'm afraid that a certain fourth-rank realm will be ruined!"

Zhou Yan muttered to himself, but then he thought of the news that the brothers he sent out to inquire these days got, and felt helpless again.

Zhou Yan naturally investigated this senior Yan. It stands to reason that such a master who can rival martial artists in the pulse refining realm should not be unknown in Cangzhou City. But after inquiring, there is no such person at all, not even a similar one.

"It seems that the identity of this Senior Yan is not simple! Or is he not a local? A foreigner?"

Zhou Yan frowned and pondered, "Could it be that they are from the North? Such a height is really rare in Cangzhou, and warriors from the North are more common!"

I kept thinking about the possibility in my heart, and at this moment, I don't know when a large shadow was reflected on the ground.

In the light of the moon, the shadow looked particularly majestic.

Zhou Yan was horrified, the opponent was already so close in the Black Tiger Hall, but she didn't even notice it?

Zhou Yan raised her head suddenly, but when she saw the face of that stalwart figure, the vigilance on her face froze for a moment, and then she showed ecstasy, and got up quickly to meet him regardless of others.

"Senior Yan! You've finally come! This junior is really desperate these days!"

However, when he walked closer to the nose and sniffed slightly, his complexion changed slightly. Didn't Senior Yan go all the way to the Black Tiger Hall?

Jiang Heng saw the other party's expression in his eyes, waved his hand slightly and said flatly: "I just crushed an ant that likes to hold a sword to death! It's very boring!"

Zhou Yan opened her mouth, naturally she didn't think that Senior Yan just crushed an ant to death, Iron Sword Gate? Who did he kill?

"You don't seem to be having a good time recently?"

Jiang Heng strode unceremoniously to the first seat and sat down, leaning his elbows slightly on the armrest and said casually.

"Senior Yan, to be honest, this junior is very annoying these days. These guys from the Iron Sword Sect and Arhat Sect are like hyenas, staring at this junior, making this junior sleepless! But now that you are here, senior, this junior Finally found the backbone!"

Zhou Yan sighed and still didn't forget to flatter Jiang Heng, he is really scared now! Now Tiejianmen and Arhatmen are just watching outside, and only occasionally killed a few of his brothers, but after a long time, the ghost knows whether his life can be saved.

"Oh, really? But your recent efficiency makes me a little dissatisfied!"

Jiang Heng just nodded flatly, and then glanced at the other party casually, his tone was still flat, but it made Zhou Yan's heart skip a beat when it fell into Zhou Yan's ear.

Zhou Yan naturally knew what the other party was referring to, and there was faint sweat oozing from her back.

Recalling that day when the other party punched a pulse-refining martial artist hard, he felt a little dry in his throat. He didn't know what kind of temperament the senior Yan in front of him was, if this was a bad...

"Senior Yan, this... this is really difficult. This junior has mobilized all the brothers to find out the news, I believe there will be news soon, and... I ask Senior Yan to give me a few days!"

Jiang Heng was not like last time this time, and his face instantly stiffened upon hearing this.

"You don't seem to be clear about a certain style of doing things! I don't have much patience for subordinates who are not good at handling things!"

Jiang Heng's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a ferocious look, and a wave of evil spirit shot out invisible and directly pressed on Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan only felt that his whole body was cold at this moment, and an extremely dangerous premonition crazily emerged in his heart. He trembled, and even fell to his knees with a thud.

"If you can't do this well, I don't think it's necessary for you to be the hall master!"

For Zhou Yan in front of him, Jiang Heng's senses have never been too cold, and he is extremely flattering when he speaks. This kind of guy who talks about people and talks about people can only believe 50% of what he says!

The reason why he was kept before was only because of his power and channels in the west of the city.

Originally, he wanted to let Heihutang be a transitional place, and then deal with Zhou Yan after Yang Dalang's men took root in the west of the city. If he knew how to do it, he would kill him if he didn't know how to do it!

But the drastic change in the situation now made Jiang Heng want to speed up the process, and his patience was almost running out.

Now Zhou Yan only felt terrified in his heart, he did not expect that Senior Yan, who was considered kind the last time he met, would be so furious today.

Jiang Heng closed his eyes slightly, thinking whether to give this guy some more After all, it would be a pity to lose this channel right now!

Although it is possible to set up another puppet in the Black Tiger Hall, there are not many puppets in the Black Tiger Hall who can hold the ground like Zhou Yan!

Time passed bit by bit, and at this moment, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps outside the door.

"Hall master! Something is wrong with the hall master!"

Zhou Yan's heart was in a state of turmoil, and at this moment, hearing the words, how could she hold back and shouted violently: "Get out!"

"But... but the hall master! People from the Iron Sword Sect are coming!"


Hearing the report from his confidants outside, Zhou Yan got up immediately, a little in disbelief.

"How dare they?!"

"How many people did they come?" Zhou Yan felt a little unbelievable in his heart, how dare Tie Jianmen do this?

"Only... just a dozen or so people! However, the Deputy Sect Master of the Iron Sword Sect personally led people here, saying that he wanted to find an explanation!" The confidant hurriedly reported again.

"Deputy sect master? Only ten or so people?"


Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, he was really afraid that the Tiejianmen would dare to lead a large group of people to the west of the city after eating Xiongxin.

But isn't this Iron Sword Sect deputy sect master a third-rank warrior?

This person's realm is comparable to mine, how did he have the confidence to bring a dozen people to trouble me at the Black Tiger Hall?

However, he remembered what Senior Yan had said before, and he felt hesitant, but he didn't panic at all, after all, the Deputy Sect Master of the Iron Sword Sect was a warrior who had stayed in the third-rank realm for many years just like him.

He is still worthy of the same realm, let alone this one is still here now!

"Senior Yan, look at this..." After thinking for a while, Zhou Yan turned around and respectfully said to Jiang Heng above.

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